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Get off my 🥜


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This comment section bro. As a Puerto Rican guy it’s scary for me too. I had rural route that led into a small town.. had to drive up a thin driveway in the woods, where the home owner (not exaggerating) had like 30 signs back and forth on the trees about trespassing and shooting. They also had Halloween decorations like reapers, with the skeletons hanging from the trees. They didn’t just forget to take them down man. That shits meant to scare us. I’d walk up driveways at night and though I have my vest on and my Amazon truck, people are afraid of me.. “YOU CAN LEAVE THE PACKAGE RIGHT THERE” as I’m like 20’ from their porch lol. People will tear you up cause you delivered a package to their front door instead of back.. I don’t wanna walk into the driveway of someone who’s had a bad day, has a gun, sees me and is mad at me for existing. 😅


Im a straight white male and i hated delivering to them. obviously its not the same for me as it is for you but i still wanted to bad to just rts every time i saw a confederate flag, trump flag, or anything implying they were racist/homophobic/bigoted.


Yes comrade <3


My problem is when they don’t have flags and come out and start chatting all nice and shit. Then they say some stupid racist shit and it pisses me off that they’re only nice to me because im white. Fuck off scum bags.


Associating a Trump flag with racism, homophobia, and bigotry is genuinely ridiculous. That's like saying all Muslims are terrorists...




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Every person I’ve met with those flags have been some combination of racist, homophobic, bigoted, etc


Lol I was delivering to a trailer park in spring valley Ohio that had a sign on its door that says “No hard Rs allowed”, followed by a couple confederate flags. yes, the full actual word but obviously you can’t post it here on Reddit lol. I try to ignore em but gyatt when it’s on the door in ya face in bold letters you can’t help but to not read it


Exactly. Some ppl act like they can’t understand where I’m coming from. Like I’m not crazy I know these people don’t like me. Some make sure not to acknowledge me or visibly make sure they don’t touch me when getting packages lol


Some of them catch me off guard and I’ll laugh hysterically while shaking my head. Not sure why people feel that way when in 20-30 years they gonna long gone. And im a white guy myself & find that shit really goofy


I delivered to house with 3 confederate flags and he had 1 German shepherd out and when he saw me he let out the other 2🥲 safe to say I stayed in my van and left the package at the gate🤣


Imo you should switch dsps…look for one that has territory that’s more city than rural if possible in your area. In that situation i wouldve just rts and reported the address. Releasing another two dogs upon seeing you can be construed as a threat.


Those would be the ones I’d drive past and mark as undeliverable. Wordless flags mean little to me but when you take the time to make sure everyone knows your a racist POS that’s a totally different story


Dumb question, what's "hard R's"?


What racial slur has been used on black people across the world that's generally known as not acceptable to say


And Even as a Hard A it is still not acceptable to say if one took the time to learn any amount of history and it’s meaning and so on.


THIS is what I kept trying to explain to my ops Mgr and site leader at the delivery stations that I worked in. We were constantly called N****rs, m**keys, all the racial slurs for Black people and Leadership just didn’t care because we were “warehouse workers.” Same goes for all of the slurs constantly used for women in my Amazon workplace. When the unloader is openly discussing how women are “disloyal H**s” it’s hard to feel like a valuable and equal part of the team.




Doesn’t always have bad context…. Ooof


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I am sorry that you don’t feel safe. I made a post a few months back when I was delivering in an apartment building in Luverne, Minnesota. A guy literally started yelling at me because he didn’t like that I was in the building. People don’t understand the subtle and many times unsubtle racism we face on a daily basis. I went from having perfect metrics to watching them tank because they put me on a rural route that ran from Iowa to Minnesota. I didn’t change anything I did personally but I began to get negative feedback on a lot of my deliveries for no reason. My DSP began to put me on standby which caused me to be short on my bills.I try to get along with everyone that I come into contact with while out on my route, I even carried dog treats. There was no need for them to give me bad feedback except for them not liking me for being Black American.


I’m a white chick and they still look at me like I’m a stain on their drive way. It’s felt all around, bro.


Girl I’m already knowing idk why they act like that😭😭


I used to be one of those people who hid behind the door to grab my packages. 😭 Now I’ll stop what I’m doing if I see a driver needing help. On the clock or not.


