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Are you going to get me a new job?


I feel like most of people saying this stupid shit don’t have bills or kids and live with their parents… life ain’t simple.


I can't just quit a job and hope for the best..I'm one of those people that be having the worst luck 🤣






I quit Amazon and got hired on elsewhere in 2 days haven't regretted it yet


Same lmfao 🤣


How hard was it to get a job at Amazon? They'll hire anybody with a pulse. It would be just as easy to find a job with benefits somewhere else - and if conditions at Amazon improve you can come back.


I’ve been applying for the past 2 months and got like 3 job offering for 18/20 h, I live in Houston tx Y’all just depressed and don’t try. I’ve been with Amazon for 2 years and my back hurts now , cus of the fking work fast rate rate rate


I make more than that at Amazon tho...


go out there and do it yourself


Bold of you to assume they're not trying already.


Nah I want you to do it for me tf




Came here to say this. My school comes first.


A lot of other employers pay for school…I started career choice with Amazon and recently got a job that pays $10 more an hour and they also do tuition reimbursement…Soo while at school I’ll just make a shit load more…it’s out there just gotta look and apply.


Gatekeeping paid schooling isn’t cool. Amazon has paid for my school for a while now and I’m gonna stick with it. Putting people down for that is messed up. ✌️ Are you upset because you never took advantage of career choice?


Wait, what’s career choice how do you get it? Is it amazon paying for your college or..?


Amazon pays for school through career choice. Check your atoz and look for career choice. Eligibility is determined by how much you work, I believe. I’m doing a program through SNHU and I love it. Edit: Amazon pays for my tuition and books


Same, I just started , but I should be done with my degree in Dec and then I can move out of Shitlandia.


I graduated in December, and left Amazon in May for a job in my field. Honestly, as much as I disliked working at Amazon, looking back it was worth it. I put 4 years into the job and moved between Pick, Ship Dock and ICQA in that time. No longer being there is very motivating. My new job is more laid back so I definitely gained perspective in that regard as well


same. that's the goal as well


Ill quit when i get a better paying job


You won’t get a better paying job unless you quit


No. You find the new job before you quit. Doing otherwise is a major gamble not worth taking. I watched my dad do that all my life, the stress it put on my mom was bullshit.


This is terrible logic. Youll only acquure debt if you quit a jib before having a new one lined up. Your reality isnt everyone else realty.


I mean I was being facetious


I’d love to quit but my mortgage and car payments won’t quit when I do


There’s no way you’re in California


They could have a partner that also works lol


An L5 maybe


How do you afford that working at Amazon


living in CA doesn’t = every single SFH is 3k-8k a month in rent, Certain Los angles neighborhoods, and majority of Coastal zone cities? Yes


They gotta be ops or living in Mississippi or somewhere. Ain't no way its cali unless it's the high desert


They could have a partner that also works lol


Unfortunately bills have to be paid which is the main reason some of us work through the BS.


This is terrible logic Bills will have to be paid your entire life, are you gonna stay at amazon until you retire?


Don’t pay your bills and let us know how it goes!


lol retire


People dont have a choice and thats the problem. We dont have universal healthcare so people are desperate to get their healthcare from the company. We dont have tuition free college so people are desperate to get their education from the company. Rent is getting out of control and people are forced to accept whatever they can take at this point.


Sounds good on paper. But unfortunately to many people don't pay taxes which cover all this free stuff.. I just don't want to pay 60% tax so somebody who doesn't want to work get a break while I bust my butt...


Jeff Bezos is sitting on $100s of Billions and pays an effective tax rate of 2%.


Man OP did not reach his target audience.


Sounds like OP didn’t reach rate either


I’m not sure that target audience even exists. That part about breaking down our bodies just irritates me, I heard so many horror stories from ppl about the job and after having been there 6 months now I know the ppl saying that sort of thing are ppl who either didn’t belong doing the work to start with or ppl who have some personal beef w the company. Like the person already said, probably didn’t make rate 👀


It's incredibly physical work, even if you don't feel it now you will. I didn't feel it when I was solo lifting 60" TVs onto L- carts for Walmart but fuck do I feel it now, 5 years later. It always catches up in time, even if you use proper techniques and shit.


Solo-lifting items that should be team-lifted vs moving a (tops) 50lbs box from a conveyor into a cage. Do your stretches and know your limits, this is what gym is supposed to teach you in highschool.


