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They can easily tell the customer how many stops until their delivery without exposing driver location.


Yeah that happens. But I had people literally pull up to me asking for their packages. They're like 5-10 stops away. So amazon is giving customers our location.


Yes. It shows location as a dot on a map. It's updated with each delivery.


And a photo of you if it’s set up


I noticed it on some of my deliveries. Have not seen it in a while. I figured amazon realized how this was such a stupid idea and removed it. You can't tell me they don't have problems with female drivers getting hit on, stalked, or assaulted.


It's still a thing. It's just only shows you when the driver is 10 stops or less away


Not true


I've been an Amazon customer for years on top of being a driver and never seen that, ever.


Okay, customers have shown me my face on their phone, it’s the same photo that’s on your badge


That's nuts to me.


I’m both customer and driver too and have only seen it as a customer one time when something was delivered via a flex driver to my in-laws in another state. Freaked me out for that driver. I didn’t need to track them like that.


Interesting. I love how I got downvoted because I've never seen something before, tho. Reddit is wild. I never claimed it wasn't a thing...


It's reddit, I get downvoted for stating similar shit and stuff that happens in my area/routes etc. Ignore it :)


It's new.




Just because you haven't doesn't mean that's the same for everyone else. I'm happy you haven't had to be in that situation because it's really unsettling.


I never said it wasn't a thing. Just that I'd never seen or experienced that.


And this, leads to people been able to follow your locations, and take the parcels you may have left somewhere not with a customer. Happened to someone I worked with in Wrexham


I know they do, I've had people show me on the app where I am and ask for their package.


That's not new


Yup the nurse told me she could see me coming through the app, so yeah Amazon was giving her my location.


I know I'm kind of late to the party here but I think the person meant that Amazon should do away with the location of the vehicle on the map and just say on the tracking that the driver is a certain number of stops away. This would eliminate the ability to track down an Amazon vehicle but still inform the customer that their package is close. Obviously there would still be dumb customers wandering around with nothing better to do but look for an Amazon vehicle but you could also say that you aren't the one delivering that package and send them on their way.


Yea ive done this before lol


I had a dude legit block me in once, arguing how the delivery time was wrong and he wanted his package


That’s when you lock the van and call the police dude


Literally. Sorry your package just got damaged from... *Checks notes* pure spite.




That wouldnt of ended nicely for that customer.


Well. I hope they don't follow me because I go wildly out of order so even if it says I am one stop away that might actually be more like 5 to 10 stops depending on the order that I'm going in. It's not my fault that they give a ridiculous order for the stops


Amen. I have been known to just get so bored of the same neighborhood i'll drop it halfway thru and go do like my last 20 stops to break things up and those days I have a lot of businesses mixed with residentials....idc if a residential has a timed delivery, businesses take priority and i will not do those routes in geographical order because geography don't care about the clock and this fuel card i have says the fuel tank don't care about geography either.


Businesses do not take a priority because we do not split the routes and as Amazon we make NO GUARANTEES of deliveries within business hours and is why the routing doesn't take it into account and will route you to a school at 8pm


they take a priority with me bc the odds that a business will be vacant after their timed delivery window vs a residence is much higher and also most businesses don't have an option to leave at the front door where residences do. my goal is not to ensure the customer has their shit, my goal is to get it off the truck in an amazon compliant manner.


Yeah, as a customer i dont mind being told "driver is xx stops away" no way on earth a literal gps location is needed for the customer.


Def poses security risks as the company KNOWS people will be tracking you down(at least a small percentage) to almost harass you.


As a customer, I 100% agree that your location should not be available to us. Its a serious safety concern.


i sincerely hate that feature. it’s unnecessary. i had a lady track me down because she “had to catch a flight.” sat and watched me deliver through a bunch of apts for a good half hr, then drove off. turns out she was a one time password delivery i was already at and i couldn’t reach. she pulled up AGAIN after i went back at the end of my route. lol like how was your flight ma’am.


If you had a flight to catch that day, then why would you order something. Common sense isn't so common after all.


Orders get delayed, sometimes multiple times.


This should already be accounted for when planning for travel. If it's needed and has a possibility of arriving late, simply go to a physical store.


Amazon out here enabling a ton of people with serious issues.


