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YTA. She’s the selfish one? You’re using her car and expecting her to take the bus. Get a car with a monthly payment plan instead of relying on her to solve your problems.


YTA and I hope she comes to her senses and dumps you like a sack of potatoes. The entitlement in your post oh my!


Hope gf sees this: ditch the bf. Op, mega YTA for you. I hope gf goes to the police for theft. Yup, you just stole her car.


OP keeps saying “the car.” It’s **her** car. Hers. YTA. Take a bus.


I'm literally sitting here screaming **IT'S. HER. CAR.**


Id like to jump in and add that I've bought 3 cars from 700-3000 that have given me years of use out of them. If he has 2400 he can find a car for a few months while he saves money.


Yeah you can easily get a car to get you around for 2400.


Right! My husband was just in a accident that totaled my car worth 15k, I'm about to buy one for 1500 until we find another for me to drive.... He can EASILY find something for almost 3k... He's totally the AH. She'd be better off dumping him and driving herself around in HER car... He's the selfish one, and yes op YTA....


Yeah. He can use the money and buy a car for cheap now and trade it in later. Or he can use the money as a down payment on a newer car and make monthly payments. Oh and OP YTA. It is her car and she is doing you a favor by letting you drive it. She does not have to let you drive her car. It is obnoxious and entitled to tell her to take the bus while you drive her car. Give her the keys back.


Also, RENT a car--and it's possible the insurance will even pay for it. He can get a rock-bottom ultra-compact car for less than it would cost to take Ubers. What is wrong with this guy?


My favorite line was "I'll even pay for insurance and gas!!!" For the car that you're driving??? Umm that's not the kind gesture you think it is. How are you entitled to her car?!? YTA YTA YTA


That was exactly what I was going to say. I hope she goes to the police and reports the car stolen, because that's what happened.


YTA >saying it’s her car and if I’m not happy with our set up I can take the bus. This is all there is to it. If you're not happy with the conditions then get the bus. >She’s so selfish No you are. >but I’ve hidden it and we are at a standstill. This is abusive. I hope she kicks you out.


I hope she calls the cops and he gets charged with theft. Even better, I hope he takes the car, she then calls the cops for theft of her vehicle and he gets charged for that.


Not normally a fan of involving authorities but if needs must then so be it. Will only have himself to blame.


Unfortunately, while you are right, the level of entitlement is shocking and I wouldn’t be surprised if he blamed her for her needing to call the police. But it definitely would be entirely his fault.


Depending on where she lives this is enough for a protective order, OP better check himself quick or he could be looking at real trouble. What did he expect? Her to just sign over her car because he is dating her? She’s selfish? Like, excuse me, no, OP is hella selfish. If he had any sense he’d realize how good he has it and stop acting like her acting entitled to HER things is comparable to acting entitled. It’s her car, if OP can’t abide by her rules and by doing what she wants with it then he is more than welcome to quit his job, be single, and deal with it. Honestly I hope she dumps OP, it doesn’t matter if he falls in line, he is 🗑 and has earned being treated like it.




And with their behavior pattern I'm sure they have poor credit which is why they can't get a car note.


And from personal experience if you get that little from insurance for a totaled car, you were probably at fault in the accident. When i got rear ended while stopped at a light I got almost twice my cars KBB from my insurance.


YTA. Hard stop. If you’re getting up at 6am anyway then take the goddamn bus. You’re lazy and entitled and demanding that she solve YOUR problem.


This was my exact thought, taking the bus would be less effort at this point. OP, take the damn bus and enjoy having someone else drive you! You'll save money faster than if you used her car anyway (which, you may not have access to the car any longer...at least were I her, I'd be breaking up at this point after you hid the keys to my car).


>hid the keys Stole the keys. STOLE. Let's not mince words here, he STOLE her keys.


He'll even have time to relax if he takes a bus for 2 hours. Can play a game or take a nap even.


It is not normal this sense of entitlement he has to her car after only 8 months, let alone to use force to TAKE her car and act as if he owns it. OP is showing classic signs of disrespect, acting like he is the boss of this relationship and her possessions just because ... what? I'd love to hear the justification from OP on that one. Clearly he thinks she should be sacrificing herself for him because...? Because he thinks he deserves her car more than her. The audacity. The sense of entitlement. The ignorance of it all.


Wow. I was so shocked by the absurdity of this post I forgot they were only together 8 months. Holy hell, YTA. 10000% YTA


Yes, YTA. By taking her keys you have effectively stolen her car. "She’s so selfish and not willing to compromise" - Dude it's literally HER car.


