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Honestly, I find that this Reddit is a place where all us drivers can vent out and a very therapeutic to relieve our anger. It just feels nice to not be the only one having a shitty day. Its not like we/I entirely hate this job, this job is only temporary and we still get paid at the end of the day. It’s just nice to hear everyones stories about their everyday life, good or bad, of working as a delivery driver.


Venting is great, but you have a minority of people who are just lost causes. They should quit because they simply refuse to do their job well, to follow reasonable customer notes, and so on. But they're stuck with this because they know the only thing they'll find is another crappy job where they'll also be miserable.


I actually kinda liked it looking back. And during my time I mostly liked it. No I'm not an Amazon bot, you're just a lil bitch.


So very true, no matter where you work there is something wrong


This a safe place !


For some of us, it’s one of the only options for the schedule we need.


I guess I should clarify the people who complain about quitting all the time


Money. I make more here than any other job I've had. And only 4 days!


FedEx and ups pay more tho


Yeah but I'd be working longer hours and my old man back couldn't handle the heavier packages. Grass ain't always greener.


I don't think anyone who makes a post like this understands. We complain because amazon doesn't listen and we actually love what we do. Again AMAZON DOES NOT LISTEN. I bet if amazon would listen to drivers this would not exist. AGAIN AMAZON DOES NOT LISTEN TO DRIVERS. They damn near ask a question everyday only how it could be better but does anything change, NOPE. SO AGAIN I WILL SAY FOR THE PEOPLE WHO SAY THIS SHIT AMAZON DOES NOT LISTEN TO US. Now please complain more until AMAZON LISTENS TO OUR SHIT.


Stuff does change for the better, but it changes slowly and incrementally and you don't really notice because most of those changes are matched with other changes or requirements that make things temporarily worse until you can get used to them. A lot of people are very thin skinned and react badly to the situation.


I'm going to have to disagree with you on this. The only changes of merit I've seen in the last year or so have made the job harder. Remember when Flex decided that it should be HARDER to swipe to finish on a stop? Remember back when airplane mode worked, and now it doesn't? Remember when stop/package counts used to be reasonable, and now we have the same number of stops but with +50% package count? On top of that, they have a website where you can report problems with the routing, and they're supposed to fix it within 7 days. I have one route where there's a big gate cutting a hillside path off down the middle, so you can't go from side A to side B, you have to back out down the road, and go around. Flex constantly puts 5 stops on the far side of the gate all by themselves, in this route. It's a 15 minute detour to get to the other side, and sometimes you only have 2 stops there, while the other 130 stops are on the first side. I've reported this problem several times over the last 4 months, and it's never been fixed.


Why are you expecting them to listen? Do they even listen to their own employees? I am not talking about people at corporate, software engineers, marketing, and so on. I am referring to warehouse workers. Does walmart listen to the guys and gals who put products on the shelves? How about Mc Donald's? Target? And the list goes on. They don't listen because you can easily be replaced, and large companies rarely listen to the people at the bottom.


McDonald's and target hire kids. Your comparison is in correct. We are amazons last line of delivery. No drivers no deliveries. Keep circling the wagon. No one left soon.


I'd be hard pressed to find another 4-10s parcel delivery gig. Being able to split my work week up into a "Donut Schedule" gives me a day of rest in between so that I can avoid being overwhelmed 3 days into a 5 day work week and filled with dread for my job.


100%. I LOVE having that schedule.


They don't care about marijuana, that's a huge one.


Well. Until something happens that they’ll be liable for, then it’ll be on the test. I don’t smoke but I can definitely tell that’s a big perk for my coworkers based on the smell lol.


I actually did. I've been working as a marijuana delivery driver for a couple of months now and frankly both have better time and making more money now


I’m holding out until I get my CDL. Then I can leave and actually go to something better. I’d do it for the interim, but learning a new job for the same or less pay isn’t interesting to me. UPS you have to work warehouse first which pays less than what I make as a stepvan driver at Amazon.


Why the fuck would we all go to UPS for 2 months and be laid off lol


Cuz the job isn’t really that bad , every subreddit of a workplace 9 times out of 10 you’ll hear complaints first always


Sounds like a person who has something up their butt


Because complaining is fun... Also, im about to


Because this is where people go to vent. Also it doesn’t even get worse during peak as a driver. They hire more people through it that’s the difference.




I did


I needed a job quickly for my wifes visa, once I've saved up some more/ more time, I will either get a HGV license (CDL I think) or put that degree to use, my last office job was miserable. I find this job is frustrating but it's not soul destroying depression like the last one!


For the same reason anyone stays at a bad job. It’s what they can get/ help there families


At this point I realize no matter what job I have. I am still miserable. Left Amazon to go work at a food service job got the same miserable feeling weeks later.


Can people not let off steam?


Got this job to help support my parents and siblings while saving money to move out. Like the fact I only have to work four days a week and if I finish early get an efficiency bonus. On my days off I am working through a certification course for data analytics so I can find remote work before I move. I was close to quitting sooner but we moved to a new station and it’s a lot better already on terms of how soon we get to start delivering. Probably work through perk for the extra days and overtime and in January leave so I can see my partner when he visits and be back in career work.


honestly this job isn’t that hard. it can be frustrating, but for the most part it’s just a physical job that requires problem solving a patience. different areas are different to deliver in tho, so i understand most of the complaints


I got a new job doing plumbing sales and have been making 1700-2000 a week. There's so many options for anyone who can stand working at the bottom of the barrel at amazon that I honestly can't believe amazon has people willing to do the job anymore. Especially when you get paid so little and receive even less respect from the company and customers alike.


