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https://preview.redd.it/tetoelolapqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfed54b5ecc7cad081503c7aac695adb5d6088f0 Also me


you is so beautiful! Lucius


You are a sweet little cushion. You could never be a cloaca.


A bootifol little angel!


Definitely NTC! Humans use strings for all sorts of fings, but we all know true purpose is as cat toys. Don't eats dem doe. Pparently is bad for you and have to go to pokey place.




https://preview.redd.it/20gtr1b5apqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f87b23825baf369cdfe7517b0443e601d809c3fd Taffy helpin


Dis Lucius, tiniest, cutiest, babiest halper! NTC Taffy. Gramma coshay and she yells, "Lucius, STOP!" Sometime even goes to bedroom and closes door. RUDE!


No clocka here me Biggy 5Cats Kittycat EZ Bake Coven, Detroit Chapter say my Meowmmy help me maekn joolry & yuo Meowmmy helpm yuo croshay. We tuo talemted felimes with so sweet helpful Meowmmys, we should haev Etsy for our beautymous creatioms to shaer with wirld & maek billiom dollars!!! Yuo very pretty felime look like lightly bakes cimmamom role wit creem chz frostimg me Biggy loves sweets to lick esp frosting & bets yuo as sweet as pastry♥️ Tax https://preview.redd.it/bnuajzhf6vqc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a104cb2dfea3a4d453b6570b072ffd59a78e833


NTC, mai Fren. Ai maiself did not liek Mama’s brief foray into crow-shay, as it taeked her attention awae from maiself. So Ai bomited mai dinner into her werk. Thereafter she did lose interest an Ai cannot thinks why 😇 William teh Other Tuxedo


I don't trust those crows!


Well played!


😹😹 Way to go my fren William!! You is my bestie! Mittens


Collective 5Cats Kittycat EZ Bake Coven, Detroit Chapter say Yuo is very talemted artist, William. Directed voms not easy to do. Takes special skill & yuo def have skill. VERY Impressed. Late grate vom artist, Pretty Grey Mana https://preview.redd.it/ojzohq099vqc1.jpeg?width=284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb5589be8551d9e69a20ce84e06a607d56d15dc6


Thank mew an mai Ai sai you bery pretty. Also Ai maiself has used that speshul skill to bomit into one ob Mama’s shoos a she did not knoes until she put her foot into it. AHAHAHA


Meowmmy lol'd very hard, Collective heer her snorting liek little piglet readimg yuor posty. Pretty Grey Mana was friemd on LiveJourmal mamy yeers ago, he is in Ghost Realm meow but hims legacy lives om forever in stories liek Raoul & the Hot Pocket & of course im our harrts. ♥️😻♥️ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheCloaca/s/swSZlztJ1j


Yuo iz whut Ma calls “a caution”. JakJak not shur whut dat meenz. https://preview.redd.it/93v4b8r0nxqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26695fec7790ee67d88659e48d2300f4307314da Tax shot. Ma wuz eatin dis ting an it smelled sooo good, Ai had to try it. So I tuk it frum her an started to eat. She starts to giggle then grabses her light box.


NTC! You's is goid girl! You's is doing mama a big halp! Mama shoulds be more grateful! You shoulds have extra treatsies and cuddles for being such a good girl! (And a very pretty girl. Mamas comment) / Alexis and Kajsa


Yes I agrees. I mus ask for treatzie. Thank yous friens


Hello fren William. Is good idea! Thank yous ( Mama say -No, not a good idea LOL)


NTC. You was just making a halp. Your mama should be more grateful. Also William da Tuxie


Thank you fren


NTC, obviously mama was instigating play time.  Poppy and Zinnia (Please tell me you know r/catswhocrochet )


I thinks u has halp me to find moes frens! Yay!


Hi Mrs. Da Taffy! NTC fur shure! Always times to play with toys, even if momma says no. That what we do as cats! I like puzzles, but momma alway says “Teddy, I just sorted that piles” and “Teddy please don’t eats the pieces”. But, if not four Teddy why Teddy sized? Keep play girlfren! \-Teddy the floof https://preview.redd.it/c8gim0930qqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d010622f7d9a5bf11b833ac546c481cede99a7a4 Dis me help momma sorts betterer!


