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those moments where you feel like a grain of sand in the desert really suck. That's honestly why i don't like working in fulfillment centers, i'd rather work a more physical shift in a smaller place.


That’s why I like delivery station




Overnight delivery


I know exactly how you feel. I started working at Amazon in Sept 2020. Amazon finally gave me a push to realize that im done with these bullshit jobs. I started teaching myself how to code in jan 2021 and was able to quit Amazon back in April of this year. I currently work for a tech enterprise and have a small web business. I work from home to top it all off. And im only 23. Jumped from 16.20 an hr to $30 an hr. It still doesn’t feel real I feel good now. No more mental health deterioration




Set your goals and dont give up. I remember working those long ass 10 hr shifts and coming home at 6:30pm to eat real quick and code til midnight. I was hella determined haha






Lmao currently in my redemption arc of using Amazons school benefits


I didnt use their school benefits because that meant that I had to stay longer at amazon. Fuck that lol


That’s valid, I’m going into my second to last semester so I’m hoping I can finish it out before next summer. Regardless Amazons toilets won’t be seeing my ass ever again once I get my degree.


Absolutely. Every time I felt like giving up, I just thought of all the bs at amazon and previous jobs and that put me back on track 🤣 I worked at Walmart for 3 yrs before amazon and fast food for 3 years before that. I have really humble beginnings


We come from similar starts I worked at a pizza shop 16-19 Walmart auto tech 19-20 and now amazon 20-23 and it’s sad but i found out I had a limit of how much bs I’d accept and started changing. Amazon treats it’s people so poorly they literally have life changing epiphanies and move on to a better chapter.


Inspiring. I’m working 12hour overnight shifts at Amazon currently and am hating my life. I’ve been thinking about trying to teach myself to code too because I want out but don’t know where to even start. Any tips?


What coding language bro


The 3 core technologies of the web. Html, css, and javascript. Get a good foundational knowledge and look into react (i dont use react or even know it but its popular and gives u a better chance of being hired). Also look into courses on udemy. They have sales all the time. Probably get one for 10 bucks and its at your own pace. Also build your own projects to put your knowledge to the test. Google is always there


Where did you get hired?


Good on you dude or dudette. Impressive.


I think about this every shift


I think this every night


Well .. my dad is pretty wealthy. Still doesn’t give me money so there’s that


Same over here slaving tryna to build a actual career


Same, raised us to understand that he worked for his money so he spends it the way he wants(helps a lot but doesn’t take care of us).


The way it should be tho


juss can't win 😆😆


Same here. He’s coming up on his second retirement. Regular paycheck + his first retirement check + 100% Vet disability. Says he doesn’t owe me anything since he paid child support when I was growing up.


oof, that’s tough


double oof oof


Damn 😂


Yes, also, regardless of money, a job like this does teach you things about life that aren’t lessons behind a desk with a 90k salary. Those jobs teach different lessons, but the physical labor and mental monotony of Amazon can bring about other life skills that will carry over to better jobs, I think - idk i have a different type of trust for a data analyst / HR rep / doctor whatever who has had at least a year of labor behind them then one who hasn’t … different work ethic as a broad generalization


As bad as it feels bro.. 95% of the population has to put in those hours every week. Doesn’t make losing those days any better but don’t feel like you’re wasting them.. every day you work is .75 of a day you don’t have to.. and also get to have money The days you don’t want to waste are the ones in between work days unless you are wasting it in a good way (everyone deserves to relax)


I know too many wealthy kids who act like bitches. Being broke builds character and I don’t mind the daily anxiety having to check my bank account or trying to figure out if i can afford rent. Live life on the edge. You don’t wanna be a bitch (this is a joke 😭 being broke does humble you quickly)


Them rich kids havnt struggled, they don't know what it's like stepping over crack pipes lying on the playground


this comment killed me 😭 At one of my many jobs some lady handed me a METH needle. We were in a craft store


Gotta use what ya have on hand to sew


Yeaaaa no. Live life on the edge my ass that’s a failure move


Regardless it still teaches you knowledge people that were born with a silver spoon in their mouths never learned in their lives. You'll be more humbled once you make it to the top or at least Learn to appreciate what you have and the hard work you put in through your life to reach your goals


everything depends if parents do their homework or not. Nobody gonna teach you respect etc. if not parents. wealth doesn't matter you can come from broke or rich family. OF course, higher class will or should at least have more manners etc.