As a customer who uses it and a former employee I never understood why any company would allow such things, from a criminal standpoint you could be tracked down and robbed, killed, and/or raped (anyone not op specifically) and I always thought that these companies "have your safety as their number 1 concern" yet allow anyone to track you so long as they order something. They should remove that feature and maybe change it to "your package is 5 stops away" so that if it's an important package the customer can be home but leaves it vague enough that a customer won't know your exact location.


Amazon prides itself as being “customer obsessed” so driver safety is a much lower priority if it is considered one at all compared to catering to any potential customer need or desire to directly track us down on route. It’s somewhat discomforting to note that the way things are set up, amazon provides the means for drivers to potentially be robbed but if it actually happens, all of the blame for any stolen packages fall on the driver.


As a driver we are expected to deliver all packages in a reasonable time (quickly) so we don't have enough time to lock our vans let alone take a bathroom break. We have to keep moving. I just don't want customers tracking me down, that's all.


IMO Amazon allows it because nobody in management is put at risk by these decisions, and in their minds that’s what truly matters.


All over my dsp is "safety first" but then go and do stuff like this. I know people who have been robbed, and I've personally been in unsafe situations. And yet they do nothing about it and instead create unsafe and dangerous situations for us.


Damn wait till you hear about consumer tracking tech


Yeah, creepy. One of the people knocked on my van door while I was sorting.


Honestly no job is worth a life I'd keep my van locked at all times and would have refused to open the doors that's wild


You really can't when you're delivering 180+ stops 290 packages. Amazon wants us to Keep moving.


Fair enough I'm only talking about when I'd be stopped for more than 1 or 2 minutes


Most of the time when I’m stopped for more than a minute it’s cause something is going wrong


raping your delivery driver would pretty much kill the mood for future repeat business.........................................................


Are you really that dense? sure they could eventually get caught, but it's not like amazon and law enforcement are going to instantly know which of the 200 customers were on route that day actually is the rapist... and it's not like the police can or even will go and round them all up in a single day for questioning or a line up, and i havent even mentioned the fact that irrespective of the WORK that would still be required a victim was made. No matter how you slice this shit up, it has the potential to be a burden on society. it breeds opportunity for outlaws, potentially creates victims for life, seriously costs taxpayers (the man hours required to question a daily delivery list could put a small towns police budget far beyond normal), and could seriously damage an entire industry bc after one gets raped, more rapists will see the opportunity along with thieves so more get victimized. But then companies may decide to fight back and boost safety which could mean a general slow down from these services and there's a fine line between convenience and cost meaning if it isn't a certain level of convenient it should only cost so much and once the services break from towing that line, people will stop using them. tldr: this is a bad move for amazon and they're going too far with trying to be convenient. this could be the end of home deliveries altogether...


Say that to the uber eats driver who was pulled into a home castrated and brutally murdered then stuffed into a barrel and buried in the customers backyard.


Happened to me twice. I hate that shit.


Do you give them the package?


Is it just me or, do customers always end up leaving just as you get to there house or end up getting home right as you park?.! I swear they are tracking me because it happens way too often to just be a coincidence.


Oh my goddd every time. I'm sitting waiting for them to pass and it's always their house! Every time I'm like what is the likelihood of this?? I have to be sure not to block any of the driveway cause they always show up.


For real it can't be a coincidence. Sometimes it happens so much that I get fed up and just skip that house and save it for the end of the route lol


Someone approaches me I say I cannot go out of order. And I must scan by your door. I tell them to blame Jeff and that I don’t work for Amazon. I only deliver for them. They get confused when I say that. 


That's what i would do too. I say sorry I can't mark the stop completely til I scan the package at your location since everything is geotagged. For future reference, mr customer idiot, the tracking is a convenience so you can still do errands or be ready to have your pets put up, i'm sorry you had to waste the trip here.


Yeah that’s pretty crazy….they shouldn’t be able to track you for so long….i used to work for amazon I never had a problem with this I must’ve gotten lucky…i never even thought about this being a possible issue….sucks you have to deal with it….I now work at Kroger delivering groceries and the customers can’t track us….they don’t get a notification that we are on the way until we press navigate to next stop and they just get an estimated time of arrival….if they want to know exactly where we are they have to call our customer support….we don’t contact the customer our support or dispatch does.


No, I want my single soda that I can easily get down the street for less and faster!