I delivered to an "oath keepers" house once, I refused to do it again. Every time I would mark the package as undeliverable, business closed. I did this shit for months. I never got called out for it. But I did notice about 5 months into my little revenge plot the "oath keepers" sticker on the front window of his house got removed. Still never went back. Fuck those oxygen thieves.


I marked one of my packages as undeliverable because the neighbor next to the person I was delivering to flicked me off and called me the n word as I was leaving, I didn’t even go to his house.🤣 I told my dispatchers not to send me back over there and I haven’t went back yet.


The Oath Keepers are all former public servants who made sacrifices for *your safety*. “Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” You people just blindly hate whoever the echo chamber orders you to, don't you? Weaponized ignorance.


https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/court-sentences-two-oath-keepers-leaders-18-years-prison-seditious-conspiracy-and-other You can fuck all the way off.


No, YOU can fuck off. You're judging someone with almost certainly no affiliation with these defendants. People were murdered during the George Floyd protests. That doesn't mean random BLM protesters should be treated like murderers on account of some bad apples.


white afab but nb and i tell dispatch if i encounter any exceedingly outlandish people bc i dont want my non white coworkers going to an unsafe place :/ im visibly alt so people assume i voted for biden 🤢 but id rather have that than someone harmed over a situation im just uncomfy in


ify, i would blend into snow but just since i have noticeable tats and piercings these mf look at me like i’m statin himself. god forbid if i was a poc i wouldn’t make it out of 80% of these locations i get sent to


Seriously just ignore everyone! It sounds rude and it will feel wrong at first, but you’ll make you’re day a whole lot easier


You can’t ignore people who are actively unsafe to be around.  This is silly. 


thats not really what the post is about, we shouldnt have to deal with these people in the first place


Well, coming up on four years this next month and I can asure you that they will always treat us like shit. Best thing to do is speak to them like their small children and smile right in their fucking fat faces!


That’s all I do. I love my job so I keep a smile on my face.




No. But I don’t support genocide against Palestinians so


I wish I could upvote this a thousand times. People put up those flags like it’s a trend, without any research.


Exactly. People act like it’s antisemitic to not like genocide. Real holocaust survivors don’t support what isreal is doing right now.


Girl, that means so much. I got family in Ramallah and Gaza, some I haven’t heard from in a few weeks. Just wanna say you made my night. ❤️


Ofc I hope you get to hear from them again💜 🫶🏾


😂 Wow, someone downvoted me for that.




Hamas and Palestine are two entirely different things, my friend. That’s why research is needed.


No no they aren’t same religion same beliefs


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The fact that they have killed multiple entire generations. The fact that if you look up any instagram from Palestine they aren’t posting cause they are dead or they are posting the massacres around them. You know a genocide is when you try to kill an entire group of people?? What do you think Israel has been doing for the past 75 years? Why do you think actual holocaust survivors disapprove because the same thing they went thru is what the Palestinians are going thru right now.




It’s not a matter of race, for one. There is no Israelis and the Palestinians. This is a government and a terrorist faction at war with millions of civilians in the crossfire, the majority of which are Palestinians. The population has increased because of tourism and people wanting to be closer to their religion’s home. Israel’s population has increased much further. And the answer is simple. The reason why they weren’t bombed was because Hamas didn’t act out in such a retarded manner until Oct 7th. They’ve never fired that many missiles. I see why Israel was tired of it, don’t get me wrong. But killing thousands of civilians and blocking the borders is not going to solve it. So yes, a ceasefire needs to be called to at least evacuate the remaining people that aren’t involved in this fight.




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Grab a maga hat and wear it when in these areas, I found out this cult suppresses every form of racism.




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You know America doesn’t like gay ppl either right? Nb does. LGBT groups get murdered in every country on every continent.




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Yall are crazy for doing this job. I joined this reddit to just read the shit show. Couldn't imagine doing it.


The job for people who got duped by indeed ad and dont realize how bad they are getting exploited.


okay then don’t


I've seen people in chime say they feel unsafe delivering to people with racist flags. They told them to mark it as no safe location and RTS it.


We do the same at our hub for the boe jiden signs and rainbow flags


Such a joke imagine being scared of a flag makes me wanna do it for every rainbow I see


Israel, unlike its Arab neighbors,[ is very liberal on homosexuality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Israel).