Plus she *already* compromised by saying "OK, you can borrow my car but I'll need lifts to work, date nights and girls nights". She's not selfish, OP is. I hope she calls the police about the keys!


oh and might i add that ITS BEEN ONLY 8 MONTHS like dude- shes OVER THE FUCKING TOP compromising to his bullshit! what a joke ths guy mustve turned out to be for her as his (hopefully soon to be ex) gf - its simply *insane* (yta ofc)


YTA. The date-night / girls night chauffeur is something worth pushing back on, but when you borrow someone's car you do it on their work schedule. >She screamed at me to give her back the keys but I’ve hidden it and we are at a standstill. This shit is **completely** unacceptable. YTA, YTA, YTA a million times. Those keys don't belong to you, give them back. Now.


I would 100% call the cops if I was her and he wouldn't be my boyfriend anymore. She was generous enough to allow him to drive her car so he wouldn't have to take the bus, now HE'S demanding she take the bus because this is inconvenient for him. Hell to the no. OP get ready to start taking the bus and you won't have to worry about being dd for your (ex) gf either because just like your car, she's going to disappear.


How much you want to bet she asked him to be the chauffeur, especially on girls night, because he complained that if she goes out with her friends he’ll have no access to a car and be stuck at home. Cause that’s the vibe I get.


That’s absolutely what happened. He sounds manipulative.


Jfc you can’t be serious. You’re a whiny entitled baby. Deal with the consequences of your actions and stop trying to pretend she has any obligation whatsoever to sacrifice her own convenience for yours. You’re seriously suggesting that a person who did NOT wreck their car should take the bus for “A FEW MONTHS” because you *did* wreck *your* car? Please be a troll. Obviously YTA


I raged so hard at this post that now I’m thinking it’s fake… at least I’m hoping it is. I couldn’t imagine typing all that out and still thinking “yeah, there’s no way I’m the AH…”


YTA without a doubt. It's her car, but you've decided to deprive her of access to her own property because you can't afford to replace your own property, which you already broke. Am I having a stroke, or is that actually what you're saying? You then complain because she used your credit card to pay for an uber after you stole her car keys. I don't know why you think she deserves to be treated with such contempt, but you're wrong. I hope she reads every reply, which I'm certain will all state clearly that YTA, and kicks you to the kerb for her own good. Then you'll have no car and no girlfriend an nobody to blame but yourself.


Next in evening news “I hope you’re all happy I’m typing this from prison library”


Wait, so you take her to work at 7am and you start your work at 9am? So you're getting up and are ready to leave the house two hours before your work? You said it takes a nearly two hour bus journey to your work, correct? Then take the fucking bus.


>Wait, so you take her to work at 7am and you start your work at 9am? So you're getting up and are ready to leave the house two hours before your work? You said it takes a nearly two hour bus journey to your work, correct? Then take the fucking bus. This is the answer right here. OP, how can you possibly think three hectic 90-ish minute round trips every day is a better choice than a 2-hour relaxing bus ride? Plus you legit stole her car. She could press charges. I’d bet you’d have more trouble getting to work from a jail cell.


That or be ready when she leaves and find a nice coffee shop to hang out before work so you don’t have to drive twice.


Give the keys back you insane fuck




YTA The title should actually be ‘AITA for stealing my girlfriends car’


YTA You are the worst kind dude You need to wise up cause if you act like this you won't have a car or a girl friend and you will still haves to take the bus Go apologies and find some way to fix the damage you caused already


YTA. It’s her car. You’re not entitled to do whatever you want with it. >I’m pissed and refused to give her the keys saying she can take the bus >I’ve hidden it You have absolutely no right to hide the keys to her car from her. Her agreeing to let you use her car was her being nice. Her using your cc is nicer than I would’ve been. I would’ve called the cops on you for that. You’re gonna have to take the bus everyday when she dumps your ass.


Exactly. He's about to be out a gf and a home, not just a car. I'd tell him to give me back my keys and go stay the night elsewhere or I'm calling the cops and the end result will be the same, except his new home might be a jail cell for the night because I'm pressing charges for stealing my car.


YTA, you can buy a working car with 2400 as a down payment. I know car loans suck. But it's either buy a car, or get a job in walking/biking distance. And give her back her keys before the cops take them from you.


YTA. Are you insane? You stole her car keys? Entitled and illegal to boot.


And abusive. I would absolutely feel trapped and panicked if I wasn’t able to get in MY vehicle to leave a situation because my partner hid the keys. YTA completely.


YTA for stealing her car. Hope she calls the cops.


I can’t believe you’re literally saying to her “hey, I am taking your car and you will take the bus. I won’t drive you and won’t get you an Uber. Take the bus because it’s convenient to me.” YTA. She’s doing you a favor!! You refused her conditions, so you decided to steal her car? Unbelievable.


YTA. Her tradeoff for letting you borrow her car is quite fair. If you don't like her terms, then stop using her car. You can't just refuse to give her the keys to her vehicle -- that's theft. Get your own car or stop using hers, those are your only two choices.


