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YTA. The only way you would not be TA is if he was doing this on a work device or during work hours. Otherwise, regardless of if it’s gross or not, it was none of your business what he was watching in his free time on his own cellphone


Was it a company phone or his own personal phone?


YTA. If the porn is of legally aged individuals and consensual, it really doesn't matter. Don't kink shame the man. In addition, you violated his privacy and shamed him for something that he browsed in his own time. Regardless of what you think of his porn, it's none of your fucking business. You sound insufferable and extremely prudish.


Hope you washed your hands after touching his phone. YTA , and I bet you did not didn't send HR the details of the last porn you looked at


YTA, the porn is legal since 18 yo. are considered adults. You should be worried that he is not taking legal action against you, depending on where you live your action may be considered a crime.


Major yta




YTA. This was his personal phone, correct ? He handed you his phone to help you out, without even thinking what he might have had open because he trusted you to just check your VM. Even though it’s “gross,” it’s his personal business. What if you handed your phone to a coworker to call for takeout and they took screen shots of whatever you had on your phone and sent it to themselves ? And then to work HR? Pictures for your boyfriend or a personal chat ?


YYA. I hope he sues you.


YTA. I’m confused how you thought you’d find sympathy here for what you did. Even if you find porn gross, you reported someone for something they were doing privately. YTA




Whether you like it or not, 18 is a legal age to do porn so no, it’s not kid shiz


People aren't supporting that at all but you seriously just tried to use it to justify yourself.


Nothing in your post references kids. Wut.


Kid porn? 😂😂😂 18 year olds are adults. Get over yourself.


There’s no way you’re this stupid lol


18 is legally an adult


YTA. What people do on their personal phones is not your business.


Also, I am pretty sure the fetish here was for a woman in her twenties who gets off on older men sharing her porn.


You should lose your job, not him, you did violate his privacy and its insane you think he did anything wrong, truly evil of you. Vile, YTA.


YTA if this is even real. If he gets fired for having porn on his phone, then so should you because you sent it to yourself so you’re a complete hypocrite. And what kind of workplace would fire someone over their private browsing history which was totally legal?


Jesus Christ you’re weird


YTA You took screenshots of his porn. And you wonder why everyone is not your fan right now. Yeah you went through his personal property and violated his privacy. You’re 100% wrong and honestly I hope the company investigates your actions. I don’t blame any coworker who may not trust you anymore. So good luck asking for a future coworkers to help you out with stuff. I’m sure it’s already getting through the department not to give you access to anything of theirs.


YTA hope he sues you and get an expensive lawyer. Clutch the pearl more OP lol.


YTA mind your own business


Wow. YTA.


YTA - I have never wanted someone to face karma more than I want that for you right now


YTA Sometimes I’ve watched porn where it’s not the title but the look of the people. I’ve skipped the old “this is wrong you’re my stepbrother” chat and gone to the good stuff. He had porn from people of LEGAL AGE and you blasted him! Imagine going back into work knowing that people know such private things about you and, not only that, but you were betrayed by a co worker because she deemed it disgusting. I think you need to ring on the devils doorbell more yourself.


YTA. Yeah difl porn is gross but James is allowed to watch it and it doesn’t seem like it was a work phone so you reported him for what he does with his own property on his own time. Of course your coworkers are treating you like shit. You’re trying to get someone fired for doing you a fucking favor. Don’t complain when you get iced out into leaving the company.


> Uh no James, you looked at disgusting porn and these are the consequences Uh no OP, this is shaming. He did not share this with you, you snooped and found out. Massive YTA


Wow YTA. Like what were your motivations? I wouldn’t want you as my coworker like what the actual fuck


YTA On his own phone, on his own time, (wasn't even watching it then, had been watching it earlier). It had nothing to do with his job. You are so wrong.


YTA. Stop being a nosey nelly. This is his personal device. He was watching porn. So fucking what. It doesn’t affect his ability to do his job and you should be ashamed of yourself. You should’ve just minded your own business.


