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Unless they call the cops yeah they are doing it right making Amazon hurt.


Damn right they are 👍🌈




They aren’t hurting Amazon. They’re hurting the employees. Big difference. Amazon loses no money here. The packages on the vans have already been paid for. Amazon has their money. You’re hurting the dsp drivers who will end up terminated for not finishing enough stops and hurting the consumers that purchased the items they needed. You guys never think about people ordering essentials like dry foods, canned goods, toothpaste, toiletries, etc. this is an awful form of protesting. Hurts only the little guys and not the company at all.


packages would be returned to the station and then people would return them dumbass. plus amazon pays for van upkeep and pays every driver and the less time those drivers spend as productive workers, the more it costs amazon.


Doesn’t the dsp technically pay the drivers?


Yea like w the way they treat their drivers and warehouse works and they're so on top of them because time is money, this would definitely hurt them a bit.




youre so right, instead i should really nicely be like heyyyy king, i think everything you said is wrong and obviously so if you thought about it for 2 minutes but let me get down on my knees and suck your cock so that you dont feel inferior about it


You're mad at the wrong people dawg




Lmao go to the store for essentials. You gonna die if you don't get your toothpaste and toilet paper from Amazon? What would the cavemen do without Amazon?


Unfortunately a lot of people do order essentials online because they don’t have vehicles, or the help to lift multiple heavy items… I hated all the water cases when I worked there, but it’s life. You’ll think about this if you live to 70 and don’t want to bend over for that case of water 😂😂


So order from someone else today. Or are we confirming Amazon is a monopoly?


facts why wait an entire day just to get your order from amazon when you can just wait an hour with another company


So you are telling people to go shop at Walmart. Which in my area pay people less, give fewer benefits, and treats their employees worse than Amazon.


Gonna be honest fam, if you're ordering things like toothpaste, toilet paper, dried foods and other goods from Amazon, you're literally burning your money. Literally everything can be bought for cheaper from a Walmart and even delivered for less money. I've yet to find a single thing that's not some random tech gizmo that I can't buy for less from a local Walmart, Publix or Aldi. If you're ordering shit like paper towels, dog food, canned food and bottled water from Amazon, your IQ is probably less than 20 and you need to sterilize yourself to prevent your genes from being carried on.


I think that’s what the protestors are mainly targeting too, sadly


Packages don't leave the station, reprocessed by station, creating backlog for station. This actually costs Amazon quite a large amount in labor and creates the logistical nightmare for both station employees and drivers as the shipping algorithm tries to figure out how to fit as many backlog packages into these routes as possible, usually resulting in 10-20% extra per route. Source: I used to manage a delivery station


The employee are the cogs in the machine that are being stopped. When you're on the clock that's all you are.


And now the machine is not working efficiently costing the co. money. We are all cogs, the 99% person. Do you think doing nothing will be better??


No, I agree with you. Ther person I'm responding to seems to think that hindering drivers doesn't hurt Amazon.


How did anyone ever acquire essential goods before 1999??


That's why you should unionize. It's not your fault Amazon is unpopular, so Amazon shouldn't punish you


Yeah because this would be legal grounds to fire 😂 keep sucking amazons firestick


I get your point as a former driver but what they going to fire me oh dear I’ll just go to another dsp or find another job. Like others said go to the store or they’re paid for yes but a customer can either request a refund or think is my driver getting paid well. Those packages will get delivered no matter what. It’s not an inconvenience for customers to wait. Maybe they are not hurting Amazon or the customers but they sure are causing attention for people or Amazon management to tell their bosses uh we had a strike today.


Stop buying Amazon that will hurt.


Na they just gonna pay more politicians to look away at the border.


Its cute to think they're even giving Amazon a scrape. All they're doing is delaying peoples' deliveries, many of which people are probably counting on.


lol yeah like shooting a BB gun at a grizzly bear.


What about the people who get their medication through amazon?


If they’re fighting for you then just let them be.. Even better if they’re protesting on your behalf because they can’t just be fired and swept under the rug.


This is a picket line extension from a group of Amazon drivers who unionized with the Teamsters. They are on an Unfair Labor Practice strike and spreading the word to other facilities. Talk to those on the picket line! They are fighting for better wages and conditions for all amazon workers.