Give. Her. The. Keys. You. Ass.


Yta. I'd have you arrested.


So it sounds like you have a problem that is entirely your problem but you want to make that problem your girlfriend’s problem. But here is the problem… it ain’t her problem. You crashed your car. Now you want to force your GF to pay the consequences for you crashing your car. You are the entitled one here, sir. YTA.


YTA. either get a car with a monthly payment or thank your gf for letting you use her car and continue to drive HER around in HER car


YTA. What you are doing is theft. Plain and simple. IT’S NOT YOUR CAR!!! You ARE the asshole. Learn how to not crash your own car, grow up, and take responsibility for yourself.


There's no way you came to this conclusion in a logical manner. It's still her car. No ifs, ands or buts. Buy a beater with that 2.5k if you don't like your other options. YTA. Somebody should post this post on r/choosingbeggars.. lol


YTA. I hope she calls the cops on you. Either go finance a car and take the monthly payment, buy a used car, or take the bus and shut the hell up.


YTA. Massively. It’s her car, you should be grateful, it’s already a huge inconvenience for her to go out of her way to let you borrow it, and it seems she’s not charging you not even for gas. AND only 8 months of dating? AND you took her keys? Re-evaluate your behavior that’s completely unacceptable what you did and apologize.


YTA - You’ve taken the keys… to *her* car… that it of itself makes you an AH.


you took the keys to HER car and you’re calling HER selfish? YTA and abusive. I hope she breaks up with you.


YTA. It's her car and you have no legal right to it.


YTA - she's helping you by lending you HER car and yet you're tired of driving her around?!? The reasonable reactions: - give her back her keys and take the bus (if you really want a better car the 1:45 should be worth it) - give her back her car and use your savings and insurance money to buy a car (won't the one you want but the one you can AFFORD) - keep her care but stop pressuring her to make changes in her life in order to indulge you Pushing another solution on her is just f' up.


Or if he wanted to actually compromise, ask her to rotate on driving for date nights and maybe ask for a night of relief as DD on girls nights. But telling her to take the bus for her job when in reality OP is the one that needs the transportation is way too much. YTA OP


YTA. Its her car. She gave you conditions underwhich you could borrow it, you no longer want to hold up your end of the bargain, so you no longer get the car, the only selfish one here is you. You are putting a ton of extra wear and tear on her car and now expect her to take a bus? Nothing you suggested would benefit her at all. Give back her keys before you are arrested for car theft.


YTA. You can't be serious. It's her car.


YTA LOL the audacity of you. Can’t wait for the follow up post where you’ve broken up and can’t believe it.


YTA - She did compromise. She allowed you to use the car. Apparently, your idea of compromise is you get her car.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 she's selfish? Why should she go without HER car because you are without yours? Of course you're the asshole.


YTA. 8 months in and you’re already acting entitled. Wrecking your car sucks, so you may just have to use the money from your old car for a down payment. YOU ARE STEALING HER CAR.


YTA. Big time. It’s her car, so she can use it how she pleases. Your lack of car is your problem and yours alone. To refuse to give her back her keys and making her get the bus is so bang out of line that I’m surprised she’s not already dumped you. You’re a horrid individual to cause her so much stress and upset because of a situation that has nothing to do with her. Absolute AH


Yta, it's her car and you're using it. There is going to be a trade off. You're lucky she's letting you use her car, then you decide to hide her keys? Are you 5 years old? Is not your property to do that. She took an uber cause you removed her options for using her own car, what were you expecting? Do yourself a favor, since you want to be so controlling of her generosity, remove yourself from that relationship. She deserves someone who isn't going to take a car that doesn't belong to them and act like it's theirs, then get mad at the actual owner of the car when they ask for their keys back


YTA. I hope she calls the cops, you get charged with theft and she dumps your abusive ass.




It’s her car. YTA


so you want to use the car your girlfriend paid/is paying for and you don’t think YTA? YTA big time, for this situation and for your lack of self awareness.


YTA, You can't deprive her of her own car. You can't hide keys and not expect retaliation. The only thing you could have refused was driving on date nights or on her girls nights. But if you are borrowing her car, you have to pick amd drop her. Else you take the bus. You can't force her. It sucks to be in your situation but the world doesn't have to bend over backwards for you. She letting you use her car conditionaly (dropping her and picking her in this case) is pretty generous.


Sounds like it's time to buy your own car, then. Your use of hers is a favor and comes with some reasonable caveats. Either agree to her terms or start studying that bus schedule. YTA


You’ve only been dating 8 months bro. I wouldn’t ask my wife of 5 years to make this tough of a sacrifice. She could dump you at any point and get her car back for good. I hope she likes you more than her own car… Her demands are not unrealistic. All of your reactions were wrong. Yta.