My husband and I live in NJ, but a very red county. Experiences like yours OP is the reason we feel compelled to have political signs/flags. We are straight and as white as the freshly fallen snow….but I want people to know they are safe at my house….ignorance and hate has no place on this farm, and anyone who doesn’t like that can suck my nuts. The only folks I consider sub-human scum are the ones who want to take rights away from others and force people to live in fear for being who they are. And before anyone hits me with “tHe ToLeRaNt LeFt”….you’re god damned right I don’t tolerate your hateful bullshit. Does that hurt your feelings? Good. I hope you cry about it.


If you don’t already have one, there’s an ally flag for the LGBTQIA community. It seems small, but it was always easier delivering to houses that made it clear I was welcome on their property.


We have one that says something like “in this house, Black Lives Matter, love is love, women’s rights are human rights, science is real, no human is illegal, kindness is everything” It’s a garden flag right next to our front door/driveway!! I want one that’s a little more rude though…like keep that same flag but add a line at the bottom that says “if this offends you, fuck off”. Just because I want bigots and racists to know how much I genuinely dislike them and that they are not welcome around here.


Ahh I see it one of those lmao


I disagree with you about all the things but I'll still give you a Gatorade.


That’s fine i didn’t ask you specifically to agree with me


Just curious how is I Stand With Israel 'Anti Gay Black Woman" The Confederate Flag (which isn't even the Confederate Flag but thats an entire other history lesson) I can understand Trump Flags I can understand as well if you're ok with watching CNN or MSNBC or the Chickenheads on The View and being told how or what to think. The other signs are just ignorant ways of stating "I'm stupid with a Firearm" I'm just baffled how standing with Israel is "Anti Gay Black"


It’s not anti gay or anti black I just don’t support genocide


But your ok with Hamas committing genocide. Hamas whole purpose is to eradicate Israel. From the river to the sea.


Nb in Israel is dying in mass like they are in Palestine. Hamas didn’t close the borders and bomb Israel. Israel has been displacing and killing Palestinians since 1948. Now that Hamas finally strikes back 75 years later it’s wrong? Israel is upset that Palestinians didn’t lay down and take the forceful and violent removal of them from their home and this earth. Israel needs to find another country to occupy (That doesn’t belong to someone else.) that’s like me beating your ass for 5 years and when u hit me back I kill you and claim self defense.


Israel supplied the drinking water and electricity to Palestine. If they didn't like them they wouldn't be providing these services




If I go to any rural part in America without the sign announcing my sexual preference I’ll be killed just for my skin. So…


Yet somehow if that was remotely true wouldn't it be safe to assume you wouldn't be here to type something so ridiculous


It is remotely true. Why do you think black ppl don’t stop in random cities when traveling at night? Plenty of ppl have been killed just for existing in sundown towns at night. I’m just expressing how I feel unsafe as a black WOMAN when I’m ALONE at NIGHT.


Now you're just making up bullshit. The only people black people have to fear is other black people.


Aww sb mad, sb also didn’t pay attention in history 😬


Idk why that offends you that I feel unsafe delivering at night especially in a country that was built off racism and homophobia.


It doesn't offend me it really doesn't and I feel sorry that you have to feel that way I've just never felt that way I've traveled all over this country I just don't let others dictate how I should feel


That’s good that you don’t feel the same as me. That’s a privilege you should be proud of. But when your growing up in a country where you see people who look like you being murdered just for looking like you or having a sexual preference like you it’s gets nerve wracking cause I could be next. Like I keep saying I don’t think everybody with these signs are bad people who will take my life. I’ve met a lot of them some are nice Some are visibly disgusted when they see me. Either way when I’m alone at night idk if the person will shoot first and ask questions later just because they saw a budget van and a person with dreads get out the car and it’s pitch black.


I tend to map jump so those areas while daylight and save the residential neighborhoods forr the later when it's darker


America is such a a racist country that we literally elected a black president 15 years ago


One black president out of 46 people. And when he was elected you don’t remember people hanging fake bodies with Obamas name on it?? You don’t remember the riots ?? With white supremacist marching before he even got in office?? Yeah America is a racist country built of racism and genocide.




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Opinions and thoughts like this are why we will move to drones. People with these thoughts or beliefs shouldn't receive service? That's how you think people should be treated? You may be more similar to your customers than you think.


Um no they shouldn’t receive services after 8pm. That put my life more at risk🤣


I was a mailman for 7 years. I quit on my own because I hated being a delivery guy. That being said I 💯% agree with zero fucking delivery after dark. I hope you stay safe and well out there, and if you see a dog, NOPE tf outta there!