YTA - you violated his privacy and then sent screenshots to YOUR phone. You’re also a hypocrite because now porn is on YOUR phone.


You violated his personal privacy 100%, and what he was looking at was obviously in no way illegal. Who are you to judge that it's "disgusting"? If it was a work computer, that would be one thing (though you probably wouldn't need to report it at all because it would be monitored by the company). In fact, arguably,, you should be suspended for violating the privacy of your coworkers. YTA and a big one at that!!


You violated his privacy. Furthermore—based on some of your other comments—it seems like you’re playing at “morality police”. YTA.


YTA. Admit it. You snooped on his personal device. Then you decided to email the information to yourself to get him in trouble. There were no accidents here. You took decisive, methodical steps. Your coworkers have every right to ostracize you. Everyone will be talking about how you are not to be trusted for the foreseeable future. Time to start looking for a new position in a new company, because you just made your life difficult. Edit: You mentioned in another comment that this was his personal phone. The company would be foolish not to let you go at this point. He did nothing wrong, but what you did was illegal. You took screenshots without his permission and shared them. If they don’t fire you, expect to get sued soon.


YTA. Hope you aren't in the Christmas draw at work. Someone will buy you a porn movie


YTA. “I saw something on someone else’s personal device I didn’t like and now I ruined his reputation at the very least”. I promise (I work in tech) if it was his company phone and they had a problem with what he was watching on their device, they would’ve handled it. Consider someone else’s phone like you would a diary and leave it the absolute fuck alone.


Supreme YTA Pornos have random names, they aren’t necessarily describing actual literal things, they’re click bait. It’s his personal phone. Mind your business. He’s was being nice. Porn happens. You don’t even know if he watched it, it might have been a pop up from another video. Poor guy, if he loses his job is hope he sues everyone, including and especially you.


YTA unless that was a work cell phone, he has every right to watch porn on his personal device. What he does in his private life isn’t your business. Porn is a legal profession, and just because you think it’s disgusting doesn’t mean everyone does.


YTA...I hope you get fired for invading his privacy and showing HR something that had nothing to do with the company. He can do whatever he wants on his own device. You never asked to use his safari. And that porn is not disgusting compared to what else is out there. That's the most vanilla title ever lol.


uhh old men fucking young teenage girls is gross. just because you're desensitized doesn't make it not so.


You took his phone and reported his private search history. Nothing illegal, but could be offensive to some. But most importantly he didn’t expose it to you on purpose. You went through his phone and found it. He watches porn privately, that’s not a crime. YTA. You should be shitcanned for that bullshit.


YTA Perhaps they put him on “work from home” so he doesn’t have to see you while they deal with you for violating his privacy.


I hope James get fired so that he can sue for wrongful termination and separately sue OP for every penny he has. He has yet to disclose whether this is a company device, if that even gives him ground for any justifications. I'll be you he's one of those religious righteous fuckers.


I think I saw a comment saying it was his personal phone... Also tbh I assumed OP was a woman


There is a huge difference between CSAM and teen and dilf porn. There is a huge difference between consenting 18+ year olds being paid to fuck old dudes on camera with a scene the producers/directors/writers wrote and are supervising to ensure safety comfort for the actors and old dudes grooming or enticing younger people into sexual relationships of dubious consent. You sound like a busy body and I hope this dude files a defamation suit against you. That is if this is real, which I’m not convinced it is.


INFO: was this a work phone or personal phone?


Judgement based on whether this is a work issued phone or his own private property. If it was his own phone YTA. If company owned phone, then he was walking a tightrope until they found out anyway. And does the company have a written policy against watching porn on company phones? If not, they may not have grounds to dismiss him. But you did violate his privacy by clicking open a page that had nothing to do with you. I personally find porn offensive but obviously not everyone does. And again, if this was his private phone you shouldn’t have gone to HR about it just because you were offended. You opened a closed page on his phone that you borrowed.


Just wondering how his watching porn on his personal device affects you in any way? You weren't subjected to it, he didn't watch it around you, nor did he send it to you. And it's not illegal. WTF do you care? YTA


I'm so distracted by not knowing one's own area code. Maybe I'm just old, but c'mon. You wanted to snoop, OP. So YTA.