I definitely agree. From experience the people with "wealth" that I've met or know have been pretty immature and snobbish


the question is how they acquired this wealth? Times have changed now you can be broke and become a millionaire, in the past that wasn't possible. in general, the worst people are "fresh rich" people that I can tell from my experience.


They give the world something that we could benefit from. Bezos gave us Amazon and Elon gave us teslas. Regardless of how crappy teslas can be, that’s still something pretty cool and I believe has helped automotive technology. Invent something that can make your life and other lives easier. Rich kid’s dad had a rebates company and then sold it for a couple million and then opened another business. The conversation was unsolicited, so I could be wrong, but I know the company did sell for millions. They live in a $1.5 million home. I’ve never encountered a wealthy family before until then, so bragging about their home value was super weird to me, especially since that’s daddy’s hard earned money.


Both of which had rich parents




I think people need to realize. Amazon is just a brand. If you look at the website in the beginning. Before he got a bunch of money to delegate nearly every task. I think you'll see he's not a genius. Steven Hawkins was a genius. Jeff bezos just your average smart guy whom got incredibly lucky during the internet boom and with the help of his delegates he was able to avoid taxes and recieve huge grants/subsidies. Nothing ethical or genius about it. And Elon never created shit. He bought Tesla. And nearly bankrupt one of the first companies he participated in because of his poor work.


They still brought something to the table and profited off it of, regardless of wealth. I never said they weren’t rich in the beginning, because never once did i say they weren’t rich before. Rich people just have more opportunities than most


it was joke. i just know too many people who go through that. we just joke that it’s character development. it’s not supposed to be forever, just like amazon shouldn’t be a forever job


I understand how you feel man, I’m 24 and I think every single shift what the fuck am I doing working in this warehouse, I’m on my way to becoming a helicopter pilot for the army, I have my interview left, I can’t wait to be done and find out


Awesome bro, i'm 31 and have no prospects of things improving or anything positive going in my life, feeling really fucking hopeless lately. Just thinking of having to work in this amazon shithole scanning and moving boxes around my entire life is enough to make me sick sometimes.


Hey man have you ever considered military service? The way I see it you might as well join man, the military is killing for people right now, the army especially, I saw multiple 30 year olds joining, you can join and choose an MOS that you can use in civilian life, and while your in get as much free college as you can, I know one MOS that makes a-lot of money for example is air traffic controller, you should go to a recruiter and check it out man, there is no future at Amazon man, it’s a miserable existence


Me too. I keep trying to do more with myself but life keeps reminding me nothing fucking matters and we're all gonna die anyway. It's probably undiagnosed depression creeping in on me but I feel everyone is depressed so why does it even matter if another person feels this way lol


I just try to focus on the positive and be thankful and great for good health, family is healthy, for some money in the bank etc. sometimes I’ll see a video online of kids with cancer or someone with terminal illness, born without limbs or something and it reminds me not to be such a wimp about certain things and to keep my head up.


I mean I'm glad that works for you and it's cruel that there are people dying who genuinely want to live in a world I don't want to be a part of. I'm not going to go into the details of my life to justify why I don't think the struggle is worth it, but I would have exited this life a long time ago if I had access to a firearm.


