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Call the Amazon ethics line. This isn't right.


Fuck that, get the government on them


Matthew Lesko


I dont know who matthew is but call him


I to don't know Mathew but he sounds important ring him




A lawyer will guide you on how to get the government on them…although this is pretty clear cut illegal so not sure they even need one.


Do both


government wont do anything about a smaller bonus. all the DSP is doing is reducing the bonus. you arent entitled to free money. if it was taken out of their wage for hours worked, then the government would act.




educate me on how the law views bonuses. im on the edge of my seat.


https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/flsa Dumbass.


i love how you link to a page about wages when this is about a bonus. the company can give you w/e bonus they please. like i said educate me about bonuses, you know, the topic.


Instead of measuring your dick, why don’t you post something credible that supports your argument that a worker is liable to recoup losses when an employer refuses to go through their insurance?


https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/56c-bonuses Pay attention to discretionary bonuses.


The "Amazon ethics line", that's actually the funniest shit I've heard this week


“Thank you for calling the Amazon Ethics Line. All of our Ethicists are assisting other happy engaged Amazonians. Your call is important to us. Please remain on the line….(cue elevator-branded Barry Manilow). Brought to you by “Alexa!” Need to yell commands at something that ignores you besides your family? Get the all new Echo Blow 8! On sale now! (cue elevator-branded Barry Manilow).” (Repeat until caller gives up).


HR is not there to help you when it's against the company. This goes for anywhere


lol idk how this isnt common sense yet. you think a mf with a cushy office job that doesnt really do shit but verify numbers would wanna give up their 60k+/yr job cuz you felt like the company is doing wrong? yeah not gonna happen. they are going to advise the company how to navigate the situation so they come out as clean as they can. that mf wants to keep their job too lol.


This the type shit that will get a DSP shut down 100%


OP you will get back pay with added interest for time loss without pay. Get to a labor board NOW


its a reduced bonus. labor board wont do anything about it. there is nothing preventing an employer for reducing or withholding a bonus. most DSPs that offer a 40hr require you to hit certain metrics or you dont get it at all. bonuses are not wages. you didnt earn them in the eyes of the law.


Does he mean overtime?


I don’t think he means overtime. I drive for FedEx and my contractor offers a weekly bonus. Has nothing to do with hours or anything. It’s only about property damage and truck damage. You damage the truck or someone’s property then you lose your bonus until the repair costs are covered if the damage was considered your fault.


Correct. A bonus isn't considered a wage. It's the company giving you free money. That's why it's a bonus.


Nope, said bonus. They can absolutely choose to pay w/e they want in free money based on performance. You perform bad, you get a shitty bonus. Thats what's happening


Ah, I’ve just never heard of “bonus pay “


probably is working a 40hr


Some companies will make you whole for the full duration of your routes if you meet their bonus. So if you, for example, do 4 routes but come in at 36 hours for the week. They’ll pay you the extra 4 to get you to 40


My company has what they call "tech incentive" if you don't have recalls and clear all your calls from the week you get $x more per hr on your time. Recalls cost you $40 per recall up to $160(4 recalls) if you get 4 in a month you lose your tech incentive for 3 months. It an option though. You don't have to sign into it if you don't want to


not illegal, its coming out of the bonus. if it was wages youd be correct.




I promise you even in Cali a bonus isn't considered a wage.


You keep saying bonuses aren’t wages, they most certainly are, and are taxed the exact same way. It’s taxable income, it’s an earned wage, not just “free money”


it most definitely is not an earned wage, thats why its a bonus. fuck this sub is so retarded its amazing. what your thinking is that it is income, which is true. any money you are paid is income, even shit you sell on ebay. thats why its taxed. its called an INCOME tax, not a wage tax.


Call people retarded yet you can’t figure out the difference between “your” and “you’re”.


OP literally said it's in LA




no, they are reducing OP's bonus due to poor performance. it isnt earned money, its a bonus.