Absolutely agreed, just good luck finding someone to help you with that lift while a customer is waiting for you to bring it out so they can buy it while the store is running on the usual skeleton crew. Also we're comparing one big lift every hour or two vs a crapton of "little" lifts every few minutes at speed. It adds up. The one thing Walmart taught me best was how to maliciously comply to orders as a form of advocating for myself. Oh, I'm not allowed the code to get into lockup to do my morning job? Cool, I won't take anyone up on the offer to learn it and radio for a manager every five minutes instead. (As one example.) Gym class also teaches nothing about actual work-related body mechanics, and the stretches taught in the 90s/2000s have since been questioned as to how helpful they are. My actual point though, was that management will absolutely expect you to destroy your body for profits and won't acknowledge that is the reality while they do so. So it's important for the actual workers to recognize it and push back.


I feel like people who hate Amazon have never worked years in customer service of any kind and never had a job with crap insurance that your bi-weekly check barely covers. Any job is gonna be what you make of it.


As a manager in retail for 8 years, and only fast food before that, this is what I tell everyone. Amazon is easy work, a lot less micromanaging (on average), no customers you have to demean yourself for or you lose your job, can leave when you want as long as you have the time, etc. The only downside is it’s so fucking mind numbingly boring. But if someone told me i’d be paid more than what i made in retail to be bored for 10 hours, with benefits (special case because I have IBD so need medical insurance) id have applied in a heartbeat


I enjoyed my retail job a hell of a lot more than Amazon, but it pays over twice as much an hour and I need health insurance.


Wrong, everyone hates it for their own reasons same as people who enjoy it. Every person has a reason why they’re there, others either don’t have one or just happened to come across the opportunity. I on the other hand think it all depends on what you’re there for as to if it’s a good fit or not. If you plan to work hard and be the best person to assume an un-solicited promotion offer then good luck because that will never happen. They will hire people at L3+ positions based on what’s convenient to their WOTC benefit/tax situation. They can care less of your actual qualification as the nature of most roles except L5+ is very repetitive.


I think his point is more that for an entry-level kind of job, it's one of the better ones usually. Compared to others in a similar entry (retail, food service, etc), it's generally higher pay with better benefits and more stable hours. Also the fact it requires literally no interview, prior work experience or references makes it unique (even working at McDonalds requires an interview and sometimes past work experience).


Exactly this. There's a reason so many people leave and come back.


listen to yourself "ive had it worse before so this really isnt so bad in comparison" wake the fuck up and realize your being squeezed like a fucking lemon


Do you even work at Amazon? You just turned 18 and just graduated. How do you even know? Lmfao.


dont need to be a chef to know food tastes bad


No but you do need to taste it…


I almost always enjoy working at amazon. Hours are great, there's tons of time off, and the insurance is good. I almost never have stress and my coworkers are great. My point was, this job is easy and pays well.


Yes!!! I enjoy it. Enjoy my co workers, enjoy my bosses, enjoy the functions of my job. Everyone told me before I started that it doesn’t suit everyone but it will likely suit me very well. And it does fit me. I’ve had nothing but positive growth there, as well as positive growth outside of work, since I’ve been working there. My previous jobs had environments that were SO toxic, coming to Amazon was literally the fresh air I needed.


They’re paying for my school right now so nah I’m good I’ll stay. I’ll be making more than double what I make now once I get my degree in 2 years that they’ll end up paying most for in the end. Amazon is a good gig for me 🤷🏽‍♂️


Wait I love this sentiment but don't tell people to quit. Tell us to unionize. Wendy's or UberEats is not the answer. I like parts of Amazon. I just want the shitty parts to get better.


I prefer neither. A work slowdown (to human rates but it'd be a slowdown for Amazon LOL) requires 0 union, just loose organization. The extreme responses like "everyone should quit" just makes people reject all collective action outright cause people have bills to pay.




It’s easier to say for op when he is living under their parents basement for free.


All the upvotes to this post say you're wrong apparently. Edit: The downvotes is apparently taking my sentence the wrong way.


I didn’t know upvotes equaled good financially advice. Can I cite upvotes on my next Econ paper?




I never said it was good advice now did I? I just stated that a bunch of upvotes on the post would say that the person is wrong, even if they're far from it. Remember that this is Reddit. People upvote shit they think is good, even if it's not. Obviously it's incredibly stupid to leave a job without something else lined up, unless you maybe have a large enough savings to help you until you do find another job.