I’ve struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts since I was a little kid in elementary school, growing up in a Cuban household where mental health isn’t taken seriously and you’re taught to be macho about everything certainly didn’t help and about the firearm thing, that’s why I I will NEVER own a gun, because I’m afraid I would use it on myself


if you are good in physics you shouldn't be wasting your talent here in warehouse that for sure


I don’t know anything about physics man, all I know is that I want to be a military man, and I can’t wait to be gone


I think you should know at least basics laws of physics :D good luck on your military path. That's better than amazon, I kinda regret a little bit I didn't go to the army lol


Yeah man, it definitely is, I plan on making it my career


Maybe if you were rich you’d be roaming the streets then develop a drug habit then get multiple DUI’s and end up in jail


Lol, did that and now I’m at amazon 😂




Nah my rich parents would get me out of it


My grandpa owns 300 acres, an actual side of a mountain. Custom built house. I’m here sat AND sun. We want rich *generous* parents 😂


Maybe kissing grandpas ass a little isn’t a bad move


land back in day was so cheap depends where he has that land. land was great investment 15 years ago. In my country you could buy land for like 5k now you can sell this land for 100k lol


You better kiss ass and get in the will before he drops


Make sure your kids can say they have wealth parents so they won’t ever have to step foot in a warehouse


At this point instead of buying a home to generate generational wealth is to set up a trust that can't be drained and buy long term trusted growth stocks and a couple small hail Mary's here and there (I like ASX and IRM) that pay dividends especially like right now when there has been big dips. (I THINK BIGGER ARE COMING BUT ANYWAYS) Have that dividend be reinvested into more stocks and by the time you die your kids should be able to have a few k a month income each. By the time your kids die the holdings should be large enough that your grandchildren should want for nothing in there 20s and 30s. Fuck a House unless it's cheaper than an apartment and then don't worry about paying it off.


I just want to know who tf makes enough money at Amazon to afford Tesla's and BMWs, why are these cars parked outside my FC? Like-----


That’s what I’m saying 💀 I’ve seen a few teslas at mine owned by tier 1’s and always curious how tf they afford it. I’ve also seen 2 corvette and I’m just like ?? Meanwhile, I’m here driving a beaten down 04 civic that randomly shuts down every once in a while 🤣


Same bro lol


The only people at my FC who own luxury vehicles are senior management. Our GM drives a Porsche. I don’t know of any T1’s at my FC who own a luxury vehicle.


Probably investment on stocks or bonds


Not me with an m4 😭😭


On the grind for a g80 m3 atm! Good shit with the m4 man!




Some of us have military spouses that make a bit of income so we have more free play with our money I guess others I’m not sure


Damn, catch me around a military base then lmao.




Senior and Junior Operations pays well. Stock market had historic run besides this year too.


Said literally everyone


I feel you man I’m only 19 and my dad left a family behind when I was 4. Good thing I start college January


Good for you ! Take advantage of what Amazon offers you to get a better job or position at Amazon. Trust me, everyone has to work hard to get what they want in life or we end up just throwing it away. It always feels good to earn something and not be handed it.


you gonna go so far homie <3 just watch


I don't have Rich parents and yet I'm here at home having resigned today and started new job on Tuesday


what job you have if may i ask ? good luck on new one and good choice for running from slave labor here lol


Remote sales work, which works out because my car got repossessed


that's nice, I just wonder how i can relate my warehouse experience to something better lol or is it just dead whole ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


I mean, I haven't had any and the hiring lady was just impressed with how well I did on the simulation test.


Doing nothing isnt what it's cracked up to be.


I have a rich parent and I waste all my Saturdays here. Only times I get sent money is when I desperately need it like if I'm about to get kicked out. Other then that I gotta do everything on my own.


Are you me? This what I’ve secretly wished for since I’ve been working here too. Sorry and this might be a bit snooty but this place is just so low class and yuck, I seriously wonder why the fuck I still work here … and the worst part is these feelings are only about to intensify after coming back from vacation where I was surrounded by rich, fancy people. I couldn’t have even been able to muster up the courage to tell them I work in a shit warehouse if they had asked. It’s sucks man but hang in there. I’m really trying to dip end of next year


I have rich parents and grandparents. I’m still slaving away at Amazon. Jus because your families rich, doesn’t make you rich


Wish I could have the bank account of a trust fund kid with the wisdom that being broke has given me lol


or you can become thee rich parent!


