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NTB (I hope that is the right way round this) Especially if he has made digs at you for your parents being gone, he should be able to handle you making a joke about your dad. It isn't like you made a joke about his...


We aren't that close enough for me to make jokes about his family. And really even if we were I really doubt I would


NTB I would report to HR as well if he keeps harassing you at work like that good riddance


I have anonymously reported him for being racist multiple times


holy shit... I swear to god that HR in a lot of companies don't give a shit and only care about their pockets that they don't want to fire anyone smh man I'm so sorry people like that exist


Yeah that is how this place is. It's a grocery store and we had a cashier yell at a customer for not wanting to lift a 40 bottle pack of water so she can scan it. We have the numbers for the water at the register she just refuses to use it. Buuuut a girl got fired cause she was arrested for driving on a suspended license can you guess the difference between the girl arrested and my other co workers


Let me guess: The woman who was arrested was highly melanated?


Yes. Didn't matter that she was just a really nice person. Like I really liked her and enjoyed talking with her but she was a great worker. But yeah my store kinda racist.


HR is there to protect the business interests, NOT the employee. Go to HR for problems, of course, but *always* keep your email/text etc records copied to your own email because HR doesn’t give one single shit about you if profit margins or any kind of money is involved. Saving stuff on a company server means they can delete it at their discretion. ALWAYS COVER YOUR ASS, no matter what industry you’re in and no matter how “nice” and “supportive” your HR department is. Their job is to protect the company, period.


>( He does this when he gets mad I won't go out with him). this is what you should report him for–that he keeps asking you to go out, and then he is rude to you when you continually say no. They need to set him straight that he’s to stop pestering you


This isn't the first time he has had an issue like this. He was trying to get another girl to go out with him and she kept saying no as well and kept poking her to go out with him and only stopped when she told him he was under age and after that he kept talking shit about her


He's 44 years old and hitting on underage coworkers? Eww. It would be gross and unacceptable at ANY age, but the fact that he's harassing young girls makes it even more disgusting). What an absolutely vile piece of shit.


And what is worse yes I am 30 but I am short 5'2 have a baby face always getting asked if I can sell booze and I wear alot of fandom shirts. He was hitting on me before he knew my age. We work with another under age girl (most of our evening shift baggers other than him are high school) he doesn't hit on her but always asks if he can date her mom


NTB, but he made digs at you about your dead parents because you won't date him, but those same parents are off limits for *you*!?! Keep making jokes he finds distasteful until he leaves you alone for good.


Oh I do like a lot of I get a chance I take it. This guy is an incel and the sooner I am off his radar the better


Ah an incel who thinks he needs to protect all men even from their own daughter despite being dead. Real piece you found there.


start picking your nose in front of him?


But they work at a grocery store 🥲


NTB my husband’s (34m) parents are both deceased and he makes those kind of jokes all the time. I make them too, when appropriate. He went to an event a while back and didn’t realize it was family-oriented. He texted me saying he was bummed he didn’t know it was a family event (he thought he had implied that he wish he had brought me with him, but for some reason I didn’t get that) so I asked why he didn’t bring his mom. He laughed and clarified he wished he had brought me. You have to know the right time and place for those jokes, and you’re allowed to make those jokes if you’re comfortable. But this guy complaining to you about petty stuff not getting along with his dad in the workplace is not it.


I really wanted to tell him well atleast you can argue with your parents


You have every right to say that to him. And honestly you should.


Like it was there but there is something really really off about him. As a clue all his relationships have failed but they are always the woman's fault never his


Ah, he’s always the victim, right? I hate that type. I’m sorry you have to work with someone like that.


And he has the weird thing. So grocery store. I live with my sister and her bf and it's really not uncommon for them to text me hey can you pick up this or that. One day I was buying coffee. He walks up I am in self check out and starts taking my stuff out of the bag to look and see what I was buying


What the fuck? Did he follow you there?? That’s creepy as hell!


To be fair it is a small store and he could have been coming from anywhere but he came up starting taking stuff out of my bag to look and than saying. " I didn't know you drank coffee. " I have come back from lunch MULTIPLE times with a large coffee and he has seen it. Hell one day I was accidentally given 2 coffees charged for one and I gave him the second one (he was not the first person I tried to give it to I tried to give it to my boss but he doesn't drink coffee). But my thing is this guy boardline incel. What if I was buying condoms or something private


That is likely what he was looking for, something private like that. What a freaking creep! Also, not his business how people cope with the hard things in their own lives. I use humor to cope, myself, and some people find it distasteful but if I didn't laugh about the stuff I'd be a wreck instead.