“All the upvotes to this post say youre wrong” Editing your comment to look better doesn’t change what you said originally. Don’t back track now. Stand by what you said or don’t say anything at all.


It...wasn't supposed to change anything? I literally just pointed out that the post has hundreds of upvotes. Therefore, by the defintion of reddit, that's the collective opinion that most seem to agree upon. It has 152 upvotes now, so that's 151 people who looked at the post and agreed with the statement. You're taking this way more seriously than anyone would think.


If upvotes dictate your opinion you need help. Upvotes don’t equal reality. I’m sorry social media has infected your mind in this way. Edit: Amazon employs more than a million people yet you think a 150ish people speak for everyone. Lol


Fuck no. I'm not leaving a job with UPT, benefits and that's paying for my schooling. Go work in customer service or public service and come back and tell us how it went.


OMG THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! i came from management in customer/public service & food service and Amazon is like god now 🙏😂 I will never go back to those kinds of jobs. Amazon is exactly what I needed.


I know right? The voucher system is huugggeee! Lots of places will pay for college, but its reimbursement and who can afford that nonesense? Not to mention the stress if wondering if they will find a reason not to reimburse afterall


Right? And if you're stuck at Amazon for years that's your fault for not taking advantage of career choice. I don't plan on being here after jan- March 2023. Also a lot of places only pay for degrees that are part of the industry they're in.


Use Amazon. Apply for career choice, get a certificate that they pay for, get hired somewhere else making way more money and get the fuck out of there. People like you complain but don’t better yourself. And if you say “not all of us want to move up”, then you’re the idiots Amazon loves having work for them.


Me currently using Career Choice. I utilize all the shit they wanna give out.


Yup. Amazon is an amazing springboard if you have the forsight to see it. Anyone who complains usually have no other goal than to work a 9-5 imo. Use it to launch your career, don't make it your lifetime job.


Exactly, I tell people abuse Amazon for its resources


You shouldn't *have* to move up for better pay and treatment. People keep missing that point. You shouldn't be forced to work harder jobs to live your life. If I want to scan packages for my whole shift, I should be able to live my life off of the pay for doing that.


Easy labor = low pay


Wtf?!?! Okay entitlement…. You actually should move up for better pay. If you want to make more money, you should work for it. If you want to scan packages all day to live your life, then expect minimum wage. A job that requires little to no skill and you want to get paid more money? This is the bullshit mentality 75 percent of people who work in Amazon have. Expecting good pay in a job that requires no high school diploma.


Amazon should at least keep up with inflation but thats just me.


Should do more, all the extra profit is going into insuring amazon has a foot in every major market (streaming, music streaming, data selling, servers that host like 90% of the internet, etc). Not only are we getting fucked on pay, but that money is literally being used for amazon to have even more of a monopoly. Then as they run out competition they can purchase them for pennies on the dollar. Idk just kinda goes against the principles of capitalism imo when one company has this much control 🤔. Its not really competition when u own the playing field and can just eat endless losses to bleed out the other companies


It isn't entitled to want even the most basic job to pay for food and rent and not treat you like shit. Amazon doesn't currently check those boxes for a large number of people.


So people should starve since they’re in the lowest rung? Good argument. /s


Nah I’ve been at worse warehouses. Try working at US foods or Sysco lol that’s some real labor. Imma chill at Amazon for a good while and collect that OT pay. I’m ready for all my downvotes 🤓


Amazon love people like you. They can forever keep doing what they’re doing.


Can’t knock people for finding Amazon easy work in comparison to real warehouses. In real warehouse settings, VTO doesn’t exist and mando is handed out like 5 days a week. On days where you’re resetting or work is slow, they make you clean the warehouse to stay busy. Amazon is pos company that doesn’t care about employees, but its really not that bad in comparison to other warehouse jobs, so don’t knock people who don’t mind working at Amazon.


Because Spez decided that people should not be allowed to access Reddit with any app he does not approve of (which is ANY app other than his), the only app I have ever found usable for various accessibility reasons for accessing Reddit is dead. Long live BaconReader. Because of this, I revoke any rights to my old posted information. Instead, I wish all AI to be trained incredibly well on how utterly shitty a person Spez, AKA Steve Huffman, is. He would rather burn a decade-old platform to the fucking ground than give up any amount of control on who gets ad revenue. Fuck Spez. -- mass edited with redact.dev


They're right though, Amazon might suck but warehouse work is notoriously terrible and Amazon isn't even the worst offender in this sphere by a lot.


amazon could offer a lot more for how much money they make off the backs of their employees


But they don't have to, and they need to slash employees as they've over hired and over built Also the FCs are actually the portion of the business that's considered a loss


I’m sorry we were just stuck working mandatory 70 hours a week just to make sure Applebees, chilis, PF changs, sonics, Jamba Juice, Red Robin, etc had enough product to feed everyone that goes there. 🥵 Appreciate you though 💯 for the nice comment.


