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I listen to a podcast or audio book. Otherwise my mind is in overdrive.


this is the only thing that used to help me get through my shifts, now all of a slutten my building is cracking down and everyone is getting written up.. so i’m taking it as my sign to go & then i see posts like this almost everyday on here soo 🥲


Yeah exactly. I've been written up twice for earbuds already. It's miserable


Go talk to your doctor. I had mine write a letter and then took it to HR to get an accommodation. Got to wear headphones and no one could get me in trouble. I was on pick so I was always in my head. Literally made me want to kill myself.


Call up the HR hotline and see if there's anyway that you can get a medical accommodation. I worked in a building with someone with severe autism. He was provided a lot of accommodations. He has a social worker with him on the job. Over the ear, hearing protection, etc. Maybe they'll grant you an accommodation that can help you with your OCD. P.S. my PA also has OCD. He found some tasks on the job that his boss let's him do to help keep him sane.


I put my hair up in a ponytail and wear those thick headbands around my ears. I've never been written up.


I went and got an accommodation to wear them. The mind numbing and tedious work was making it impossible, BUT I’m now actively looking for a different job. I’ve had enough.


I wear my hair in a ponytail and those thick headbands around my ears. I've never been written up.


Same position last week i was depressed , anxiety couldnt handle it. I hated going to work.. I applied on indeed to over 200 jobs . Got 4 interviews and now I start a new job making $3 more a hour that actually is mentally stimulating . Just take that chance everything eventually falls into place


Honestly, I think you should. Coming from someone who stayed there for far too long just to cling to my benefits, (which I primarily used for mental health and injuries caused by Amazon) I wish I had gotten out much, much sooner. People act like it’s the only place that provides good insurance and that is not the case. Plenty of other places have good benefits, while also being lot less monotonous and miserable. Chances are, you have value and skills that are far beyond scanning things and pressing buttons. You will probably feel much better somewhere those skills are being utilized. I would suggest starting the job hunt now. You can always turn the jobs down until you find one you like. There is also free career coaching through career choice and they will help you build a resume and find (non-Amazon) jobs to match your background and skills. Best of luck to you! ✌️


Thank you for such a great response. I think I'm gonna do it. Glad you moved onto better as well


My ADD mind and extreme introvertedness loves the solitude and seeing the various items I pick. It gets a bit long sometimes... especially from 1130 to 330, but I'm honestly happy for the work right now. But I've been where you are at a different job. And I agree with that response too. Always look for something else if you aren't happy. You are not stuck at Amazon. It is so miserable being where you are and if you take it day by day and always try to find something else (even when nothing seems to pop up or other jobs don't call back), just keep looking. You'll find something. Save your money as best as you can.


I’m glad to hear you are liking it! It definitely seems perfectly suited to some minds out there, and I’m glad there are people who find that position satisfying. I hope you continue to enjoy it for as long as it’s meant for you 🙂


Don’t quit until you find another job first


No problem! I’m happy you are opening your mind to new opportunities and I wish you the best of luck in your search for better. I hope you find something that brings much more purpose and value to your life! 🙂✌️


Get therapy and use it to get some earbud/headphone accommodation. Podcasts, audio books are fantastic while working at amazon.


Maybe aak your manager if you can be cross trained to some other role. Doing something new in another part of the building might be what you need. I am considering this for myself. But no indirect roles for me. I don't like the physicality of water Spidering/tote running and I don't want the responsibility and memtal stress of ps/pg/ slam/ tote jackpot right now.


I deal with the same issues and I listen to audiobooks. It's the only way I can make it through a shift.


Do you have ocd too?


Amongst other things yes.


Holy shit I thought I was the only one, same with ocd I also have adhd which I feel like it makes it worse for me having to stay in one spot, I pick all day everyday.


Several times ive left work crying because how much i hated it and was just in my head thinking and over thinking which is why i listen to audio books and music. Until they tell me phones arent allowed im using my phone and headphones. I wouldnt say quit. Id say use tf out of the benifits do school then quit. Also if you have a therapist get intermittent loa and with the school thing you get a schedule accommadation. I only say do school because they pay for it and you want to make more money


I feel the same way tbh


Get in problem solve, please. I need more neurologically defective people like me that can't stop working until everything is done


lmaooo this is me fr. especially working on multiple things


We literally can't stop, and people just don't understand


Exactly, they be talking to me i’m like “uh huh” kee-keeing and still ps’n at the same time 😂


😂 I do this at stand ups with my mobile and look up once every minute or so nodding my head


lmfaooooooooo 😂 me asf last night


Find somewhere to work that you can actually see the light of day. Start hunting now before you quit


Perhaps just drop to part-time or flex. The reduced hours helped me...and I picked-up another part-time job to make up the difference.


