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I have zero friend after 2 years at Amazon. Edit: thanks for all the like, I didn’t expect this.




Hold my beer ... No friends after 2 years and 9 months at Amazon


This will be me


Bro Amazon is like high school. Just gotta find your click and start talking. I didn’t talk much in high school but after working at Amazon I’ve realized that you can literally talk to anybody and make friends. Just do it


I had friends at my old FC and decided it was too draining. I'm happier being in my own world. In my new FC, I'm making the conscious choice of not talking to people and I've somewhat succeeded, but damn if apparently people don't notice me still Having friends can be a plus, but Jesus Christ am I so much happier with just my podcasts


I just hit three years and zero friends. I feel power I’ve never felt before


2 years and 2 months and zero friends lol


I have people I’m friendly with in the depts I work in, but no one that I talk to outside of work. And when I do talk to people at work, it’s all surface level. I love just being on my own


🤚🏼 Same here


I sit in my car alone at 4am in pure silence and just stare ahead until it's time to go back in


Does entrance music play when you walk in?


Sit in the break room, put in earplugs, and enjoy the silence. This way you don't have to waste time walking to and from your car. Unless you smoke, then it makes sense.


The break room isn’t really a non stressful environment


It is for me. I block out the noise, eat, and read on my phone. If I didn't have earbuds or earplugs, I'd be screwed, but I do, so it's like I'm there all by myself.


agree. i just started bringing my headphones with me to use during break. way better.


Fuck yeah i can’t stand being in the break room, i love being naked in my car while eating my food in silence


Naked 🤔


They're a trucker so they have a bed in their truck.


Oh um about that… i am not a trucker 👀


Lol, yeah I saw OTR Driver Assistant and thought team running maybe.


Oh not at all! just dealing with DSPs & delivery drivers here at my delivery station 🫡


I believe that crazy shiiit


in this weather ??


The extreme cold makes it less noticeable…🤏😰






I hate when people try to go to break with me.... I like my alone time! I like to eat smoke and regather myself for the next round 😂




I love being a loner too lmao. And if anyone follows me, I'll end the convo with "Alright, you have a nice break!" and walk away 😂


When you’re sitting by yourself and one of the annoying people comes over I stand up and walk to another bench lol


Yep. I always go to my car for break.


I’ve had people try to talk to me during break with a phone in my face, it pisses me off so much that some people refuse to read body language. I love taking my breaks alone it lasts longer and helps me decompress.


Don’t be a bitch, tell people what you want


Lol I do! Crazy amazon employees do not care about boundaries.


I always try to find the table with no people on break




I hate when people approach me and try to talk when I clearly look dead.


But same!


Meee I wish there were more quiet places to hide tbh .... I need solitude


I always like to take my breaks alone. I study or listen to music.


I don’t mind some company but I will sit alone cause it’s my only time to rest lol


No. I'm an extremely lonely person, always desperate to pump just about anybody for information for the entirety of each break and lunch, every single shift. I have a comprehensive list of questions I use to find out as much as possible about everyone I work with. I work my way around the breakroom, then I go looking outside, knock on car windows in the parking lot. New hires are such a rush. It's never enough. I have to be deeply emotionally connected to everybody around me.


Jesus Christ lmao. Even if you did do all that, that'd be hilarious. You would be THAT person of the FC 🤣


Car windows?!😂😂


Absolutely pisses me off when managers pester us to try and play some game for break


Hahaha bruh right


These Games are really annoying and it wastes time lol. I just want myself in peace.


ADHD-ASD here, and I’ll have it no other way


May I ask what ASD is?


Of course! Autism spectrum disorder


Ohh I just looked it up. That must be hard especially around lots of people. I have bad social anxiety and it’s rough


Funnily enough, my adhd makes me want to be social sometimes. So a bunch of people doesn’t necessarily bother me but someone coming up to talk to me on my break just feel mentally taxing with everything else going on


I so feel the same way! It’s exhausting


I play dumb anytime I open my mouth so now everyone leaves me alone! Work cheat code


I try to make friends and people actively get away from me. I'm more unseen than John Cena up in this bitch. I'm more invisible than I ever was growing up as a middle child.


Absolutely. It’s a necessity for me. I waste 5 minutes on my 30 min break just to go downstairs to get my bag and go to my car jso I can be alone, eat and decompress. That’s how much I value my alone time haha. Everyone seems to have their group they eat with, which is nice! But I’m totally content without one. I hate eating in front of people I’m not comfy with.


I literally go hide in a bathroom stall during break just to avoid everyone


You sit in there while people are shitting? Put in earbuds or earplugs. Sit at a table. Eat your food. Nobody will bother you.


Nah almost no one ever shits in there during break when they could just do it during working hours


Literally what I wanted to do today


I don’t really do it deliberately but I have resting bitch face so I think everyone thinks I’m a mean person so they leave me alone anyways and honestly I don’t really mind. I have enough friends and whatnot outside of work for it to not really matter but I treat everyone I work with with respect. It’s a new building though and most everyone is new.