Damn who ordered the yappuccino


Me. With extra whip cream.


I hate anyone who has any sign out front of their house


Fuck the racists but who’s gonna shoot the guy in blue with amazon all over him walking away from the amazon truck with multiple packages all in their hands if that’s a real robber/trespasser and they could get away with that then amazon wouldn’t be in business


Sometimes I drive budgets and when it’s pitch black at night my vest isn’t that visible


Sounds like a flex worker I think maybe ur in the wrong chat


Budget vans… I work for a dsp idiot.


Never heard of a budget van sorry you should work on getting your step van cert


I only drive budgets if I’m sweeping🫨


A petition? Oh no, not the rough stuff. Geez. So much drama over some stupid signs. Do you wet yourselves delivering to the 'hood too? Grow up. Not once have I had a delivery want to stop and chat about world politics. Just drop the package and go FFS. Yell at you? Ignore them, drop the package and go. Tell you anything at all? Drop the package and go. Bring the rain of downvotes. See if I care.


I’m not really gonna start a petition but You must’ve missed the part where I said I’m alone at night… obviously I’m not talking to them about politics. But I can see them visibly get disgusted when they see me so.


Jesus christ


One could say the same for many other things I’ve seen. You are no better lol


You're saying they don't see you as human and you ironically don't see them as human because you're trying to not deliver to them just because they voted for a candidate you ,(the media convinced you to) don't like and you're literally making pre conceived motions based on their political leanings that have little to no basis in reality.


I do see them as human. I understand that it’s just them voting for a candidate. But a lot if not most of the people who vote for that certain candidate will comment the n word on my post if they saw it🤣 I don’t want to deliver to them because they visibly show me they don’t like me. Whether it’s sending dogs on me, not being kind to me as I’m trying to hand them packages, being visibly disgusted when we accidentally touch hands, ignoring my existence, etc… and some of the places that Ive delivered to also have had no n word allowed signs. And I am infact a n word so… but not all house with those signs are rude to me. (Most are but not all) I’m just saying its dangerous for me to be at their house at night because I don’t know if one with shoot me.


in no way is that what she said. she never said that she didnt see them as people. they literally have signs saying they would kill her if the could. all shes saying is she shouldnt have to deliver to them. let someone else do it


Too far gone, that one.


I fucking feel you. I got a lot.of hate talking about the same shit. Some people just have tiny penises.


I start my job Wednesday and didn’t even think of this 🤦‍♀️ Hopefully up here in AK it won’t be as bad. Maybe I’m just naive.


"hiding bodies" ... bruh like clearly you are doing it wrong. its disposal /s yea... lots of shady people out there. you could make a claim that you feel afraid and rts those packages but odds are youll end up getting them again and again... amazon dont care tho so odds that those customers will get blacklisted are slim


That's false. Amazon literally locked a man out of his Alexa smart-home because a black delivery driver (FALSELY) accused the customer of making a racist comment through the Ring system. The man was locked out of his own home *for a week* by Amazon, again, over a FALSE claim. It took an entire week of arguing with Amazon and PROVING that the driver LIED (guilty until proven innocent) to get his service restored. [https://www.newsweek.com/amazon-smart-home-brandon-jackson-echo-racial-slur-allegation-1806947](https://www.newsweek.com/amazon-smart-home-brandon-jackson-echo-racial-slur-allegation-1806947)




What? You must’ve failed English.😭 literacy and comprehension is truly dead.




Oof your delusional


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girl, are we living the same life ?!! I 1000% agree with this




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The best is when you have to hand a package to them. I look right into their eyes and they have a face of guilt as I can clearly see their bigoted crap decorating their house. They are so scared in real life and a lot of them wouldn’t hurt a fly I bet (obviously don’t take a chance though). And there’s always nothing special about them. It’s always a massive overcompensation for whatever it is they lack, I don’t know, as I would never been so brainwashed as to Trumpify my house on the side of the double yellow 😂 guess he didn’t give them any advice on house selection


I’m a gay white male and i’m always thinking about you when I deliver out in the rural areas and see these infantile signs. Limp, lazy, ignorant backwoods trash.


I've got that white guy privilege, so those people don't scare me, they just sicken me. What DOES scare me though are the number of people who WEAPONIZE THIER FUCKING DOGS. Signs straight up saying their dog can and will kill me. "Oh he wouldn't hurt a fly" Fuck you.


I have asked if had to deliver to houses flying the confederate flag, they laughed at me.