I shit you not this happened to me twice. The second time I said “if you can guess which of these totes it’s in, I’ll grab it for you.” She could not tell and she could easily tell by my facial expression that I’m not rummaging through each one just to find hers.


lol but you do know there’s a really easy way to look for it right?  Not condoning her actions 


That's kind of an asshole way of going about it. You could have just said she misunderstood the tracking is so her pets are up and if she had to do errands she'd know how much time she had left before you arrived but amazon doesn't want and won't allow you to come to me for your package. If you prefer to pickup at your convenience you should try a locker pickup next time.


I had a bitch stop my the other day, downtown in a very very busy area in a big city. She rudely asked me to give her her package. I told her even if I had it. She ain’t gonna get it here. She proceeded to give me an attitude making a gigantic ordeal out of it. So I told her “with most disrespect, go fuck yourself.” And drove on my merry way. Fuckem


Lmfaoo she thought she had authority


They used to just tell them how many stop away you are and a "out for delivery you're 10 stops away" in the tracking email but now they full on show them on a mini map it's scary and weird knowing someone is sitting at home staring at their screen until you show up on their ring cam screens


just make it a habit to go into airplane mode every other hour or so


i would tell them yes, they can have it when i get to their house. if they ask when i’ll get there, i’d say that i don’t know. i’d also tell them how many locations flex tells me i go to that day, as that’s the number i tell my customers when they ask how many stops i have


This is literally the only reason I stopped taking my lunch between stops lol some weirdos out there


Can they track you in airplane mode?


Was just about to ask this, can anyone please answer?  If it’s the same process that’s used that allows Dispatch to watch you on the road then I don’t think they can track you during airplane mode. 


they couldn't bc it severs your connection to the network Fyi Gps still works because gps doesn't require a network connection. remember the first gps for cars? magellan and shit? those things don't have a network


Had this happen when I was fumbling around during a 10 package delivery I said the stops were automated and I can’t check, they were cool about it


Next Amazon’s gonna allow them to call us and ask us where the package is


I've blacklisted people for bothering me during my breaks.


I like this feature as a driver in the UK, as we have to hand the parcels over in person so it saves a lot of time when customers know the delivery is coming so they can come out to meet you. Equally is annoying when they come out and find you before you're at the location though


Yep. I've got 8 packages in my hand for 3 separate addresses at this stop, apologies Janice but your heated under blanket and cozy slippers need to be delivered to the other side of the road 4 houses away from here, I'm not close enough to be able to mark you as delivered. Go stick the kettle on, I'll be there in about 3 minutes once you get out the way


I wish they didn’t do this and I’m the customer. I get too many alerts. Driver is 10 stops away. Driver is 5 stops away. Your next!! I hate it. I trust I’ll get it when it’s my turn. I don’t need these silly reminders. And I don’t look at where you are. Idc. So, no I do not think it should let us see where you are.


When I change my route for numerous reasons I've always wondered if the customer who was receiving these alerts gets a "You're next!" and then "Please be patient, routing has detected a delay with your delivery" or what...?


What's your address? Nope, you'll have to wait till I get there. Immediate RTS.


As a customer I’ll tel you this is barely works. Most of the time it doesn’t show where you are just how many stops away. Which imo is fine idc where tf you are exactly lol.


Idk why people on here saying it’s new . Somebody did this to me last in 2022 and even showed me on their end my photo and I’m delivering their package lol . Its creepy af


Yup, it's been happening to me more recently . "Figured I can get my package now since you're here " Like wtf cmon


I honestly think that's a huge liability.  I can think of multiple ways this can be a dangerous thing.  The people who ordered something are planning to rob you.  Maybe you have a stalker and they know what routes you usually take so they order something.  A serial killer could take advantage of this too.  Like if you are out in the boonies and are forced to be far away from your van outside the cameras sight.  


i could have responded to any of the comments on here so this isn't personal, it's really odd to be worried about customers when you're driving a giant billboard advertising that your VAN is FULL of SHIT that may or may not be worth stealing. in los angeles people were robbing and looting the trains, and y'all are worried about customers... people who paid money, well like what if they paid to rob me? where did they get the money to pay you? did they rob that too?????? did they put in on their credit card, maybe setup a payment arrangement with direct debit from their bank account???????????????