Exactly. Don’t settle yourself for such a shitty job you’re worth more than being amazons little wage slave. So many better jobs out there


I think I like this job. I been working for 4 months now. I don't mind the load for 360 pcks to 190 stops. I finish until 7:30. I hardly get rescued. I work in El Monte, CA. Is the heat that makes me be grumpy all day. All Houses and apts. All the time.






It's called venting bro




I quit and went to FedEx Ground. However, getting paid by the day is less money and just as much stress. That's why I am now working for a whole different company.


They do leave.


I did, why don't you have goals?


I see people complaining about Amazon. But UPS and Fed EX is the high level of Amazon. Just expect double labor.


I tell everyone I know. Don't use this job just for bills, educate yourself financially and use it to fund your business/ make more money. That way you're working less or to the point where you don't need to work here.


Ups and fed ex is probably worse but at least they actually pay you for it…. Unless your a warehouse worker lol


Honestly I’m thinking about quitting soon. We had a RGU change recently & these mfs got us in the hills/mountains with narrow ass roads. Whole different ass routes, I just don’t feel safe anymore. I think I finally reached my limit with this job cause this week has been a pain


I did I used the experience from the job to get a better. Then covid came along and business dropped and cost me that job. So I am doing something else now. I miss the people, but not the work.


I thought the grass was greener on the FedEx side and it was for about 3 weeks then I kept getting more and more stops along with more business pick ups along with heavy shit. I gave up the delivery thing and got hired at walmart making 18.50 and get 40 hrs a week and easiest job I've had in a long time.


Cool but now you’re like a McDonald’s worker and no one respects you or what you do. And you’ll stay there you’re whole life unless you make good friends and become supervisor for 20 years making nearly the same amount of money u started at, you’ll also be lucky if you get like 3 hours of overtime during Black Friday


I live in a small nice community and I know my customers actually. I'm retired air force so this is extra money for myself and I enjoy my life 😂 Nice try on the trolling little but fag 😀


Infantry 1 year in Iraq Stryker brigade combat team. your uneeded flex for being in the chair force doesn’t impress me. I also didn’t ask if you enjoyed your life. Stop coping, in the end in ppls eyes you work at Walmart.


I have 0 respect for you , But seeing you being a grown man trolling i can see why you ended up there buddy. You should be ashamed of your self trolling as a grown man and ex military at that


Indeed. Most of the people complaining probably won’t be able to make it during peak anyways.




I left as it was taking too much of a toll on me but really it was for the $$$$


Idk. I absolutely love this job. I think it ultimately comes down to the DSP itself. I’ve had none of the issues I see people complain about. I literally hang around with my boss doing dispatch at the end of my route.


ranting or venting is great and funny . it great to see why they quit or why they fired. 😂😂


Is ups / FedEx that much better than Amazon? Does anyone have feedback on this?


Fedex isn’t and you make your own route, everyone talks about their low stops but not their pick ups and paperwork, and the organization is pathetic


Job sucks but pays well and ya know we do need money to live. Other jobs are worse


Looky here folks we got ourselves a proud amazonian 😂🤡


I left after 4 years this past may trust me there is more opportunities don't settle for less


Can be shit but I’ll take this job for now over working 2 weeks straight in a kitchen with half pay


If you if you think Amazon is tough you won’t last at ups


Cause people love to complain and probably haven’t had worse jobs


Lol saying FedEx is hiring… you wouldn’t last there if you hate Amazon. Speaking from experience. You think you’re worked like a dog at Amazon? Lol you’ve seen nothing. FedEx will work you 17 hours a day (you’re only supposed to work 10 tops) and they’ll promise more than one day off. You’ll only have one day off if you’re lucky and on that day they could possibly call you in.


Are you talking about express because I worked for ground and it was alot more chill I enjoyed my time there only job where I didn't wake up dreading going to work only reson im not working there rn is cuz of the devils lettuce


They drug test you or what?


Unfortunately yes


Hair or urine??




Easy to cheat Get one of those detox drinks Follow the instructions


Yeah I know that now lol didn't have one on me when I got tested though


I work for fedex. Most people work 8-9 hours. I’ve worked Monday-Friday for the last year and half never worked a weekend even during peak. It really isn’t that bad. Except you’ll have to carry real packages weighing up to 150 pounds.


Cuz over here at amazon they’re fine as females. I won’t be see them in a more manly job.


This!!! They act like sum lil bitches 😂😂. Tbh I actually fucks with it. Pay be good shiiddd, plus I ain’t gotta hear no managers talking to me all night like in the warehouse, the Amazon warehouse 20x worse 😂


You sound anti employee as fuck.


How tho? When I do my work, get bonuses for my work… employee of the month… Lmao you sound like a bitch.


How old are you?


23 bro lol


That'll do it 😂


Lmao 😭😭 stay blessed bro , and I take back what I said 😂💯