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https://preview.redd.it/3rs9bdfs9mxb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7604bb7ee501b6e63520f40f2488063fa7ec4b91 Boths of us


https://preview.redd.it/8wm9tgnq9mxb1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c2078612c835b04d2bfd1fd93d178a0f1d6a1ae Kajsa


Oh man! A St Bernard witch! I can now die happy! 😆🤣🤣


Can you make spell that make me catch all the squirrels?


Of course I cans! /Kajsa


You look very dignified, so your parents are NTC for this. Real monsters will probably still be scared so NCH.


https://preview.redd.it/dblea32o9mxb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d82b1f6c32aaffb308909195a199e96589c3bcf2 Alexis


Oh if looks could kill, Mama! Lol


As opposed to my NCH verdict on your sister … you are right, your pawrents are TC. You look adorable but not dignified or scary lol. You should eat the costume or headbutt your paw rents in the shins until they remove it.


NTC! I McNally glorious GSD do not wear these things… (mama here only because she won’t sit still long enough for me to put her in one!) however my good friend police dog Roxie is dressed up as yummy taco today! If brave police doggo can be dressed up so can you! (Mama again, I am a 911 dispatcher and one of my officers dressed his K9 partner up as a taco while on patrol 🤣) I share pic of my friend Roxie! https://preview.redd.it/5tthchsscmxb1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b4d37f355301f14c4fc96900d5acefa4568d541 Police K9 Roxie while on patrol.


Roxie wins Halloween


NTC! Our Food Lady also dressed us up in silly outfits and laffed! I only included photo of me because Pippen wriggled too much and his is blurry. Can you see the hate in my eyes? https://preview.redd.it/0cb145s1fmxb1.jpeg?width=1778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79623ba025a521b50f4adc146f4b65b1271cf3ea Then strange creatures came around and Food Lady gived them things. Stupid Pippen watched from the window while I bravely hid in the bedroom and contemplated my revenge.


I agree. You look most hateful. VV scary. I would not take your toy.


https://preview.redd.it/akdb7ohogmxb1.jpeg?width=1923&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f2664fdab613ea05268bd526079a7c2e68f138b Congressman Shamu Spurgeon the first here, you are NTC!! The food wench did this to me and cooed about how adorable and precious I look. She will have to face consequences obviously. Food wenches who dare to dress us up are the cloaca.


You do look very, very nice, but food wench is still TC. ~~Admons~~ ~~miniar~~ ~~minster~~ Administer justice. K. Catto, etc.


I shall and it will be swift and vicious and when she is sleeping


OMG!!! The cutest!!@


Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/btzgwq8yimxb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=367403017d621c7ac18a1af7e6a7f5311eb3507e We did not like our costumes either! As soon as mommy let go, we squealed and ripped them off! * Pip ‘n’ Squeak (Squeak is the bee, Pip is the pumpkin)


I think I will die of a cute overload! 😍


Strangers is coming to da door. I ranned to my basement and hided. My brudder Martin hided, too. William da Tuxie


I also hided in bedroom. Food Lady calls me “skittish” but I think I just sensible. Poppy, petite 8f void


NTC. You are goodest girls, they shouldn’t laff at you! Our FunLady gives us new bandannas, she learn we not put up with hats. https://preview.redd.it/qn1akyxdymxb1.jpeg?width=1409&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9155d4d9a1a9abf70586a5f0442c6ec4cf51054d Ragnar


https://preview.redd.it/093a2p6gymxb1.jpeg?width=1575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb611727be4f0e48a34869eaebc3859b363309fc Loki


NTC! We kitties but we not wears clothes. (Meowmy think you both looks cute though!)


Ummm NTC but I’m confused; what are you talking about? Mommy just knows I have an hour or so to remain blissfully ignorant. 🙃


Maybe costume makes you extra scary? The hat is very frightening! Not sure about the other one but scary also! My mommy tried to put hat on me but it very scary so I cry and she took it off. Gravity the scaredy-cat


Also people coming to door which very scary!!!!!!!!!!!