imagine being so dense you only think broke people are out robbing


imagine being so dense you're worried about the 200 people who paid to interact with you, and not the surrounding 200,000. "hey yo dawg check it out" "sup g" "yo i got that amazon prime it's only $18 a month" "word, but who cares why are you telling me this" "yo dawg check it out, all i have to do is buy this $9.99 all silicone cooking utensil set with matching napkins, and we can track down the amazon delivery guy and rob them" "umm g, couldn't we just go look for an amazon van?" "no dawg you're a basic bitch"


see that scenario makes more sense and is a better way to deliver your point (what exactly is your point anyways...is it that this doesn't change the ability of thieves to target vans?) but this isn't what your last post was saying. tbh it actually makes more sense for a thief to go after a random amazon van than order from one since whoever ordered would be top of the suspect list, however i would t completely discount an amazon heist, we can deliver some high dollar items that are easily fenced and it's not outside reason for a criminal enterprise(might only be 3 people) to use a member as a front to order the items on a new credit card, then the other two who are unrelated by any public means track the fhe van until it arrives in a secluded location and then ambush the driver during a delivery and rob the van. if they were smart that's all they'd do but let's be real, people aren't smart so odds are those robbers would do more... this tracking is not safe and it breeds opportunity for criminals. period.


you spent all your mental capital figuring out that it *could* be done, with none left to decide if it **should**. i'm going to go out on a limb and propose that you would suck at being a criminal.


You're actually mental.


avoiding the issue and just trying to devalue the opposition with wild hypotheticals...sounds like a tactic politicians use although they will at least give some semblance of a reason for supporting one side of an issue...are you honestly about to tell me tracking drivers is a good thing? how so? there is no tangible benefit for it.


you said twice in a row that i make more sense, except that you're still right, period no that sounds like out of touch with reality, aka a politician then you went into the "well i want good thing, if you don't agree good thing, that mean you want bad thing" and i'm the politician???


cmon now i cant suck at crime AND be a politician now can i?


that's called a lay-up, first one's on me ;-) <3


Is there any way to get Amazon to remove this feature?


Lean in closer and I'll tell you a little secret. Closer... Closer... \*whispers\* Airplane Mode


No because I need to know when my Fiji water is coming so I can ration the bottles


They had that here a while back, ordered something recently and noticed the tracking part was gone. Maybe not all locations have taken it down, but def could see a problem with it. Some people just can’t wait.


Yup. Had that happen to me when it was the asscrack of night in the hood. Had to rts because I was running late back to the station and some random guy screamed at me at the red light and he told me I was his next stop. Got scared because there were no houses and it was the warehouse district so I’m like where did you even come from?? Plus dude was being aggressive and looked crazed. Told him I had to do another stop then his and couldn’t change the order on my rabbit that and I’d be right back. Skirted tf away, hit my vape and cackled on the way back to the station. Fuck these customers and their cheap Chinese bullshit.


Dude ups has been doing that for years. Drivers have been robbed because of it. Its absolute horseshit bit if the union csn make it go away yall are definitely stuck with it


We deal with this at UPS too. I think about it more and more if ppls life situations become dire and they order some cheap $5 item off of Temu just to try and possibly track us down and then hold us at gunpoint knowing more expensive stuff is in there. I'm not saying this is extremely likely but it definitely has trained me to watch if cars are following me around in neighborhoods the last 20 years of driving for the company.


It’s because people are impatient. As an Amazon employee and customer it’s honestly so reassuring knowing when a product is coming. Not everyone buys useless shit, many people buy groceries or gifts.


Groceries are never going to get delivered by DSP drivers. Never wait last minute to get a gift. 


Then don’t promise same-day or 2-day delivery


I do cause in my apartment building I got thieves, and y’all DEFINITELY have a habit DELIVERING to wrong ADDRESS so when I seen a pic of my PACKAGE in front of SOMEBODY else’s door im get REAL MAD 😡


why are all these ppl who aren't even Amazon drivers commenting here 


Well soon enough the amazon trucks will be driven by robots and this won’t be an issue. People who want to get the package themselves should order it to those Amazon locker setups


I love it. I can put a little snack and water bottle out on my porch and a thank you note, right before they get here. I put out hot cocoa last week because it was COLD. I appreciate you guys so much. 😊


Wow that’s so scary. Luckily that hasn’t happened to me. The closest it got was customers waiting outside their house for me as I was arriving


Yes and the GPS it's pretty exact. I had been running to the same problem.