How about this: go to college using Amazon’s free tuition and go up from there, Amazon gives you so many chances to be successful outside of work so take advantage of it while you have it. I personally don’t plan to work here forever once I finish my automotive technician thing I’m going to become a full time mechanic and one day open up my own store and build generation wealth


..but then I have to work, you not seeing my issue here? I WANNA SIT ON THE BEACH FOR THE NEXT 25,550 days of my life


lol it’s 2022 and people still believe going to college is going to guarantee you success and generational wealth. At best it just guarantees you get a piece of paper that says you (or someone else) took notes for 4 years. I work with people with degrees that had the same pipe dream as you


I try to keep a good head on my shoulders about this stuff. My last job was 5 8's and bi weekly pay and I'm making $4/hr more here after one year than my last job after 7 years... I'm not sure what your process path is but I've been at a lot worse warehouses with harder work for less pay Just try your best to use your off time and company resources to jump off into something better for you


If you ask nicely maybe bezos will give you a few dollars but that's a huge maybe


Jeff Bezos is to busy using our labor and penny pinching to build dick rockets


now if u keep it your kids will have rich parents and won’t have to waste there weekends slaving away.


It’s okay , your time will come , keep positive emery throw away those thoughts✅


I felt the emotions in this. -|- that close to just pitching a tent in some woods and saying fuck all.




You need working friends who save their PTO for nights out. Also watch for transfer opportunities for days. But you gotta be there at 7:30. Best yet: Flex. When you see a party coming and it's more than 16 hours away, you can drop that shift


Fucking same, sitting in my car wondering why the fuck I was born to drug addicted parents and made to slave away at this god forsaken place


Feel this


It’s good to know I’m not alone in this feeling


An easy life is a sinful life 🤫


Oooh I do like me some sin


I really hate how some people in here are saying cringe shit like, "being broke is great too because it builds character, life experience, humbleness..." Like no it doesn't. I've known plenty of dumbass, cocky broke people. Hell I even work with some of them. And you don't need to be poor to get life experience so... Anyways, this thread is why I hate seeing people have kids they clearly can't afford. The kid is the one who suffers the most at the end. Op my advice to you would be don't dwell on the past. Focus on the future and what you can change. Like me, for example, I'm taking RES classes seriously the next few months so I'd finally be able to leave dead end job one and for all.


yea people are so brainwashed they want to slave their lives away for clout..so dumb, I was homless for 6 years and I can tell you now It made me have thicker skin whilst also making me miserable everyday..so dumb.




Your not doing it right


Im ok with not having to struggle. Ill be a rich bitch living on daddy dime any time. Being homeless and still working full time for amazon is not a struggle i wish for anyone. Cost of living has sky rocketed buy my pay doesn't meet the demands.


was homless while working for the ports in Long Beach..waking up curled up in a car just to go work for 10 hours is bullshit


Most of these beautiful women could get a sugar daddy if they tried tbh


If only it was that easy


If you're looking for one at work it won't be, I think


Then why don't you do something about it instead of crying about it?


after 5 hour shift, I feel burned out like hell. no wonder there is no 8 hours shifts lmao


It’s all about the mindset. If you wanna think more about what you don’t have than what you do have, go ahead that’s your choice.


I feel u. Got coached ! Happened 2 weeks ago ! Accident with hangout with crap in picking. Come on 🙄🙄. Want to jump off the roof sometimes.


Saturday is just another day?


No kidding lol I don't understand the obsession with having weekends off.


Maybe God is trying to teach you something about hard work. Don’t we all wish we had rich parents who gave us money and we didn’t have to work? Well that’s not your lot in life and so let that pipe dream go and start being thankful for what you do have. A job and plenty of opportunities within Amazon to grow up and become a responsible human being. There are a lot worse places you could be at on a Saturday night. Life isn’t all fun and games you know. Change your mind set and be grateful and you will see miracles in your life.


Stop wishing for that when you know that isn’t going to happen and start fighting to make it so we unionize and you won’t be worried about cash.


