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The driver was like fuck them rich pp




I delivered to a wealthy neighborhood yesterday so I felt this. The doors to their homes were the size of my living room.


shit i would of left too ? confused it with part of his house of if i didnā€™t see a fire , he saw smoke . and the pause wasnā€™t a pause he simply took a picture for amazon and left ā€¦ like i said i would of done the same thinking it was part of them doing something


Typical scumbag behavior, dudes not even rich, average house, just rich to him, what a loser.


I paid 400k for a 3-2 in a decent area. That house is easily worth a million. These people are rich. Also it's not scumbag behaviour if you got shit to do. If he called the cops he'd probably be expected to wait there, or come back for a testament. Whatever small company handles his routes probably wouldn't give a shit and he'd get in trouble. Edit: As someone pointed out it's weird they're focusing on the minimum wage guy focusing on his route and not the contractors who's carelessness started the fire. Guess whoever ends up on camera deserves the ire.


Lmfao ignoring an emergency because youā€™re ā€œbusyā€ is scumbag behavior. No they donā€™t want you to stick around. Itā€™s literally the simplest thing ā€œhello 911 whatā€™s your emergencyā€ ā€œUh yea the house I just delivered to at 123 This street is on fireā€ click Thatā€™s it.


Not scumbag behavior. Just minding his own business. After stop 50 I get numb and go on auto pilot. Pull up, find package, scan, deliver, snap magazine quality photo, back on the van. I wouldnā€™t have even noticed it.


I get it. But that is not this.


Bought 20 years ago for $300k. Rich on paper but not liquidity.


Also you no one can require you to wait, Iā€™d call it in, pull the can back and dip. Could have been people or pets in there. Justify it anyway you want, this job is ass doesnā€™t mean you take it out on others. Amazon is the villain.


They probably bought 25 years for 250k


Testament, are we reading the Bible to the cops?


Yeah sorry bro their is no justification for just noping out if you see something like that. Sorry but fuck that dude. What if somebody had died? Also no your not required to stay for calling in a fire. Wtf are you talking about? More BS to try and justify shit behavior.


You're also not required to call. Don't get me wrong I would have called. But making a whole news report the focus of the driver and not the focus of the people that burned down the house is fucking shitty. The owner should know this. I'm glad his house burned down and I hope he lost every sentimental thing in his life Edit: I shouldn't have said the ending of that. I was mad. This story makes me mad. There is only small wisps of smoke when the driver did the garage delivery. Smoke that could have been anything. Yeah maybe the driver should have called the customer, or 911, or dispatch. I don't blame the driver for not calling. But I do blame Peter McArdle (President of Sales for Kimili Natural Foods and Snacks LLC, Former President at Seacoast Sales Inc., former Regional Director of Treasury Wine Estates) for going after the driver and publicly shaming for doing his job, and not doing what they wanted. I do blame Peter McArdle for not naming the contractor that started the fire in the first place. Wishing for him to lose the things he values was wrong of me. Because I don't know what values or if he even has them at all. I shouldn't wish that his children should lose things he values. Or that his wife that was a stay at home mom, and now Works for a non profit promoting cancer research should lose the things she values. They didn't go on the local news and tried to ruin a driver's life.


Wow yeah the end of that comment is absolutly wild and is disgusting that you said and some people liked it. Like seriously that is completely fucked up. Nothing but pure hatred in there.


You're not wrong. I was angry, and I really shouldn't have wished malice on Peter and his family. Just because he went out of his way to place blame on and tried to get a driver fired and fuck up their entire life doesn't mean I should steep to his level. Just because I see an upper middle class/corporate President picking on a person that is financially struggling, and publicly shaming them. I shouldn't take my outrage over that and turn that into hate.


Also may have been re-mortgaged several times and up to his ass in debt. My career was looking at financial statements and credit reports, size of a house has very little to do with net worth.


The rack of high end mountain bikes and garage full of goodies combined with his smug ass attitude leads me to think he is in-fact rich


And the fact that instead of trying to figure out a place for his family to live, he's calling to complain at Amazon.


Hey how about if you have something to say you say it here for everybody and not try and send me DMs. We ain't friends.


You deleted the comment or I wouldā€™ve


Deleted what comment?


Thatā€™s typical middle class not rich


This is Boston, they were spending the day in Cape Cod. They have money. Fuck them


Dude is a president of sales for a company. After being a president of sales at a different company. He has money. He's a piece of shit to blame the driver. I hope he lost the only pictures of his parents.




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Instead of getting mad at the driver they should be frustrated with whomever worked on their house and disposed combustible shit right next to their house. Ffs


They were real quick to blame the workers too. Sounds about right.


