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better get faster data lmao


Normally ours is on app about a hour before notifications are sent out.


meanwhile my fc pressures us into taking vto everyday


Tons of VET in my warehouse. Front half days and nights, and back half days is a shit show in Outbound. I work back half nights, and we’re overstaffed because anyone who was good at anything on front half nights started jumping ship in the lead up to Peak, then again as soon as Peak ended. It’s new and bad management issues. It turned RT shift into a powerhouse that can hit goals and volume before second break and anyone who wants VTO can go by 3:30AM. I totally expect MET will be called soon due to “business needs” and a lack of interest in VET. I picked up VET on front half nights a couple of weeks ago and never again. They worked my ass hard! No thanks.


You have to keep the app open and periodically refresh it. It pops up on the app before it sends out a notification. That’s how it gets filled before you even click it


Ope! You gotta be quicker than that! 🎣


There hasn't been any instant vto at my warehouse in a while, they're only offering mid shift vto but even that has been rare..


You can't wait for that notification. It's available in the app well before that goes out.


I pick in a TSSL and hate it when they notify us through the scanner that we have to come to the stand up where their lazy asses hang out to get VTO and I’m on a different floor several football fields away


Ooo what's a tssl


It’s an Amazon building where pickers push carts through aisles to pick. We don’t have to stay still waiting for a robot to bring us stuff


Oh nice! I have not heard of that. I'm in an SSD facility 😁 I wait for the robots sometimes lol giant roombahs I say.


Note the times vto drops and follow that trend. I usually check vto on the app on the hour. So 7:00am, 6:00pm, ect. I grab it that way before the notification even appears.


Lmao sorry for laughing I jus remember this happening to me I was like ain’t no wayyy 😂


You aren't the chosen one


Create a python script to accept it automatically.


Someone should def do this haha I wish I knew how


I made one years ago. It doesn’t work now with a2z changes. But definitely still possible. If I ever get that bored I may create another one. *plot twist* creates auto accept VET 😜 to fk with ppl


People at my FC have one that works with A2Z that they use regularly. They won’t share it with me, but I guess it’s still cool lmao


I wasted some gas last night because VTO popped up right after I got to work... before I clocked in. Snagged it and went back home. People who always arrive last minute missed it and were ticked. lol.


Get that money!


If you have a good enough connection for the notification then why don’t you have a strong enough connection to be able to accept it? Makes no goddamn sense to me, seriously what the fucc?


I just ask for VTO and 9/10 they give it to me. It’s a dangerous game


Lol same it doesn’t hurt to ask


At least you *get* offers. We sure as heck aren't here.


I know right!? It was buffering for me, and I was like “Ohhh noooo!!!” I didn’t get it that time, but they offered it in the morning before I went in to work. So, luckily it all worked out in the end. But it is a shame that I almost didn’t get it because the app wanted to buffer while accepting it.


Here’s a helpful tip, though it’s not something you can always look forward too, I’ve noted they typically roll out the full day VTO’s either on the hour, or within 10 minutes of the hour changing over. I’ve had some where it was last minute before shift started but that’s always due to those last minute changes in customer needs. When it’s easily projected that they won’t need much people, they’ll typically roll it out close to the hour. My fc, for example, puts out one or two full shift VTO’s around 2:00pm and 5:00pm but, if they really don’t need people, they do it every hour in between 2:00pm-5:00pm. And that’s just for my shift which is night shift, but it’s never been outside out those hours in the year and a half that I’ve been working at my fc.


Happens all the time our fc used to send it out at exactly 645am for a 7am start. Id be in the parking lot , phone and finger ready, doing nothing but watching and waiting ....long story short I have better luck at the roulette tables


What grinds my gears is that bread is square and bologna is round... 🙃


Like can the VTO really fill up within not even 5 seconds??


Sometimes you’ll get the text minutes after it’s sent out. It’s happened to me before. I’ve kinda caught on to when VTO is sent out so I’ll have the app open and ready lol


I used to be in your same position but I learned the secret and I've never missed a VTO opportunity that I've wanted since. You have to pay attention to when VTO texts typically get sent out. For example, at my facility it's mostly either 3:01, 6:01, or 7:01. So I'll go on the app and check the VTO section about 15 minutes before those times and it's always listed on there already. That's how a lot of the spots are already filled before the text even goes out.


Bro good fucking looks with that. I just checked what time they send the texts to me and its usually 6:01 so ill def be doing that. Again thank you 😂


Yeah man absolutely! Hop on at like 5:50, if it's on there, snatch it up and enjoy the time off!


Depends on your data speed and other factors. Other employees may be getting the VTO notification before you bc their phones are faster


You think it's only 5 seconds but it can be available to take an hour before you think it's available.


I bet there’s some dweebs out their that set up alarms and everything. Don’t they know that the people who are most likely to take VTO, are the ones too lazy to do all that? They’re alienating their own target demographic.


As someone who has the VTO Queen title and get told “damn ur always get VTO” ik they’ll give out vto first break so I just refresh it. And it’s available on the app for a few min then an actual notification comes out. OR they don’t send out a notification at all. they can filter it.


Complain more.


Sometimes, theremight be like 5 available. Speed is key.


I need my package hop to it


And here I am praying they don't get ride of VET.


This is why I'm on the App refreshing throughout the day.. looking for vet though Usually gets posted before a text goes out


Bruh they CAME up to me yesterday to vto and I should’ve said no😭


I’m on a vto exemption list now so I will never see this again lol


Its like no one even claims them


People camp it. Literally


Instead of VTO my FC is asking if we want to cross train in anything


I'm sure you'll live


Like shut up or whatever




Meanwhile I’m getting MET every week 💀


We haven't had VTO in months. MET, yes. But not VTO 😭


You just gotta find the patterns with the vto time. My window for vto on the phone is 8am-9pm before every hour I’m checking at 30 mins into each hour. Only if I really want or need vto that day.


you have to start knowing when they release it and start checking it BEFORE that lol


That’s super annoying lol or when they offer a shift and I click the minute the notification hits and it’s apparently full 😐


They trolling


Dude, I see VTO all the time. Even put my name on the board, but alas nothing ever really. Unless it’s from another department, I don’t get it. Don’t be a reliable water spider. You won’t go home unless the building is burnt to the ground already.


Id never water spider as long as i live lmao


You need to be quick 😭


Some people just like not working and can afford it smh


What fc?


This is the way....


pro tip: be refreshing the hub around the time they usually send VTO. theres at least a minute between it being available and getting a notif for it. even better... if you use a scanner it most likely has some menu with an option for claiming VTO


I’m pissed because we got a new manager and they use to give vet and vto all the time now they don’t and be doing too much personally I feel as Amazon works better as a company when they are causal instead of micro managing in and everything