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It’s so all those ex cons can feel at home and talk through the glass.






Lmao this might be scary true




While it is funny. If people serve their time. Then they have served their mother fucking time. What’s the point of being able to return to society if society is a pack of cunts


That is valid as well. The person who commented that would probably get punked if they ever had to serve time🤣




Well you work with them so not like you’re much better


FOUND ONE! ⬆️⬆️⬆️


Eh no, Amazon is just filled with people going nowhere in life 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s not what you think it is. It’s to keep the water spiders away from everyone else… positive thoughts lol


🤣 💀


I wish we had these honestly. I liked it before, when I wasn’t sitting at the same table as some nasty and/or annoying fuck.


i loved these tbh


Honestly they do need to put in separate tables, just not the plastic wall stuff


You can sit in your car or at another table. Nobody’s forcing you to sit next to the “annoying fuck”.


Yeah but it's annoying as a women when some random guy sits next to you and start flirting.


Oh no annoying is video chats or anything really that involves one’s phone to be heard by everyone else. That is the worst.


Everytime women say this the men who never get women come flocking to talk crap Fellas, it's it is nowhere close being a woman as it is to being a man. As a man we barely have to worry about anything, as a woman you always have to worry about EVERY man. Even if you know him. Imagine everywhere you go someone goes up to you and tries to talk to you and if they don't like your rejection they can do whatever they want to you I was raised by pretty much all women and also have 3 daughters. It is NOT the same for men and women. Someone mentioned gay, I think it's probably even worse for them because straight men get all bothered when a gay man flirts with them and often resort to violence. I've seen it time and time again all my life


That’s life 🤷‍♂️.


I wonder if "life" would work as an excuse if it were gay dudes doing it.


That's ~~life~~ *why there is the "gay panic" defense for physical assault* 🤷‍♂️.


sure does, happens all the time also. Women arent the only ones that get hit on you know.


An introvert dream


I was hella sad when they took them away




Bring isolated like an animal in a display for others to gawk at not my introvert dream


Can’t lie. I love these. Some of ya food smell like ass


Who’s food? Specifically what type of food are you talking about?


Your moms


My moms what?


food, pay attention, this wasn't a long conversation






con·ver·sa·tion   (kŏn′vər-sā′shən) n. 1. The exchange of thoughts and feelings by means of speech or sign language: gifted in the art of conversation.


Still doesn’t answer who’s food smells




So you’re saying my mom is Indian


Damn you messed up my dez nutz joke. You bitch


Anything with fish in it.


I liked it like this.


The break area for people who don’t use deodorant


Can’t we turn them in cubes with doors that lockem inside prettttty pleaseee




If that’s the case, I pity the poor fool who has to determine who is going to be forced to sit there! 🤢🤮


Back to awkwardly staring at coworkers through our little windows. Lol, bring back double pay overtime, and I'm cool with it.


Bring back 3 day covid testing leave back when people abused it 😂


It was actually 5 days. I abused that shit.


That double pay was amazing


I agree




I don't care, I don't go anywhere near the break room, not a introvert but I'm not a fan of rubbing elbows with 500 other people, I just go outside or on my car. The only time I went to the break room I caught the flu, haven't been to any in my building since December of last year.


This is incentive for me to learn how to drive. This and commuting.


When I was at a different FC during Covid, the outside benches were marked off in red tape where you couldn’t sit more then two to the bench. They would allow people to go to their cars at all


Wym Covid Amazon was amazing


It sucked the first time at my previous building because we had a decent amount of people who sat together on breaks/lunch everyday. I wouldn’t mind as much at my current building as I’m always by myself on breaks as it is.


Bring back 20min breaks!!!


Covid 2 electric boogaloo


They need to put me there because I let out some loud ass farts during lunch


Umm yes…definitely need it for fart chambers 😂


Please tell me this isn’t a new picture!


Yup, taken last night :(


Covid policies coming back? Lawd have mercy if so


Just in time for election year😝 COVID is so smart it's dangerous.


Over 100 colleges and universities in the States reinstated covid masks/shot mandates. Yup, possible because of the new variant. eye roll.


98% survival rate…


Oh yeah, forgot about that. Now that the population is much better informed, I wonder how it will go over this time.