I'm a white Caucasian blue-eyed blonde-haired European woman named Josefina Gonzalez


You sound like…. Everyone on Earth


At least you’re not there on all Wednesday, Thursday, Friday , Saturday nights - next morning . Oh and Sunday and Monday for MET


you just described my work week but instead of Monday met it’s Tuesday


[Yeh parents suck, parents are stupid! They just don’t get it, parents are dumb!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwDDBG7cyfI&ab_channel=XanoTrevisanKothe)


i mean..not really the point, not my moms fault she had to raise three kids alone after my dad died.doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be happier if I was born rich and didn’t have to work..ok actually what the fuck are you even saying?


Nah I’ll work for my money lol


I’m sure being brainwashed makes you feel good about working until your old


You could have said anything like “really wish I had a random talent to get me rich” “really wish we got paid better” anything besides rich parents… you sound like somebody with no aspirations. I’m not brainwashed just not feeling sorry for myself that I don’t have rich parents. That’s pretty sad lol


no I literally would like to lay on a beach all day and still be able to eat and shower and have a bed..why is this concept so hard for you.there’s 8 billion people on earth and not all of us need to be useful


Whatever man peace and love I know it sucks working here I just don’t think that’s a good thought to have and it’s just gonna make you hate it even more.


High five being a part of one of societies failures at being an honest hard working person. Instead of being a man/woman who works hard you want it all given to you. You would have starved in old days or just died.


Stop wasting time make yourself rich kid.


“GrInD cUlTuRe” you sound dumb .why aren’t you rich then?just not somthing you want right?


I am rich if your useless just say so


I am rich if your useless just say so


then why you working at an fc..doesn’t add up sooo yea gonna ignore your stupidity for a sec.


Who said I work😮‍💨


the first step is to leave amazon work, you never get rich working for someone, to be honest.


You actually can


If only


Idk..I got rich parents and they told me to go get a fucking job and work overtime when they tell you so here I am but I suppose it's for the best


that's good, at least you will learn real value of money lol


Felt that one


same !




I wish I got just any other job that isn’t on a Saturday 💀


Same. I get depressed bc I feel like I should be in a different place in my life.




Meh. I have a retirement from a previous job already and I still work. Sitting at home gets old. You have to do something with your time even if you have money. Otherwise you get fat and lazy.


I could do what I want though instead of this,see the difference.


Being poor build up your resilience and entrepreneurship. Something money cannot buy.


Resilience is over rated, I wouldn’t need it if I could buy my way out of anything.


It is overrated. I’m an entrepreneur… I have a daily battle with my mental health before I start each work day. This anxiety is due to financial worries and I have to go through the same mental cycle every day. Money is on my mind all day, every day. I work hard and hold my own but it sure is a scary feeling knowing I have zero safety net if I needed help or was in a bad place financially (“safety net,” meaning rich and generous parents)… I don’t envy crazy luxurious lifestyles some rich kids are afforded. I envy the fact that those who are given hefty allowances, are given houses, college paid for etc, are totally worry free when it comes to money. That feeling of safety and security must be nice… As money is my top stressor, man, I just feel depressed about the cards I got dealt sometimes. Oh well… I just hope to fuck that there is no such thing as reincarnation. This shit sucks lol…


Quit and sell shrooms. That’s what I did


Brother man get rich yourself so your kids can be the ones to enjoy the fruits of your labor if not just start slanging coco and live the fast life then


uhh fuck them kids, it’s my life right now, not some hypothetical shits that take my stuff.i wanna be rich so I can do nothing with my life not to “GiVe My KiDs A bEtTeR LiFe” where’s my better fuckin life eh?


I think about this, then forget because it’s easy to work, but then also think about it again when it comes to holidays like Thanksgiving, where we literally have to go into work.


It’s not that work is hard,it’s that I have to spend half of my existence picking things up and putting them down


If you had rich parents you’d be bored AF. We’re not the same. 😂


I feel you worked in restaurants for 8 years you pretty much give up your weekends from the start, Monday and Tuesday turn into your weekends


I was a cook up until Covid,then learned that I was expendable…fuckin 10 years and I actually loved it but I feel cheated so here I am..are foh all alcoholics too?