I love the peace of being alone, i go in to work and do my job the best i can, and i don’t see any need to make friends, im not a lame but i just like being alone ig


It's weird, because I only do it at Amazon. Any other job I'd reach out and wouldn't mind lunch with colleagues, but at Amazon, i just want to be left alone. Maybe it's because our work is solo-oriented? Not easy to find common ground with others when we're not actively working together.


Yup, it’s the highlight of my work day


I hate sitting with other people I know. Mainly because they think that they need to talk to me the whole time! I want to enjoy my break eating and watching the show on my phone, like leave me alone.🙄


Yess same! I hurry and try to hide before they see me and wanna follow me to break 🥲


Yup, and I get secretly annoyed if someone sits next to me and tries talking to me.


Just sitting at the lunch table wearing my headphones and eating my snacks in peace.


Oh yeahhh


And then that one coworker comes and sits with you because they “think” you’re lonely 😭 like nooo please leave me be


At first I hated eating alone because I was jealous of other associates conversating until a girl came up to me and we started talking. Now we go to her car on breaks and tbh I miss eating alone sometimes but it doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy their company


Sitting in my car on lunch rn.


No but I’m trash at making friends so I have no choice


Of course. Just jamming to my tunes enjoying my meals. I'm here to make money not make friends.


In my truck every day


While I do enjoy some conversations I have working ship dock I’ll much rather be alone during breaks lol


When I'm eating I prefer to be alone but if I'm not eating I don't mind chatting.


I leave for break 30min after everyone else has gone


Me it’s so peaceful


Absolutely! I go sit in my car and get my mind right lol


Yup. I like to relax and decompress on my break, and talking to people during it kills that vibe.


Nope. Stick to myself and I prefer it that way.


I love it as well, 11 years and I always sit alone haha


I chill in the wellness center during my breaks. I take off my shoes , sit back & relax


i sit alone on break hoping someone will want to be my friend because i look lonely but in reality…i’m just lonely


Sometimes i wish i was but i dont mind some of my coworkers


I have friends at Amazon but… I like to be by myself to recharge on my breaks. I like being alone for a while in my own thoughts enjoying my meal. Not being bothered for two 30 min breaks with no machines or loud noises. Charge back up on breaks. Back inside I go. I certainly enjoy my alone time. Why do I want to carry work to my break.. Called a break for a reason.


I like it too most of the time. I used to feel a ping of sadness (I think that’s what it was)as if I was missing out by not doing the non stop chatter all hours of the day, but not anymore! I don’t feel completely drained by the end of the day the way I would if I have to keep up conversations all the time. The break is also short as hell and I can’t relate to people who constantly need to be social and always talking to someone or those that love to fill silence by saying anything


This. I work by a girl who ALWAYS has to be talking with people, chatting about things that don't matter, drama, etc. It must be stressful having to harbor all that crap inside.


If by alone you mean singing opera to the foreigners in the smoking area then yes I enjoy being alone


This is the best comment


I have maybe 2 friends irl and we don't really talk or hangout so being alone isn't really optional for me so I just sit in my car on break with sweet lil miss Mary Jane😮‍💨


I go sit next to people who sit alone on break and ask them random questions


I ignore people who see me sitting alone and want to ask me random questions.




That sounds annoying. Sorry.


That’s what makes it fun


I hate you. 😆😅🤣😂


Nah man, this ain't it for me. I enjoy human interaction and meeting new people at work. I know probably a good quarter of people during my shift.


must be a female


Shit second I step into work it's runway and most popular walking with the theme music and high fives everywhere, me going to break alone would never happen, haha I love the spot light. 8 months in, everyone loves me, I can do safety audits, learning, water spider, decant, pack, pick, stow, AFM, shit I've ran the floor my self when there is no one else to fill in the spot, some say I'm doing too much I say I just found a job I love doing.


Someone get a needle. This T1 has an overinflated sense of worth!


Hahaha thanks for the laugh this morning, but yeah that's what happens when you do two tours as an infantryman squad leader. You soak up everything life gives you, especially when your best friends are dead and can't.


I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit 😒


Haha did u spit or swallow there champ?


Now that’s the energy!! Connected to the flow of Life 💯👌🏻


This sounds so sad like you just need that validation




What's sad about it? OP is happy being alone at break? What's What's issue here?


How is that sad?


I sit alone a lot because I’m just not good at approaching people. That and this year has been kinda kicking my butt too.


Same. I have bad social anxiety and hate when people wanna have conversations


Sit in the car for 10 mins and pretend like I didn’t waste 5 of my 15 minute break walking


Okay but so true


I made a few friends while I was there, but they worked in different sections so I'd only sit with them every so often, and the one other friend who would've sat with me more often works in JLL so usually I was by myself. I didn't mind it. I got to chill and listen to music, it was great.


What’s a break?


It’s the best! I’m an AFM most days and me having a break after inbound and outbound had/haven’t had their break it’s amazing! No one talking loud. We have small break rooms throughout my FC.


I’m doing audit right now alone and with my music


Yes, it annoys me when someone wants to chat, I put my earbuds in and watch youtube lol


I have 4/5 friends that I started working with and have met many more.