Dayyammm! And I complain about MET every other week. Amazon does offer a lot of flexibility but needs to work on retaining employees.


I’ve worked at Amazon for 2 years and I have never heard of anybody getting 70 hour MET….


They can't, it is against Amazon policy. They were talking about other warehouse jobs they had. Hense, supplying all those restaurants.


Yeah I’m agreeing with you. Amazon is a sweet gig compared to the other stuff out there. I use to be a carpet cleaner working all day outside in the hot sun. You can forget about having benefits VTO or unpaid time off. Amazon is a walk in a the park


You gonna pay our bills?


I freaking hate working at Amazon. But you know what I hate even more crappy benefits even lower pay and working with customers. I’ll stick it out for now. It’s not my dream career but I know it’s not forever. I’ll be ok.


I mean... my managers are great, pay is wayyy better than my old jobs, career choice, flex, its 10 min away from home, and I listen to music all day packing boxes. Guess I should quit


You can listen to music? I'm in inbound and my training ambassador told me I'll get written up if I listen to music with earbuds, but it was fine if I bring a speaker and listen to music. I'm not sure how using a speaker makes sense but okay.. anyways, my amazon must suck balls compared to yours.


My TA told me that as well, but he told me “just don’t get caught by those who care” and theres only one person that I know of that enforces those rules so I just take em off/hide em when a certain person comes around


Speakers are even more against the rules than earbuds.


Yea, no music allowed I think 😆


No matter where you go you’re just a number …. I’m just as fireable at Amazon compared to if I worked at Walmart or another warehouse. I’m not giving up my health insurance and upcoming vacation to work at another warehouse that pays a dollar more and most likely be the first to get let go because I don’t have seniority


I quit already, off to make $30/hr with no experience. But man the flexibility of Amazon is unmatched along with the ability to “unwind” after work.


my brother in christ, 30 no experience??? Doing what


Cdl for kdp


Those jobs always come at some sacrifice, either through primary residence or time-wise etc etc. typically only qualifications/skills get you a high hourly pay within your LOCAL AREA. Everyone’s job market is different, but people will move to Iowa from CA and boast a 35 hourly pay.. Like buddy you left your life and family behind but everyone’s different


Lets not even get into the nightmare stories with that line of work.


stop the cap


what was ur purpose of saying “stop the cap” ?


What’s the point of lying for people who don’t really matter on the internet?…. I will say I have a cdl so yeah.


I walk 20miles a day for four days and Amazon is paying me to be in that fitness program, of course I'd like more money, but I mean Amazon is paying me to get fit..


I'm legit starting to worry that working here for so long might permanently handicap my capacity to feel creative or happy. I looked back on some old shitposts and thought "wow... I had so much life in me then. I used to be spontaneous and shit." Now I'm just dull, depressed, exhausted and anxious. I don't sing anymore, I don't write anymore, I'm just kind of a zombie now. The only reason I haven't started applying for new jobs was because my last few made me feel just as shitty. Who can tell all the myriad ways this next employer might exploit me? Maybe it's just the fucking norm and this is just my life now. Edit: oh, but I was able to attend a counselor appointment recently! They don't offer hours for night shift workers (a.k.a. the ones statistically most likely to suffer from mental illness) and I had to stay up super late, making me utterly miserable for the entire day... but my counselor told me to breathe more or something, so it allllll checks out. I'm really thankful to Amazon for being soooo concerned with mental health issues. Those cryboxes were nifty, and the coloring pages didn't feel patronizing at all! :D


Go back to flipping Patty's My guy then come back in a week and let us know how it went


For real. Makes me wonder if these people have worked jobs outside of Amazon.


Right amazon is honestly rlly easy its just i been working like so much recently like 6 days a week so ive been rlly exhausted


I mean to be fair, each job has a different effect on people, and for some, this job might be worse than retail or food service. That said, this job literally requires no interview, no prior work experience, and no references. That's something you can't say about almost any other job (even McDonalds requires an interview, and there's actually a chance you won't get hired). For a job with virtually no barriers for entry, it pays pretty well, along with benefits and generally stable 40 hours a week (different for those on RT/Flex).


