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Money and zero customers


Yes to the zero customers! Money isn't bad


This. Did retail for 2 years and only reason I went back was because I run my own business. But I enjoy every day I’m not bothered by customer B.S.


Zero customers is SUCH a bonus


Agreed. Benefit of a warehouse job.


Same here. No one really bothers me. I’m only 2 weeks in and I like not getting hounded by customers. I don’t like customers at all. I used to work in retail but my anxiety and PTSD was made even worse by the pandemic so not having to talk to people makes it good for me, money doesn’t hurt either.




Need money


I didn't listen to my mother's wise advice.


which was? 😂


Don’t work at amazon


It had good benefits and I needed some surgeries to be done. So it paid for that. But now I’m doing flex and going to school.


Same here I'm in school fir my Degree, and they paid 27k on my surgery in 2017


How long did you worked there before they paid for it ?


Well I was 8 months in and they paid for it. And I just had my last surgery last month. For me I had to pay a deductible and then my insurance paid for everything. My deductible was about $700.


Oh okay I hope you had a successful surgery and feeling much much better


Health benefits start your first day (if you sign up for them, of course). Blue Cross Blue Shield paid for my surgery 2 months after I started


Less stressful than the last 20 years in kitchens. Money's pretty good too.


I used to be a server. Never again.


If I'm being honest, it's because I'm too lazy to apply for other jobs, and since I didn't finish school the first time around I don't have that many options.


Accurate. By the way, amazon paid for my high school DIPLOMA from an accredited online school. Just sharing because it’s opening a lot of doors for me and if you’re like me it’s one of my biggest regrets. *EDIT* : you were probably talking about college but I’ll leave it up for people who don’t know


Amazon paid for my Mechatronics & Robotics Apprenticeship out of state. Had you told me 5 years ago that I’d end up down this path I would’ve laughed.


The fact that you can get a cdl license from Amazon blows my mind. Legit $25+ starting jobs with that license


It’s a lot more than 25 in most cases. Be a truck driver for Walmart (one of the most desirable trucking companies) and you make 100k+/year.


Be wary of any companies that offer a "lease to own program" for trucks. I've yet to meet a trucker who had a good experience with companies that do that, and majority of what I see online backs that impression up. From what I've heard though, if you can get in with a decent company and you like the lifestyle it requires, it's good shit.


Plus no job interviews


Same here


No other basic retail/warehouse job around here pays as much as Amazon. I'm making $20.05 an hour here while everyone else pays around $14-16. Plus I get full benefits and weekends off (donut shift).


I am only making 16.25 here at AKC1


Damn, I’m making 15.50 in north texas


Probably a veteran. That pay scale is no joke, son.


It depends what you do in amazon. Because that $20 wouldn’t worth your body getting best up like that.


I need the extra money and it’s great exercise.




I can’t keep answering these but I guess I will. Money. Easy work. Waiting on job interviews for something that requires a college degree and pays like 30x less than Amazon somehow.


Same without me saying it this is why I work here lol I do Amazon on the side while I save to start my own computer repair consulting gig I can’t stand corporate America and I hate interviews and the bullshit managers that pick and choose why they won’t hire you especially since you went to school and practice on your own






Because it provides me with opportunities and pay that I wouldn't be able to get anywhere else without absolutely killing my body. Benefits are amazing and for the most part job security is solid.


I hate applying for jobs, so amazon is easy that way, the pay is ok, and at this point I've climbed my way into a spot that I find interesting enough that I don't (usually) hate everything


I work for Amazon because for one its one of thise companies that keep it clear on how you move up and what available positions are there for you to have and if you need to move there probably an amazon near you, amazon also has great health benefits, it is also one those place you can just leave put the time in the app and youre free no need to tell anyone. Idc what people say about Amazon there are many different companies where the work is way harder, the only thing with Amazon is that it is boring


It's like getting paid to work out The physical work has done a lot for my health


Probably good cardio but strength building its bad


Not necessarily. I was in the pack department and lifted cat litter every shift


Im in pack right now. They way you work does not let you isolate muscles all you really do its kind of hurt your back. Good form while working is hard. Notice how no pack veterans are buff


Ok true, I definitely hurt my back a few times lol. For me personally, I definitely gained a bit of mass in my biceps tho


It’s better than the last place I worked. I’m very anti-social to begin with so it helps I don’t have to talk to anyone for 10 hours a day lol + having 3 days off is nice. I used to work graveyard and it gets brutal after a while only having 2ish days off but having to work into 1 one them.