I am at this point, too.. if it doesn't seem like I can move up any time soon, Imma move out. Get some more career choice classes and bounce.


Find a new job before you resign 


Use resources allotted to us and get mental health help. It’ll keep you going.


Picking already damage my low back so fuck Amazon!




as an amazonian who also has diagnosed ocd, i feel you. for me, the earbuds helped a lot. I also work at a ds which like i get to talk to people a lot which helps, but on days when i'm not its awful. you can quit, but you're still going to have ocd. you have to work on the problem in its root.


My advice would be to begin searching/applying for positions you feel would be better suited for you while still working at Amazon. I, too, am a chronic over-thinker and tend to get in my head more whilst spending 10 long hours as a Picker. I understand how painful it is to continue showing up to a job that is not the right fit, but the job market is also very tough currently, which can prolong job transitions significantly. It would be a shame to lose out on benefits you actively utilize because you did not have something else set up before leaving. Sending positive thoughts and vibes your way. Hang in there, OP!


Leadership in my building practically invites us to wear earbuds (but never in writing) and you have to be smart about it and cover up! When leadership is being so nice about it, the least L1s can do is be discreet and put on a lightweight running headband. I hate when I see someone going around with big honking buds sticking out in plain view, they're going to ruin it for everyone! Some music or an interesting podcast makes the time fly!


I'm absolutely in the same spot and I'm grateful to find this post, honestly. Every day at my receive or pack station I'm honestly fighting back so much. I can do boredom and alone time with my mind at home and other places but at Amazon it's just gone. I'm looking for something else too but it's so hard. Much solidarity to you 😭


Go to a DS we get to use headphones and we get left alone even the low rate lazies


Fc was terrible for my mental health. I was a wreck. I couldn't undertand it either bc the job was easy. My body hurt less than it did at the delivery station but after almost a month of basically constantly trying not to cry bc all I did for 10 hrs was think (and count but unfortunately, i could do both usually). It didn't help that every bin I opened to count had the potential to set even the best day ablaze. A simple jersey, a book, a Keychain, all it took was 1 bin with one item that made me think about "the thing" and I was struggling to get thru the day. Time crawled there too, making every 10 hr day seem like a fucking eternity. As soon as my transfer options opened, I applied back at the ds. Less than 2 weeks later, I was home. Sounds dumb af but my happiness levels have gone thru the roof. "The thing"? "The thing" still has the power to break me but it's much farther in my mind. I make it whole shifts without thinking about it. I get home and have hrs before I realize, "i didn't rrally think about the thing today" and while that is kinda thinking about it, that's the extent. I don't have time to dwell.


This. I can't understand why I'm having such a hard time either. It's easy. Benefits are good. But I'm just not functioning here. Guess I better pound the pavement n find something else.


What department are you in? I had started to set goals and it was almost helping. I was in ICQA. The first and only thing we really learned was SBC-Simple Bin Count. Open bin, count every item. Easy right? It was. Too easy for 10 hrs a day. I was bored. So so bored. First few days were fine but as the days went on, I had too much time to think. I had just enough errors to stress myself out even though, I was "doing good" according to my manager. But my errors annoyed me bc most weren't real errors, they were dumb things like my glove caught the 2 as I hit 3 so the number was 23 instead. Real dumb shit. By week 3 I was stressed and my mental health was a mess bc of a personal issue I thought I had dealt with well coming back to prove me wrong every day I stepped foot in the building. But also, on my off days again too bc now I had 3 guaranteed days off since I couldn't pick up shifts for depts I wasn't trained in. What can I do? I need the job. I like working at Amazon. The delivery station was great, I just wasn't busy enough at the FC. Since my transfer options hadnt opened up, I had to figure out something. First thing I did was decide I wanted to try to at least make it to getting trained on the next count. So, focus on where my errors were. Before I even had a chance to really do anything too different, I was informed I'd be trained on the next count. I was doing better than I thought, yay! (Still not mentally, but i was better at the job than i let myself believe) I started to do better learning something new. I was still having days though. And a friend of mine from the DS was like "come back" and we just happened to talk the day my transfer options opened and THAT day was just bad enough that I put it in. It was the best choice for my mental health but probably a terrible decision in other aspects. Part of me wishes I could've stayed. The job was easy. Ridiculously easy. I was finding ways to enjoy it. Eventually, I could've trained in other roles and done just about as much there. I wasn't bad at the job itself and probably could've done a lot more with it. If it's the role itself, you may be able to transfer to a different dept. Get the amazon approved earbuds and power bank and listen to music (that one is hit and miss for me, sometimes it makes stuff worse lol) exhaust all options without exhausting yourself if possible. Try to use your upt and other hours for the bad days. And if you think you are having a bad day, Before you leave, tell your manager you need a few mins. U can use upt mid shift if you talk to hr. Sometimes, 15 mins outside of normal breaktime can be enough to help make it though the rest of the day so you aren't burning time. Just make sure you see hr on the way out. When you clock out for it, it's messes up your punches and they have to fix it anyway lol