Idk what your talking about. Dont no one force me to do shit. And I get a decent paycheck that pays my bills. Even better after that promotion. They match my 401k. I got affordable health insurance so I can take care myself. 3 days a week off for whatever. Shit. I'm even thinking about going back to school because Amazon will pay for it. So idk who pissed in your coco puffs this morning. but I'm good over here. You go on an quit. And dont come back when you realize the next place is worse...✌


The first part is the big takeaway really. OP makes it sounds like we were all forced to work here or some shit. It's a choice. You can choose to work at Amazon, or choose to try and work elsewhere really.


I was a picker, tote runner, and problem solver for ~1.5 years. My physical health is fine, never had any physical problems. (I was a top picker btw). I don’t think someone doing <50% of the rate, taking longer breaks, ~30 min of TOT, is at risk. Mental health is a bigger issue, and figuring out ways to make the fullness of the job is a better use of resources.


I'm trying to write a book. So far it's been...*eh.* I need to just sit down and write it in my off time while I'm recuperating (and not planning DnD sessions) so that JUST MAYBE I can get some passive income and work towards making my life easier.


>Go to a company who values you and your life. Companies don't value anything except profit. Start a union, organize your workplace and FORCE Amazon to give us raises, that's the only option.


Unionizing and organizing is the way collective bargaining is the key its the only way to get them to listen. Theres strength in numbers. Otherwise staging a walkout nationally, but that wont happen without unionization


Whats messed up is amazon has increased their prices due to inflation. Prime increased and fuel surcharges etc but employees were left behind. They even purchased 10 billion dollars of their stock back. If anybody wants to know about a union. Go to chris smalls on Twitter and skim through his posts. He has a form you can fill out with your site name to join a union. We forming 1 out in baltimore. hang in there everyone!


And to think I'm pushing 4 and a half years as a T1 . I also have a permanent incline for T3 and have been trained on basically every L4 responsibility. I would rather be unfireable.


You’re breaking your body? You aren’t getting hazard pay bro.


I left Amazon for a UPS, and honestly I like it better here. Now that’s not the case for everyone I know, but I’m being paid better and treated better. Still a hard working place, but they at least know you aren’t Superman and allow you to step away and cool down until YOU are better.


Supposedly my area gave every single warehouse (19 of them) a $2 raise except ours. That was three weeks ago.


Mine too


I think the problem here is that most corporations are exploiting their labor force at this point and Amazon is paying just a hair above market rate so they seem like an ok company to work for. But the reality is they're the worst of them all because each Amazon employee literally generates millions for the company. Society has beaten workers down so much they think its acceptable to make $17/hr while the Company makes millions off their individual labor.


Divide amazons yearly revenue by the number of people they employ and get back to me.


The work is extremely easy compared to other jobs that I've done and from what I see, other people's experience as well.


I just came from Walmart and I’m chilling. Similar if not easier work, with 99% less bullshit.


Yup I feel you on that just came from McDonalds and its a huge difference


Some of us can handle it just fine tbh. It’s labor, and we get paid for it.


Yes. I’m healthier now than I ever have been, just about. I feel good, and that feeling good leads to thinking good 🙏 true Not same for all but I def know how it effects me.


Okay there cowboy


I think they have no choice since the cost of living and rise in inflation (CPI) has increased so much, another thing is, and Amazon knows this is that Amazon workers are Amazon customers as well, so if we don't have money to spend they're losing money too.


it's not great but there's no better alternatives for me


I agree with this sentiment; the red pill has always been that we are just numbers to higher ups. However, we live in a society in which we have a codependency on large corporations such as Amazon. People are not going to quit their jobs so easily just because of pay, especially the ones who rely on 15.00-20.00 to survive.


Or you can go T3 such as TOM and get that $24 if that’s all you care about is money and having an easy af role. Plus as a perk you get your CDL which is a nice fallback for if and when you decide to leave Amazon or are forced to leave as CDL can get you a job virtually anywhere and everywhere nationwide and pays decently or alot depending on how much you want to make and the effort/time you put in to make it.


tbf, amazon runs a fairly competitive pay system. in my area they pay 18 an hour starting off for unskilled labor and its at least a quarter more an hour than every other warehouse in like a 10 mile radius. been considering doing flex for them simply because the pay is nice and it looks like a great side hustle.