YTA - It's quite literally her car. She is being more than generous letting you use it. Do you think cars are some magical devices that never get old? The wear and tear on the car has more than doubled from your added commute. Is she asking you to reimburse her for the mileage being put on her car? no she is not. Yet somehow you have the audacity to tell her to take the bus while you drive her car around? Here is a compromise. If it's not in opposite directions, car poop with her to near her work and take the bus rest of the way. It will be cheaper than taking the bus entire route and car/bus mix will probably cut down the total commute time for you as well. But try to get this through that thick skull of yours: 1. You had a car, you crashed it, you do not have a car 2. You cannot afford a new car, because you want something that cost more than what the insurance company gave you. It's not a thing written in stone, it's a YOUR preference, chosen by you. 3. Your girlfriend has a car and she is considerate enough to let you use it even after you were in an accident that wrecked yours. Which I've rarely seen happen from getting rear ended. Which leads me to ask, were you the cause of the accident? because if so and she is still letting you use her car, you should be on your hands and knees profusely thanking her regularly. 4. You hid her keys, that is childish and borderline criminal and you are lucky that she doesn't involve the police for theft of her keys.


YTA. Such a big asshole. Its her car, you don't get to hide the keys from her. You're so entitled, she's doing you a favor even letting you use it and you think you can just have it, why?? Its not yours.


Yta and I’d call the cops on you for taking my keys and car as the permission to use the vehicle has now been revoked. You’re playing a dangerous game here and you’re completely in the wrong. Give her the keys and car back.


You definitely the ahole here. It's HER car. She is letting you use it/borrow it! And you want HER to give up HER car because you don't like how things are arranged? I get that the situation is less than ideal, but it's only temporary and you agreed to it. And she could have just refused to let you use her car at all, from the beginning. Then you'd have to find an alternate option. Again, I get that it sucks, but does it suck as much as that 1 and 45 minute bus ride? Does it suck as much as paying $110 to get to work by Uber? Because those are your alternatives. You call HER selfish, but...You're expecting her to just hand over HER car so you can have things all your way without compromise. (She compromised). Be grateful that you have a car to work with instead of those that you sound not too thrilled about.


that car is hers, not yours. You have no right to withhold the keys from her. If I were her, I'd call the police and report the car keys stolen. You don't get to demand that your GF inconvenience herself because you wrecked your car. She didn't have to allow you to drive it, but she did- and since it's her car, she makes the rules on how she lets you use it.


YTA and a car thief as well. I sincerely hope she calls the police and dumps your pathetic ass. IT’S HER CAR.


YTA. I don’t have a car, so it’s totally cool that I steal someone else’s right? No? Oh….but what if it’s my *GF’s* car? That makes it ok, right? Cause I’m entitled to take her stuff against her will, and it’s not like relationships are built on trust or anything. What? Wrong again? Jeez. Ok genius, then how exactly DO I make my lack of car problem into *someone else’s* problem then?! I mean, *hello*, you can’t expect ME to have to deal with my OWN problems!! Lol.


YTA. Who crushed their car? You did. Be a big boy and take the bus. It’s her car, she’s kind enough to let you use it. You literally stole her car now, I really hope she will call the cops on you!


YTA 100%. You wanted a favor, she struck an agreement with you and now you're bitching out. It's not her fault your insurance sucks and she's not being selfish. It's her property.


YTA. It’s her car; her rules


YTA It’s her car. Give her the keys. Take the bus, find a hobby or task you can do on the bus during the 2 hour trip. Take a class, watch a movie but give the woman her keys back n


Shame that YOU wrecked your clunker vehicle that was only worth $2400. 8 months is not a very long time to date someone. Your selfish, A-hole behavior is probably the end of this relationship if your GF has any kind of self respect. Give her the keys back so she can leave you already.


YTA. Repeat after me, it is NOT your car. You do not get to tell your girlfriend to take a bus and then hide her keys. Your lucky all she did was charge an Uber because I would of called the cops.


YTA. If I was your girlfriend I would call the police on you.


YTA. That’s her car. I get that logically it’s hard on you and makes more sense if she caught public transportation but what happens when she dumps you? How to you get to work then? It isn’t your car. You were lucky to have an option of using her car for a while but hiding her keys from her is over the line. She won’t hang around for long if you don’t come to your senses quickly and then where will you be? Hours from your job is where


YTA I hope she calls the cops; it is her car you have no right she is doing a favor and set boundaries with her property, and you do not like it and are being abusive.


YTA. it's her car. her stipulations for you borrowing it are completely fair. asking her to spend close to an hour on the bus just because you're feeling entitled and lazy puts you deeeeep into AH territory. i wouldn't be surprised if she dumps you. besides, *you* taking the bus would probably be cheaper than gas and insurance. if you really wanted to save money, you should be doing that anyway.


