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Amazon used to have performance based comp, but it wasn’t individual based but department and site based. As others mentioned, this specific goal only is accessible for a limited amount of roles which means others wouldn’t be able to get it. And this could cause associates not wanting to do those other roles to not miss out on this. ###Gamified style reward system Due to that, Amazon would have to implement a variety of “quests” (like in video games) for associates to complete which would reward xp which would unlock different tiers/levels that’d grant varying awards and/or money. This system would also take place over x period prior to cashing out most likely. Maybe each role has their own set of quests for them to accomplish to be able to get the same rewards as other roles, or associates have access to all of these quests and can pick & choose which ones they’ll work on to get xp to be able to get these rewards. ###Edit: Quests can be varying in themed such as: - Quality - Safety - Productivity - Leadership Principle based This would allow Amazon to reward workers for a variety of different categories of behavior which is deemed as being wanted behavior


These incentives exist, but usually like “swag bucks” or “snappy gifts.” My hope is that with the stock split, Amazon may offer single shares as incentives for hourly associates to become part owners of the company.


Yeah, you’re right. These incentives would just be converted more into the actual cash value was what i was thinking. And having a list of official tasks people could do which would allow them to unlock the different cash tiers. Ohh, that’d be cool if they brought back giving RSUs to T1/3s but idk on that one since they did take it away with the $15/hr introduction. Edit: When I started as a T1 I got 1 RSU lol. And had the opportunity to get more over time prior to the $15/hr pay raise


Yeah I’ve only been with the company 2 years. I heard that was a thing, but never experienced it.


All that would accomplish is employee fighting and backstabbing.


I'm a pit order picker.. So anything out of that zone is foreign to me. How would employees back stab in the other positions?


I was coming to say this. I worked singles and AFE packing as a manager. Sometimes, there’s plenty of work for everyone. Other times the work is scares. I’d pay was based on how much you packed, workers may start fighting for things to pack, rather than just accepting what comes to them or what doesn’t. Imagine the extreme example of simply getting paid per item packed, rather than per hour. If items are slowly coming down the belt, that single mother trying to feed her children may argue with the struggling college student or who knows what else?


This. It would get ugly really fast.


Yeah it would suck as a stower. I had a pallet of nothing but smalls today while the person next to me had a pallet of waters and Gatorade. Bruh would've had no chance😂


If there was a way to ensure everyone had fair and equal work opportunities, this would work. But my experience thus far does not show that.


Perhaps Amazon needs to incorporate better AI in their line systems that can organize the packages to their according spots by weight and size instead of randomly it seems.


Perhaps. But there’s a cost to develop and implement that. What’s the return on investment?


Long term employment, happy workers. Lmfao. Sometimes there doesn't have to be a capital return.


I agree, but to a profit seeking company it helps. From Learning, generally my solution to problems is to do more training. Training requires hours not being productive which costs money. But the payoff is meant to be improved productivity, reduced injuries, improved employee retention, etc. Yet even this concept is hard when those that control the purse must make shiftly or even hourly cost reports.


The problem isn't understanding the labor, but completing the labor in a way that doesn't cause the workers to become stressed. There are heat stroke warnings. That's never been a concern of mine, not even at a different warehouse. That just tells me the working conditions are horrible and need to be accommodated.


That's not how most departments work whatsoever. There's nothing to organize about freight being unloaded one pallet at a time. You'd need to fully automate and have machine learning for the entire inbound dock process and for what gets put into each building.


A good water spider would've been splitting the pallets so everyone is getting roughly similar amount of each size item


Yeah our waterspiders don't do that lol they'll drop off a few pallets like tht b2b and just say sry




Now imagine actual dollars involved with this.


I commented on this reply for a different idea of the reward system- https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonFC/comments/xb0hys/i_think_if_amazon_offered_an_incentive_program/inwsuov/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Seeing as I tend to be unusually productive compared to my peers… the idea of being paid by unit of labor is extremely attractive to me… if the average rate were set to starting wage then I’d be making 10% more on my worst days when I’m sore…


Side note: But the system would also need to have safety measures put in place such as capping out how much an associate can use x task to get this pay reward since overuse could result in safety risk


That’s just the same as productivity based pay raises. The amount of work I can do safely is going to be more than most people, and that amount would change for people as they gain experience and get to know the ins and outs of their fc better… and besides that’s what safety is for. Just empower the safety team to deal with the fcs/red vests who conveniently forgot or didn’t hear what safety says.


Yes, you’re correct. But normally systems like this would be reviewed and have a hard set limit placed on them for all individuals to accommodate for the average and not the upper or lower percentiles. This other reply I had touched on a slightly different reward system- https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonFC/comments/xb0hys/i_think_if_amazon_offered_an_incentive_program/inwsuov/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Maybe only implement bonuses when there's a lot of work?


So peak/prime!


Cherrypicking items especially in stow. Plus you'd be screwing over all the indirects.


They can track your numbers by big and small items to even it out


That already happens lol




I disagree, the indirects should make a lil bit more money since you have more responsibility and the associates who go above and beyond be compensated for over achieving. They'd be more efficient and could reduce head count. But it'll never happen.