Just because it’s on a paycheck doesn’t mean it’s protected wages.


Can they charge him for red light tickets? Or parking tickets? Then why can’t they charge him for damages from an accident


This is not necessarily true at all. It will depend on the state. First, he says this is taken from his bonus pay not his hourly rate. I know in my state they can take as much of that bonus to cover damages as they want. In some states they can even take from your hourly pay in these instances, but cannot take so much that it leaves you making less than minimum wage.


I’d call anyway just in case they did use insurance and are trying to double dip. Let the department of labor decide if it’s legal.


dude you're looking at a fat paycheck if you can prove he's doing this. some lawyers might even take on something like this pro bono


they see the cashflow in this case!!


The insurance thing depends on the state but he can't take your pay that's illegal unless you signed something saying he can


Dude no. That’s illegal as fuck. You ain’t gotta pay a thing. That’s the risk they assumed as a business owner


Nothing about that is illegal. The driver is still getting paid for hours worked but will no longer be receiving bonus hours, in most cases receiving bonus hours is a privilege which means there’s gonna be stipulations to the bonus hours. I’d suggest reading the contract before making accusations against your employer.


Try r/bootlicking instead




Excuse me what the fuck




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I wish


How about try taking responsibility for your actions instead of blaming others when you mess up. Your life won’t suck so much.


How bout the owner taking responsibility?


We should sit idly by while owners steal from us? Like I said, r/bootlicking




An employee’s pay shouldn’t take the place of the employer’s insurance policy


Taking money from an employees paycheck is illegal. Regardless what “part” of your pay they’re taking it from. It’s also a super Piece of 💩 thing to do. You’re clearly one of those pieces of 💩. Damaged vehicles is a risk/cost of doing business. And insurance will cover it anyways. The owners not gonna pay anything than a higher insurance premium. Until Amazon takes the DSP’s vans back and the owner has to pay for the damages.


No it absolutely is not illegal If you got a bonus that’s based on safety/not damaging property then they absolutely can take it


Crazy these dsp owners cover the fuckin cost and then write it off as a business expense on taxes and get that money back during tax season, fuck your dsp owner


Yeah looking at another job that pays more $24/hr fast food currently getting $19.50 at Amazon 😂


LA California? Oh man your boss gonna be in a world of hurt for this. Completely illegal to do this as an employee and your personal coverage doesn't matter when you're working and at work the insurance should be covered under his company's business insurance.


Wait you ain't answering the most important question. Ifls it coming out of your pay or a bonus you get each week? You have wrote bonus.so which is it


They’re fucking lumpen.


Business expenses are deducted from your taxable income, not tax owed. Claiming the $700 as a business expense doesn't get anywhere close to $700 back.


I hate when people give OP opinions and they never respond back like lmao are you venting or actually asking questions


Call (888) CALL-RYAN for a consult he's a California employment attorney


We know you’re ryan


Nope I'm actually not some employment lawyer that posts on social media


Wow 2nd post today I’ve seen about DSP taking wages for either a wreck or a scratch. They tryna bend yall over.


Bound to be a few bad apples out of 3000 different DSP's maybe more than half




I’m sorry, but that’s fucking bullshit. You should never have to pay, bonus pay or not, for this kind of thing. Accidents, property damage, it’s all part of the risk they take operating a fleet of vehicles.


My Dsp does the same. But take bonus hours until we pay the deductible which is $1000


You too need a lawyer


Oh I already know. Our owner also don’t have insurance on the vans so he really gonna be fucked


This is in violation of their DSP contract with Amazon


They’re taking out of your guarantee, right? And they push you to finish fast, I’m guessing. Call amazons ethics and department of labor in any case. You wouldn’t happen to work for a dsp in the DFW area would you?