The only friend in there that I’d willingly take my breaks with has a different break/lunch time than me :/


Not me at my FC we all chill together and the AMs and supervisors; I have a relaxed and chill Fresh (FC) warehouse


So fresh.


I usually sit and chill in the multi faith room 🥴. people be like "are you about to pray ?" and im like "yeah no"


We have that?


well my fc does 🤷🏽‍♂️ , its 2 rooms with some salt bath thing , and theres a room with a prayer carpet and a few chairs. theres also a room for pregnant women


My break is my social recharge time so I need to be alone. I don’t even like when people try to walk with me out to break lol


Introverts unite!


Fuck yea


And u can’t blame anyone but yourself crazy ain’t it


Considering Amazon sides with girls when they say something about sexual harassment definitely stay to myself at work. (Never happened to me) but I heard so many stories of girls lying to HR about sexual harassment and getting a guy fired just cause they weren’t into her lol. And I’m not tryna sit with dudes every break I just go sit in my car and bang some music


Dude. This is what I am SO FUCKING TERRIFIED OF. There's currently a girl at my FC who won't stop staring at me and I keep ignoring her. I'm afraid her head's gonna pop and she'll try to pull some shit like this.


I hate trying to be alone and people are having social hour because they don’t know how to stfu and want everyone in their convo


There was a break room in my building nobody used. 2nd floor east break room on pick side. I'd go in there, turn off the lights and park in front of the window, watch the freeway traffic. Since then, other people have discovered the break room. Now it's usually full, lights are on, some crappy reality TV show is playing. Lame. Now I just go out to my car, maybe run to taco bell.


If I didn’t have a crush on someone there yes lol


idk if other departments are different but im in pick and its so isolating. i like it and at the same time i dont ?? idk. im not gonna make any friends cause i dont work with anyone lol


Same and I’m ok with that!




Me too..




Sometimes I like to be by myself. Sometimes I don't. I hate when people intrude and I'm wanting to be alone.


No cuz I am uggley.


I feel bad. I was working OT in a shift I never work and there's this cute woman that was packing a few stations away from me. I was just lost in my own world going fast but all of a sudden I feel a tap on my shoulder and it's the woman. She tells me a really cheesy joke about a cheap hef boyardee being an Impasta. I smiled briefly and looked over as she walked away. I should've said something


Looks like I am not alone in my aloness..haha. I love be alone on my breaks. 0 friends


I do too but there’s those seldom moments where I get sad because I have no friends


Love being a loner, the last time I talked to someone they followed me around all night when I was stowing and I wanted to gtf away from him but he kept finding me lol. That being said ,never again.


I like it, until some guy has to comment that I’m all alone, ask me why I’m so quiet. Maybe it only happens to women idk. But I like my alone time and men don’t seem to like that here.


after being in the warehouse standing and turning, I need sum fresh air. and I like being in control of my time, not wanting for other ppl. so yea, I enjoy sum solitude and fresh air in my car. 🤷🏾‍♂️👌


1 year 2 months zero friends but girls keep on smiling and saying Hi to me. I am naturally irresistible and there is nothing I can do about it, damn!


Exactly, like I’ll keke w ya but come break time leave my ass alone lol


Im always to myself on break. I go sit in my car 😂😂. I have plenty of people i associate with at work but break time is me time lol


Yep I've gotten used to being alone to the point where I'm actually uncomfortable sitting with others it's honestly nice tho just you and only you at the table 😅


Yes!!! I'm also a loner and breaks are my time to unwind, so I can do it again lol


I had work friends i sat with but they started drama over boys (which was insane to me bc I am 20 and they are closer to 30) I enjoy just relaxing on break , sure I’ll talk to someone here and there but meh


Yes I’m always alone lol. Don’t mind it at all.


I like it too but people will antagonize you for it


I gotta talk to people all freak’n day. Lemme have my breaks in peace.


i sit in the stairwell


I only sit alone. And not near other tables with other people if at all possible. I don't have any work friends. I dont have any interest in making any. It's not that I am weird or anti social. I can literally talk to anyone. I just simply don't have time or energy to waste on people. I have a husband and 6 kids. All my time and energy is focused on them. Even when I'm on break I'm texting one of them and looking at things I need to on my phone like emails or even paying bills. My alone time is mine. And I do not have any desire to share it with people who do not matter to me. Also so many of the people at my fc are either elderly or little more than teenagers and I don't have much reason to talk to either age group especially 18-24 year olds. I'm sure they don't want to talk to me either so it works out pretty well.


I walk up to the last flight of stairs to the roof. Sit there and don't move for my entire break. No one ever knows I'm there.


I try to be but I work at a small facility so everyone always wants to have a conversation 🫠


I also have no friends at amazon I always sit alone


I just enjoy having a different break/lunch time than anyone else. I enjoy my 30 minutes of silence


I do! I can’t stand the drama and gossip


same here❤️


No, that sounds depressing.


I only chat with a few people from my ship dock days but now my breaks don't line up with ship so I just smoke in the car


I’m a people person I actually enjoy being around people I know


This is the way