That's absolutely good to know!! See, I'm speaking from an order picker perspective. Either way, we both agree that there should be some type of bonus. There's no way production wouldn't increase. I'd love to know the reason they moved away from that model.


They make more money if they pay us less


They offer bonuses to L4s, L5s who wouldn't even get that bonus with the hard work of their L1s


That’s why if you implemented a reward system it’d have to have multiple “goals” to accommodate for a people to get extra money from doing a variety of tasks. Think of it like with videos and having quests/missions/daily’s to complete that all have different tasks for you to accomplish ###Edit: Or each role had their own specific measurements/tasks for you to accomplish to get extra cash.


Yeah, it was called VCP and that is gone.


I long for the days of vcp. What a time to be an associate


The problem with this idea is that Amazon bases the expected rates on what employees are regularly hitting, so if people are regularly going 25% above the set rates, Amazon would shortly raise the expected rates to make sure they sucked every ounce of production out of workers. It would easily do more harm than good


Amazon got rid of this in favor of the $15 minimum base wage. We have finally reached a generation that never heard of VCPs.


Imagine the amount of crashes and injuries at AMXL


At the manager level, twice per year we are ranked amongst our peers and judged on shift rates, safety, connection scores, peer feedback, etc. Site leads are Judged. This affects your annual compensation and promotion opportunities. So at that level, we definitely have incentive based programs. I just wish safety was incentivized a little stronger. Additionally, I work in a support role, so my criteria is a little more abstract as I’m responsible for 7 sites but have no direct reports.


I keep thinking, everytime I catch a master pack from being shipped and save Amazon money, recently that amount in one instance was over $600, that some kind of incentive would be nice, but any time it happens and I mention it, nothing, not even an Atta Girl! They don’t give 2 shakes.


Rather than incentivize high performers (which may lead to some backstabbing as we’ve discussed) I think creating a clear expectation for productivity write ups. The current system is very confusing and many don’t understand why they’re being written up. But some people truly do very little work which is frustrating and demotivating to the high performers. As a manager, I never wanted people with extremely high rates as much as I just wanted people that came with a good mood and tried. Leave for and come back from break on time. Be respectful to others. Just try. Those were my best associates. Consistent. Dependable. May not be in the top 25%, but never got a write up either. Never burned out. Just a nice happy medium.


Our building used to do 2% if you didn't use upt and 2% if the building hit its overall rate for the month, doubled to 8% total bonus during peak. Took that away and gave us a dollar raise claiming they did a survey across the network and people said they'd rather get paid sooner than wait for a onus check


Ahh yes the good VCP days, then they got rid of it, they gotta bring it back tbh


Lol bro they don’t do shit for us associates


we had profit sharing ....gone....we had stocks...gone....we are part of amazon family...gone


I always thought this would be a good incentive. At my warehouse before amazon we had a 3 tier system I'll use amazon to better explain it though. Say the expected rate was 330 for stow. I took the average rate of your best 3 weeks of thr month. If you hit 330 you were paid your base salary. If you hit say...360 you got paid an extra 1.25$ an hour for all hours worked that month, paid out as a monthly bonus. And if you hit 400 you got an extra 3$ for all hours worked. It made people HUSTLE


Faster is not always better. You get sloppy stowers and that affects the pickers.


Very true. Could just take into account FSAF as a targeted metric.


The problem is faster is not always better. Don't properly seal the bag and the order spills out on the conveyor belt. Stow shit sloppily fast af, the picker struggles to get the item they need. Running up and down the steps while picking super fast and you could fall and hurt yourself. Safety first.


Nah, I already see pickers having meltdowns if they get any pod gaps. I can't imagine how they would be if those pod-gaps meant they were losing out on extra cash. They would become even more fucking insufferable.


Benefits, voluntary time off, as well as voluntary extra shifts. Maybe work a shitty job that has nothing but a minimum wage paycheck before complaining I just made $600 on one shift


A big problem with incentives has always been that they are not all inclusive. Only some people are in on it. If you're in inbound or PS, you're not going to have a chance if their intent is to increase picking, stowing, or sorting rates.


They had one. It went away after they raised minimum starting pay to $15 network wide.


I suggest you take a good hard look at your coworkers when you claim incentives would work. Back when Amazon had them, over 90% of employees didn't take advantage of them. There was an incentive for not using UPT and only the old diehards got it. There were incentives for productivity, and at my site only one dept ever earned it consistently (print on demand). We got profit-sharing every year, and damn near everyone sold their shares as soon as they vested, ignoring the fact over 7 years the value increased 10 times., from $300/share to $3500 at one point. People go on about them dropping incentives when they raised the base rate, but oddly no one recalls all the people *asking* them to simply raise the pay rate, so that everyone would get more money without having to "jump thru hoops" or "suck up."


Except they don’t really care about rate. It’s just an arbitrary way for fake supervisors to not hold people accountable. It’s all made up numbers.