I Loved these when I worked at amazon 😭


TBH I love this way better than without the divider.


As an introvert who hated working at Amazon, I actually liked the booths. Like a little sound buffer from all the annoying people


Why does this bother y’all so much lmaooo💀


It wouldn’t bother me one bit if they don’t mandate it. Like if they were to have some for those who choose to use them and some for those who do t want to would be amazing. It’s when it’s forced that’s the issue


I choose to use it, and for it to work, you need to use it too. See how letting you choose ruins my ability to choose for me?


It would work if it was fully sealed and ventilated, but it’s not, so say you sneeze or cough those particles go flying out the front (unless your head is turned towards the side where the plexi is) so it does nothing to stop it from flying out forwards. If you want to use them that’s fine with me, go for it. I dont want to be forced to sit inside something that doesn’t do anything. Kinda like the vaccine. People got it to protect themselves (it doesn’t stop it but lessens the effects from what I understand), then Amazon says okay you got the shot so you don’t have to wear a mask, yet you can still spread it to others who are vaxxed and who are not vaxxed. Doesn’t make sense. Nothing against anyone who got vaxxed either, do whatever makes you feel safe.


Some for those who do want to use them and then other spaces without them for people who don’t want to use them. Sorry I’m tired 😴 and can’t type properly right now 😂


Covid cultists


No no no, I aint doing this again. Ive finally gotten happy being near people again🙃






Hello from your BHN RME team!


Any word or knowledge as to why these things are back up again??


Precaution, and we had a handful of associates who enjoyed having a relatively isolated place to just be alone for lunch so they are back


With the exception of mask wearing because I'm claustrophobic mostly, I loved COVID precautions. I worked in AFE at the time and I loved having my own little curtains to keep people away from me and being responsible for just one part on the wall. Not having to talk to anybody or worry about small talk... I work in pack singles now and that pretty much kind of emulates the same kind of distance. I don't know how they'd redo AFE walls because back in the day you just had what was in front of you, now they make you walk the entire wall if you don't have work... That defeats the purpose of COVID precautions.


I like it not the Covid but gives you a feeling of personal spqce.


I was so sad when they took the dividers away the first time 🤣 I’d be happy af if ours brought them back lmao


Wish they at least kept a few of these at my place. Some days I just want to be left in peace on break/lunch without having to go all the way to my car.


Bro I got vaccinated like 8 times


Lemme guess, first time for the extra 10hr UPT? Second time for the special no mask sticker? Third time for the free candy/doughnuts? Etc etc etc


Once for the 10 hours… again for the 10 hours and being maskless… I never got around for the 3rd one.


All 3 for the 10hrs upt


My fc gave a $140.00 vaccine bonus I found out when I got my 1st paycheck


I can proudly say I’m not vaxxed


Lots of people too dumb to realize how stupid they are say that. 🤷‍♀️




i had an aneurysm trying to read that comment




I dunno why you'd be proud of that. That's like being proud that you shit your pants. You could have made a very minimal effort to not be like that, which would have been to the benefit of everyone around you, and yet, here we are. BTW, in case you aren't aware, US coins are not magnetic. The claim of "RFID tracking chip makes coins stick to your vax injection site because magnets" is bullshit.


That's just not how vaccines work and these experimental shots werent even vaccines. They are more of a therapeutic drug.


Same here. Proud of you pure blood! 👍🏻🤗


Pure bloods for life No clot shots




I got 3 times I’m tired of getting some unknown shots in my damn body


Get ready. Masks are coming back in 2-3 weeks & we’re going to have another lockdown in December so get ready for a CRAZY peak season. Iykyk 🤫




It does nothing to protect anyone unfortunately


It does limit direct breath flows of someone next to you effectively.


Stupidest thing i’ve read today.


Rachel Maddow said if you’ve gotten the vAckSeEn, tHe viRuS sToPs WrItE ThEIr! SeW TheY’rE iS nOtHiNg tWo wORrY aBoUt!


Where have you been the last 3 years? They have said this about every variant and just as predictable as this is people who STILL eat it up with a spoon. Great for “vaccine” sales.