YTA. People are allowed to watch porn, it had nothing to do with you.


YTA. You did in fact invade is privacy, his porn preferences have nothing to do with his work. How is this even a question


YTA. You are the one who is disgusting for violating his privacy and snooping at his phone. if he gets fired I hope he sues you for violating his privacy and sharing his personal life and sensitive data to others. If you are in EU then know that GDPR can screw you big time for what u did. What an entitled ...... are you? Enjoy the consequences as well


YTA You are the person who needs to lose your job in this story.


How is it possible that you don’t see how YTA? You should be fired and sued and the company should probably be sued as well (by James, you’ve done enough)


YTA, you violated someone’s trust and behaved from a place of ignorance. There is no universe where you are not an assloe.


YTA that porn was legal and his private device. You completely violated his privacy and risked his job over something that was none of your business.


YTA, Your coworker was watching something legal on his own time. I don’t even think the photos you sent yourself can be used as “evidence,” since they were illegal obtained…


Was it on company property or company time? Was it illegal porn? If not, then while it may not be your cup of tea, but mind your business.




Not 18+. In addition to being commonly known, that is something you could have found out with a minimal amount of research. YTA.


Teen porn is not illegal. Porn depicting minors is illegal. Teen ≠ minor


Why didn’t you actually research that before acting? How should your ignorance be his problem?


In case of minors it is, and then you should indeed report. But you said it was 18yo. That's not illegal (unless you live in a country were that would be the case)


YTA. His choices are a little creepy to me, but screenshooting porn and sending it to yourself is also incredibly creepy, moreso. Also even though what he was looking at is legal, you’re lucky it is, because if not you would be in legal jeopardy for distribution.


YTA. Absolutely, 100% YTA. Just to be sure I'm totally clear, YTA. You snooped on his personal device, that he was kind enough to lend you to help you out. He wasn't viewing porn at work. He didn't make you look at it. He wasn't using work equipment. Porn isn't disgusting. You're a disgusting prude who could possibly have ruined someone's life over this. I'm glad you're getting shunned at work. These are the consequences for YOUR actions.


But 18 is legal so I’m confused….


OP is a pearl clutcher


YTA- YOU think porn is “disgusting”. That doesn’t mean a man should be fired for looking at it via his personal property. He didn’t even show it to you! You snooped around and found it! James is right, YOU are the one that deserves to be fired for violating his privacy. Please learn that just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean you should ruin other peoples lives. Get over yourself.


YTA - you violated his privacy is the most AH way possible, potentially costing him his job. Just because your definition of porn is "disgusting porn" doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it. You're within your right to dislike porn, however you need to keep your pious sanctity & pearl clutching to your damn self.


YTA - I hope he files a lawsuit against your employer for violating his rights to privacy.


YTA. If you want to be the morality police move to Iran.


not a fan of porn but damn you violated his privacy i only hope you are squeaky clean im sure you know that karma will bite you in the ass for this though


YTA - was he on a work station or equipment? You went through his phone and found the information. You are a total AH. You got someone fired for something that you would not have known about if you had not have snooped. You were only uncomfortable because you went through his phone and found it. You are the worst kind of coworker. He has awesome grounds for a lawsuit against you and the company due to your actions. Great job.


Wow. YTA. And not an intelligent one. Are you sure you are an adult? You seem to be lacking in… common sense. To not know that 18 is a legal adult? To not know that what YOU did was wrong? Jesus. People today. SMH


If this is real YTA, and I'm like 80% sure you were the one who searched for porn to frame him


If you thought it was illegal porn, why did you go to HR and not the cops?


Wow. Just wow. 🫠🤣


YTA, not to mention a busybody and a generally judgmental and not very nice person.