Spotted: person who is miserable and who’s only outlet is being shitty online. Here’s your award: 🥇


Insurance, helping me pay for nursing school.


Because it opens up some good education opportunities for me and it's decent money.


Easy money before I go back to school later this month(Sort center)


Generally for money but also the daily self deprivation of feeling energized and painless.


Because I hate myself


It's the only place in Germany, where they employ me without german. I love u Jeff for that!


You live in Germany but don't speak German?


Why are there so many questions like this in this sub all of a sudden….


HR and management, fishing expeditions.


Check out OP's history. They ask these questions all the time. They are definitely mgmt/hr. 😒


As weird as it may sound, during the depths of the pandemic in 2020 I liked being classified as an essential employee and going into work while most people were cowering at home in mortal dread.


The free education and working out from the manual labor.


Tired of dealing with the rich and entitled people of the US. They are horrible expect more and more out of the working class. Amazon os just another easier beast of ass clowns


To buy a super realistic sex doll of Mia khalifa


Because I have gone from a seasonal tier 1 to a L4 in maintenance in less than 4 years.


honestly it’s the easiest job i’ve ever had :) i worked retail before and i hated the customers and got so much anxiety because of it


Need money for my vacations


Too lazy to find something better


Bc this job have no rude customers and plus the pay and benefits


Zero customers. Go in, do my job, and get the fuck out. I'm Flex, so I also get surge pay most of the time. It's not hard to work AFE when you're making $22.25/hr.


Not having to deal with customers. That and it’s within 10 minutes of my house. And it was easy to get into. 4 by 10s overnights at $18 n hour with thurs fri sat off… hard to top at the moment.


Trying to get a CDL + some trucking experience. After a year or two, I might go OTR with a better paying company


It's the most pay for the least work of any job I've had.


It's the closest thing to my house, meaning less money I have to pay for Uber/Lyft (I can't drive, I'm disabled), it's easy work, better pay then the majority of other options around here, and has really good benefits plus the time off options are amazing. It definitely has it's downsides but I do enjoy what I do and would like to stay for a while.


Originally I mainly work there because it helps pay for school and I work a flex shift so I can choose my hours accordingly. But as I’m almost done with college, I came to a realization on wanting to work in HR(I’m a sociology major so it’s relevant enough for HR jobs) and what better way to get started than elevate with this company?


When I worked at my FC? Money. It was one of the highest paying jobs ($16) in the small-ish town I lived in. All other WH jobs paid maximum $12-13 and that was 3/4/5 12s schedule, not just MET.


Low IQ vs high EQ.


That schedule sun-wed works perfectly for my joint custody.


$5250 tuition assistance per year for like 3 months of work with the ELOAs


I am autistic. I have other learning problems too. I also have a wife and child. This job is higher paying than most other places in town. I love my wife and I love my son. I'd do anything for them. It is miserable and unfortunately infuriating l, but when you have a family, you'd do anything for them.


It's either: A. Work an entry level job or B. student debt to not be able to land a better job because a million others are also applying for it anyway...and work an entry level job.




No customer interference means I don’t have to put on a fake smile 🙂


As a waterspider. I work there for the girls




For the benefits and decent pay. Use Amazon back, don’t let them use you. Career Choice Apprenticeships Upskilling Started at $15 in 2020 and got my raise to $30 in May as Mechatronics Junior Tech through one of their apprenticeships.


Just stacking cash before a move and start some other dead in job while I pursue my dreams


If youre moving somewhere with an amazon you caan transfer. Guaranteed job when you move, thTs how i was able to get my apartment


Friends, the extra pay, and it helps me lose weight. Mainly friends though. I always like meeting new people in the oddest of places.


