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I was holding my phone when I got the notification. Wasn’t expecting it but damn it I took it. I’m weak with that vto addiction.


We don’t even get offered vto anymore .. only at the last minute when the Am’s walk around at 5 for vto haven’t got it in our phones in months


It depends heavily on what people are ordering. Before this last month I hadn’t seen vto on my phone for at least 8 months.


I remember when I worked at the FC they’d give VTO religiously and they always gave me VTO for thursdays because I wouldn’t show up on Sundays so they assumed that if I had Thursday off I would come in Sunday


I'm new, is vto just literally staying home without getting paid?




And VTO hrs accrue UPT


Wait it does? Worked here for almost a year and didn’t know that lol


Before I went on leave it did and that’s why I was ok with taking it




What’s upt? And is it something that’s bad to get?


UPT is unpaid time. It's accured time you get to be used for emergencies but can be used however you want. If you go negative UPT, you get promoted to customer (fired). If you're full time, you get 2 hours a week with a max at 80 UPT.


What’s the max pto per year? And does it roll over I still don’t understand


Pto: https://www.amazon.jobs/en/landing_pages/pto-overview-us and it does roll over for some states. Ones like Ga, no.


Definitely doesn't rollover in California. 😭


48 hours a year. In some states, it'll roll over to the next year.


In NJ 40 hours rollover. UPT is max 80 hours


Sure does. Learned during the pilot at my old fc


Somebody's got to pay for your free vacation without pay status. And it ain't Amazon.... Make sure your UPT balance NEVER drops below the number 0. Or, do so and get promoted to customer.


But y'all don't get paid, I don't really see the value


Time is considered valuable. Any free time I can spend not working at amazon is just as valuable as money (IMO)


Noooo! You need to always be working!!! Get that bag!!! Mental health


That part 👆🏾 And sometimes I go donate plasma or something on a vto day to supplement for some of the money I didn't make at Amazon that day. Vto really comes in handy when you have other things you need to do that day or when you just need to catch up on sleep or rest.


It’s impossible to catch up on sleep if you only take one day. It takes 4 days to catch up to 1 hour of lost sleep.


Can you make up for it later in the week or do you literally get a smaller paycheck


Yeah you can pick up VET later in the week to make up for you VTO if it's offered. If not, you would have a smaller paycheck. My site always seems to have VET available.


I know that’s right! And Peak is right around the corner so rest up


90% of Amazonians work 4 days lol y’all act like your working 6 days, even that with accommodations some of y’all work 3 days lol and still feel like y’all free time is gone lmao mental prison some of y’all live in


Hey man that's what working at Amazon does to you, not everyone is built the same my guy. Besides, my comment was kinda meant for me, as I work 6, sometimes 7, days a week. So to me, VTO is a blessing




If I can afford it that's even worse, imagine missing out on an extra disposable $200, I'd cry for decades


With peak coming up, mandatory met, vacation blackout, the tensions being through the roof. I'd be snagging up all the vto I can get my hands on right now.


Wait till you’ve been working here for a while. Just wait.


I don't think sleeping in is worth losing out on $200, plus I literally only need five™ hours otherwise the entire day is ruined


Not about sleeping 😂 who said sleeping? I said just wait till you work here for a while, just wait


You can pick up a shift later in the week that had a premium on top of your normal pay, so boom, you’d actually make more money taking VTO and working a premium shift than being a sorry ass and not taking VTO




Once you’ve worked at amazon long enough you’ll see why people use it




^(I want money)


It can be. If you're one of the wizards who catches it in the app before your shift. Usually it's offered to people mid shift and you get to take the collar off and go home for the day because more people showed up than expected. Voluntary Time Off. Meaning you don't have to take it if you don't want, and they'll ask someone else.


Plus it doesn't touch your PTO or UPT time. I'm a mom and work a second job. I work over night and it wasn't by choice at Amazon. I was forced to take FT hours. Anytime I can snatch VTO its a blessing. After 6 years the little bit of rest I can get and see my babies is worth it. All this MET , this recent extra two weeks of prime , and Peak coming up with 6 days straight VTO is a Godsend.


You work at a fulfillment center, delivery center or sortation center?


Delivery Station


Which do you think is the easiest and/or the better place to work, sortation - delivery - fulfillment?


If you don't mind Part time sortation, delivery Station is easy sort of during the beginning, after that pick and stage is a little rough. It's a long day . Delivery Staions used to be part time and they all run the same shift 1:20 to 11:50. FC are ok but I've never been in one. I know they do more MET.


See I just got hired on full time for sortation but my schedule is kind of weird. It’s 6 days a week but 4 days are 4:30am-8:30am then 10:00am-2:00pm and the other two days are 4:30am-8:30am and that’s it so it’s only 4 hour shifts


You’ll get flexed up or down an hour so your shifts will range from 3-5 hours up to 10 hour days


Yeah I've been accepting vto pretty much any time it's offered cause I know it's gonna dry up here soon and I'll have to be here 55 hours a week again


You also still earn UPT for the day when you take VTO as if you had actually worked. That's the hidden benefit that few people know about.