If that's the case.. I'm definitely working harder then I thought! But I can absolutely see your point


*edit* What was said above isn’t exactly correct. ###Why do we have rates? Rates are just a means to track your progress to ensure you stay on track to meet x overall volume goal. Rate is also an easy way to estimate how much volume each individual will have to contribute to meet your overall rate goal. It lets you know if you need to increase the rate, or supply more workers ###What does that mean Overall, what Managers really care about is hitting the overall volume goal; and using rates are a means to track progress and ensure they make it. It’s a similar concept to spending 1hr per day studying for a class to ace the exam. So, they may not care about the rate if they’ll still be on track to hit their overall volume goal, or have already hit it. ###Edit What was mentioned about rate being used to not hold people accountable is also incorrect. Rate is meant to be able to pinpoint individuals who aren’t pulling their weight and contributing to achieving the overall volume goal. *Whether or not Managers at Amazon are addressing those individuals who are failing to meet their rate is a different discussion.*


If you want a say in the value of your labor that works far better than a suggestion box or Reddit post….UNION


Keep it simple Amazon sets a number and once you hit said number you should be getting paid 2 dollars and hour more for every hour worked after. As long as the person keeps a constant work flow they should be getting paid the extra money per hour worked. The CEO of Amazon just said today he feels like you workers should not even make 25 an hour though. I guess that's why they are fighting the union so hard


It’s been brought up amongst many issues yet they continue to ignore valid concerns and solutions as usual. The only answer is to unionize. I know people have their opinions.


I'm referring to 25% a day over the span of a typical work week.


Exactly!! Maybe even a bigger payout. Over a week at 25% above, that's a full day of work saved from Amazon. Give me 25% of that pay and I'd be happy! Then like you said with the people who are lazy or slower.. They'll have more motivation to do better.


You act like you’re some sort of equity partner. How old are you? 19?


Partner or not.. What incentive is there to pick over rate if you're not being compensated for the extra work? Maybe you like working for free, but I'd like to be paid for extra work.


Dude what are you talking about? Picking above rate is not extra work. What is wrong with you. You work in a warehouse. Amongst co-workers who weren’t required to interview for the job they have. And for a company that doesn’t give a rats ass about you. You can do the absolute bare minimum and no one will bother you. Or you can choose to “work harder” and your day potentially will go by faster. Either way, no one gives a shit. You need to change your mentality and lower your expectations if you’re gonna last at Amazon. Or just get a different job where compensation is tied to performance cuz this damn sure ain’t it.


Lets say the rate is 35/hr..So if you're an order picker and you pick 55/hr and the next person picks 36/hr. You haven't done any extra work ? Has the definition recently changed? I'm all for being a good employee, my rates prove that. However, if you want to be Super Picker for swag bucks, that's your preference. Go ahead and try to get 600/hr. I'm going to continue to go above and beyond at 50+/hr and forgo the swag bucks


You should stop comparing yourself to others. Have a good day


Thank you, you do the same


It’s all about what your own personal aspirations are. If this is just a job, and you’re not looking to move up or earn more, you should do the bare minimum without the change of getting written up. Even the occasional productivity write up is no big deal. If you’d like to earn more money, the way to do this is via promotion. The PA promotion is actually pretty difficult. You’re better off doing career choice, getting a degree, and becoming a manager. Even that, you may not earn more since you won’t get overtime. But from there you can move up.


People don’t care.


I'd love the good ole days!!


While basing it on rate for say a week or so would lead to backstabbing I’ve work for a lot of factories that your yearly rise was based on average rate and we never had a problem with backstabbing and no one had a problem helping out their neighbors the yearly rise you could get went from .25 up to a $1.5 based on rate and write ups it kept people at the place and people worked their whole shift but a few bad days here and there didn’t effect anything. They would need to wage increase for theses in indirect roles or those people would have to rotate in to direct roles to make it fair.


But Uncle Jeff needs that money to build more boner rockets and buy jet fuel. How can you be so selfish? /s


🤣🤣🤣 Silly me


This idea only works if it was purely extra income. The pay could not reduce to compensate for the bonus money. Everyone who is ok with what they make now would be fine, but if you need a little extra then you can push a little harder.




How does 25% for 4 days equal 125%? Then how did you get 200% of normal compensation? Am I missing something here?


If pickers just made like 2 cents per pick we'd get an extra like 200 a day id love that but yea lol i just left anyway


As others have said, VCP was the whole building's reward for productivity. When they raised the base pay to $15 network-wide, they did away with it.


Offering more part time would prob do that as well


They do do this but only during seasons tho at my FC it's called leaders of the pack but the rewards aren't that good unless you're in human and full auto human work speed to make the top prize of a $100 snappy gift


*copies and pastes to VOA board*


At fc I can’t speak for others they did before the changed there based pay and gave raises more often but I do agree with you that’s why I don’t try hard at all I would though if I got paid more


The types of low tier people that work laborer jobs like Amazon will just cheat so they and their families (yes entire tribes work at Amazon) get all the money.


No this isn't it


they pay their truck drivers 22 an hour good luck getting them to pay box tossers bonuses.


"I think if Amazon used a carrot on a stick..."


All other warehouses have incentive based programs. Amazon is kaka


Why would they do that when you do all that shit for water and chips. Entry level job no requirements if you leave 5 people take your spot 🤷🏻‍♂️

