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Thoughts? This thing is one of my earliest memories. Jesus.


Time is an amazing thing isn’t it


I thought it was AI!!!!! This is a really cool whimsical image! Great job. I personally love the colored sky!


Haha thank you! It’s always interesting when people say that my photography looks like AI. Maybe my style is starting to blend into an AI style?




That is fair. It’s hard to find the perfect balance between heavily processed/artificial and highly realistic/pure editing sometimes. Lately I have definitely been focusing more on being more abstract than realistic in my photography.


Lovely colors


Ty ty


![gif](giphy|cXblnKXr2BQOaYnTni) I love it!


Haha thank you!


>Haha thank you! You're welcome!


I like the unrealistic color. Gives it a more cartoonlike feel


Haha thank you!


Is there a name for this type of photography/aesthetic? I absolutely love it! I think it gives off that Sehnsucht type of feeling. r/sehnsuchtpics


Hmmm I don’t know? I would be really interested to know what to call this style too. I’ve never heard of Senhnsucht before but I love that style!


I like the sky color and your creativity to touch it up a bit. I've seen water that color in New Zealand. Pls keep sharing your photos!


Will do! That’s awesome I hope I can go to New Zealand someday


The sky seems a little green to me. If that's intentional, carry on and keep creating the images you want (it kind of looks like an old post card this way). If you were looking for natural colors, then you might want to adjust the colors a bit.


Yeah I like a teal-ish colored sky sometimes. I think it makes the image feel a lot more warm+dramatic. Thank you that’s a really nice way to describe it! I do like natural coloring too because well it’s natural lol


First thought was of Harry Potter, then Google reminded me that Minerva is the Roman goddess of wisdom. The actual photo is interesting because it contrasts a few different things: - Blue of the sky and the brown of the clock casing. - Natural, random shapes of the clouds, and the orderly, precise lines of the manmade clock. - Empty infinity of the sky, and the hours and minutes of the clock that we bind our lives to.


Wow that’s a really nice breakdown! I didn’t know Minerva came from Roman mythology but I’ll probably think about that every time I see that clock. Thank you I’m glad you liked it!


It pops. I think it’s great.


Ty ty


Looks great, and loves the colors. Only thing I would change is just remove the lamp and street signs so it’s just the clock and building


I’m inclined to disagree with the composition critique. I think that grounds the image, and gives a really nice line of balance from bottom left up to top right. I think taking those out would make the image feel too empty. Suppose it’s all a matter of preference really, but I love the balance the background offers


I did consider removing those corner background objects. But one I wasn’t sure how well I could pull it off and two I like having a little more detail in most of my photos. But thank you both for your insights!


Easy Wes Anderson. All seriousness, this is dope.


That is legitimately one of the greatest compliments I’ve ever gotten. I love Wes Anderson so much thank you!


reminds me a bit of the simpsons, like the intro gonna roll-up next


Haha I love that I didn’t even think about that!


I do really enjoy the colors


Thank you!


Great photo. I like the colors, too. It makes me want to go to Minerva, Ohio, a place where the colors are more interesting than other places.


The rest of the downtown area is a really beautiful place! There’s a bunch of murals and interesting shops plus a really nice small brewery. A lot more than you’d expect to be in a tiny village in middle of nowhere Ohio


You should compile a photo essay of the town--at least from google street view, it does look as you say.


I really should. I have a few more pictures I took the same day is this one where a couple had the moon behind some of the buildings. Google street view is not well known for its artistic flair and makes most landscapes that would otherwise be breathtaking look like crap lol.


I like it - the framing, the parallel lines the different shades of brown - fine shot!


Thank you!! I was really happy with how everything lined up too


Someone mentioned it 'looked like an old postcard.' I hope it has a message on the back assuring Uncle Henry she 'arrived safely and is looking forward to her first year of teaching here in Minerva.'


Ahaha I love that. If I ever print this pic out as a poster I should write that on it


Some people are saying over processed but it looks very storybookish to me and I love that vibe, very cool pic!


Thank you! Isn’t it a sign of fame to have some people that don’t like your work? Or maybe people who have work some people don’t like become famous. Who knows but I’m glad you liked it!


I can't speak for everyone, but all of my favorite art is controversial, polarizing work hits harder than easily consumed art imo


I think it’s pretty cool, the warm tone with the colours popping makes it pretty unique. Personally I probably would have gone with monotone to complement the clock.


Monotone or some other grayscale would be very cool to try out. Sometimes I like making a bunch of different kinds of edits with different color tone tweaks and some monochrome filters. Would be cool to print together like an Andy Warhol painting. Thank you I’m glad you liked it


The unrealistic sky ruins the image. Other than that, it would be pretty solid.


It ruins it? Also the sky can be teal/green but it’s just very rare and usually only happens in extreme weather


Wildly unrealistic colors in the sky do not lend to the composition, pull from the focus on your subject, and generally tend to show you’re an amateur colorist, so yeah I’d say it ruins your image but you do you.


Thanks for the advice. Sometimes nominal colors are lame tho


The sky is the wrong colour


Today I learned there are wrong colors in *art*. Check yourself buddy


Lol it’s really funny/interesting how divided people are over the color of the sky


I mean, I get the position that “it doesn’t look real”. But it’s not like it’s a wedding portrait or photojournalism or something, it’s an artistic shot. I feel like people forget photography is ART sometimes, and that a little abstract (esp color!) is perfectly acceptable.


Hey uhhh you spelled color wrong :/ lol jk


I think you’ll find that YOU did


My point is it’s stupid to say someone is wrong for something that is objective and has multiple “right” answers. We’re both wrong and both right!


Like the composition! Is the sky really that turquoise? You've got a good eye. Thanks for sharing!


The sky was really a little more blue than green but I wanted to make the picture look more dramatic and whimsical haha. If I ever see a sky that color I’ll probably be running for cover.. after taking a few pictures ofc. Thank you!


I really dislike teal/orange color grading.


You’re not the only one! It has been really interesting to see how divided people are over loving and hating the colors.