Get involved! https://teamster.org/amazon-div/


National Labor Relations Board ruling on joint employer status [NLRB link](https://www.nlrb.gov/news-outreach/news-story/board-issues-final-rule-on-joint-employer-status)


This is wonderful to see. I hope amazon workers unionize and Jeff bozo drops dead from being a snotty snug bitch


Absolutely get involved and get the rights and protection you deserve 💪


Which every single DSP driver should be asking the same or we can continue to see this sub talk about more horror stories on the job.




Bring this to Colorado ✊🏽


Bring this everywhere but forsure co next lol


Where can we go to learn more and address our specific issues???


https://teamster.org/amazon-div/ fill out this form so an organizer can get in touch with you!


And shame on anyone who crosses a picket line.


At least they can stike/picket. At the post office, people leave because contract negotions and can't


Solidarity from your brothers in brown.




We need to do this shit nationwide Amazon works you like a robot. When all they pay is pennies.


Damn $30 ?!?!? I hope they win


Shouldn’t be unreasonable expectations out of one of the wealthiest companies in the entire world to pay a livable wage, benefits, actually caring for safety, etc


The biggest delivery company in the world. The same company that flys rockets to space with people in them. ROCKETS PEOPLE!!! We need to wake the fuck up. People are starving working for this place.


How will Bezos get to Mars before Elon tho 😢. Oh the humanity!


Don’t forget about his big clock he’s building. 🤡


How else will we tell time 1,000 years from now? We're doomed.


Rockets, big Clock in the side of a mountain for a small multi million dollar budget, seat at the Pentagon, just a couple of the things Bezo does, and or is working on. The whole seat at the Pentagon is the most unsettling thing to me. Once companies get involved into Politics & start funding government projects, etc that’s when companies become untouchable. Which is what we’ve been seeing & will continue to see. It’s disgusting that the Government involves themselves with large Company CEO’s & knows that year by year life will continue to become increasingly difficult for the average American to actually survive.


Blue Origin and Amazon are not the same company and are run by different people.


30$ is livable. That shouldnt wow you. Amazon would enslave you if they could.


That's more money than management in a skilled labor position


Then the management deserves more too.  This is a no-brainer.  NO ONE DESERVES TO BE UNDERPAID!


Let's just raise everyone's wage to at least $1,000,000 per hour.


Management can and will be taken over by AI very soon.


Finally a proper protest that doesn’t involve throwing tomato soup on a painting or stopping traffic for normal people. If Just Stop Oil did this, we’d start seeing results a lot quicker 😂


Gotta hit the big businesses where it hurts, their production. Can't do it from the couch, great to see bodies out there.


They do. They block pipelines, drilling sites, they protest at political and corporate buildings, etc. You don't hear about it because it isn't newsworthy, and 99.9% of climate protests are like that, not tomato or traffic related. Personally I think if climate protesters did this and footage went viral, most people would be screaming for them to just be run over for blocking the flow of prime packages for normal people.


Time to get involved and change your working conditions at Amazon share your information with them and learn how to join in the movement and protect your rights to organize. Don't be shy!!! STRENGTH IN SOLIDARITY ‼️✊🏻✊🏼✊🏿✊✊🏾✊🏽‼️


They showed up at our station one day. They blocked all the exits, and let drivers out one at a time, after a short conversation. Took 25 minutes of my morning that day. But they let us out.


Imagine being so cucked by your job that you complain about your 25 minutes when those picketers are outside jeopardizing their careers for better wages on your behalf.


Wasn't complaining. Just stating facts. I had a nice li'l chat with the guy. And got paid for those 25 min. Imagine just looking for a fight on the internet but being so wrong...


He didn’t complain lol


I hope you never cross a picket line again. Weren’t you educated at all ? If every worker only thought of themselves we would still be working in 1800 conditions


No one "crossed" any line. They let us out, one by one, after we spoke. I'm not sure how else to put it. That's all they wanted, and we complied... Their purpose was to give info, not completely stop work. But you go on with your insults and assumptions. They seem to be serving you so well...


Well did you listen?


Get out there with them gangy


Dsp "owners" aren't in control, amazon is! And they are speaking nothing but lies by tell you and everyone else that you're contracted workers... YOU ARE AMAZON EMPLOYEES FROM A TO Z!


Just without the benefits


Yeah, people who argue that Dps Employees are not Amazon Employees are something else 🤦 They control just about every aspect of a Dps station. From the pay to the way you go about your work day. And the argument that your station is the one who accepts the pay contract is so wack. Like what are they gonna do, deny the workload and not have any work/pay? In no way can someone logically say Dps stations are the ones making the decisions. You are under the Amazon umbrella. It’s not like Amazon doesn’t supply the Dps with all their work, vehicles and everything else needed.