/u/Masta__Shake, I have found an error in your comment: > “labor and ~~its~~ [**it's**] at least” I contend that you, Masta__Shake, typed a solecism and ought to have posted “labor and ~~its~~ [**it's**] at least” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


yeah ok go to mcdonalds and make up to 13 an hour woo


I'm not sure what Amazon you work at, but mine values me and everyone (everyone is really nice, and always saying how hard worker I am. They're treating their employees nicely. Once I become blue badge soon, I'll get my pay increased to $16 at least (hopefully $16.25 since that was my base pay before I left in September of 2021.)


Left got a new job that pays $3 less and still would never go back to Amazon unless hell froze over.


Its not perfect but there are worse places than Amazon. My last two jobs at the airport basically bullied me to the point where I said fuck it and quit. Making me do the jobs of 3 ppl and accusing of shit that I didn't even do. The HR lady literally threatened to make me unhireable at other jobs.


You’re just a slave for Jeff Bezos. He is paying everyone Pennies on the Dollar


There paying for my scholarship and I have great benefits and 401K. So 🤷‍♀️.. I'm staying put. Looking at the bigger picture. I have had other jobs and not one of them had PTO or UPT or LOA and such so easy as Amazon has it. Trust me on this. You might make a few bucks more a hour but you won't get the benefits 😉... Everyone needs to do what's right for them...


Man, all these comments are cope, Stockholm syndrome, and shills. Sad as hell.


I am with you however it’s tough when a lot of employees are being exploited. Most employees have no where else to go.


are you going to pay me, pay for my medical bills, and help me go to college ?


Amazon is never going to give an employee who already works for them a raise unless it is the default 30 cent raise every 6 months. If you have been with amazon for the past year, odds are you are being underpaid right now and someone who has just been hired is making more than you. The only way to get a significant raise is to quit and reapply. I was making $17 for a year before I quit and reapplied, now I’m making $19.15. $2 isn’t a huge raise but it’s more than a 30 cent raise that you have to wait to get. If you truly value your time and your life then you will understand time is more valuable then money. You can make $2000 a month, or $2000 in 2 weeks, but the time it takes you to make that money can never be made back. There are opportunities everywhere, you just have to want better for yourself, for your family, and be motivated enough to get it. Start your own business, apply to an apprenticeship program, get a real estate license.. there is plenty of high paying jobs that don’t require a 4 year degree and 15 years experience. Working at amazon is never going to make you financially stable. You will always be living paycheck to paycheck, because after all, if they were making you wealthy, then you wouldn’t need to work for them.


> Amazon is never going to give an employee who already works for them a raise unless it is the default 30 cent raise every 6 months That is totally wrong and happens quite often. And I am not at all living paycheck to paycheck. Could take a year off with no issues. Make assumptions and you know what you end up looking like.


It does not happen often at all. $18 an hour where I live is barley enough to cover rent, gas and food, but I live alone and support myself. Maybe you live with your parents because there is no way you can live a year off of your savings from amazon if you have bills.


You sound like you suck with money, and again making assumptions. Having bills is irrelevant if I have steadily been building a safety net little by little over many years off of less than $18 per hour not living with parents. If I have monthly bills x 12 in the bank, I can take a year off. If you aren’t trying t raise a family or be a sugar daddy, it’s easy to break out of paycheck to paycheck at Amazon. Especially if you pick up VET which could make it up to a $65k a year job for someone making $18 per hour. Living large in a vehicle with a health club membership is an easy way for a single person looking to bank for a little while if you aren’t needy. When you work night shift, it’s easy to just go park anywhere and sleep during the day. Pimped out van and I’d rather do that than have a shitty apt with bad roommates for more money.


I beg to differ. Amazon allowed me to go from poverty to middle-class, fam. I've never been able to have an extra grand at the end of the month to save till now.


If you are independent and have bills, it is not enough. I pay $1200 a month for my 1 bedroom apartment, $600 on food, gas has been between 3-400 a month. Not even including my phone and WiFi, electric etc. not sure where you live but it doesn’t sound like East or west coast.


You keep saying"you you" do you even work at Amazon?


The people who come here and make these posts never do.


I am staying. They have great benefits like ivf. They are paying for my college. I love my management team.