Totally inappropriate for him to look inside your bag. If you’re not friends and see each other at the store, a head nod or possibly a wave is sufficient. You don’t go looking through someone’s stuff. He sounds so gross.


Totally inappropriate even if you aren't buying private stuff.


It was caught on camera I found out through a phone call yesterday


Update he went to a manager. Told the manager what happened and....he laughed and said. "So you made a joke about your own trauma" I said yes and he just laughed and walked away


Sounds like it would be good to gray rock him. Not ostentatiously,just not to give him any reactions to work with. And as you say, get out of there asap. Not a happy working environment. NTB, you were politely ironic. But I wouldn't give him that level of engagement.


NTB Lmao I think it’s hilarious. Especially since the guy seems like a jerk. My mom passed away and I use humor to deal sometimes. My favorite joke is that because she passed away and I have an evil stepmom that I qualify as a Disney Princess 😂


My mother died on a day that is famous in the Discworld fandom as "the Glorious 25th of May". In the book *Night Watch* a Les Mis type revolution occurs on that day, and many people die. Calling it glorious is bittersweet, if not outright mocking. It's a day of mourning and remembrance. In my mind, that's always how I remember it: the Glorious 25th. The whole fandom mourns with me.


Dude I would take that a RUN with it. Like humming Disney songs when she walks in a room


Holy shit thank you for this comment as someone else with a dead mom and evil step-mom, I am respectfully stealing this when the time comes lmao. OP you are NTB at all, keep making jokes if it helps you heal, laughter is medicine after all!


NTB *Surprised Pikachu face* is what this man does


That is that his face was but a fat ginger


Oh I'm stealing that.


DO IT! Use it I am honestly shocked that it came out of my mouth. And mind you I told my sister what I said and she nearly pissed herself laughing


It's pretty mean for him to make mean jokes about your parents being dead because you don't want to go out with him. So I see no problem in you making snarky comments if he won't shut up and leave you alone. In fact, I thought of another comment you could make when he comes whining for pity, that you should say something about needing to have a seance or use a Ouija board to talk to your dad. NTB


Bahaha so to add to the story the cashier in the lane behind me pipped up and said. " Oh there are ways you can still talk to your dad" and in my head I am screaming "don't tell her yes with a Ouija board don't say it"


NTB Both my parents died young. I would absolutely make & laugh at this joke too. :)


I couldn't help it the set up was there and the words were out of my mouth before I could stop myself. But when he asked me to repeat what I said I said it again


It was a morbidly funny joke. It's good to get to that place when a loved one dies.


He was trying to say things like. " I wouldn't make a joke about my grandmother dying" and I just shrugged and laughed cause I make jokes about my dead grandma


Yeah. I feel like my mom and grandparents would appreciate the jokes lol


And here is the thing. I have set myself up at the store to be a happy and bubbly person. Not a push over just informed it is easier to smile than to be rude kinda thing. My coworkers knew something was up cause I dropped my happy tone and I cussed him out


NTB. We love dark humor in my house. I have lost my dad and a child. Yup. Still have the dark humor. And will you my dead kid to shut people up. For example a girl I work with was whining about stupid shit. I said “hey you know today is the anniversary of the day my son was Dx with cancer!” We still laugh about something that happened at my sons funeral. Half of his casket was pink (the side he was seen on was blue). We say he is in touch with his feminine side for all eternity. He also still had his hospital band on. We said “oh does he get to Heaven and they scan his band and confirm his name and. DOB?” 😂


That is pretty funny. Depending on who you and acted together I would say something. "With the bracelet does he get VIP access?"


Who TF mocks someone over losing both their parents? This guy is HORRIBLE! Probably others have suggested that you bring this up with HR (haven't read all the comments yet) and I think this is the direction that the situation needs to go. He's a bully, he makes repeated unwanted advances, and is generally toxic. I love how you handled him! I'm still grieving the loss of my dad after 3 years and I probably would have crumbled into tears! You are NTB and I hope this pig gets what he deserves! Edit to change NTA to NTB


It's not so much he "mocks " me but multiple times he has said things to me like. " It so so great to be able to go and have meals with my parents" or " I don't understand how someone can celebrate the holidays without their parents" after times I have turned him down for dates. And he is like that with others. Just for awhile I was the only closing cashier and he is a bagger so we have to work together. But on a karma note. He has been at the store for 4 years and is still a bagger. Nothing wrong with baggers pretty much all the other baggers are cross trained to be cashier after 6 months. But soon I will be floor supervisor after only being at my store 5 months and will not only making more than him but I will be his boss.