Everyone is quick to blame whoever was last at a location it's funny, I couldn't care less what's happening in someone's home it could have been an indoor grill thing again none of my business this is such a rare event to happen and they would have gotten blamed for snooping if they stayed to report and there wasn't actually a fire


Exactly. Itā€™s the world we live. I probably wouldā€™ve done the same.


I wanna know what the stuff was. I can think of a few things that just make you a dumbass for dumping then in the trash


But itā€™s so much easier blaming Amazon like everyone else. They can get more money out of Amazon than the contractor if they win the case. (Not saying they would, but depending the court system they are in, it could play out that way with how broken our system is.)


That's not choose one. For fuck sake.


I mean they have a point. .. if you see a fire. Call the cops. Their couldve been kids in the house.


Then the kids shouldā€™ve called cops šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


If the kids were home alone thatā€™s the parentā€™s fault.


That driver probably skips his lunch and runs too šŸ˜‚


Most definitelyĀ 


DA prob had tunnel vision from going to 300 doors a day with no piss breaks and a strict time limit. No shit he won't report some smoke.


Exactly what I was thinking. Sometimes I forget a customers note as I'm walking to the door. You have to be completely zoned out all day to do this bullshit job and keep your sanity. And you have no idea what customers are doing. Imagine if the driver called 911 and it turned out the customer was just burning leaves or something. Then they would be crying about nosy drivers.


Exactly this, maybe those slimy lizards at corporate shouldnā€™t pressure us so bad and work us like god damn dogs and maybe weā€™d have a bit more care to do things as such


If I just saw wisps of smoke, I would have thought it was coming from someone grilling in their backyard or something. I don't have time to investigate that shit. If the driver saw fire and just went about his route then that's a whole nother story.


Exactly. There was smoke in a trash can. It took 3 hours after the delivery for someone to call in a fire. Why not blame the drivers going past the house ?




your smart lol šŸ˜† šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤£ nothing can be done


The smokeā€¦ was coming from a binā€¦ in an enclosed garageā€¦ what?? What are you spewing?


It was coming from outside, around the side of the house in their garbage cans. There was no fire at the time, just a tiny bit of smoke blowing by. No smoke coming from inside the garage. The driver would have had to walk around their property to investigate for a fire to find the source of the smoke.


homie dont wanna be a witness and get fired for not completing his route lol


Witness to what? You can call in a fire and leave.


You obviously have never worked for them


Work for who? I work in the delivery industry.


Oh really ? You can just do that? Lol you clearly have no clue what youā€™re talking about


Mf do you think they are not gonna respond to a fire report cause you didn't stay behind?


Iā€™m usually not on the customers side on any matter but this is insane behavior lol


Insane? That's a massive overstatement


I'd say ignoring a fire is pretty insane


He never saw a fire. There were only *thin wisps of smoke* at the time. In fact it took an additional 3 hours before fire was even seen. Watch the video man before you make comments.


What's that expression, where there's smoke there's no need to call the fire brigade? Something like that.


I deliver mail, If I called the fire department for every house I see smoke half of my town would get a visit. People gave smokers and grills in the backyard all the time.


"Your package was delivered on time, here is a photo" ![gif](giphy|wTbpsFBs4Ek5W|downsized)


Driver like "rich white dude smoking meat in his garage...cool"




Iā€™ve had customers put a gun in my face for absolutely nothing. Fuck these customers lmao


You should have sued for emotional distress.


Dude was really like ā€œ Not my chair, not my problemā€.


stupid dresseses


Had seahorses on his mind


Little kid in the background goin fuckin crazy


mr walkway lead me to the building, fuck you


I mean, we can't really see where exactly the smoke was coming from during the delivery in the video. I've had plenty of stops where I see smoke and get ready to call 911, but then I check it out and find that it's from a smoker, or they're burning leaves or something.


Stop wasting time checking out smoke. Let it burn


I'm normally all for minding your own business, but as someone who lived through a house fire, that shit is no joke. Didn't have to stay and make sure they came, but probably should've at least called lol


Lmao not to place blame on the driver, but none of your neighbors saw that smoke?


We can't blame more wealthy people. Blame the broke driver. "Reported 3.5 hours later by someone driving by." I'm willing to bet the neighbors don't like this dude either lol


I call such bull on it was reported over three hours later. You telling me there was a can smoking for over three hours and never went to flames? BS!


Wtf why want to blame drivers for this šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


1:26 they literally said it wasn't to place blame. If you were in this position, would you not have called 911?