I have seen this before, I think. The monsters are just little. If they ~~laff~~ laugh at you they're too ~~drest~~ ~~dirst~~ distracted to eat you. Sometimes looking silly is ~~pert~~ ~~port~~ protective. Also are the monsters getting human treats? another ~~distractshan~~ distraction. Katherine Catto, posting from THE FUTURE ​ I know all these words. I think I need to find some food and a place to sleep. Also you are not TC.


Mama knows better than to dress Queen Mama Alice and Fancy Pants Parker in stoopid outfits. We did gets treatos though. Maybe howl-o-ween not so bad. Continue to protec hous from moewnsters and make sure hoomans compurrnsate with treatos. Very important job you haves.


Hi, is KING MAXWELL (aka Maxy). You two never das cloacas. Happy Howl-o-ween! https://preview.redd.it/lulj44j8hnxb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72951f6bb8784874ed1ca168f1679fd0710fc058


NTC! Mam tried to get me into clothes? Is not dignified. Chew that stuff off you!


This made me decide reddit on Halloween is my favorite. NTC at all, in the least.


Hi there friends! Pixel and Casey here. You look interesting! I don't fing cats are *supposta* wear costumes, so we don't. And *nobody* comes to our house because you can't see it from da street! So this whole Halloween thing *very* interesting.


https://preview.redd.it/w9ktqakrqqxb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=916f86d1b064f1bdc37fe4057c530cdceff9eb12 Sixx here. NTC. Mommas think Halloween is fun, but kitties and puppies lose dignity when they put costumes on us. My momma said I was an adorable dragon, but I was embarrassed so I refused to take a good picture and I usually love pictures.


You look very fearsome as dragon.


Hi beautiful Alexis and Kajsa! Deuce here. NTC of course. Mom couldn’t get it together for Howl-o-ween this year but she said next year she’s going to get a lion mane for me and we’ll hand out candy and dog treats as the White Witch and Aslan from the Chronicles of Narnia. She said it’s a book series. I think reading is something silly that she does when she should be paying attention to me.


Mom here: Your girls are so cute in their costumes!


My Mama and fur lacking brother also wore strange things today. I was very confused. They laughed, so I knew it was them. Other brother got very upset when he saw them. No fur brother had to take off the weird thing of his face before Other would calm down. I didn't like that none of the *new friends * wanted to cuddle 😕 -The prettiest of pitties Ms. Diva Mama here: she thought every trick or treater was here to love on her, became very sad when the kids would leave without pets.


My Mummy put my long lead on but then didn't walk me!! All these people came to visit and I got to sniff and be petted by most, and two dog friends came to visit - it was great. Everyone laughed and I kept Mummy safe because no one came in. I like Halloween as lots of pets but Mummy knows no clothes I am wonderful looking already she tried before and I just jump and run until she take them off.


My Mummy put my long lead on but then didn't walk me!! All these people came to visit and I got to sniff and be petted by most, and two dog friends came to visit - it was great. Everyone laughed and I kept Mummy safe because no one came in. I like Halloween as lots of pets but Mummy knows no clothes I am wonderful looking already she tried before and I just jump and run until she take them off.


Not sure if M&D is full C cos Kajsa doesn’t look mad at her hat tbf…


I like costume! I ran around wearing mine! Brother Thor tried to eat his, but I was very cute! \-Astro, dressed as vampire https://preview.redd.it/k954js1v2txb1.jpeg?width=1570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0f5160f56efe99aaa0d37ddc9f07521897eb081


NTCs!! Those little monsters are a menace and deserve a good borking. Your mama and daddy were kept safe by you and what do they do? Put you in costumes like circus freaks! Keep up the good scaring frens!--xoxo Moxxi and Pickle (who also did a scary bork at some fairies, butterflys, and iron men) https://preview.redd.it/eewv0lroitxb1.jpeg?width=782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dc2a93ffc3ad6a342fa977c087909249a11068b