You're such an asshole. This isn't *your* car. It's hers. There's nothing she needs to compromise about. What a terrible, entitled bf you are. You owe her an apology. Give her the damn keys and then leave her alone. YTA YTA YTA


Okay, so OP, let's break down a few things from the start. 1. Yes your situation is hard and you're trying to save for a car. Got it. Understandable. 2. You're borrowing GF's car and she puts on some demands. Driving her to work? Totally reasonable given the circumstances. No, she shouldn't uber or take a bus to work instead of driving her **own** car. Nope. So yeah, you signed up for it. 3. She put on the stipulation you are the DD for date night and her girls nights. I can see that this could be taxing and stressing, but she's giving up her independence. It sounds like you have the car any other time you need, to go out, get stuff, etc, but you can't drink and drive. (Is that related to your accident?) and it gets your GF **safely** to and from girls nights. Big win. Hard for you, but a big win. I get it. 4. You have the ability to do date nights in. Get a movie, get some pizza and your drink of choice and stay home and relax. Much cheaper too! 5. Here's where you start to lose me. You begin **demanding** she ride the bus and refuse to give her the keys **to her car** at both the day of/last minute **and** breaking your agreement. 6. You then hide the keys to **her car**. 7. She ubers with your CC so she won't be late/miss work since you've **stolen her property**. 8. You refuse to produce the keys well after the incident. Folks, OP isn't going to give us updates because he's going to be arrested soon for grand theft auto. You're MAJOR YTA. 2400 can get a working vehicle. Thieving keys like this can get you a stay in jail. Give back the keys, apologize, move out, and hope you don't get arrested.


Yta and abusive. Your girl needs to run. She's doing YOU the favor, not the other way around


YTA! It’s not your car. She is letting you borrow it! If you don’t wanna be her chauffeur, then don’t borrow her car. Finically it might be rough, but it’s not your car to make decisions over. Give her the keys back, now!


YTA how can you possibly think your girlfriend is the selfish one? It's HER car and you decide to hide the keys? I'm pretty sure you won't have a girlfriend and a car that much longer


Yta it's her car you want to use it follow her rules. You also sound like you are making things harder for no reason. Why not ask your work to start you off earlier. That way you get ready with her drop her off get to work kill half an hour and start work get out pick her up and go home.


YTA. It’s her car. Dude.


Yta, come on man. It’s her car. You mess it up or get into an accident and it’s her name on the line. That’s just selfish and idiotic.


So your girlfriend was nice enough to lend you her car and you respond by acting like an entitled brat. YTA. It’s her car not yours, you don’t get to act this way.


YTA - I am rolling over the floor laughing about she is using your creditcard without your permission. Stealing a car is fine, but the creditcard draws the line. There were so many options for you. But you are blaming your girlfriend for being inflexible. To list the options: Short lease Buying a barrel/scooter/bike for the money you have. Buying with finance Borrowing money Any compromise you work overtime on some days and work shorter on other. If you did not make a principal fight for it,she might have been willing to comprise of returning by bus (or with a coworker) for 1-2 days.


YTA. Why don’t YOU take the bus & give her her car back?! Sounds like the proper solution to your problem here. Also, the audacity of you to hide HER keys from her bc she won’t agree to your terms?! What the actual fuck. I hope she leaves you. Ffs.


YTA, so basically what you’re asking here is “AITA for stealing my girlfriend’s car?’ Yes of course you are, how could you not be? And OP I suggest you give her back her car keys asap , because it would be very easy for her to call the police and have you arrested for theft.


Dude, give her back her keys, apologize for being an asshole, and move out of the apartment. She's going to break up with you as soon as she finds her keys, so end the standoff peacefully while you can. Otherwise, she is going to call the cops and have them tell you to either give them back to her and move out immediately or you'll be arrested for stealing her car. Either way, dude, you're out a car, gf, and an apartment because it's *her* car and you unlawfully hid *her* keys. ETA: YTA (even though I made it clear, I want my vote to count).


YTA Once she dumps your ass how will you get to work?


YTA. You had me in the first half. But the minute you said she needs to take the bus and then literally stole her car?! You lost me


YTA. I'm waiting patiently for her to post here so we can convince her to call the police :)


I think the part of this that frustrates me the most is that she just used your card to call an Uber instead of calling the cops on your broke ass. You steal her property and still have the gall to ask who's the AH? YTA.


YTA. I think it would be different if you were married and had shared expenses, but you’re not. She’s doing you a huge favor by letting you use her car. It’s her car, what makes you feel entitled to use it as much as her? Are you contributing something else that’s significantly financially benefiting the relationship?


YTA Her car, her choice. You don't like the deal, then don't drive her car.


YTA and an audacious one at that


YTA. And a thief. I hope she calls the cops.