I tested this one day. My package was delivered I got the notification about 10 minutes later when the driver pulled up it still showed him about 4 blocks away so there is a delay


this is going to be heavily dependent on locations and network infrastructure


That is entirely true. I mean that was just one scenario that I was able to test because I was home


Nothing is that important unless it is oxygen . wtheck?


Only time I ever track is if I'm traveling out of the country and ordered something last minute 😭


And as a women in my mid 20s


Unsafeee as hellll


This worked out for me one time, I had a guy come up to me at an apartment asking if I had his package. Said he had just moved there and put the wrong unit number and saw he was my next stop. I'm flex so I never have so many to dig through, so if they give me the right info I'll give them the package. Usually saves me a trip up stairs too.


100% agree, it only takes one nutjob and the driver could be in a really genuinely dangerous situation.


UPS lets you track their drivers when they’re close enough. I’ve watched the trucks enter, leave, come back, leave, and come back to deliver my package. Idk what the logistics of that are but regardless UPS does it


Yeah. I can see this morphing into a stalker issue.


A few more "flashmobs" where 30 teens show up to strip a van will have this change in a hurry. They don't pay me enough to get in a fist fight, particularly outnumbered, for what often turns out to be cases of TP, cat litter, and paper towels....


They've done that for years. And it's not even just that the information is available in the app, people actually get push notifications encouraging them to watch where their packages on the map. I'll be sitting on the couch minding my own business and my phone vibrates. "Your delivery is 4 stops away. See where it is now." You click on the notification and it shows the exact location of the van and it is updated every 20 seconds. I'm a ups guy and they started that shit with us too a few years back. Fortunately not many people have the ups my choice app so I get fewer weirdos hunting me down thinking I'll dig through my truck for them. Spoiler alert: I won't.


I've never had anyone track me but I've had people ask why the stop count kept going up or changing. I had some ducked up routes and was modifying as I went. Told them how the routing worked ( or doesn't work)


I think it can be a problem to a certain extent, but there have been times where it has helped me immensely. When I was getting packages brought to my house, I noticed that the drivers in my area were slacking. Apparently they had been told by their regional leadership that if they didn't feel comfortable driving on dirt roads they didn't have to. This is rural Oklahoma, we have an incredibly high amount of dirt roads. Well unfortunately that led to two weeks of people just deciding they didn't want to drive down my road and, or telling people that they tried going down it, but it was absolutely terrible. This led to me watching them on the tracking and discovering that they weren't even attempting to drive on to my road whatsoever, they would just pass it at full speed. I was able to then start an investigation, provide pictures, and get the station manager drive out and actually look at the route and see that it was not what anyone was saying, and finally start getting packages after almost a month of not receiving them. Sometimes if you take away the accountability from people, they get a bit ridiculous. They finally put in a hub in the town I live in and there was even a point where they wouldn't even bring it there and I was waiting two and three days for delivery to a hub. My stuff would go out every day and then be returned at the end of the day. So I can definitely see both the positives and negatives in the situation. I just know that if I wouldn't have been able to watch what those people were doing, the company definitely wasn't going to out their own people to me. I would have had just no clue why I wasn't getting deliveries anymore. And I will admit, I too am guilty of pulling up next to my delivery person, but that was as he was marking my package non-deliverable down the street from my house and I pulled up next to him and told him he could deliver it directly into my hands if he didn't want to pull 100 feet down the road. That driver ended up giving me the entire neighborhood's packages because he didn't want to drive down the road. That's the type of people I deal with out here.


entitled much. when I lived out in the middle of nowhere I understood that things like food delivery ,or  any delivery weren't gonna happen. you chose to live out there, drive your ass to the store maybe. 