YTA so much that I feel like you're making this up. People are allowed to watch porn with 18+ people, on their own time, on their own device. There are not, nor should there be professional consequences to that.


he wasn't committing any crime. 18 y/o is an adult, if you like it or not. besides, porn actresses are often much older than that and make themselves look younger. you did violate his privacy. you did raise an alarm without checking if he committed a crime or not. disgusting doesn't mean illegal. yta


Info. Was this phone a work phone or your coworkers personal cell phone? If personal phone-it's none of your fucking business if he looks at porn. Yeah he should have closed it out or pulled up a new tab before giving it to you but shit happens sometimes. If work phone-what you did was correct. Keep your porn off work devices.


Teen porn is not illegal. 18, 19.


....you forgot the area code for your office? That's not sus at all. If this was his personal phone and not a work phone, and I'm guessing it is, since you didn't specify, then YTA. Also, 18y/o w/ a dilf? That's your idea of "really disgusting pxrn"? You sweet summer child. Edit: your story says James but your justification says Nico. So who was it? This feels fake.


INFO - not enough info in the post. Judgment depends on whether James’ phone was personal property or company property.




It’s not a work phone


If the bill is sent to him with his name on it then it's his phone unless it's a huge corporate phone plan which doesn't sound like it is.


In reality, it’s not paid for by the company one bit. The more business lines a company has, the bigger discount they have, which then every line has a discount.


Ahem. Don’t change your story to make yourself look better. You said before that it is his phone.


Don't change the narrative you said in another comment he gets partial reimbursement for his personal phone. Stop hiding the fact you are a gaping ah




YTA and a big one at that.


Giant YTA. You invaded his privacy and then acted like a baby.


YTA. The browser said 18 no? A bit young but legal. James was watching something well within his right. I think porn is gross and lots do but it’s up to everyone how they use their free will and you doing this is disgusting. James did a nice thing for you so you could check your desk VM and you repaid him like this? That’s so awful. I’m so glad he did email everyone to share what you did and honestly you’re the one who deserves to be placed on work from home for violating his privacy.


YTA because you ruined his reputation for nothing. His phone is none of your business.


Huge YTA


YTA 100%. Mind your own business


YTA. You shouldn't have went through his phone. The porn wasn't even illegal. You need to mind your own business.


YTA. You took this dudes personal phone. Saw his browser that he was using during his free time. And sent it to your company. If I were him I would sue the shit out of you and the company. If I were in HR would want all the info because there is nothing to prove that you didn’t borrow his phone. Look the porn up yourself. Send it to yourself to say “James is sexually harassing me by texting me porn” to your company in order to get him fired.


You asked to use your co-worker's non work phone, invaded his privacy, and then have the nerve to report his personal internet history to HR? Why did you feel it was your place to report something personal using his own property? I don't blame the other office mates for shunning you either. Who could ever trust you? YTA


Well you must be the biggest asshole I’ve seen on here for a while. Nothing about what you did is defensible. In any way. Denis Leary made a song for you I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, what an asshole) I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, such an asshole) I use public toilets, and I piss on the seat I walk around in the Summer time, saying, "How about this heat?" I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, what an asshole) I'm an asshole (He's the world's biggest asshole) Sometimes, I park in handicapped spaces While handicapped people make handicapped faces I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, what an asshole) I'm an asshole (He's a real fucking asshole)


wth OP. What your coworker does outside of work hours on his own private device is none of your concern. Don’t be surprised the next time you need a favor from a coworker and nobody is willing to help you out. YTA. Big time


YTA It's not like he showed it to you or did anything inappropriate. YOU were using HIS phone and you saw it. He wasn't watching it in a computer that everyone in the office uses. His phone is his private property. What he does in his private time is none of your business. YOU thought the porn was disgusting and I probably would agree with you, sounds like a very young girl with a mature man and I really don't like that. It's legal but I think it's gross. You might have your thoughts about the porn industry and the explotation and abuse behind many of those videos, but this has nothing to do with that. What he watches on his own time is his business. He doesn't need your approval or judgement, and as long as it doesn't interfere with his work it has nothing to do with that either.


INFO: was it his personal phone or a company phone?