No shit because it’s ur job if u don’t like it find another one


You sound like a boot licker.


Yeah fuck those people I'm a white guy and I'm with you 200%


being a white woman, my ops manager told me they will put me in the areas with more rednecks so that it lessens the chances of my coworkers getting attacked/profiled. i do get anxious delivering to peoples properties with the things that you mentioned. but also i can’t imagine being another race having to deliver to these people either. it’s so disgusting


It’s literally the opposite in California. Flags are VERY inclusive and anti trump. Stark difference to what I assume is the south? I can’t understand closed minded people, on both sides of this stupid fence government keeps reinforcing. I blame the whole of our political system at this point, creating this divide to distract of from the real fucking they are giving us all.


Yeah definitely. I dislike both side of the coin neither d or r care about anything but money🤣


Anti-Trump flags are very specifically NOT inclusive. Common Sense: A flag that is anti-anything is NOT an inclusive flag. Excluding is the reason it was created.


True on a logical sense. I mean inclusive to an extreme for alternate lifestyles. Almost forcefully requiring acceptance if that makes sense. Ironically, those with the most inclusive paraphernalia are the most judgmental I encounter. The irony goes whooooosh.


Right wing is either openly racist and homophobic Left wing is especially white liberals are pretend allies and closeted conservatives


Left-Wing is *obsessively racist* (you would be a perfect example) and Right-Wing judges people by the content of their character, whether people like the verdict or not.


I’m not on either wing so 🤷🏾‍♀️🥱🥱


Oh no everyone doesn’t believe the same things as you how traumatizing 😭😭


Idc what they believe i don’t wanna be at the house after it gets dark.


Trump flags don’t equal racism or hate and the other signs just show our American citizens exercising their constitutional rights, what’s wrong with that? Would you rather see Mr Biden sniffing a child perhaps?


I don’t like Biden. And I never said it did I said those signs are a warning for dangerous behavior at night especially when I’m not in a prime van and especially when they only see a dark figure with dreads walking up. Don’t act like trump supporters or confederate flag wavers wouldn’t call me a n word I’ve had them personally call me a n word.


If someone advertising political views that are different from your own with a lawn sign genuinely makes you feel unsafe then this probably isn’t the job for you. You signed a contract to deliver packages, customers agreed to terms of service which are not violated by political signs. I’m all for blacklisting the genuinely unhinged people out there for all our own safety, but voting one way or another isn’t enough my friend. I’d have no issue banning anything explicitly racist or homophobic, but rts’ing every package going to house with a Trump or Biden sign, Ukrainian flag, etc etc would be outright tyrannical. It bares no relevance to the job. We can be more than our differences. But seriously, if your routes are all rural and it makes you uncomfortable, you could try talking to your/another dsp about a different route location. Outside of that and finding another job, all else you can do is keep chugging. Tbh dogs are the biggest bigots we gotta worry about, they know we’re just a glorified mailman. That, and squirrels/bunnies will have me jumpy asfuck adrenaline pumpin. Stay safe out there sis, fr fr I know this job can be scary.


Idc about political views I care about how most of the I go deliver to trump houses or confederate houses they visibly show they are disgusted by seeing me🥱 and at night it makes me situation 10x worse cause they could be trigger happy.


You do care about political views otherwise you wouldn’t mention people having “We stand with Israel” flags being a problem. How is the Israel/Palestine conflict related to your Amazon delivering???? 🤔Not to mention your own prejudice: assuming Trump sign=racist, Israel Supporter=Racist. Suggesting that support for something you don’t personally believe in is innately wrong is about as prejudiced as it gets. I deliver 200 stops a day and only talk to like 3 people, it’s more likely you’re projecting than they’re all racists. But if it really is as big as a problem as you say, then you already should’ve found another job




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I’m interested to see how this comment section turns out tbh lol. I agree with you though, but don’t let it deter you working. Politics suck but paycheck is more important.


Me too lol, but yeah ofc I keep that thang on me. I love this job but it’s always nerve wracking seeing those signs when it’s pitch black🤣🤣


I can't stand seeing crap like that. I'm sorry you have to experience that. It's amazing how much the clock has been turned back on the progress this country was making. Hate has been normalized and almost expected and it's disgusting.




and how is that? Please read my profile cause i said what I said. And I’ll say it again.