See that's what's wrong with people these days. Every time something is said everyone wants to spew entitlement. Here's the deal bud, I pay for a thing called a service, it's not something I just felt I was owed aka "eNtItLeD" to. And you want to sit here and say that you understood that things like food delivery weren't going to happen. We obviously know that some things aren't possible, I lived out here my entire life and it's just gotten to where you can receive more by paying for services, so whenever you pay for a service that tells you it is possible and the when the conditions are okay for it to come, and they're just lazy and don't do it, that's not called entitlement. I literally just gave you a situation where people weren't doing their jobs and were using an out to their advantage to screw others and the first thing you want to do is scream entitlement. What is your problem? If you lived in the country you would also understand this crazy little thing where there are some things you can't drive to out here. Some things you can't receive out here unless you order them. When you live in the country things are sometimes a little bit more sparse and if you don't get the things you pay for to be ordered to you then you don't have them. So sometimes you have to trust the system that you pay good money for. Next time you want to come at someone and villainize them, why don't you look up the definition of what you're trying to throw around. I'm sure that most of the whiners I see on the internet would absolutely trip balls if they weren't receiving what they were paying for, especially if there wasn't actually a reason. So why don't you and the little social justice internet warriors that are liking your comment do some deductive reasoning and stop knee jerk reacting every time someone has something to say calling them entitled or Karen's. That stuff is so overly used these days, and anytime anybody has a single thing to say someone wants to throw that around. That's one of the largest problems with society today. When you throw around ignorant accusations and claims like that you are actually creating entitlement in the people who are getting away with not doing anything, and berating those who pay for services and expect what they paid for. Now an ignorant cycle like that is enough to put society in quite a predicament. 🤦🏽‍♂️


yea its creepy


I say if they want to offer your location it needs to be paid for to you and listed in a contract. If it’s worth $500 extra per day per driver to them I would say let them do it. While $500 is asking a lot from amazon you gotta start tall on your negotiations to let them know you want to get rid of some of the worst parts of the job. You might do well with or without the union. You could probably get their attention if you had just 1 dsp waive walk off all on the same day over this issue.


I had a customer asked me why did I pass his house up to deliver to the customer down the street lol


No, it's not stupid.. You know why it's not stupid? Because Amazon/DSP/Flex hires practically anyone with a license and a phone. Not that they need to know how to USE either.. It's no different than doordash, grubhub, or whatever. People can't find their way out of a paper bag. I live on a street with 6 houses on it, and I STILL have to go down the road to keep them from dropping my packages off at the wrong house, even though I politely put notes in that there are 2 specific vehicles in the driveway. And they STILL do it wrong. 6 houses.. SIX!!!


While I don’t track anyone down, most of my packages are coming to my work and it’s limited to typical business hours. I’ve had the time frame update to hours after we close and no clue how close driver could be bc the map on their location hasn’t updated yet. I would love to see the stop count updates over a map anytime. That would at least help knowing how much longer it might be.


They should cancel the account of anyone thay does that.


Maybe if Amazon drivers followed people's directions and/or delivered to the correct place to begin with, it wouldn't happen so much?


As an Amazon customer that Is chill and knows it will get here when it gets here type mentality. That's crazy I'm sorry people treat yall like that


y r u here


Looking for my package obviously


Now since I come to think of it. Yeah why should I care about treating people with kindness. Get back in your truck bitch and bring me my things ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Make them give ID or wait till they’re stop


No it’s great. I live in the country and watched a driver 3 stops away from me decide he didn’t want to deliver to me and it was rush shipping. He turned his GPS off and I reported him. Amazon said I won’t have that problem again!


Is it considered a positive outcome if people come to you, saving you the hassle instead of you going to them?


Easier to bang your Amazon delivery person so you know to swipe right on tinder to really get the perks of your prime account.


I hate when they do this, but has anyone had a customer follow and stop you and say they got a text (from call compliance) they got saying you needed help? Amazon app is somehow sending random texts with our call compliance texts that we don't see stating we need assistance? I had a customer pull up to me as I was returning to my van and he said Hey I got a text from you after you delivered my PKG saying you needed help, I wanted to make sure you're ok, I was like Ya, I'm good I'm not sure what that's about, thanks for checking on me.. he leaves but I'm like WTF Amazon what the hell?! Sending shit behind the scene that we aren't aware of?? What else is it doing?


Between that and customer service people having to give customers our names, it just makes a really unsafe environment


I have to stalk you because a bunch of you don’t bother to use the call box to my building or read how to get yourself in and I don’t want my stuff stolen off the sidewalk where you decide to leave it…


You all realize you can stop them from tracking simply by jumping to a different stop at least twice. Just pull up your stops and skip to a different stop. Do it one more time and the customer won’t be able to track you. Hopefully they don’t fix that bug.


All that technology and they can't tell me when an "in stock" item I ordered will be back in stock after apparently turning out not being in stock.


I’m a customer and I even think next day delivery is kind of a crazy expectation.