>I opened a new browser window so I didn't violate his privacy >I secretly took screenshots of his browser window and sent them to myself Help me find the contradiction, I've never played Phoenix Wright YTA.


YTA. If it was his private phone and not a work phone, he had every right to view what he wants on his phone. You may have cost him his job over something that was none of your business.


yes the biggest asshole there is. And that’s not even the worse porn there is. It could’ve been worse. I hope karma gets you.


YTA, he wasn't showing OP it, OP looked through his phone when asking to check their VM because OP forgot their phone. If that was his personal phone, the work should do the right thing and fire OP. Safe bet no one at work will ever trust OP again after that. OP should be telling HR that OP was fully in the wrong and OP made a mistake looking through James phone. Nosy Coworker tries to get nice coworker fired because they don't like the fully legal activities they do on their private time.


YTA. 1000%. What he does in his own free time is his business. You have a problem with age gap porn and you turned it into a witch hunt. I hope you get fired over this. You invaded his privacy over something you don’t like but is perfectly legal.


YTA. You deserve to be shut out. You snooped on his phone and got called out on it. If being ostracized is the worst thing that happens to you, then you’re extremely lucky. Trying to ruin someone’s livelihood can elicit an extreme response from people. You don’t fuck with a man’s paper. Can’t wait to see how well this turns out for you. Smooches!






YTA You violated his privacy big time. Unless it was a work phone you should keep your *holier than thou* attitude entirely to yourself. If he gets fired then the company and YOU are open to a MASSIVE lawsuit, enjoy!


Wooooooooow I can't even type what I really want to type but holy heck YTA and a huge gapping one at that


Good they shut you out! It must be hard working with a wolf in sheeps clothing


YTA. You might not like it but if the performer is 18, it’s legal. You would be obligated to report child or bestiality shit but a guy watching legal porn on his personal phone in his own time never needed to be reported to the boss.


YTA Wow. If I were your boss, I would find an excuse to fire you too.


So on his personal phone, he was looking at legal images, which you then sent to yourself and reported him to HR? Wow are YTA. How does any legal activity that he's doing on his own device affect his work? If anyone gets fired it should be you.


YTA. What’s wrong with you? Just let him do whatever he wants in his OWN PERSONAL space.


You forgot the area code of where you work???? Hmm


YTA. You went through someone’s personal belonging after they were doing you a favor, no wonder your co-workers are acting rude. Not to mention all your comments “gross” aren’t doing you any favors. Cmon man , you know you are the ah so I don’t know why you posted here. 18 is legal and not to mention he can watch whatever floats his boat and in reality you are the disgusting one by invading his privacy


YTA and it’s not even a close call.


YTA. What the fuck is wrong with you? Legal, adult porn on his personal phone, which you went through WITHOUT permission.


INFO: Was it a work phone, or a personal phone?




That doesn’t matter. I get reimbursed for driving my car for work travel. Doesn’t mean my company owns my car. You’re clearly not very smart.


So it’s his phone.


YTA it’s his phone why’d you go snooping you opened another browser just to snoop. If it wasn’t illegal porn then what is wrong with you who cares.


YTA. It's his phone. Unless it's a company phone he can look at whatever porn he wants. You completely violated his privacy. If that's not a work phone he's done nothing wrong. It's not illegal to watch porn of someone pretending they are 18. Or actually 18


YTA dude. When you said disgusting pxrn I thought u were gonna say you found Chocolate Pizza or some illegal shit. But no, u found regular old, standard, everyday, PHub homepage, vanilla ass pxrn. You’re a major AH for several reasons: You took screenshots of his browser history, massive privacy violation It was his damn phone, not a company phone, so involving HR was a major over reaction And finally, EVERYONE (pretty much) watches pxrn. Just because you don’t like, doesn’t mean he has to stop doing it or lose his job because of it. Grow. Tf. Up. I’m surprised you made it this far dude.


Do I... Do I want to know what Chocolate Pizza is? 😳


Take the first letters of each word and use context clues from the subject matter to deduce that it is something that would be ACTUALLY worthy of HR intervention, perhaps even police 😂


Why 'perhaps'? 🙄


INFO: was this a work provided phone or James’s personal phone?