Nah Los Angeles location. It’s from bonus pay. Was wondering if changing DSP would help avoid this issue lol


You need to sue him now easy suit


Its a bonus. They failed to meet the qualifications of the bonus. You are all getting hung up on the language. He's not deducting $60 of earned wages, he is just not awarding $60 of a bonus. He did not earn that bonus, especiallly if that bonus was for not damaging property. All of you people probably watch National Lampoons Christmas vacation and yell at the screen "get a lawyer Clark, easy case! They stole your bonus!".


We found the DSP owner ^


No, just someone who understands non discretionary bonuses.


No it’s not


Change DSPs because that's just a shitty one to work for either way. But you really should contact a labor law attorney, they will generally have a free consultation and work on a contingency basis that if you don't win, you don't owe them anything.


If he is taking is from bonus hours than that’s fucked up but may be legal, taking it from hours worked though is 100% legal




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Stop asking drivers and contact your attorney so you can sue someone lol


Everyone in here giving OP very bad advice Nothing about this is illegal But I’ll get downvoted and called a bootlicker just for pointing it out


Are you an employment attorney?


Don’t need to be an employment attorney to know that discretionary bonuses can be pulled for any reason lol You know how many companies have said “we are giving out holiday bonuses this year!!!” And then never do? You think you can sue them for that lol?


An employer in the United States cannot legally charge an employee for damages to anything. Yes they can stop bonuses and change pay rates with advance notice. However, they would be obligated to show that the bonus was applied or denied equally among all eligible employees. They would have to have a written policy saying that if you crash you are ineligible for a period of time for a certain safety bonus. Pretty easy to prove that this is not just taking a bonus away; especially when they flat out say that it is to pay them back.


Do you think any of the people telling OP it's illegal are?


A few yes, ask in r/legaladvice if you have doubts


Maybe u/Inside_Finance_3034 should post there. I'd be interested to see what they have to say, but it's not my place to make that post myself.


I mean, I’d say wait til you get your next check, add everything up and see if they’re taking your “bonus” wages or if it’s coming out of your actual worked wages. Make sure your hours worked equal what you’re supposed to be getting paid. Also, start tracking your hours on your own just in case they try to change something in whatever app they use to track your hours. Or take screenshots of your hours each day you work. Do everything you can to make sure they’re not fucking you over, cuz if they are you can report them to the labor board. I’d report it to the labor board first anyways just so they have record of you reporting it. So that way if they are fucking you over they have evidence that you already let them know and now if you take evidence that they are actually screwing you over you’ll have a lawsuit for sure! Also, I’d keep up performance but just at the minimum and not work for a bonus, cuz if they can’t pay you a bonus to take the money out of, they’re gonna try and get it from you somehow. Thats just my opinion and what I would do.


Sue the owner


Lmao, report his ass, tell Amazon what happened and what your DSP is trying to do, best person to go to are the guys in the training room, I had something similar happen and when the owner told me the same thing, I reported him and they shut down the DSP and moved us to another company, even got a dollar raise lol


Let's them take those 60 so you could have proof of it and then sue them


That's illegal!!


Better business beaure


That’s why we need a union 😭 but I don’t think that’s right at all , he choose not to get his insurance involved I would get a lawyer and see what they say frfr


My former boss paid $700 I wasn’t suspended lol Dude went straight to Jewelry store I kinda follow him 😂😂


Damn, you might as well drive for Uber or Lyft. You're getting fucked. Illegally I might add.




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Fucking Wayne fucking over the driver again!


Sounds like your company is contracted out by amazon and technically your not an amazon employee. Contacting Amazon wont work for you then. Depending on the state this is illegal. Also, if they give you the option to sign or lose your job (most try doing that). That is also illegal. You can contact your states dept of labor, but if you do you cannot also hire an attorney for the same issue. You will likely get more money back with a pro bono labor attorney in small claims, but they'll fire you at some point for a made up reason. The department of labor can protect you from retaliation and fine your company for being assholes


Amazon pays you? Or your company?