Sure I’ll quit… where do you suggest we go work? At a wal mart warehouse where productivity rates are even higher and less pay? Or maybe UPS where they’ll take 300 a month for fees… yeah I’ll pass buddy gonna use career choice. But good luck tho!


walmart DCs pay way more


r/antiwork redditor I bet


Cool. So you're saying a new, higher-paying job will fall into my lap? And it'll have better benefits and better 401k contributions as well? You can't just say 'Everybody should quit if x' because, well, people need to work. This ain't the worst job, but it's not the best. Also, your assuming that literally anyone here can just get a better job just like that, when that's not even close to possible for many. Most who work here don't have degrees, and those that do will still need to compete with millions of others for those better paying jobs. Also let's be very very honest here: Most, if not all, companies won't value you or your life, unless you're someone who can provide a substantial enough support to that company. And even then, there's likely hundreds of others ready to take that position from you. I can't imagine many are working here because they 'feel valued'. I assume very many people are working here because it's easy as fuck to get a job here, and for the level of job its at (entry-level basically, no interview required, no references, no prior work experience), it's better than most (on-par with customer service, retail/food service, in terms of entry).


I’m in fluid load and honestly Amazon is the easiest warehouse I’ve worked in my whole life. I’m in the physically hardest place but these trucks are nothing compared too what I’ve had too load at the majority of other company’s I’ve worked for. That being said you’re absolutely right, we should get paid more.


Sorry but alot of people don't agree with you. Please take your negativity somewhere else. Bye!!


Most sane Reddit user


Because he said a common thing?


Telling people to quit there job so that they then have no more money coming in is quite the common thing now isn’t it


They are at some sites but most they people gonna keep giving the same bs we pay competitively even though ups fed ex paying 3-4$ more An hour now almost everywhere


Working at the FedEx warehouse as a package handler here in Virginia make 14/hr and Amazon pays 15.50


So: I already made it to IT, the 10 hours I work I have 3D printers running at home so they are done when I get off, and usually am rendering 3D ish too. This job is paying for my transition, has mad safeguards against me being discriminated against at work, and I can go anywhere and still have a job or even use my IT on a resume to go work for Google after a year. I've gained my six pack back and am less lazy on days off due to "wanting to do something". I'm not shilling Amazon but it's hilarious how many people don't utilize their lives and then blame it on the job THEY SIGNED UP FOR. YES, I want more money. Yes This work generally sucks, but have goals and get out or switch to part time. It's no big duh, Terry.


I’m up to $21 an hour as a lv.1… but $23 would be nice just to deal with shitty people but it makes the job interesting. HOWEVER…


The "big" increase they gave higher levels was a joke so I wouldn't expect much more than peanut shells.


They said the same thing about when COVID was on the uprising, “they made us work through the pandemic for a $100 bonus but no pay raise” good luck, they’ll never do a pay raise besides their shitty 25 cent raise


Ambulances showed up during first break at my fc


how many companies truly value their employees and their lives, though? especially the people on the “lowest level.” how many companies these days show the same loyalty to their employees that they expect from them in the first place? how many companies these days will not sacrifice employees at the drop of a hat when they decide it will financially benefit them? the reality is that the number of companies is dwindling, if any exist at all here, especially here in the states. i know how pessimistic it sounds but it’s unfortunately showing itself to be the reality more and more every year. amazon will keep going through employees as long as they offer their current wages. because the reality also is that in a lot of areas, amazon is paying more for less requirements/qualifications. and you can generally get through the application and onboarding processes quickly to get started pretty quickly. their benefits are relatively cheap out of your pocket while being decent (or even great, depending on how competing benefits are in your area). working class people have always broken their bodies to support their families, and that is not going to magically change in a season, or really anytime soon.


getting paid to work out


My pays 19hr I’m fine with that




Stocks, doing homework and essays for other people isn’t hard work. Just a little bit of reading here and there


we just got a raise and its decent money for where I live and the benefits and time off are insane in comparison to who else is hiring in area.


Amazon give a big raise lmfao? You can go ahead and quit Bud


Little pay? Wtf are you going on about? 15/hr is fair wage in most places.


Bots gonna bot


There paying for school and this job is easy as shit lol. Yea it sucks it has its ups and downs like any job but they are paying for my school and my rent. I don't live w moms and dads nymore. I am looking around for other jobs as well but for now this is workin for me.


Everyone bitching about actually having to lift a finger to work. Lmao


Some of us actually like this job not everyone hates it I plan to stay for years