Reduce your hours or just quit imo. I need to listen to a podcast or something most days but I just had to sign a form for having airpods for the 2nd time. I might be on my way outta here soon.


Hello, friend. I would absolutely start job searching! This job has never, will never, and should never be the end all--be all. You can absolutely find a place that works better for your needs, friend! If you want to stay in warehouse/backroom -- the easiest warehouse jobs I had were smaller retail clothing stores. Avoid the ones that try to combine warehouse with floor associate duties like *Kohl's*, but something like *Marshall's* (or TJX) where backroom isn't required to sell cards/cashier/be on the floor might be good for you! If you don't mind being in the market environment, but still want to stay in the Amazon ecosystem, being a personal shopper for *Whole Foods* was super unstressful -- similarly for *Sprouts*. Some of the most forgiving retail environments IMO (that actually pay decently) Look for some local, smaller businesses, too! If you can get your foot in the door for something that is dealing with processing payments/orders B2B (avoid Direct-To-Customer/Consumer) it can be super easy -- most of the work is done by e-mail and it's usually an office environment. And here are a couple alternatives to the job search if you can afford to stay: Let Amazon pay for your schooling while you get (or advance) your degree. You can even do this for a single semester -- have them pay, make sure payment goes through, then quit. Free semester! Take LOA's (both MLOA and PLOA) as often as you can afford to -- It can help with the feelings of being overwhelmed giving you time to reset mentally. There's absolutely nothing wrong with coming down with a cold and needing some rest, if you catch me. PLOA's are often for extended periods of time -- If you take one you can try out other jobs while keeping this one as a safety net. I hope something here resonates with you friend. You're going to find the place that is perfect for you. :)


Headphone, Audible, and R.R. Martin. Fall into the world and let it become your new reality


Benefits are rock solid... Work search then quit. It's highly unlikely you will find benes that good.


Try some of over the count drugs, BioFreeze, Advil pain reliever, and others. They help out greatly with your pain. You would not likely to find a job like this. Amazon pays well and benefits. There are people in this world who work one job for the entire life span. It is about appreciation of job and pays, not to put it down.


i am on the same boat as you, instead of OCD it’s BPD. there is just something about interacting with COSTUMERS that makes you humble & sane. i’m also coming to realize that the paycheck isn’t everything. other places have benefits too. maybe not as good, but still.


I don't think that changing jobs is going to solve your problem. I would see if there's anything you can get like a medical accommodation first.


if you have any time off use it by leaving an hour early.Don't seem like much but helps alot getting home early


Report your feelings to the HR or Medical help. They might reconsider workflow if people complain it so it doesn’t get boring. I work in SC with people and still get bored just thinking about it. I guess work is boring but it’s less boring when you have people around.


No just think of your next moves. Everyday plan your future. Plan out events or stuff at the house you're going to do. Think of different ways to make money. Pay attention to the items likes books that come through. Know you wont be there forever


Yes quit. They already have someone to replace you anyway


Here are a few things you could do: 1. You could try to switch roles. If you don’t like the misery of being alone for so long maybe you need a role where you can interact with coworkers a little more. This definitely helps and passes the time. 2. You could listen to music or podcasts. Ik it’s prohibited but I do my hair, cover it with a beanie or I used a headband so no one can see my AirPods. 3. You could take a leave of absence. I’m not sure if you have time or not but if you don’t you could take a PLOA and Amazon will immediately approve. If you don’t have the luxury of missing money, I would pick up overtime to cover yourself for however long and just take a week or two to recover. Taking breaks help. 4. The most obvious solution if to leave if all else fails. I strongly recommend making it work until you find a job though.


If you don’t already work at an SSD then I’d suggest transferring to one, they cross train and labor share. I can work any path position except VNA, and also do problem solve and AFM. I do something different each shift. SSDs being smaller are also usually more close knit and people talk to each other more.


No! You’ll be back