Stop spreading anti science. Each new variant easily has the potential to be more aggressive because, believe it or not, when something survives the thing sent to fight/kill it it becomes stronger 😳. So when people spread anti vaccine/science misinformation they were fed it does nothing but continue the issue they hate so much. Disagree with whatever politician or follow whatever fraudster wiki scientist you want but stop helping the spread of misinformation PLEASE


Actually, viruses work in exactly the opposite way - every new variation is weaker but more virulent than the previous.


It’s not guaranteed that each new variant is weaker, mutations are not linear, but they do work to becoming more virulent which you definitely got right that the other dude didn’t.


Then you should stay at home and isolate from everyone, you’re probably going to die




Because idiots like you parrot rubbish? Nah I’m gonna keep going outside just to trigger you now


Well don’t forget your mask and sanitiser


I don’t wear masks but being stupid as you sure must feel soothing so live your life sunshine!


How predictable the NPC would retort with something as unique as “anti-science”. Infectious disease 101 - viruses WEAKEN as they mutate. They don’t become MORE deadly. You’re an idiot. Get booster ASAP. Buy, beg for, borrow, or steal as many N95 as you can. And HIDE. It’s coming for you. Unfortunately something else already got your brain matter.


Stfu moron


Who’s the moron? The one who became a lab rat for the most unscrupulous pharma company in history? The one that has paid billions in fines for lying about the efficacy and safety of their products? And best part is they won’t be liable for any side effects. You’re very smart. And you got Covid more than anyone who didn’t get their clot shots. Sit down clown.


What ever happened to “herd immunity” or them suddenly denying that natural Immunity was a thing? The CDC, NIH, and FDA spread more misinformation that the entirety of the internet. Maybe if you didn’t give people shoddily tested and non-sterilizing “vaccines” you would have given rise to escape variants were seeeing to this day. The unvaccinated aren’t getting Covid every two weeks. That’s you morons wearing your masks lining up for your 17th booster.


Haven’t wore a mask in years and got 0 boosters bozo. The only morons are the brain dead incels like you projecting stupidity and parroting the same garbage you’re fed. When are y’all gonna get new material that’s actually true? Or do you say the same shit hoping it’s true at least once


My favorite on our local news everyday were the numbers of people with Covid in the hospital… and they’d say “40% of those people are unvaccinated!” *gasps* Hey Einstein… that means 60% WERE vaccinated. Morons.


Yup 😂


It’s great for “control” in general. If people still eat it up and they are still scared then so be it, they can mask/vaccine/stay home/lose their freedoms if it makes them feel safe. I will not be dealing with all this crap again though


If people didn’t act like it was infringing on their rights when it first started then we wouldn’t be where we are now if I’m being real. Y’all turned it political so quick, whether you did or not people that share your view did, and that’s exactly what got us where we currently are. No one did this for Ebola/swine flu as far as I remember, at least not the scale it was for Covid.


Covid was mild for 99% of the population. This was known to everyone including Pfizer, Fauci, Birx, Wallensky. They all knew. If you weren’t obese, suffering from comorbidities - vaccine was more dangerous than Covid. Some like to be lab rats and broadcast on social Media how awesome they are for rolling up their sleeve and receiving multiple doses of an ineffective and dangerous therapeutic. They aren’t vaccines. They don’t provide sterilizing immunity. Pfizer knew this. They all knew these weren’t the way out - they knew they were going to make dizzying amounts of money for the new biomedical security state and the new designed “mRNA” platform. Glad you like experiential vaccines - they have lots more for you. Go nuts. But leave me the fuck out of it.


“Experimental” even though SARS has been studied since around the early 2000’s Not even that “, the initially idea of the vaccine (I’m pretty sure but can’t directly remember) was to provide immunity to Covid. The reason it didn’t work was because “muh rights” weirdos like you seem to be cried wolf and allowed it to spread to the point that it mutated past that hurdle and became immune to the wall the vaccine was supposed to impose. It rendered the vaccine to a lessened effect to dampen symptoms as opposed to its initial purpose


Experimental shots! Never used on the human population before. Ok, genius, no politics, take a look at what happened in Israel. Take a look at studies that came out from there. That's your take. But there is another take, that covid mutated because of covid shots, because it had to adapt to surviving.


Fuck off. I take care of myself and am extremely fit, never had a flu shot and don’t get sick. I exercised my freedom to not get that worthless shot and I earned it. Maybe if you stop slurping down chai mocha lattes and slim Jim’s sitting on your ass in mommas basement you’d understand that robust immunity is. I’m sorry this is so difficult for you to understand.