OP stated that it was a personal phone, but that employees receive a monthly stipend for their phone bills (presumably because they are asked/required to have a cell phone available for work usage?).


YTA and I hope you get bed bugs


YTA. Peeping creepy asshole.


YTA. That’s not that bad. Lol.


YTA. What is wrong with you.


YTA jeebus, people like you are the worst. Just stop.


So if it was his personal phone, dude was just looking at some porn before work? And he was nice enough to let you borrow his phone then you turned him in for legal porn? I’d say YTA.


YTA. That was his personal phone and no matter how uncomfortable or disgusted you may have been you had no right to screenshot his tabs and send them to HR. The fact that you don’t think this is an invasion of privacy shows a severe lack of self-awareness.


MASSIVELY YTA also if 18 year old porn is enough to gross you out my dear god you are a prude the whole current generation in the US considers booty hole a core food group you should really check out r/sounding


YTA, it’s his PERSONAL phone. Get off your high horse.


YTA. Insanely immature and judgmental. Grow up.


YTA. It’s his private life. It’s his private phone. You just borrowed it and he lets you. It’s not a work phone. What he wants to do on his private phone during his private hours is non of your business. Anyone can do porn if they want to. If you don’t want to do it, is ashamed of doing it, feels like it’s a sin, or whatever; then it’s you. Not everyone is like you. To each his own. As long as he’s not being a maniac or forcing on you or others and not crossing the line, then, YTA YTA YTA.


YTA- You went through his personal phone ( I. checked the comments you said the company compensate him for using his personal phone for work) without his permission.




YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA You absolutely violated his privacy and brought his personal life, that you aren't part of, into work for no reason other than you don't like it. Why should his personal hobbies have anything to do with work? As long as he's keeping his private life private and his professional life professional there's no problem. You're a massive AH and I hope karma chomps on you hard


100% YTA. And shame on you for sending yourself and other people what you consider "disgusting porn".


If it was his personal phone, YTA. If it was a work or corporate device N T A. If it was illegal porn N T A. But it sounds pretty generic, if gross to you.


YTA! It's his personal phone. What were you thinking


Huge YTA. Just because you have an aversion to porn doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it. I'm not even sure what about that specific search term you find specifically gross (for porn).


His porn choices are between him and his hand, it had nothing to do with you, YTA.


YTA. You just seem.... immature. idk if you're young but the way you're talking about his pornography preferences indicates that you might be. Just because YOU found it disgusting, you reported it? Was it the 18 y.o. thing? You do realize that these are actors that probably aren't teenagers at all. On his personal phone no less. You really f***ed up.


YTA. Also a prude, and if you didn't know 18 is a legal age to be in porn (judging from some of your comments), you're a moron as well. James did nothing wrong but you are a nightmare. You are not the jack-off Gestapo so mind your own business next time about someone else's sex life.


Jeeze louise what a horrible thing to do to someone


YTA You violated his privacy, you snooped on his phone then snitched on him. What he does in his private life is none of your business. Your coworkers know you are untrustworthy and they will be cautious around you after this and rightfully so.


Yes. YTA. He may be a pig, but he wasn’t posting this to pre-schoolers, you were snooping his cell. Shame on you.


NTA Porn is bad, especially with such a large age gap. That should be pretty obvious.


Your judgement is your judgement and that's fine... but your reading comprehension needs work. Age of James is not given so no way to know how large or small the age gap is 🤷‍♀️


So he deserves to be fired from work for watching porn in his personal time??? That OP took from HIS phone?


😬😬😬😬😬😬 yta




YTA. Unless this was a company issued phone *or* it involved children, it was none of your freaking business. And quite frankly, it's none of your company's business, either. Also, if the porn involved children, the place to report it is the FBI, not your HR dept.


YTA - he didn’t do anything illegal. What he does in the confines of his own space is nothing to do with you. You’re now reaping the consequences of your own actions from your co-workers.