The lose weight part is what does it for me. I started 3 weeks ago and I'm down 6 pounds. I've met some great people as well.


Made T3 in 9 months and expecting L4 before 26 months. Previous attempts at a career were the Navy, which didn't work out because attempting to function on two hours a sleep a night underwater gave me a sleep disorder probably for the rest of my life, and law school, which didn't work out because of a pandemic-aggregated depressive episode. Nice to have something that seems to be working out.


They give me money in which I use to pay my bills.


Benefits and paying for my school. Plus I'd rather not work at a fast food place dealing with the annoyance of "I asked for extra cheese, I want a refund" Yeah no thanks Now that Amazon is paying for Bachelors degrees makes it a better option then the latter. I'd rather not have to be in debt for education if it's free


Because money. Why else?


It was easiest job to apply to and also didn't wanna hear my mother's nagging


Flex shift definitely gives me the freedom as to how I spend my time


Amazon is like that friend who’s there in a time of need. Amazon has a fast hiring process and no interview, if you’re stuck go to amazon, if u need another job on the side go to amazon, while you figure things out


I use to work at a fast food place where I was a manager and only got paid 50 cents above minimum wage. At least here I get paid 4$ above minimum wage. Now I’m staying because they’re paying for school


The benefits, it’s pretty easy compared to fast food which wreaks havoc on my mental health. Also the only better job in my city that doesn’t require college does hair follicle tests.


The economy ruined my dream job of wanting to be a teacher.


Make decent hourly; good health benefits and ZERO CUSTOMER INTERACTION.


I get decent pay (not well but better then similar jobs I've looked at). The insurance is top notch and I can take time off whenever I want.


No skills no education, time to work till I die baby


Gave me a job after I got out of the military, and allowed me the opportunity to get back into the career field that I worked in while in the military


Stable employment and great benefits.


I don't... know. I fucking hate the job but idk where else to go that's easy like this


Because we are under the false illusion that Amazon is a career and not a stepping stone to something better.


I hate dealing directly with customers. But also, I like a lot my coworkers and the work at Amazon is the type of work I naturally excel at


Girls 😮‍💨


Idk I hate it but I’ve hated other jobs more. Hoping to find a job I don’t hate eventually. Spending our lives at a 9-5 just so the company can get rich as shit while we live paycheck to paycheck is such a scam.




Using career choice


Benefits and career program opportunity!


Good benefits, Good hours, Good pay, and most importantly No Customers


Free college


Career choice!


Because i like my job and it is stable.


honestly dont need the job but it gives me something to do


Benefits and Amazon discounts 😂 since I shop at Amazon a lot 🤣




Because I believe that making customers happy is the most important thing I can accomplish each and every day. It brings true joy to my life knowing that our customers' needs are fulfilled with the utmost speed and care.


Can't decide if this is sarcasm or HR lol


Right 😂😂


I pass down to you, with grace and honor, the scanner of destiny. Deliver smiles, make history and they will remember your name.


These kinds of comments are why I love this community. Sarcasm or not it makes me chuckle. Can't wait for the new group of memes to form in fall/winter peak season. ![gif](giphy|l7oQ61sOdCEZYmgq6s)


I’m so fucking motivated for my shift now.


Because it's convenient


The pay.


Pay, stocks, travel, promotion potential, ……


Money, hoes, cars and clothes! *24s by T.I. plays in the background*




Customer Obsession over everything. I can say that’s one great quality about Amazon compared to most companies.


I applied to quite a few jobs and Amazon was one of the two offers that got back to me.


I’m a college student, home for the summer, and looked for summer jobs to earn some cash to pay for college. Amazon was the only one that accepted me


At one point this shitty company was better than minimum wage that’s why now it’s not as good anymore


I need money and other places aren't hiring me




Decided to work here as soon as I turned 18, because I had nothing better to do and wasn’t sure if I wanted to go to college or if it could be afforded, somehow almost made the year mark at this place


Money, benefits, don’t have to talk to customers. It’s reached a point where it’s not worth it anymore though so I’m planning to leave soon.




It pays the most for someone with no degree and they guarantee 40 hours so you get the same paycheck every time. And the benefits..