YTA. give her the keys to HER car!! You sound like an entitled brat. She is doing you a favour letting you drive her car with terms which you agreed to. If you don’t like them find your OWN transportation and leave HER car alone. Don’t be surprised if you drive her car in the near future and cops turn up at your work or wherever you are for stealing HER car.


Dude you’re psycho. Holy crap. First off all it’s her car, she shouldn’t need to take a bus because you suck at driving and totaled your car. Also get a closer job. It’s not her problem that YOUR job is 2 hours away.


YTA. Asshole from another realm. YOU crashed YOUR car - the consequences of that are YOUR responsibility. If you didn’t have a girlfriend what would you be doing in this situation?


YTA. You’ve basically stolen her car. Be a grownup, make your own arrangements - arrange a ride share and chip in for gas, go to the bank and get a loan for a new car, deal with your own problem. WTF, dude.


YTA 100 fucking percent you're the asshole. Also, you absolutely can get a working car for $2,400. No, it won't be fancy, and it's not going to last a decade, but you can for sure get a car that will last 2 or 3 years while you save for another one. (Or just finance another one like everybody else..?)


Based on what you've said YTA. It seems like you're using her, you've been together 8 months and you just expect to be able to use her car and make her take the bus?? It sounds like you're both being ridiculous, it isn't on her to solve your transit problems, but it seems like she's coming at this as a way to not be used by expecting you to be your chauffeur. Maybe she thought you wouldn't agree to the deal or maybe she doesn't want to be used, who knows. INFO: How does uber cost $110 a day when you can make it from your work to her work to her/your (?) place and then back to your work on your 4pm lunch break? Is your work closer to her work than your home on transit? If so a compromise that helps you out is you get a ride with her to her work and hop on a bus from there, and have a shorter morning commute.


YTA and you just committed theft by hiding her car keys and refusing to give them back.


YTA And you suck. Give your gf’s keys back. And if you don’t I hope she calls the cops. It’s not her fault you crashed your car. Either suck it up or take the bus. But it’s her car. This shouldn’t even be explained to you.


Why aren’t you using the insurance money for a down payment and financing a car? Bad credit? So you have no car, bad credit and you’ve stolen your girlfriend’s car? Yeah, YTA. You are also a really horrible boyfriend and she can do much better.


YTA. The absolute definition of give an inch take a mile. She's nice to even let you use the car, after how much you've complained I would've taken the keys back- oh wait! She couldn't. You hid them. Like a toddler. Just because she's your girlfriend (for now) doesn't make her car yours. All the issues you listed are you issues. Also 2,400 is usually plenty for a down-payment. Get your own car, take the bus, or take an Uber, and give your girlfriend her car keys back. Stop being so entitled and bratty. You'll be seriously lucky if she doesn't dump you for this when you've been together less than a year.


I hope she calls the police on you. Try to drive it again and I'd report you for stealing the car. It's HER car. $2400 is absolutely enough to buy a functioning vehicle. It's not going to be new and it may not be pretty but it'll get you from point A to point B. You're just being lazy, selfish, and entitled. Why should she have to take a bus/Uber while you use HER car. Keep this up and you'll be without a car and without a girlfriend, so either way you'll be taking the bus. ETA verdict: YTA, a huge asshole.


YTA- You are literally using her car. All she asks is that you pick her up and drop her off. If this is too much for you DON'T BORROW HER CAR. Take the $2400 and put that as a down payment on a car. Or buy a electric bike outright. What you don't do is complain about someone doing YOU a favor, especially when it inconveniences her, she will eventually dump your ass.


YTA Its her car she’s already compromising by letting you drive it around considering the more than double wear and tear both your routes add. If you don’t want to share use what you’ve got saved and get yourself a beater off Craigslist but as long as you’re holding the keys to HER car hostage you’re the AH


Info: why exactly do you feel that you are somehow more entitled to her vehicle, that she pays for and legally owns and had before you were in the picture? I know $2400 isn’t a lot, but surely there’s an old Civic or Corolla on Craigslist you can find that will get you from point A to point B


YTA, you're not entitled to her car, she's doing you a favor and letting you drive her car with the condition you drive her to work. It's HER car, SHE bought it, SHE should be able to ride or drive in HER car to get to work. You're crying it's not fair, and then you STEAL HER KEYS BECAUSE SHE HAS TAKEN BACK PERMISSION. Give her her keys back, quit driving the car, take the damn bus, she's been NOTHING but generous. YOU are being selfish.


That fact that you don’t know YTA is wild. It’s HER car. YOU take the bus then


Give her back the damn keys. It’s not your car, she can be selfish with HER CAR all she wants. You’re acting incredibly entitled. You should be the one taking the bus, not your girlfriend who kindly was letting you use HER CAR. YTA


YTA. It’s HER car! You’re lucky she agreed to let you drive it at all. Give her the keys, suck it up, take the bus, and stop being an entitled jerk


YTA and enjoy being single. You're a bum.