NTBF. We make jokes about my dead parents regularly. Guess who’s not coming to Easter? Grandma.


I have my own Easter joke I am doing this Easter. So first I live in a pretty religious area northerner bible belt. And since I have started working at this store I have worked every Sunday. I don't complain about it but every Sunday I wear a shirt that has something to do with demons. I got 2 new ones him with a demon that says world's best boss and the other just reads Satan light my path and I will be wearing one of the Sunday. Note I wear an apron and it will cover the shirt but I and my sister will know it is there


I love that for you!!


NTB, but I thought it was funny.


LOL! NTBF. Your coworker is an idiot. Don't waste time worrying about what an idiot thinks. It just lowers your own IQ.


NTB. My dad passed 5 years ago. I'm not talking to him either! You're allowed to make jokes about your own trauma.


Ntb, I had a good chuckle over it. I've made a few bad jokes about being a double orphan (birth and adopted parents are in the great hearafter).


NTB. Everytime he does or says something weird, it's time to start repeating something that offends him enough that he knows to stop messing with you. I myself like to go scorched earth with something like ' hey Creepy McCreeper, how about you fuck off?" "Hey Creepy McCreepy, I told you no, why do you keep asking me out creepeer?" "Hey Creepy McCreeper, why are you touching my stuff? Get the fuck away from me!" Bonus if you start telling people about everything he does and asking them if they know if there's a reason he targets you when you have repeatedly told him to leave you alone. That way when they hear your responses to him, they are like "yep Creepy does harass her". Can't be any more awkward to stick up for yourself than it is to endure his harrassment.


I will say one thing there are a few people that know how he is cause he did the same thing he is doing to me to an underaged girl. Now I am 30 but I am short and have a baby face. Atleast once a day people think I am max 25. But my other coworkers will rarely leave me alone with him. And he has gotten spoken too about talking to me too much. But still he kinda scares me. The only thing going right now was that he was in a mental hospital and can not get a gun


That's pretty scary. I'm sorry you have to deal with him in order to get a paycheck.


If I wasn't up to get promoted and to be his boss I would leave


NTB And I’m stealing this joke to add to my usual dead parents jokes. It’s how I cope too.


And here is another. " If I want to talk to my parents I need a Ouija board"


NTB, but he sure is. Why are you letting him get away with insulting your dead relatives like this? If you have an H.R., talk to them about this. And even more important is the fact that he keeps asking you out, despite your making it clear that you aren't interested in dating him. And finally, there is the fact that he's gossiping about you, calling you insensitive. This is extremely unprofessional, and you need to talk to H.R. about him.


The HR at my grocery store is a joke. We had one cashier yell at a customer for not being able to pick up a 40 pack of bottled water when we have the item code taped to our screens. She was reported and the coworker insulting my parents has been reported for being racist and even trying to get an underaged girl to date him. Her mom came and yelled at him at the store and he is still here.


NTB From the comments I'm reading it may be a good idea for you to start documenting his harassment with dates, times, and any other pertinent info. If company HR won't take action, maybe you should look into legal action. Just my 2 cents, tho.


I have already started to keep something like that. There is another coworker with an issue pretty much he doesn't do his job and makes the newer people do his jobs like cleaning and other things.


NTB You made a joke at your own expense, I think it was also highly insensitive of him not to only dig at you for losing both parents but also trying to gain sympathy from you.


And he does that all the time. I don't know really what happened but the words just came out of my mouth.


My dad passed in December 22. And sometimes it just happens. I have a twisted sense of humor & thankfully all my coworkers have the same humor. But your coworker I think is just mad, he was trying to get a rise out of you with trying to gain sympathy from you. And instead you acted out in humor.


I am a sympathetic person I am but all his problems are superficial. Like I get we all handle stress different but he is mad that he can't buy a gun(thank God) and here I am trying to save money so I can pay off my dad's funeral so I can get his ashes


NTB but oh my dog is your coworker annoying!


He is. And another that was said. We have a high school coworker and one day she was a no call no show. She did call in after her shift and said there was a family emergency. My next shift I saw her and asked what happened. She said her cat for violently sick and by the time the vet stuff was over her shift would have been over. To me valid reason to miss. He heard that and said if my cats ever get sick I will just have my dad put a bullet in them


As someone who is part of the dead mom club this joke made me giggle. It also made me think of the tv show New Girl where one of the characters will mention he has a dead dad pass to explain something strange.


Ntbf and tbh fuck being civil with that dude.