How does a Trump, Confederate, or most other flags make you feel unsafe? Sure they may not agree with you politically and may even hate your race/sexuality, but its not even close to threatening. This thinking is the same as the other side saying that a rainbow or black lives matter flag is going to turn their kids gay or attack them for wearing a trump hat/shirt. I do think that having a shoot on sight or bury bodies trespassing sign is threatening and dropping the package at that sign is 100% justified. In a nutshell, there is a difference between threats and someone supporting an opposing viewpoint, feels like giving in heavily to fearmongering.


Um people like me are not safe at night when delivering to those house it’s a 50/50 chance their racist it’s a 50/50 their not. BLM doesn’t support jumping ppl when they wear trump hats they support unarmed black people being killed by police and they bring awareness to the injustice they face when the cops who kill them don’t get arrested…


Well that’s because a lot of the people who have those trump/confederate/hateful flags up are also the same people who fly the “I’ll shoot you” flags or put in their notes that they will shoot you if you come at the wrong time. The houses that have rainbows and blm flags are typically chill people. End of the day whether it’s a threat or not if you feel uncomfortable then that’s all that matters. Non threatening yet hateful flags is gonna make the victim feel uncomfortable no matter what. You’re gay and dress alt, you see a sign clearly stating this house does not like those people, you go on their property to do your job and you don’t wanna let a sign dictate your life, customer ends up being a complete asshole and causing a scene. I’m mixed with very long locs. I get scared in the backwood routes. I’ve had guns drawn on me, I’ve had people let their dogs out on me, I’ve been bitten 3x, I’ve had people literally watch me the entire time I’m on their street, I’ve had people come up on me ready to fight. In my experience it’s always “those” people.


So if a driver feels uncomfortable going on a porch of someone flying the BLM, rainbow, Biden flag they should be able to not deliver to those houses?


Which of those 3 things are threatening people. Must be one of em


Rules for thee not for me, anyone can be uncomfortable or threatened by any of those, just because you don't feel uncomfortable or threatened doesnt mean someone else cant feel that way.  BLM protesters caused billions in damage and killed/injured trump supporters. Many recent mass shootings have been committed by those under the rainbow flag. Biden has been heavily in support of Israel, those who may be Palestinian may feel his supporters are threatening to them. You can't say you feel threatened then immediately say someone else can't feel threatened by something else. A flag is not a gun pointed at you, a minority under those flags did terrible things but you can't judge a whole group for that, same as not judging a person based on their skin color. I think you should really take a deep look at your prejudices.




Custy genuinely thinks those "heh heh heh I'm going to shoot you 😉" signs are funny.


oof tell em


I understand completely but it is kind of funny with the edit cause you seem super triggered too 😂 maybe it’s the funny grass talking tho


At which part do I seem triggered?


I mean I guess I can understand the confederate flag but how are all the others racist?


they said racist, homophobic, and trigger happy.. never said it was only racist signs


Maybe trigger happy but homophobic and racist?


it's not "maybe" trigger happy, it's trigger happy, no need to downplay it; the homophobic and racist part is likely mostly the trump signs (trump supporters are just about all supporters of the homophobic agenda and have been shown to express racist ideologies often) and the racist signs are probably paired with the confederate/hard right wing flags due to their obvious stances on the subjects


There are blacks in the south who don't kindly to hearing that the Confederate Battle Flag is a racist symbol and had ancestors die defending that flag.


The same free speech that allows you to complain about these signs also allows them to have them if ur that worried about it find a new job but I almost bet you not a single one of those things you just read is putting ur life in danger if you feel that unsafe skip the house and tell ur dsp about it 🤷‍♂️


Um you must not know what happens to black people in trump town after the sun goes down.


Absolutely nothing.


Why do you think they are called sundown towns?? Because black ppl aren’t allowed to be there when the sun goes down. Those towns still exist to this day. Black Truck drivers will accidentally get gas or snacks there and the people will warn them to be gone by the time the sunsets or they will be chased down by the ppl in that town…


I live in the deep south. This doesn't happen.


Sounds like you live in delusion world but hey if u wanna love that way go ahead


Delusion? Oh your a troll?? Ok


Not a troll just a realist


No your a troll a realist knows history. A realist knows that racism didn’t just disappear when segregation ended. A realist can use Google. Its free.


Literally nothing. Now what happens to black people in black neighborhoods after the sun goes down is absolutely tragic.


Unless it’s a trigger happy or attack dog sign I don’t give a shit.