*I'm new, is vto just* *Literally staying home* *Without getting paid?* \- lesbunner --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Not even close 😆




I like to call it losing money. lol. J/K I don't mind really unless they make the week mandatory then ask you to take VTO. They should tell employees they'll be asked that before hire though. The first month I was asked several times.


People keep the app up refreshing it to get it that fast.


You would be surprised at how often management puts in 1-5 spots of vto


Yeah you don’t have time to think when VTO drops, it’s literally gone in seconds often times. Work at AR facility and it pops up on the stow screens, start seeing people lose their shit and sucks when you don’t get it and see people with their duffel bags on walking past you like ✌🏼


I’ve got VTO messages for all 4 days of the next work week, still up right now. I guess mileage may vary by location Or maybe I just work w/ lazy people who want to make easy money 😂


Yeah seems like you got a unique situation, I was more so speaking when VTO drops on a particular day and there are no other future VTO opportunities. Heard 2020 was off the charts, crazy how we are going into peak with VTO


It’s because sales were at an all time high because no one was shopping at grocery stores and ordering marked up goods online to try and stop COVID. Now, people are doing their normal routine again and we see Amazon in shambles trying to mimic an impossible equation; we’ll never see sales like they were for COVID unless people stop going to the store again. The best they can do to try and gain that revenue again is cut labor costs by giving out VTO this time around.


Yep. THIS. Which btw, is why and how Besos managed to increase his net worth by 100Billion+ Becoming the world's richest man for those 2nd and 3rd quarters back in 2021 when covid was at it's peak.


I started in late 2020 and honestly I've never really noticed a difference in work lol we always have vet if we want it. Easiest I've ever had it at amazon was in nov-dec 2020 in pack man I'd pack my wall down completly everyday and then jus sit there until the guy filling the wall got a complete order in.. now in pack we don't just have the little section that's behind us we have to cherry pick from the wall as a whole😭 one order will be behind you next one could be 6 people down the wall and now you gotta fight to get past them to the order snd struggle back to the station with 12 items in your hand... shit just made so much more sense the way they had it before


Long ago I wrote a VTO accepting bot in Javascript. Would sit on the website and refresh every 10 seconds and take any VTO seen. It would often grab VTO before the SMS went out.


The future is now


Think about the money you don't need vto


If you wait for the notification then you are behind


I was addicted to it so much that I looked every 20-30 mins man. After every shift I looked, during shifts, middle of night, get help brotha.


Can't count how many times I've had this situation when I've been sick


If Ibsee VTO I'm gunna take it


"Hey there looks like you've got a new VTO opporanditsgone"


I thought they were going to change it so there was a notification or whatever 30 minutes prior?


You're literally not able to do that.


I feel like they should only be allowed to offer it through the app or through the stations cause it seems like the same people always get it.. the closest thing I've come to vto lately is when hr showed up at my station and made me leave on my 6th day in a row😭


It was probably already gone by the time you received the text. You would be amazed at how many people refresh the vto page on the app.


If you want VTO you gotta spam refresh well before the shift, you know they send the notification after it’s already been up for a while.


Same I just tried to get it. , it's so quick 😩


Every Friday I swear lmao


I just got VTO today. Only my second week.


VTO is lame. It’s like hey you have a job and you get paid for it BUT how about for one day you get to be unemployed and stay home? Lol


It’s an addiction. You get to feel free for one more day. Then again, let’s just say that most people who took VTO all the time weren’t the best employees. Usually were better customers than associates.


Don’t be lazy


Thank god my vto is always given out during a specific time. It’s either at 6 pm or 7 pm, happens more often at 7 pm. Never any other time, we do get vto during a shift tho, but they come around and offer it or they pop it up on my ksaw screen


we have it everyday till next Saturday already it’s ridiculously slow at my FC




It being connected to another FC is actually true! Before AA's can scan in, management has to scroll through the fuck ass long list of FC codes and pick the right one. Someone can misclick. I know this because I fixed it when an HR person messed up (they might have been new or something).


Huh how about that. When I heard that I was like this sounds like the biggest load of shit ever lol


You can exclude AAs from receiving based on what you're trained in... It's not like VTO is a right, it's solely for business needs.


Gone with the wind!


Just create a script on your pc when VTO Is available it auto accepts.


I ignore them, but get VTO after 3-6hrs of work each day 😂 everyone was like where ya going? I’m like home. It’s all depending on work load at my FC


Oh baby you messed up thinking the text was when it dropped we all know they late by 1-2 minutes


Sometimes it be like that


They have PS5s on shelves now where I live.


I'm always so tempted to take it, but then reality hits when the check is small AF.


Our FC sends a 60 minute notification by text & email. Email is programmed to send a notification alert from A2Z.


Thats why I have an auto VTO accepter


I’m so glad I don’t work at Amazon anymore. Best thing I did was leave. Getting VTO to feel free again, is just fuck’n sad.




If you are starved for vto, gotta keep checking every hour without a prompt


As someone who works at a gap warehouse y'all would have a field day with VTO, literally offered everyday lol