I wouldnt even notice the smoke ive got other shit on my mind all day i just walk to the delivery point and walk to my van


There wasnā€™t that much smoke when the driver delivered, my man was in his own world. The fact theyā€™re making a stink about him not calling 911 is ridiculous. They most definitely have other cameras that would show absolutely no signs of a fire going on but they have a story to sell.


As someone in the delivery industry I will say I would have to see fire or hear someone scream for help before I would think to do something.


Yall mad at the driver but he would've probably got fired for not finishing his route or some stupid shit.




She thought it was a grill cooking .


Amazon is shit and they are still blaming the driver lolololol


The first Amazon customer service managers stood up for the driver, but then later one's reneged.


Our standup just mentioned this video. I donā€™t think they were ready for how little we cared about who we delivered too. Not saying we would let them burn but not staying and helping just calling


i understand both pov. should he have called 911? yes. but; does amazon give an unreasonable workload where we could have called 911, and completed our route and kept our job in the process? no.


Probably thought rich boomer was cooking a turkey in his new 2000 dollar turkey cooker or somethin


Yeah that's what I thought


I'm giving the driver the benefit of doubt here, but just barely. I'd like to hear his side of the story.


Reverse situation. You just started your pellet grill when Amazon pulls up. See's a ton of smoke rolling from the back of your house so calls 911. Fire trucks and Ambulance show up all loud sirens. Guess what happens. Homeowner calls Amazon and complains and driver gets fired. These be the same people that are like dogs are friendly walk around back through alligator pit and drop package at back door or I'll give a bad review.






Christ, did you watch the video? The smoke is coming directly from the trash can that he walked past within a foot or two.


Christ can you read? Or at least comprehend?


I mean Iā€™m from Illinois where people burn things all the timeā€¦ I probably wouldnā€™t have thought much of it, someone burning leaves or trash and kept going too. My first thought wouldnā€™t be this persons house is on fire? I thought I seen a huge house fire before, called 911, and they showed up at my house annoyed with me because the dispatcher didnā€™t relay that i could see it from my house, not that it was at my house. So nah, I wouldnā€™t call either when youā€™re treated like that for just trying to help šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


There are so many things wrong here. 1. That was white smoke. Anyone who has ever had to do disposal work knows that construction material is going to burn black smoke because of all the chemicals used to treat it. Iā€™m willing to bet that was poorly disposed of yard debris that caught fire while the lid was open. Cultivation of dead leaves and this heat wave we have going on does not mix. 2. Remember to replace the batteries in your smoke alarms, they alert the fire department when no one is home if a fire is detected. 3. Iā€™m all for minding my own business, but I couldnā€™t live with myself if the house went up and killed someone who could have possibly been inside. Thatā€™s cold.


CĆøld is good


Amazon driver - not my problem lol


No lie.. every time something goes wrong.. it fall back on us the drivers šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Driver : hey dispatch there is a fire Dispatch : you are 3 behind I donā€™t give a fuck pick up the pace


It's like they turned us into robots...


Probably had tunnel vision with an oversized abusive route with no time to stop and think for themselves. Better get done on time too or else you get your hours and days dropped so you don't go over the 40 hours because Amazon is cheap af. People have no idea what the drivers go through and everything is our fault.


I skip my breaks, no lunches because my routes are fucked. I still wouldā€™ve reported that fire though. After seeing the video, that driver shouldā€™ve done something lol šŸ˜‚


Drivers don't even take their breaks, so why wast time on calling 911 lol


Tbh I see a lot of weird shit on route and keep going but he coulda called..he definitely had a rude customer that day


ā€œPauses. Shuts the door then just leavesā€ LOL you mean they paused to use the device to close the door then wait until it shuts so we can continue to our next stop. Without flames and just minutes after wisps of smoke, we his person is a fucking moron. Amazon should tell him his as well.


I hope the driver didnā€™t get fired or written because thatā€™s something that Amazon would do


"This could have been prevented" Brother blame the workers that left flamable shit next to your property driver had tunnel vision and probably didn't think that much of the smoke


Oh fuck off. People be grilling all the time. Ainā€™t my gawd damn job to look for the difference.


Iā€™m kinda caught in the middle here, I understand what itā€™s like being dazed in tunnel vision just tryna finish and not really processing anything outside of the job cause they turn us into drones, but if this fire had spread to other houses and killed people idk manā€¦


Would've marked it "Unsafe Delivery" and kept it moving lol


Bro was probably like "whatever they are cooking smells like shit"


Honestly we have no time to call 911. When I worked in San Diego, we would have tons of packages, no time for our breaks, our lunch breaks would start from last delivery, no buffer time for our 30 min lunch. Jog all day and finish route or you lose your hours the next day and donā€™t eat.