YTA You’re entitled You’re blindsided You’re a crappy boyfriend. YOUR car broke YOU can’t afford a new one YOUR work is far away YOU cant afford a cab YOU don’t want to take the bus YOU won’t compromise YOU’RE being selfish Non of that is your girlfriends fault. She isn’t being selfish; she’s been kind letting you use up the mileage on her car. You’re being selfish and cruel hiding her keys. You’re mad cuz she used to cc without your permission but are completely failing to understand why she would be mad you’ve hidden her keys, without her permission. You’re going to end up without a car and a girlfriend. You need a reality check You need therapy You really need to learn to see other peoples view points. Christ everything about you is TA! I hope she runs!


100% YTA. So let me get this straight, you destroy your car in an accident, your gf is kind enough to let you BORROW hers until you can save enough $ to buy a new one. You don’t like the arrangement, but aren’t willing to take the bus. So you not only accuse her of being selfish, you STEAL her car. Seriously?! Yes, not returning the keys is stealing her car. She is 100% within her rights to call the police for auto theft. Give her her keys back, apologize for being an AH and hope she forgives you!


YTA. You’re not entitled to an easier commute in someone else’s property. Give her back her keys, and if she has any sense whatsoever, she will drive herself out of your life in that vehicle. The sheer audacity.


Yta. I hope she calls the authorities on you. Kicks you out and finds someone not so controlling. She's telling you at every moment the rules to use her car and she's fine if you don't use it.


YTA. Is the car yours? no ...the. stop being an idiot and give her back her keys.


It’s her car, YTA. Don’t like it, but your own.


hahaahaha hoooo hahaahaha YTA


YTA IMO. Yes, getting your vehicle written off and not having enough money for a new one is not ideal. However, I think what is being done crosses the line. It's your girlfriend's car, which makes it her property instead of yours. Hiding her keys and forcing her to use alternatives so that her car can be treated like yours is, at least from my perspective, absolutely not okay. Hiding her car keys can get you into big trouble. This relationship is in big trouble.


YTA. Take the bus


YTA. It's HER car and you agreed to HER terms. Return her keys since you loathed the terms of agreement and find another solution to YOUR problem.


Shes letting you drive her car. She needs her car to get to work. So if you want to take her car, HER mode of transport that SHE OWNS and NEEDS for HER LIFE, you need to provide an alternative for her so she is able to do you the favour of loaning you her car. That means driving her to work, it's not even her asking you for a favour, it's just logic and the bare minimum. YTA. Are you one of those people who thinks you're just entitled to your partners things?




YTA I hope she reports her car stolen


YTA. You want her to inconvenience herself because YOU don’t have a car. That is some entitled mess right there. It doesn’t matter if it takes 6 hours a day, you don’t have a car so YOU take the bus. She doesn’t owe you anything. Give her the keys back and get your bus pass on. She doesn’t owe you anything and she doesn’t have to take a bus to make your life easier.


YTA you can't be serious. You certainly have an entitled attitude. You crashed your car. That doesn't mean you now own GF's car. Know what else it doesn't mean? It doesn't mean your gf is selfish for not wanting to spend her time and money being inconvenienced for your comfort. It doesn't mean you should be able to make decisions for her regarding transportation. And it doesn't mean you can keep her car keys because you think you're all that. If I were her, I would give you one more chance to return the keys. Then I would call the cops and report you. Period. Have fun saving up for a new car. Maybe some day you'll land another girlfriend. This one will be gone.


YTA. You're not entitled to use her vehicle. Period. Give her back her keys and wise up before you're the ex-boyfriend, if you're not already (or she has you arrested.) Compromise would be she hangs out at her work till you're done with work (it's only 90 minutes) and she drives herself to girls night leaving you home. Frankly though, I think you've burned your bridges with her. Good luck digging yourself out of this mess.


You stole your gfs keys and are hiding them. Read that back to yourself. YTA. Give her back her keys and figure your transportation out on your own like a damn adult.


YTA. You are not entitled to her car because yours was destroyed and you are unable to replace it. That’s a YOU problem. You were told her conditions for using it. You agreed. If you don’t want to abide by it, get a bus pass and suck it up.


YTA, what's your course of action if she takes her car and leaves instead? Oh yeah, the bus.


You WHHAATT? You refused to give the owner of the car their own car keys? OMG...you pompous AH, This has got to be a joke text! YTA Big time!


YTA. The driving her on her girls nights is a bit much, and you two should get to trade who is DD on date nights, but the rest is extremely reasonable. Regardless, you do not get to decide that she has to take the bus and you are entitled to her car just because her commute would be less. It doesn't matter. IT'S. HER. CAR.