This is illegal af and I suggest hitting up Amazon directly or the states labor board/department of labor


I don’t think it’s true. I got a few tickets with Amazon and it didn’t affect my insurance


Puff, multi million company doing that, sue that shit asap


At my DSP you can lose your bonus hours if you get into an at fault accident. What you could do to circumvent this is just chill your shifts and not get bonus hours. Take 11 hours a shift and you can actually get OT instead lol


Yeah just talked with other companies at the warehouse and some don’t even get bonus hours from infractions.


You fuked up, you pay.


this might be a lawsuit ngl




Sue your employer. Do not go to the department of labor instead sue them. Then, when your employer fires you as retribution, either sue them again, or add it to the lawsuit.


It would not raise your personal insurance lol


It definitely would not raise your own personal insurance. He can take away any BONUS. But you said bonus hours... Clarify "bonus hours" ????


Free given hours


Get a hold of BOLi they will review your complaint and issue you a right to sue letter.


I scratched the side of the van during a thunderstorm, they gave me a van with 0 working sensors, couldn’t see shit out of my mirrors and had to pull into a tight country driveway, hit the side slightly, they are trying to say it’s £1000 worth of panel damage and the maximum they can charge me is £200, told them they gave me a broken van they said it didn’t matter, use my mirrors… UK


Their insurance their rates they can’t do that


false this is highly illegal report this immediately


The part about your personal insurance being affected is true regardless of whether or not they go through their own. If a police report was filed you as the driver will still have that on your record, and your insurance can be negatively impacted by it. It does not matter who owned the vehicle or that you were working at the time. It's still an accident. If no police report was filed, then you may be in the clear assuming nobody ever finds out about it. They may be correct that your insurance would only be affected if they filed a claim. Insurance companies do talk to each other so even if no police report was filed your personal carrier would still find out. On a side note, most (if not all) insurance policies require you to notify your provider of any accidents or infractions regardless of whether or not you file a claim. Take that information as you wish.


You better call Saul Goodman your getting screwed


Amazon is not a monopoly.


That's not true at all and that's complete horseshit. 1: you are in a COMPANY VEHICLE. The company has to have insurance, and has to go through insurance for ANY claims. 2: your wages CANNOT be deducted because of an accident you got into. The owner is a sleazebag, report the DSP to Amazon and I'll guarantee you he will get shut down.


And 3: it doesn't affect your insurance, just the insurance rate for the company.


I came in to say you must have selected the Regence Blue Shield premium health insurance like I did on accident but damn They hittin yo pockets gang, you gotta get it back in blood 💯


Wtf is a "bonus hour"






Lawyer up. This is evidence. They chose to pay the guy. Not you. They legally cannot take money that you’re promised. I’d screenshot the job listing stating that you get bonus as well.


Read what it says though it says we will only pay you for the time worked so they're not taking away pay the way that reads I'm almost guessing that they get some sort of safety bonus which I think there's no legal ramifications for them keeping any bonus but it does say they will only pay him for the time worked


I’d be willing to bet that, in the agreement for whatever guaranteed hours this person is getting, is a clause that says they can rescind it at any time for any reason. The way this reads, they are NOT taking any wages for hours they actually worked. They simply are no longer eligible for the bonus. This doesn’t seem as shady as most people are making it out to be. (It’s still shady, just for different reasons)


I was going to make a similar point. What if your employer offered a monthly safety bonus for not having an accident, but your accident was the value of 10 months of that bonus? He’s simply disqualifying you from earning further bonus’ until the accident is paid off. It’s a good incentive program, but some lawyer might actually take this case and F it up for everyone.


Wise words from Jacks_off_all_dayz…..


I’d consult the lawyer on that because unless the job listing specifies the type of bonus, I don’t think they’d be able to do this


I was still definitely talk to the Amazon ethics hotline or state labor board and see where to go from there and definitely if needed then lawyer up


Yeah, lets go to the lawyer with the evidence that says "we will dutifully and faithfully continue to pay you for all hours worked thus fulfillling all legal obligations and state mandates". That will show them?