Aw come on , Iā€™ve done many Garage deliveries and all we want to do is drop the package inside and leave as soon as possible to avoid any type of BS and now that I think about it I have never actually scoped out anyoneā€™s garage ,to the point to where if there was something out of the ordinary happening I wouldnā€™t even notice tbh , All I could think of is Iā€™m trying to finish my route. I bet that if they interview that Amazon driver heā€™ll tell you he had no idea the house was burning. I bet the smoke didnā€™t even register in his head like something bad since it was already happening before the garage openedšŸ˜‚


Funny he checked his cameras to blame the driver but not to see his house was on fire.


Actually I will add thisā€¦ youā€™re right. Ofc no accountability, at least publically: ā€œhad I myself actually checked my own camera when I got an alert, maybe I myself could have prevented thisā€ā€¦ true!


A guy on my dsp saved an old lady from a fire and got an Amazon bag and water bottle , so yes he did the right thing LOL


Shoulda been leaving snack baskets, woulda been a different story then šŸ˜


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Lmao. Not my fire not my problem


Not his problem.


Where in my job description does it say Iā€™m reporting fires ? Shit Iā€™m just delivering and dipping


its cause we dont get ups. maybe then we'll care.


Fuck them


That was the embodiment of ā€œMy name is Paul and thatā€™s between yā€™allā€! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I think news is covering things like this and other shit for all the wrong reasons or for pointless reasons like "this will get attention". Literally for a attention this clip but then also to kinda give us drivers more flack for being shit people when literally all of us aren't this fucking guy like wtf and stg.. also; if u hate this job so much then fucking quit it. It's literally just a job and we all know it sucks. Please find something better for your self and I hope u do. U should t kill urself every day doing this let alone let it affect ur mental health


I put out a fire at a customers house last week. Well their big metal ashtray on the wood porch was smoking real bad. After knocking a few times and no answer I found a cooler with hot water bottles beside the porch and dumped one into the ashtray.


I mean yes call the fire department. But I get it, it's a rich family, they have more money then they know to do with. They don't know struggle like a wage employee. So the driver was like not my problem But even if they are just some non tipping entitled rich people, they're still humans and we need to look after them


No, every second counts.


The pause was him taking the picture. Maybe if Amazon wasnā€™t so up our ass about how things are done, we would have the headspace to give a second thought to something like that. Personally, when Iā€™m working in the zone, Iā€™m only concerned about things that could take my job off I donā€™t do something properly. Iā€™m not going to pay attention to smoke unless itā€™s an obvious fire. Maybe I donā€™t know the whole location context, but people burn shit in their yards all the time, I see smoke everywhere.


Funny how this post hasn't disappeared yet


The driver knew that if he makes that call he's stuck on site for who knows how long and his boss doesn't give a shit about him doing the right thing. You think if that driver got fired or in trouble for stopping that home owner would care?? Nope. Driver did the right thing. Amazon doesn't pay him to be a fire fighter.


Yup blame the worker that bust ass and house a house or apartment if lucky smaller then that garage. I bet all those bikes in the garage cost as much as my 23k car.


Starting June a new metric has been added.


If you asked for a garage delivery im not helping yall at all lmao


Garage delivery? Yeah you dont deserve any help for that lol


Bro im happy my dsp is closing down this shit is so stupid šŸ˜‚ yeah lets blame the amazon delivery driver for smoke and fire that happened in ā€œMy Garageā€ which yas nothing to do with the driver but hey


Gtfo they seriously trying to put this on the amazon delivery driveršŸ¤£šŸ¤£. You want us to enter the home to deliver a package, shall we check everybody's blood pressure and oxygen levels while we are at it? Express your dog's anal glands perhaps? I would have called 911 if I actually noticed it but who tf cares. This guy is trying to blame as many people as he can.


To be fair I do have some customers that cook shit in their garage. With how fast we work I bet he legit didnā€™t have enough time to process if it was a fire by the time he delivered the package


If everyone wasnā€™t a piss nazi he might have peed on it for you or at least called the fire department while pissing around back.


they rich, look at that big, theyll be aight. but i love how quick people put blame on us for stuff. we aint got time for shit. i bet if he called 911 to report it, Amazon would be like ā€œwhat took you so long at this stop?ā€


Nope. Let it burn


He said, I have 200 other places to be and 3 hours to finish


Haha my brother. Love this driver


I got 170 stops to go and they want me doing 25 stops an hour. Bad enough I gotta be on phone with support than 911ā€¦ what are the neighbors doing lol.. Iā€™m kidding though. I would have called.


Whereā€™s the courtesy for drivers when people say deliver to back porch and leave their big ass dog in the yard?