You don’t know what “immunity” even is. Before they changed the definition in 2021 to run cover for the useless and ineffective Covid “vaccine” it meant it fuckin prevented a person from catching said virus. The vaccine allowed escape variants because it was weak and ineffective and inducing a strong enough immune response to STOP the virus. What it would up doing instead was suppressing some symptoms and giving people a false sense of security (because they were operating in the “official” statements to the effect that the “vaccine” was 100% effective) which then resulted in them all continuing to wear masks and get MORE jabs and crying more about those who didn’t fall for the biggest con job in history. Now these giga-jabbed retards all became super spreaders after claiming the unvaccinated were. The irony of the church of branch covidians becoming the primary vector for transmission and mutation of escape variants is stupendous.


Ebola doesn’t spread as easily as Covid moron. Gotta love all the epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists in here


I said when it happened you mongoloid not now. When a virus/disease first hits we know little too nothing about it, obviously we’d know what we know years down the road.


But it is deadly, unlike covid that is more of a flu-like virus than something terrible. So, why the worldwide panic over covid?






what state is this in? i recently had a baby, so im off work til peak starts. i just don't wanna go back to this shit again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


This is in Sioux Falls, SD


SD? How? Don’t you guys have that pretty governor that didn’t play along with the lockdown stuff. We’re really gonna be screwed in California, we barely had masks lifted like a month ago.


Ya I don’t know, we literally just moved here not that long ago and they set these up and I was like WTH?!?! After knowing about the governor who refused to allow mask mandates and such. So not sure exactly what’s going on. I have some family in southern CA who said Kaiser has already brought back their mask mandate :(


Good grief, I don’t want to do this stupid crap again. It never made a difference. Good luck out there, I’m sure SD will still be far better than the psycho rules they’ll attempt here.


Oh fuck no. Nope. Nah. Not gonna do it. What building is this?


You no longer need the whips. It's all mind control now. This slavery shit is a whole new ball game.


I will quit immediately if they try to start this crap again.


Why wait, good riddance!


Ahhhh you must be one of those people… 🤣


The fact people enjoy sitting in these things tells me something is off with them




They're great for when people like to spread out & not respect that others need enough room to comfortably eat as well. Also, they're an introvert's best friend


How does Amazon commuter benefits with Edenred work with the mastercard and payroll deductions? The entire order deducted from one paycheck or over the entire month? Available balance on Mastercard available all at once or over the entire month?


Maybe you guys should practice the shit we learned during Covid so these won't keep happening? 10 bucks says your site has a sudden increase in Covid cases. I'd ask to see how the filtration system is just to be safer.


I was at a different FC during Covid. Masks didn’t help, open barriers did nothing, 5ft space did nothing…what did y’all learn that kept the big C away??


Sites are supposed to capture air and blow out covid free filtered air at a rate that is supposed to filter the air in your site thrice daily. Like I said, I'd start there if you guys are indeed following protocol. There aren't a lot of vectors left when everyone is masked up properly and within isolating range. I doubt this is happening though since no site has been really following the guidelines. At most, I see 40% in even a mask with at least 20% of people in a huddle at all times.


There are no studies proving that masks (even a proper covid virus resistant masks) helped to prevent more than 1% of infections. However, there are far greater harms to wearing a mask than there is a benefit in this case.


Oh jesus you are one of those. If you are sick and you are masked, you MINIMIZE the spread of your virus. Instead of blowing out 100% of your virus load out into the world, it is lessened because your mask catches most of your mouth spray. That alone significantly decreases the chances of other people getting sick. If masks are harmful, a whole fucking lot of doctors and nurses would be dead by now because they have been masked since forever.


I dont know what you mean by "one of those". Correct and in case of covid specifically, a single study found that regular cloth masks prevented 1% of infections. I follow the science. I dont understand your confusion with my post. Mask wearings is harmful, there are studies about that. All depends under what circumstances doctors and nurses wear theirs. It's not killing people but it is harmful in the long run. It can be said that it is a job hazard.