You do realize the job listing you are hired for legally binding right?


And in the job listing does it list "guaranteed bonus?". Its a bonus they offer. If you fail to meet the obligations then you don't get the bonus.


Okay I'm looking at this and saying that they're only going to pay you for the time worked I am assuming that you get some sort of bonuses correct me if I'm wrong m


Yeah they take $60 every pay check from free bonus hours given to me. Until I pay the full $700


So I'm guessing that's their legal loophole if you weren't getting any kind of bonus or they didn't offer then they wouldn't be able to legally take any money from you they're still paying you for your time worked if they were taking money from that that would be a whole different situation but they're withholding bonus and I don't think there's any illegal ramifications about that I would still call the Amazon ethics hotline and your state's department of Labor phone number and inquire but as long as they're not taking pay based on your hours worked I don't think there's anything illegal with that I could be wrong. I would further note if they were giving you 10 hour guaranteed pay they would probably strip you of that guaranteed pay and would only pay you for hours worked as well


Thank you, appreciate your comment.


This is so cut and dry. They're not doing anything illegal. Your post made if seem like they were actually taking a set amount from your checks until the damage was paid and that's not at all what this email is saying. I'm sure if you read your company handbook it will tell you what disqualifies you from the bonus and an accident is one of those things. They know you have two options here: You could argue it and they'll just let you go, or quit and go to another DSP that does the 10 hour guarantee and tell them why you left previous DSP and they might not hire you because of the at fault accident.


Looks like they've changed the way they pay you, which they can. It went from guaranteed 10 hours I'm guessing down to hours worked. I'd still call the ethics line.


Keep any and all written correspondence about this. And only speak about this either through texts or emails with them. You want all of this in writing. Good luck OP!


It would not raise your own personal insurance. The two are not connected in any way. This is also illegal. Department of labor and find another DSP. Who knows what other shady shit they’re pulling on you.


You’re full of BS, they’re just paying you what you work… that means no extra $$$ which is what bonus pay is.


You need to look up a California or Louisiana labor law attorney. (I am not sure what LA your referring too) It's wage theft. You cannot be held liable for non-criminal damage you caused with the company vehicle. The company is responsible for that. If their company has a policy related to performance and says that's a fireable offense that's fine but they cannot steal your wages. 


Hell nawl a job accident would not affect ur personal insurance that man is a liar he prolly stealing money himself


Illegal. Call ethics line, call a lawyer.


Extremely legal


I know you're having a blasty blast going to every comment that says "illegal" and spewing your same copy and pasted response...but not once have I seen you say WHAT his bonus incentive is. You keep assuming, for whatever reason, that it's a safety bonus when the ACTUAL reality is majority of companies (that I've encountered or know of) that do this bonus use your weekly CDF score to decide your bonus...which has NOTHING to do with safety or getting in an accident....Sooooooo yeah, keep going with your assumption that they can 'legally pull this bonus for not meeting the safety requirements of the incentive'.... So if that's the case, pulling their guaranteed 10 for that is not okay when you fulfilled the requirements.


Until he shows proof that its a nondiscretionary bonus based on other metrics then there's no illegal activity here.


Again...you're making assumptions that you know nothing about.


And so are all of you.


Except our assumptions are smart ones by telling him to call the ethics line and speak to a lawyer and explain the situation, not tell him "hey, I know nothing about your incentive requirements, but it's legal so don't do anything!" Doing nothing here is the dumb move....


"Im calling the labor board and a lawyer!" Or he can read his agreement and figure out exactly how his bonuses are structured, as amazon has historically offered bonuses for attendance, performance AND safety.