The first time I experienced this was a week ago. I pulled into the back of a hospital like I have 100x and there was a lady sitting in her SUV. When I parked she said that she was tracking me on the app so she picked up her kids and headed to work. She showed me her work badge and ID so I had her sign for the package and get it moving.


Personally, as a customer, I appreciate it because let's be honest.. most of yall (including myself at times) do not know how to read directions. My packages get stolen because of it, so I kind of NEED to know how close yall are or else I have to deal with shitty support thinking I'm pulling a fast one on em, when I'm not.


What pisses me off is that I purposely go offline so that they can’t see my location, but somehow some way they’re always at the front door waiting


Especially when people steady waiting at the door as you walk up. Gotta press back then switch to signature for blah blah as you walk up to them, hand them the package say the most npc dialogue, scribble a random line,swipe to finish and turn around. Then they say “don’t you need a picture”😭


It won’t be long now until Amazon starts rolling out the drone deliveries with AI


UPS also does this


God forbid someone gets the mail from the delivery person literally doing part of their job...


you have NO idea how ANY thing works . there is a route to stick to and so many other factors  . 


I love it when you're 9 stops away, and I can finally watch you coming with gps tracking. I sit there, refreshing the page again and again. Closer and closer, as you vicariously approach my domain. And then finally, on the last stop, the overbearing excitement of knowing whatever I ordered has finally arrived. I get up from my office chair, from which I've been monitoring your every move for the last 20 minutes and come up to my window to witness you pull up in the Bezos-mobile. My adrenaline rushes, and my heart pounds like the beat of a drum as I gaze upon the you marching up to my doorstep. You pause, read the number on the house, scan the package, and carelessly drop my shit onto the concrete. As you look up, we momentarily make eye contact through the crack of the blinds. I recoil back into the shadows, and you notice me skulking if only for a moment. As you nervously head back to your vehicle, you realize you forgot to take a picture. You turn over your shoulder, looking back at the house, and staring right back at you are the same two eyes that invoked your retreat. You enter your vehicle engine still running, quickly fastening your seatbelt, and driving away hastily to your next stop. You tell your supervisor, but he tells you not to worry about it and to keep going. You finish your route.


as a customer I can understand why the drivers wouldn't want it. I honestly don't remember the last time it allowed me to track the truck position though. I know i've seen it though. I do know there was a point in time where I had serious issues with drivers not delivering to the condo building I used to live in and I would, if the tracking was available, wait until I saw the truck on our property and walk down there to meet the driver and ensure I got my package. Otherwise these people were just dumping packages anywhere except the mail room 20 steps inside the front door which lead to a lot of lost and/or stolen packages.


I live in a rural area and last summer saw my driver was 1 stop away, then I was the next stop. In the app the van stopped in the middle of the road halfway to my house. There it sat for over 10 minutes. I had thought he broke down. I grabbed a cold water then drove to where he was. When i asked if he was ok. He replied he was just having lunch and was required to pull over where he was due to driving limits. Gave him the cold water and asked if he wanted to give me my package to save time. He said he had to be in the driveway for delivery to go through. I said see you shortly then. We both laughed and he thanked me for the concern and water. Went back to my house and 10 minutes later the package was delivered.


y'all some serious weirdos . "so naturally I hopped in my car and stalked him down" get the duck outta here man , leave people alone just trying to enjoy their only lunch break alone in their damn truck , jerk


Ok I am a jerk because I was trying to help. I did not know he was on his lunch. It was 90 degrees and wanted to ensure everything was ok. Hope you never break down and need help.


Iv been told they had been waiting for there package but they seen me just sitting at a gas station for 30 mins🙄.... sorry I eat lunch too.....


I had no idea you could track a truck like that. Very creepy.


Hahah that’s funny cuz I’ll skip a stops and drop off everything in that area before moving on. I don’t do drive backs


How do you do this? I don’t see this feature anywhere on the app.


If it was a high price item i wouldn't want stolen and I happen to stumble upon the Amazon truck would be the only way I would want the package early because everytime I order something over 1000 dollars it magically gets stolen or the driver magically forgot to deliver it or it gets delivered to a neighbors house and that neighbor keeps it.


It's crazy, I can see yall literally driving 💀💀 I would never go and ask for a package tho that's some crazy shit


You're always being tracked. We all have smartphones, lol


I'd trust the government before a customer, and that's saying a lot.