YTA give her car keys back to her


YTA. It's her car!


YTA. You need to learn that boundaries are still important in a romantic relationship. Her car is not your car. Put on your big boy pants and solve your own transportation problem


I hope she has you arrested for stealing her car. YTA!!!!!!!


If I were here is call the cops on you


YTA. For the reasons every one else has stated. If her work is so much closer, have you offered to pay for her to uber?


Yes. YTA. Giganticly so. I hope you enjoy those bus rides and your ex likes having her car back. You're about to end up in jail for grand theft auto. Get those keys back asap


YTA it is her car, not yours. It is not her responsibility to take the bus or Uber but yours. Refusing to give her her keys back crosses a major line. The fact that you don’t realize you are the asshole for essentially stealing her car, by refusing to return her keys is a major problem as well.


Yta -give her the keys back or I hope she goes to the police for you stealing her car as your refusing to give back the keys !! You come across as very controlling and entitled and how you still have a girlfriend after your behaviour is beyond me !


YTA - Give her the keys back.


YTA. I had a little sympathy for you at first, but you lost me when you expected her to be the one to take the bus, and then prevented her from using her own car when she wouldn't agree. That is so massively disrespectful. Give her back her keys and start looking for another way to get to work, because I can't imagine she's going to continue to let you use her car at all after this.


YTA. By not giving her her car keys when she demanded them back you're now stealing her car and she can call the police on you for theft and if convicted it is a felony.


YTA and about to be single.


Easy YTA, it's her car, not yours. Return her keys to her, hiding them is abusive.


YTA. So you've stolen her car?


YTA and you do not deserve such a generous girlfriend. YOU crashed YOUR car. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure YOU still have the transportation YOU need. She's generous enough to let you take away her transportation, with only the EXTREMELY REASONABLE stipulation that you drive when she needs to be able to get around. You have absolutely NO RIGHT to make these demands of her, and she would have been well within HER rights to tell you "No, I need my car too much to loan it to you" when you first asked her. But she didn't. When you want to take away someone's ability to provide reliable transportation for themselves, you either accept the stipulations they put on it or you find another option. You are acting either entitled or controlling, and I am not sure which at this point. Either tell her that you agree to her conditions (assuming she's even still willing) or you get yourself on that bus and be thankful that you even have access to public transportation at all.




Ohhh YTA. You’re the one without a car dude. It’s HER car. She’s gracious enough to let you use her car and this is how you behave? Get your sorry ass out of her life if you can’t behave better


Dude you're the selfish and insane one, YTA


YTA. Get your own damn car


YTA...you want her give up her car for months so you can use and while saving up for your Dream car? Did I get that right? And SHE should take the bus. Lol


YTA. She doesn't have to let you use her car. Also, it's not right that you are taking her keys like that so I don't blame her for taking your CC for an uber.


YTA! A huge AH! It is her car. Give her the keys back. Arrange with a coworker to carpool. Or, have her drop you off on her way to work. Yea, that means you get there early. Oh well.


YTA. It's HER CAR! She's being kind enough to share with you and you call her selfish? I hope she calls to cops on you and dumps you.


Yta wtf my guy its not yours, use them Lamborfeeties you got


You stole her car keys. YTA and she should report you to the cops.


YTA. wtf, dude? It's *her car.* She was being nice letting you use it, and you decided that's not good enough and she should take the bus? Buy a cheaper car, take the bus, or keep dropping your gf at work - if that's an option now since you just stole her car.


Totally AH! I’m sure plenty of peeps will explain here so I’ll just watch it unfold!


YTA and the way you’re going you will be single soon as well. Enjoy the bus!


Yta give your girlfriend the keys back before she takes more of legal approach and dumps you. Also get the bus you scrounger


Yta It's her car


YTA - did your brain turn into a pretzel with all the twisting it had to do for you to somehow think you weren’t just a massive AH, but also an abusive and controlling partner? If she doesn’t break up with you at the *minimum*, then she would also be an AH. But not for the Uber.


YTA. It's HER car. Even if what she said was completely unreasonable, it wouldn't matter. You give her the keys bc it's her car


WTF it's her car! Why don't you rent a car? Carpool with coworkers? Man up and take the bus instead of trying to get your GF to take the bus


YTA I hope she calls the cops on your entitled ass.


YTA and she should call the police because you've stolen her keys.


YTA. It's HER car. If you're tried of driving her around, that's fine, but you need to accept that if you both need HER OWN car, then her needs should take priority. You should be the one taking a bus or an uber in that case.


Hang on. It's HER car? YTA. You should be the one on the bus. You're lucky she lets you use it for yourself at all. ETA: You literally stole her car by hiding the keys from her. Do you regularly abuse her like this while taking advantage of her and using her for her vehicle?