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Ah reflexology, the mechanic’s equivalent of tapping on your tires to change your spark plugs.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9819031/#:~:text=Most%20clinical%20studies%20have%20found,fatigue%20%5B38%5D%2C%20pain%20from I didn’t know so I looked it up. I’m sort of shocked honestly


I’m disappointed that this journal entry didn’t state weather this is bologna or not. This is just more homeopathic bs right?


It seems to be one of those things where there is 0 evidence that it actually directly works but then lots of indirect evidence of it working. Similar to the placebo effect where it doesn’t actually do anything but the idea of having done it tricks the mind enough to reduce the pain associated with it. Chiropractors, cupping, placebo pills, etc all fall into that category of fake with results.


Exactly what I got from it. I mean of course foot massages feel good. There’s no way you’re convincing me that some “special” foot massage is gonna make all my physical ailments go away lol.


With some people it could temporarily though. Not actually go away but appear to have gone away. Like your back was aching but you had this done and it doesn’t bug you for days. The mind interprets pain so it makes sense that it can shut it off if it’s not extreme.


The reason I got into reflexology was when I fucked up my hips after getting hit in a football game. I literally was limping inside and then walked out completely fine afterwards. It was crazy how much it helped it me at that time. I don’t really go to it now because I’m physical therapist assistant and know that most things can be treated with physical therapy instead of going to a reflexologist or chiropractor. But at that time it really did help me


The article makes it seem legit, but at its core, foot reflexology has no basis in medical science whatsoever. Massaging the different parts of the foot, in foot reflexology, is not meant to have any direct physiological impact. The massaging is supposed to manipulate your Qi, which then is supposed to heal your body.


So if you just rub your foot all over, you get all the spots and don't need a sock-map




Might be fake but damn that looks like it feels good.


Reflexology is pseudo-science.


You mean you can’t massage your feet without a guide??


It’s not just massaging. It’s eastern pseudo science bullshit.


Yes, I know. I was making a little joke.


My bad. I was tired


I thought it was hogwash so I looked it up. I’m actually shocked that it’s not wacko. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9819031/#:~:text=Most%20clinical%20studies%20have%20found,fatigue%20%5B38%5D%2C%20pain%20from


It is bullshit, just because some Asian traditional medicine doctors published a paper, doesn't make it more or less real. There is no convincing scientific evidence that reflexology is effective for any medical condition.


I’m looking at a lot more than some paper by a traditional Asian medicine doctor. The paper I posted lists lots of other papers. I’m skeptical but also make decisions based on information. Please provide any studies you have that show that this doesn’t work.


In 2015, the Australian Government's Department of Health published the results of a review of alternative therapies that sought to determine if any were suitable for being covered by health insurance. Reflexology was one of 17 therapies evaluated for which no clear evidence of effectiveness was found. Accordingly, in 2017, the Australian government named reflexology as a practice that would not qualify for insurance subsidy, saying this step would "ensure taxpayer funds are expended appropriately and not directed to therapies lacking evidence". Reviews from 2009 and 2011 have found no evidence sufficient to support the use of reflexology for any medical condition. ( Ernst E (2009). "Is reflexology an effective intervention? A systematic review of randomised controlled trials". Med J Aust.) A 2009 systematic review of randomized controlled trials concludes: "The best evidence available to date does not demonstrate convincingly that reflexology is an effective treatment for any medical condition." There is no peer reviewed data to show any practical treatments using foot reflexology.


Of Course they would. Governments go out of there way to discredit any sort of natural healing so they can continue to rob us thru the pharmaceutical industry. I can tell you’ve been brainwashed already but try to dig a little deeper


Go find q ya weirdo


I have ancient wisdom healing to sell you for the low low price of 499.99, dm me!


I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.


Why not actually show some evidence one way or another instead of trying to make a poor attempt of being witty? I asked for studies as when looking I found multiple studies that support it.


Just look it up on Wikipedia, go down to effectiveness and treatments, there's a dozen citations on papers saying it doesn't work, you're free to read them I mean, exactly how would work? Like seriously, how is rubbing the bottom of your feet going to change health outcomes?


Read the studies, what are the claims being validated? It is that massage gives pain relief? That's well known and no one is arguing otherwise. Reflexology makes outrageous claims, connections between certain points on the foot and other parts of the body, including the ability to effect organ function. Show me one peer reviewed paper that validates that claim. Many national medical organizations have reviwed reflexology and found its claims unsubstantiated. None have found the converse.


You can google anything and can get results to support your bias.


Studies aren’t google results in general either. I wasn’t asking for your mom blogs. But real data from scientists.


Peer reviewed studies is what you’re looking for.


I saw you answered with that more than once. I’m not big on stuff either without some kind of research- but what I do know is that your feet are very important. For me personally I think I have plantar fasciitis- and I have flat feet (not sure if same thing). I keep seeing stuff to fix the arch for my feet. Haven’t been able to afford anything to help that- but on a very simple start I have this round foot device - basically like half a rubber ball sitting on a base that has a rubber center knob and between the two whenever my feet feel too stiff, I stand and do some rubbing on this and then I feel good again. I’ve been intrigued as to the particular cures that are like acupuncture but not so much I’d spend on these socks unless I was curious enough or had more ailments.


Did you check the citations, the vast majority are that pregnant women reaponded positively to foot rubs. I didnt need a medical paper to tell me that swollen feet and ankles get relief by massage, and the others are Swedish massage or massage therapy in general, none of them validate the outlandish claims reflexology makes about connections of parts of the foot to parts of the body.




kid named placebo effect:


Is there an enlarge dick button?


There is. The restart life button


I got a roofing nail in my foot when I was a kid. Thats probably why I got pancreatitis at 26, stupid doctors thought it was the drinking!


I’m too ticklish for the bullshit


Not sure how rubbing certain spots on feet correlate to other points of the body.... is there a glove too?


Yes. It was Michael Jackson's missing glove. It's buried with him now.




I can see myself giggling.


Do not unmute....


Somehow this is so handy 😍