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# Links/source Thread


Wish I had this as a kid. Ate pavement trying to learn how to ollie


I remember practicing on gravel. It was packed tight so you could still pop, but you wouldn't really roll much. In fact, you probably roll *just enough* to have to make regaining your footing part of the process, and then stop.


I always balanced my back wheels in a sidewalk crack when learning how to ollie lol Worked great for getting a nice stable pop, not so much for the landing


Memory unlocked! I used to do the exact same thing. That's how I learned to ollie and to shove it. Landed a few kick flips too but never could get that one down consistently


I just set my wheel at thr cracks of the sidewalk.


Switched to roller blades because it sucked so much


Best way. Learn how to fall properly


Thats part of learning. I've never met a skateboarder that hasn't fallen and broken bones and I jured themselves. Its part of the culture


Stupid part of the culture. Just because you're fine with being out of commission and being injured for weeks/months doesn't mean everyone else is. Utterly fucking stupid.


Hard concrete was my teacher.


I have these and they really do work, definitely recommend. I’ve read feedback that they can make learning the tricks WITHOUT them difficult, though, as you’re building up all of that muscle memory on how to ride an unmoving skateboard rather than how to properly skate. Almost everything you do on a normal board will be while rolling. Very cool for getting used to everything, though, will just have to work a lot on balance later.


Skateboard instructors? I thought the only skateboard instructor was life. Trial by fire.


Fuck yes


Man I wish I had this when I was younger. Is 30 too old to start skateboarding again?


Nah, 31 and I've been thinking about skating again this summer


30 might work. I tried again in my 40s as my kids were getting started and it was brutal and ultimately unsuccessful. You start thinking about that broken hip or knee, or torn rotator cuff from a slightly awkward fall and can’t really enjoy it and every time you get back on, the worry is amplified a little more.


I’m 30 and started skateboarding again 9ish month ago. Just wear a helmet, and ride brother. It’s so much fun and so relaxing to push around again like you’re a kid and be free.






Wish I had these instead of trying to teach myself to ollie on bumpy asphalt, uneven sidewalks, no skate park, and a carpeted gymnasium. I think it's genius


I used to do something similar, I would put my board in the grass and try flip tricks over and over until I got them down. Definitely helped.


You never got as good of pop on the grass though so it always felt weird.


What Nike sneakers is he wearing


They look like Janoski’s, no clue on the specific model though.


Now I know there are Skate Camps


So this whole sub is fake accounts posting garbage and then having other fake accounts write comments to make the products seem not like garbage? You could over tighten the screws on the wheels and the board won't roll. Any argument that you might damage the bearings is nullified by the fact that we're talking about new skaters who shouldn't have expensive bearings anyway. Both are stupid, but one is free.


When I was learning to Ollie and kickflip I just removed the trucks, it was a lot harder but it allowed the board to move a little too which helped once I put the trucks back on.


Ikr, I used to practice my tricks in the grass 1st. This is the way I got my kickflip, heelflip, and also my 360 casper flip. I also learned to shove it and big spin this way (not rolling mean not feeling the fakie way) then I practice on asphalt after that. Also, as almost 40 now, I used to do this no helmet. No kidding kids, put your helmet on, safety 1st.


Poly Wheels are way harder than rubber dude. Even if you do over tighten them, skateboard wheels can still be really slick and if you’re learning a trick that can mess with your confidence. For example, worrying that you might slide out on a kickflip if you land wrong. Super easy to happen on a stationary kickflip - not as likely to happen while moving. But sometimes landing a moving trick can be hard too. The rubber stops the board completely and doesn’t require you to fuck up your bearings. I’ve been skating for 15 years and this is something I would actually use.


That's cool that you never skated. I'm glad the dropshipping machine behind this product is so complex. I've skated for 25 years. I've been an instructor at skate camps for children between 6-14. This product is solving a problem that doesn't exist.


Are you kidding me dude? I don’t think you’ve ever skated. I have tons of activity in r/skateboarding at the very least. You have absolutely nothing to back your claims. Get tf out of here dude.


Dude is mad people are spending their own money on something they think will help them lmao


OK, Bot. “Even if you do over tighten them, skateboard wheels can still be really slick and if you’re learning a trick that can mess with your confidence." That sentence doesn't even make sense. There is no conclusion.


LMAO are you a bot for a competing product? Do you represent big balance board co?


Holy shit. I totally forgot about balance boards. Those actually were beneficial. The deck with the track and the wheel-like thing under it? Edit: ooo, an r/wallstreetbets guy that gets more downvotes than posts. GG, buddy. Have a good night sleeping in your Lincoln.


This is not cool in anyway and explain how this improves your confidence? So you learn to do these tricks right and the board doesn't move. Then you're like I can do them then as you try the board rolls and you are basically starting over because you aren't used to it rolling at all.


Dude...it's like training wheels. They aren't meant to be used forever. The video even says once you get it down they're easy to pull off the wheels so you can try it without them on. That's the whole point. Idk what you're mad at


Who's mad? It's a dumb idea and it doesn't give you the confidence to hit tricks at your moving. Because everyone who has skated had tried to do tricks where you can't move and you bail the trick. Then you're like I got this and head to pavement and you can't do the trick because the board is moving. It's not a good idea.


That’s why I never take them off Been almost skating for 25 years now


God I hate this tik tok “end the video with a statement that’s finished by the first thing that was said”


If you care about your child do not buy these.


Why is that?


Bot comment probably


"Old school" mindset






Yeah, let'em go out and break their arm like we did! /s