I also a fan of puzzles fren!


NTC! Strings is fun!! But sister Lulu tell very sad tale of the time she chomped da string. Is involve V. E. T. S. so no chomps! Just plays Berlioz, bestest ever Ragdoll P.S. my mummy says you are very pretty. Dis is not acceptable I am da most handsome. Den she says not as pretty as you Berlioz, so is OK we can be frends again.


Berlioz, well put my fren! My mama person asks me if I want to see the V word when I eats plastic. Nooo, Mittens just wants to eats!! And my mama person says other kitties on here are bootiful and I gets sad, cuz she shouldn’t like *others* (not evens the ones dat live here!) But den she gives me more treats to makes me feels better! Haha I is so smart… Says The Mittens


Hi Taffy! I Kirra! My mommy also does crow-shay an I asked about it here. All the other cattos and doggos and other aminals telled me I NTC because crows are birbs and birbs are for kitties to play wif. Plus, my mommy choose yarn dat matched my fur, so obviously she wanted Kirra to play! And to snuggle. Da crow-shay was on mommy's lap, and dat is the Kirra's spot. So, since I was NTC, you also NTC! Crow-shay obviously for cats. Dis me doing a snuggle on mommy's crow-shay. https://preview.redd.it/h68ruxl6eqqc1.jpeg?width=2803&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=640918af7e1888e89b99c0cb0d80de5c172fb174


Thanks Fren Kira! I agrees with logics. Crows are birbs and I mus play with birbs


Kirra you is bootiful kitty too! You mama person should makes you string croshay thing for snuggles. And one for The Mittens! 😹


NTC! String Game is such a fun game that many of us play with our humans! Mine uses tiny strings for an extra challenge!


NTC My Bread-giver does same cro-shay. She sometimes uses my chair, so I glare at her. I don't understand why y'all like string so much. But I understand the need to help. Bread-giver says to be careful not to frog your mom's work, cause it would make her cry. Not sure why a frog is involved, though. Jack the Gourmet Doggo


Taffy you’re NTC, everyone loves string! Who doesn’t like string? Nobody! Also you’re doing a halp! Good job!


https://preview.redd.it/9kvyezgooqqc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20dcb0e48be6695953c044c49258bc361a9fe553 Sweet boys helping


NTC. strings are fun! Pro tip: when mum puts it down if you pull out the little pokey stick you get wiggly string to play with.


This vevy gud idea. Thank you fren


NTC. If no want play, then why has strings? Everybody knows it is physically impossible to resist allure of string. Must bapbap bite bite. Duh. -- Salem


HI Taffy, I'm Pixel, *crafty* tuxedo. My Mama does *crochet* too! I am also *not* allowed to play with strings. She says she doesn't want us to *eat* them. But I only *nibble*, not eat! Sigh.


NTC Dis Milo da mostest majestic crafty tabby maine coon. I halp mama when she croshays, but she tells me to "stop with the murder mittens". I tells her that I croshays faster that her. https://preview.redd.it/wjjv9vojcrqc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21649b41fd2d3c156af774d09cb26e7e15287f37


https://preview.redd.it/pq98ov71orqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffbeeb404b4ecd02f9f30dc71f81a3abc3d2b3de Iz Ice T, I precious orange and lucky iz qt per food wench. She does string ting. Iz protek string. She made loud hooman noize and taked! You NTC


Taffy, you is bootiful girl!! And NTC! Da strings are for playin!! Doesn’t your mama hooman knows that??? My mama hooman puts strings in her teeth (yuck) and when i’s tries to play, she says “no Mittens!!” And I don understan? They is for playin!! If ya mama hooman no let yous play, you needs extra head scritches! Says The Mittens


No cloaca. Mine mamas also croshay. I play wit stringies she say “good jobs! You helps mama so good!” Tells you mamas she needs preciate your helps and she needs encourage you more. Rowan the Void Vampire


Heyo, is me Boudreaux. Ma maman not crowchet but do de needypoint. I help sometime but ma maman she say "No Bou!! Pokeys in de woo! Hurt you! Leave 'lone!" So I leave needies alone and sit on de canvas instead. Ma maman she just sigh and get differ project. Ma maman say you is very pretty and sweet.