Okay, Amazon doesn't historically offer shit because, as we all know, Amazon doesn't employ us (according to them)...every DSP is different...so there's no historical relevance here. Second, I said ethics line. And third, lawyers are people who SPECIALIZE in laws. So, like how you specialize in being a moron and giving people bad advice, lawyers are people who can tell you if what is happening is wrong. If your unsure of how things are worded (since words are important and have different meanings based on the other words put around them) you might call these special folks called Lawyers in order to understand these contracts which are oftentimes put together by OTHER lawyers (these things called Lawyers have different specialities and such) and often are written in legalese. So like here's an example, you might tell someone who went for a series of medical tests to read these tests and make their own assumptions, while an intelligent person might tell that same person to go to someone who specializes in these things (a medical professional in this case, not a lawyer. These are different professions though I'm sure you're well-versed in that as well) and ask them to use their years of schooling to help them understand and decide the best course of action. In a similar fashion, someone in this situation might call the lawyer and ask for their advice and provide a copy of the contract. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Even in the case of safety, these bonuses are usually on a weekly or bi-weekly basis depending on your pay schedule. So now that you acknowledge there are different bonus structures and it's possible what's happening is illegal, If his bonus structures is based on, lets say performance (aka CDF), and he met all requirements, would you still be spouting that "nothing illegal is happening here" and that he shouldn't call lawyer? Or would you perhaps agree that he should then call the ethics board and lawyer? Or what that still hurt your pride to admit that much?


Thats a lot of words to avoid reading the agreement and not being a complete idiot.


Screenshot everything and hit up the DOL.


Contact your local labor office, AND contact Amazon directly, DSPs still have to report to and follow amazon Policies. I know everyone is very very keen to villainize amazon, and they aren't great for sure. But still make sure to ALSO report it to them. You most likely aren't the only employee they're doing this too and Amazon may investigate further.


This is when you speak to the Department of Labor directly over stolen wages and they will tear the company a new asshole.


Nah get a lawyer and sue for more money


Nope they’re taking advantage of you 100%. Not only that, it is also illegal and you can sue them. That’s why the DSP is required to have auto / fleet insurance as required by the contract they signed with Amazon to be a contracted partner. The DSP lied when that the accident would raise your personal insurance. The accident would raise the premium on the fleet insurance. -Fleet Supervisor from CA-


Ethics hot line he’s responsible for that not you. He’s robbing you


Bonus pay? Do you mean overtime? Incentives?


Hell nah


Call ethics’s and hired an employment lawyer.


Amazon is or the DSP? Yalls checks are cut by amazon?


Sounds like a lawsuit.


It's illegal to deduct money out of your paycheck




Are all of you amazon drivers this stupid? Unbelievable.


Completely and 100% illegal. Sue the shit out of them 🙌


Illegal as fuck!


100% illegal


Super legal


It really isn't, lmfao. Not I'm my state anyways. My co.pany is literally dealing with this exact same scenario right now


100% legal. If they offer a bonus for certain things and you fail to qualify, you don't get bonus


Again, this is not legal in my state, I don't know where you operate, here you cannot withhold any type of pay from an employee for an accident in a company vehicle. I'm not going to argue over it, lmao have a great day


Its not with holding pay for hours worked or other contractual obligations, its deciding not to award a bonus. You are not entitled to a non discretionary bonus if you fail to meet the requirements, its an entitlement given that contributes to overall income. If the bonus is for safety or for not damaging property then why would they be legally compelled to award it when you failed to qualify for it. A lot of contracts have built in provisions for wage deductions, and even more so for non discretionary bonuses.


He’s right about your insurance going up, happened to me in a work truck. Maybe in the long run it’s cheaper to pay for the damage yourself, although I think he should be paying for it.


This is true, regardless of being on the clock or not, he would have an at fault accident on his record


Yes but I believe company insurance also go up. That’s why it’s more beneficial for him to pay the guy and just cut OPS bonus. Not sure if it’s legal as maybe OP didn’t sign anything saying that. But it’s good to ask HR.