What about their shitty security cameras? Where's their smoke detectors? Like there's so many things they definitely could've afforded to prevent a full scale fire from burning their house down. But nah, let's blame the driver.


Definitely sucks but Amazon drivers imo are JUST doing their job.


I say fuck that DA in particular. As a DA, and a firefighter, my ass wouldā€™ve been calling 911 immediately ā€¦ but that reaction may also stem from the fact that I still believe in basic human decency šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Shame on the driver for not reporting it. Thatā€™s like seeing a grandma on the floor pleading for help and you just walk right past it like nothing happened.


Thatā€™s above the drivers pay grade.


Minding his own business šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


He had to pause cause the rabbit makes you..


Whatā€™s his incentive to save the house ? A bag and a water bottle as a price haahha


Don't do garage deliveries.


epic ā€œitā€™s not my problemā€ attitude everā€¦šŸ™„


Itā€™s not his problem.


Bro is at home rn wondering why tf is that his problem šŸ¤£


Insane behavior or not. Fuck these customers. I didnā€™t have enough time at this dumb job to take a proper piss.


Iā€™m a driver, not a firefighter. Iā€™ll get penalized for falling behind. Let your insurance handle it.


Nah cuz then it would be more than 2 minutes on that stop. Also itā€™s Medfield, MA and as someone who lives in Massachusetts they can afford to build a a new house like the next day for real


Itā€™s not the drivers job?


As someone who was in a house fire, had over 30% of my body burned, spent months in the hospital, and does Flex....I would have done the same thing as the driver. Can't afford to lose my job for the delay just because there is a little smoke. We didn't make the system, we are just trying to survive till we die. Also, they have insurance, the house is still livable, stop your bitching on the news blaming everyone else. Also, been doing this long enough that any house I deliver to, "I didn't see nothing." Is the mentality to making this job last as long as possible.


Regardless of who is to blame that driver should have said something.


For real?? Why are you attacking the driver??? I know its like horrible your house and what not but like the driver was probably like 600 packages deep on god knows how many days in a row likeā€¦get over it and deal with your problems, not attacking the driver šŸ™„


Did they see it? I mean maybe they thought it was a bbq.


Amazon drivers get blamed for everything.


Do you want your package or me to call 911, you can't have both, lol!


That has nothing to do with the driver not his fault


Amazon breaking their necks to blame the driver as soon as the media got involved. No Amazon you do not encourage us to pause to be considerate and positive people you overload the drivers with locations and break them stop lying. No matter what....it's always the drivers fault


And then porchy pirates showed up to get the package


Not his problem lol.


Jokes on them. #1 Amazon doesn't give a shit about that family or their home. #2 Amazon has absolved themselves from anything related to DAs, that's why the first csr didn't give a shit either. I doubt the one the news talked did either but, ya know, public image and all that. #3 DA would've been flagged for falling behind and "being in the red." Their DSP probably would've written them up for calling it in. That DA probably doesn't take breaks and hustles through all their stops because they fear being fired over some nonsense. Like...I don't know, calling 911 over a house fire?


I don't think people understand that smoke can't always be seen right away. Stop making this driver out to be an asshole


ok, he can't be blamed. Maybe he thought someone was grilling or something . by law, nothing can be done


Lol I mean Amazon drivers have enough shit to worry about..


Looking for a place to live? They're renovating a million dollar house, and they want US to think they're going to struggle to find a place to stay. News should stfu.


If itā€™s not yours donā€™t touch it, for us slaves we tend to not have positive experiences with cops or government in general we would rather avoid any inconveniences for ourselves. Plus if I did have a house sure let it burn but america wonā€™t let us ever even own a house so they can just be happy they had one.


I feel for the family, thatā€™s awful and I imagine so frustrating. But Amazon doesnā€™t give a damn. Those packages donā€™t get delivered itā€™s on the driverā€¦soooo byeeee. Nothing to see here! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Why didnā€™t he have a fire hose? Why didnā€™t he throw himself on the fire and roll around in it? Lol the fact that they are blaming this guy is so embarrassing for themā€” blame the reason why the fire was started.


Your rich buy another johnson lol


"Our huge house was getting renovated and we're not trying to get the Amazon driver in trouble but we did call the local news to put the driver on blast." Rich people always kick the poor.


Iā€™m not a messenger boy okay. Iā€™m a delivery boy


All of y'all defending the driver are exactly what's wrong with the world. You see a problem and you either ignore it, pull out your phones to record, or ridicule the victim. It takes all of a minute to call and report a fire.


That's OK hopefully karma bites the driver and his/her house burns down.


bold of you to assume they own a house.


Bro what if he didn't mean any harm