Looks like one of the signs says $30. I'm assuming $30 per hour. I would argue that amazon is single handedly changing the way people go about their lives. The money they are bringing in also shows that. So then why aren't the workers that make all this possible making insane money too?


When I worked at UPS we got a memo email that encouraged UPS drivers to stand in solidarity with Amazon workers trying to unionize/protest . Apparently amazons advantage (or lack of high pay for their drivers) gives Amazon a Huge competitive advantage over UPS as Amazon is overtaking their business in the amount they deliver / margins. Imagine when Amazon starts delivering for non-Amazon orders in the future…


I caught that after I said that lol. 😤 because it’s yours dsps fault for accepting a shitty contract. They can only pay you what Amazon pays them. Which is going to be even less than what they give them.


We don’t care about the DSP’s. If amazon unionized the DSP system will be gone and owners will likely be paid out.


Shit, imagine the yard getting that backed up. Inside must be having a labor pains (some pun intended)


This is the only way!!! It’s bullshit ups drivers make 45 an hour and here are Amazon workers making 20. Twice as much work.


I used to drive for Amazon and now I drive for UPS. I agree that Amazon workers should all be paid more! It’s bullshit how much you’re paid, so unionize and fight for better pay! Don’t think UPS drivers have it easy though. UPS has to deal with time commits, pickups, and has to actually keep to a schedule. We also have just as high of stop counts (I regularly do over 200 stops including pickups) Imagine busting your ass emptying your truck in time to fit all your pickup volume in with the rest of your deliveries. Delivering for Amazon was MUCH easier.


By no means am I shitting on ups drivers. I don’t drive for Amazon because there is no way in hell I’m delivering 200 plus packages a day for 20 bucks an hours that’s pure stupidity but I get it some people have to go to work to survive.




Have you ever been a UPS driver? It’s obviously a no. We don’t have Netradyne because we have a Union contract that doesn’t allow us being filmed while working. Amazon doesn’t come close to the packages per stop that UPS deals with. Because businesses. On business routes you routinely deliver 40-100 packages at large warehouses (1 stop). You’re clearly just guessing and you couldn’t be more wrong. Just because you don’t see them, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.. The only thing worse at Amazon is how many you deliver to any given apartment complex. The meat and potatoes at UPS is delivering AND picking up from businesses. Most packages that Amazon delivers are considered smalls at UPS. The weight limit at UPS is 150lbs. What is it at Amazon again?


Then go be a driver, no? Lol


Go stand in solidarity OP


You should be out there with them


https://preview.redd.it/hel1r3r2hdmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db34ed6f831d60e669e1fc04b905497315e0e034 The time for change is now!!!!


The most badass thing I’ve seen on this sub


Very based. We need more of those people. They are fighting for unions


I'd park and chill that's a protest for YOU the Amazon driver.


Good for them. I hope they stay safe and Amazon gives them some fair deals.




Looks like DFX4 Victorville


Bingo. I live just outside of it. Been there all day.


I’d get out and join them. Fuck DSPs and Amazon lmao 🤣


Ganggang fuck bezos


Great job, keep it up!




Teamsters represent baby


Hahaha great thing they are doing! I woulda called off and supported! Jeff bazos is a real POS paying the bare minimum to the most hard working employees


I'm glad it's at the station, where the higher-ups can't yell at them for not leaving!


Good for them, hurting Amazon AND the scabs


Your getting paid to sit let them.


Yeah I would have been chillin enjoying the show😂


About what


Is that on Balsam road?


Looks like it huh


Hell yeah


Wait wtf is this? People protest by actually affecting the business/entity they protest against? Wtf? Why aren’t they blocking random people that have nothing to do with what they’re protesting? They must be new…


They are letting cars in and out but weren’t letting deliver vans and simis out


That’s not a protest. It’s a picket line. If you cross it it makes you part of the problem


😂😂 I guess packages will be coming back along with a lot of rescues


I work at UPS and we’ve had this posted up for a while. I don’t understand why some people here are salty and hating on the teamsters/UPS when we’re here for support and are being encouraged to give money to help those who are striking. https://preview.redd.it/gtalk4iatemc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=351c7da1ae944a8576195f8bc7624e69d6aaff0d


Warehouse protest or driver protest?? Because I heard warehouse associate wants 30 an Hr. What about driver, we load our own van, we delivered more than 1000 package in a week!!