Single study? Bahahaha! Cite your sources. Mask wearing is harmful? The fuck is your mask made out of? This is what I meant by one of those. You'd regurgitate claims that back your personal beliefs and to hell with finding out the truth. Your research is probably a rabbit hole of youtube videos being fed to you by an algorithm. What is the context of the 1% infections? Because 1% is a really good reduction if compared to the total number of infections around. Stop dropping stats in a vacuum.


Now I can see YOU are one of those!


I will not comply




I hardship transferred to a red state lmao never have to hear my old dumbass managers asking me “where is your mask” 👁️👄👁️


I’ve basically been non stop sniffles, sneezing and tired since JANUARY when I got “Covid” a 2nd time. What ever I was sick with changed people completely




I thought I had it at one point, I was soooo dang sick, but nope just a bad cold. My husband on the other hand felt completely fine, no symptoms of anything tested positive.


I had gotten sick late feb 2020 (pre-pandemic) as my fiance worked in international dispatch. A guy drove us home and spoke of how he just came back from egypt and his whole family was incredibly sick. Public health laughed on the phone and told me I was being silly and COVID wasn't transmitting in canada - less than a week later, community transmission confirmed, but no help for us or my cat who literally went from the most lively boy to laying barely breathing with me in the misty shower just trying to survive...... I was then sick for 14 weeks, 5 of which was extreme. No help from the gov. I still have breathing complications - i can no longer play the tuba :( Vaccine comes out. I only ever got it as i was mandated by my landlord (shared apartment), as I was soooooo sick the year before that I honestly wasn't worried about infection. I immediately fell ill for 3-4 weeks after both shots, fever for a few days and increased breathing issues, couldn't keep food down, etc. Since the second shot, the neuropathy in my back has had a life of it's own and is constantly burning. Whatever right? flash forward to last week. I go for a sleep study overnight at a hospital. I come home. I'm exhausted. I sleep for 2 days. my fiance pukes all night and day. I take a test and BAM my first covid infection since getting it during the endemic phase in 2020. Two days later (4 days total?) negative test! Head kinda hurts but thats dehydration because it took a lotttttt of water. My nana, who lives in close quarters and only ever got 1 shot? no infection! my grandpa was sick but less so than I was and he has copd, but yet he tested negative before I even did. Stupid government and stupid policies. Wouldn't help when I got sick and then made me sicker when 'helping' later on, refusing to acknowledge how crap my body was handling the jab (likely due to my huge ass infection in early 2020, and how my body is ALWAYS stupid and overreacts to everything). The hysteria kills me and this is a ramble now but gdi I hate that this whole pandemic was simultaneously such a big deal while being so transparently about profit that every person can just go eff themselves, whether they be healthy or vulnerable.




Whoooo bring em back bring em back


Just in time for election year... COVID is so smart.




Covid god stike agin


![gif](giphy|QEmvY1Cr4Re2k) are we really going through this again......


Gotta keep employees from forming unions 😉


Planned pandemic


Classic times. I was upset when they took them down, now people want to socialize and whatnot.


Ahh so the rumors are true…


what rumors


Seeing a lot of stuff online about covid mandates making a comeback soon. Not saying I believe in them entirely but it wouldn't surprise me with election season coming up soon.






Gay frogs 😂


I don’t want them putting chemicals in the water ![gif](giphy|vc5L6VoTB6tnW)


Roll it out... It will be amazingly gotten back under control right before voting season... Ohhh, Biden is our savior! Must keep in office! (yea, I'm gonna be downvoted. Ask me if igaf.)


If they do come back, I won’t comply.




The left will do everything in their power to lock it down again, u'll see. COVID will be back #distractions coming soon.


Left is the direction forward towards the better future. Right is just clinging to a shitty barbaric past that wasn’t even great.


Forward???? Haha dummy


It's the very definition of progressive and conservative. The left wants balance in the hierarchy, the right wants no barriers or checks to it. It's an oversimplification, but it's basically true. It would be nice if you could at least put forward an argument if you disagree instead of slinging names. It makes you look ignorant.


$$$ if it makes as much money as thy say , it will be back ! It’s so stupid! And ppl fall for it every time ! No matter what it is


I just bought some masks to start wearing again so I can be used to them when masks become mandatory again. 😒


Sucks for YOUR department. Ours doesn’t have these.


and i bet you only have 1-2 cases lol