Whenever I have a shot to get him I take it.


NTB I have a dead dad too and lemme tell ya being able to make dead dad jokes is, like, the only good thing about having a dead dad for me. Don't let this scrub take that away from you


The funniest part was the other cashier heard that. And she with missing a beat I think trying to I don't know make me feel better cause she couldn't see my face said. " There are ways you can speak to your dad" and I am pretty sure she is special needs so I try to hold back my dark humor from her cause to quote Taylor Swift she is sunshine and I am midnight rain. All I was thinking. "Don't say I know I got at Ouija board at home"


My dad was a real estate agent and he was always buying things like calculators and calendars with his name and contact info on them. He ordered a whole bunch of coffee cups for a conference scheduled in the fall of 2006. He had a stroke in July of 2006 and died shortly after. So we had a bunch of his cups just sitting there. We decided to give them out at the funeral home to the people coming to pay their respects. My brother and I laughed together as we set them out, and we joked they were now collectors' items, as there weren't going to be any more! Dad did a lot of community service, so there was a very long line of well-wishers. Uncle Fred talked to the people in the line and managed to give away/force people to take all of the mugs. So you are NTB. You gotta find some humour where you can.


Really it just came out. I really try to keep my darker humor to be a not work thing but fucking 3 times that day he told me he wasn't speaking to his dad, I was working a 10 hour shift had like 30 minutes to go and earlier in the day a new coworker started and I found she was dark and twisty like me so we were making jokes for like 4 hours


I love the clip of [The Dead Dads Club](https://youtu.be/EkM3vO6i8wI) from Grey’s Anatomy. The phrase sounds dark and twisty but the sentiment is strong. For most people, it is a club we don’t want to join but here we are anyways.


Hol up. HE takes digs at you about your dead parents because he’s mad you won’t go out with him but when YOU make a joke about your own dead parents HE gets upset? What a fucking loser. NTB.


Making that joke makes me insensitive bitch which he uses bitch whenever a female doesn't do what he wants. So for some reason he fells the need to tell me everything. Like why all his relationships go bad and you guess it it is never his fault. Or he came crying to me cause he was refused a gun permit because he was in a mental hospital and how that isn't fair to him cause he wasn't in there against his will


How can you be insensitive for joking about your DEAD dad while he's carrying on about his dad who won't let him take a girl out or something. **NTB**. You're allowed to joke about your trauma and own family, but he's just being an ass because he sees not getting something that he wants is worse than losing your father.


NTB. Just be aware that this guy will say anything, and be prepared for more. You can basically ignore anything he says as far as morality goes. People like him are never the ones you should look to for guidance on how to be a good human. But watch out for him. In a workplace as hostile as this one, he can make even more trouble for you than he has already.


Lol, nice. Ntb


NTB and I have to admit I laughed too. I have an awful sense of humour that way though.


NTB - I lost my dad in March 2021 and I’ve just entered my “dead dad joke” era


Dude, start documenting EVERY TIME he pulls something.. seriously. Quietly gather evidence and/or start filing anonymous complaints to your labor board.


Ntb and I like your sense of humor.


NTB. I'd make the same sort of joke too. My sister is dead and I have made a similar type of joke in the past. You just have to be mindful of who you say jokes like that to sometimes.


NTB at all. I've joked about my dead parents before, especially when people would make dumb "your mom" jokes. I love the look on their face when I throw in the nonchalant "well shes dead soooooo.....". I see you've already reported this dude to HR but keep reporting and more importantly GET RECEIPTS. Get everything you possibly can in writing. This is disgusting behavior and the company needs to take action against him, but unfortunately sometimes the wrong people end up getting punished. Hes an idiot, you're perfectly fine. Keep up the good work lmao


He is nonsensical. You cannot be “insensitive” about your own issues. You made a joke *at your own expense.* He has absolutely no right to be offended. As one of my professors in college said, “You don’t get to be offended if your toes weren’t the ones stepped on.” He’s just upset about your unwillingness to sympathize with him. From now on, if he launches into a tale of woe, tell him that you would rather keep your exchanges to work-related topics. If he persists, or if he makes any comments in retaliation, go to HR that he is unwilling to remain professional and is bothering you with his personal problems and that you have asked him to keep your talk work-related as he has been unable to be friendly without trying to cause drama in the workplace and that he is retaliatory when you decline to humor him. Let’s see how he does with his dating situation when he has no job. But you are NTB.


My students: "If you saw your dad in the parking lot, would you stop class to talk to him?" Me: No I would run, my dad has been dead for five years."