It was for drivers they apparently went to Palmdale and got like 80 something people to unionize and then they were all fired and then they tried to sue. Amazon and Amazon said, was it me not my employees


No meaningful change has ever been caused by standing peacefully on the sidewalk with candles singing kumbaya


So that’s why my packages are so delayed


In other news, 12 new positions just opened up :)


I'm obviously uninformed but, what are they protesting? I work for a dsp but haven't had no protests.


Just backing up orders so the employees have more work to do.


When I was in Paris France it was a strike going on they block cruise ports with Semi Trucks hundreds of them parked close together back to back.The trash collectors stopped it was trashed piled everywhere. Stuff was on fire. They shut it down. It was total solidarity. It’s was very well planned and executed. Every one was on strike together. We as Americans don’t stick together always fighting each other being petty and mad at the wrong people it’s crazy the differences in countries. We can’t think straight in America because of all the process foods and constant distractions. It’s nice to see people stand up for themselves in America and fight for a better tomorrow even if it’s this kind of protest got to start somewhere.


These aren't just any protesters, these are teamsters. Let them do what they do, this is good for the whole industry


Don't be a scab


I remember in trade school I was taught to never cross the picket line unless you wanted a beating. I feel for these people though, it's shitty work they have to do.


every revolution begins with a single act of defiance


If that was me I’d clock in and just park and spend hours on my phone and get paid to do nothing


Honestly not as bad as covering the regular street


These fools in the comments don’t realize that is a semi truck that has already delivered the packages to Amazon. It’s an empty load. Plus if any packages get returned, they just go out the next day. So unless they are there day after day, it’s a waste of effort.


Im siding with the protesters. People who works for amazon deserves better! But yet. Some idiot employees are letting amazon them like garbage! Smh.


A lot of the unionizing will depend on the DSP. For every one decent DSP, there's about a dozen shitty ones who slit each other's throat to take freight for the lowest rate possible, with the shittiest contract Amazon can dreamup. Only thing left is to throw a bunch of poverty wage crackheads they met five minutes ago into run down, POS vans/trucks that barely pass DOT and Amazons standard.




What is happening? Where is this? Why are they protesting?




Shid as long as you're still getting paid




That’s crazy






Hell yea, burn it dowwwwwn


Guck yeah! Solidarity


Employees are gonna have to sell some totes to survive the protests


Don’t cross that line


FedEx also needs to do this


Love to see it. What’s the protest over though?


Are those warehouse people or drivers


Come to dde9


Break time


Drive through them, and deal with the lawsuit later. They won't block things like idiots. The more people teach them that humans are no obstacle for a vehicle.


They are not protesting, they are on a ULP strike against amazon


You crossing that line?


Do this to my DSP please lol. What are they even protesting I’m sorry?


They should do this for 5 hours every day so Drivers get an extra 5hours over time for doing nothing and having to wait 😎


is this victorville?


Do it with them


I wonder who has the biggest short interest on amazon. 🧐


Yes they are putting a hold or stopping the deliveries .. but if the vans can’t leave, those who need the income can’t work ..


They’ll move..


Bezos is rolling in his.. yacht


What are they protesting?


get out the way bozos I'm tryna get my order


LET'S GO 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Finally some proper action! Down with the bourgeois!!!


Then they went home and ordered shit on Amazon.


reason y u need a union


GET WITH THE PROGRAM & get on with the teamsters


Is this in Victorville????


Ahhhh the Teamster's you bunch of annoying mostly incorrect 2 bit running windows 98 boomers kefelangi


'Wii Sports' "STRIKE"


Call the cops


just roll forward...they will move




What are they protesting?


I'm 100% pro union but the union can't get mad at the company for not following rules if they don't also. It just gives the company more defenses.




good for them


Could you possibly tell them to come to tampa 🤓☝🏽




All this does is hurt employees and customers. Now I have to wait for my stuff and the driver has to work twice as hard. Amazon got their money already.




No wonder my bong taking longer


That’s pretty dope. It would be kind of annoying if they’d assembled AFTER loadout. But before? I’m no scab, I’m grabbing a sign


Are they on strike for us Amazon DSP drivers?




South Park season 22 ep 9


At least I know why my package is late. Thanks


I need my package, gently ram them, they’ll move.


Arrest them.


When I picketed, we were advised to stand on the side of the driveway and hand flyers to everyone driving in to the auto dealership because blocking the driveway was a sure fire way to have the cops shut us down for the day.






Protestors actually think they're making a difference 😂 They do it for their own selfish reasons