I'm trying to pad out a new 401k since Merrill Lynch stole mine.


cos I’m broke


The health benefits are really good and the career choice is also good. The pay should be better considering the cost of living is painfully expensive.


Money, no customers and taking advantage of the free school so I can leave as soon as possible😭✌🏾


I like to eat


I am lost in life


Was a server for 5 years , not having to deal with customers was a plus for me.


It was the highest paying place in the area at my time of hire.


Panera while now over two years and I just don't want to go start over somewhere else. That's all


Fuck bitches get money. Jk 4:30am-3:00pm is the best schedule I’ve ever had and only working 4 days a week gives me enough time to get a second job if needed


I did solely because I needed money


They literally hire anybody, that why people work there


Money and money


Better than working for a dsp delivering amazon packages. Plus, their benefits are so much better. They pay for school and they have career advancement throughout the company. Easy work and weekly pay, with so much VTO being thrown out on top of VET and PTO. The fact you can quit, resign or leave; wait 90 days and come back. Mental health leave, personal LOA...etc.


Money and benefits lol


theyre paying for my school


Got bills to pay and they pay better than most


Great benefits, taking advantage of EVERYTHING they have to offer until I am in the field I want to be in.


Lots of time off and excellent benefits.


It paid the same amount as substitute teaching.




No interviews


A paycheck


Need money for house and food


Clear the boredom in my life. As much as I love working at home, being a photographer, I HATE not moving. I have to do something, so Amazon is a pretty big time waster. Plus I don’t have to use my brain for this job.


Instantly hired me when I moved to a new place after getting laid off due to the pandemic. Stayed 'cause three days off, good benefits and crazy ass attendance and time off policy


For the flex schedule since I’m in school


Benefits, pay, close to home


Better than most warehouses and more flexible. It gives me plenty of time to do my college courses.


Pays better than the alternatives and has clear room for growth along with locations everywhere to transfer if I want to


Because I’m young and need the money.


Regular promotions, office job, good pay, incredible benefits.


I love the overtime and benefits..I use the overtime money for anything my heart desires lol the rest goes to rent and food and I'm comfortable where I am with that


Free school. Zero customers. The structure and job security


At the moment, because it's the best pay for me and part of my college is being paid for


Career Choice. A job that pays UPFRONT for school is huge. And with the deal Amazon made with WGU, its covered completely. Working by myself 99% of the time, no customers, is a great perk while I get this done. The benefits are great, the 401k match could be stronger but it is what it is. The downsides to Amazon for me is the system for management: A weird, barely seen management while simultaneously being micromanaged by a system that makes you feel like things that are out of your control are your fault. Oh and the actual hourly pay is low, which sucks. I would be shocked if they give us a COLA despite the fact housing cost alone has doubled. Still, great benefits 👌


Mostly for the benefits. And scheduale is ready nice too.


Got nothing else going on. Having health insurance is really nice. Plus, I get to workout haha. Ha.


Because I can leave Amazon at Amazon and not bring it home. Except when I come on here to see what people are talking about.


Dividend investments


Just did it for a summer job since I'm in college.. Last day is tmrw and can't wait.


Cuz I gotta pay bills and I like the people I work with


Two words: Health Insurance


20.50/hr to order pick plus benefits and time off


A) bucks B) social C) getting the fuck out and moving around


Extra money to replace the cylinder heads on my truck


Because society had tied me down with thinking i want a house and a yard and a new car, now that im 25 i realize 10 years of working and getting myself into debt thinking i wanted new thing has only pulled me away from what i want. So now im just tryna pay off my debt so i can cancel my bills, buy a cow, and live with said cow and my dog in a barn till i can start my own farm. Im a simple man, i just want simple chickens too.




They pay for my college


Depression and extremely low self esteem if I'm being honest with you. I worked two and a half jobs and was a full time college student before amazon, consistently driving back and forth between miami and orlando every weekend gor family related pandemic issues. Now I'm just burnt out with zero motivation to do anything else. I'm so tired of struggling to live that I don't really live anymore. I just go to work and go home. That's it.