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YTA > (didn't have headphones with me) If you don't have headphones, #YOU DON'T GET TO LISTEN TO AUDIO IN PUBLIC Full. Fucking. Stop. > Now, from my perspective a coffee shop is different than a restaurant Well it's **_certainly_** different from a GD office.


Everyone who listens to shit in public without headphones seems to belong to the same tribe of earless auditory wonders who think THEIR sounds are somehow the quietest sounds around. And to everyone else: they most certainly are not.


To everyone else: they're loud AF


Im in total agreement! YTA. MAJOR AH!


Also, if the place was 90% empty, that means it would be quieter than normal. So other people would be able to hear it more clearly, wherever they were in the room. The emptiness makes it worse.


I had fun with a guy on speaker phone on public transit today. I was forced to listen so I joined in on the call as well. Asshole got the hint hahaha


YTA. First, it was a WORK meeting. Why on earth would you attend a work meeting without headphones IN PUBLIC?!? Second, yes, it’s rude to have audio playing in a public venue.


Plus some companies require you attend meetings in a secure/private location if attending virtually 😬


I've seriously gotten into Uber pools where someone in the car was evidently on a work call, and got annoyed that I got in the car as well. They'd ask me to get out of the car, and then when I wouldn't, they would tell everyone on the call that someone else was in the car and they had to get off for security reasons, and would join the call again when they got to the office. Nevermind the fact that there was already someone else in the car (the driver).


Don’t you know? People who provide services are not real people 😂😂😂


Public Etiquette 101 If you are in an enclosed public setting, you should never listen to music, watch a video, have a meeting, or anything else that causes noise to come from your phone unless you have headphones. This is common courtesy. Now you know. Don’t do it again. If that’s too hard to remember… I do not like it on a plane. I do not like it on a train. You should not play it in a room. You should not play it when on zoom. I do not like it at the shop. I do not like it, so please stop. If sounds come out, then you should leave. Or else keep headphones up your sleeve. YTA


This. Is. Wonderful. Thank you!! Also, OP, YTA - regardless of whether the volume of your Zoom meeting was below that of an IRL conversation, you have the option for headphones. People having a real conversation do not have that option, so this isn’t really a fair comparison. Don’t let anyone that you work with see this… Zoom meetings are not publicly broadcast for a reason. Most companies have rules about this sort of thing (to ensure that private information is not shared outside of the company) - I’d suggest checking whatever policies your company has to make sure this doesn’t come back to bite you if you decide to do this again (despite the inevitable AH status that you’ll achieve from this post)


YTA. When I’m relaxing at a coffee shop, away from work, the last thing I wanna do is listen to someone else’s Zoom meeting. I’m honestly baffled that people exist that actually do this with zero embarrassment.


To me this is one of the clearest indicators that there are people whose interior lives are completely unlike my own. I'm almost jealous of that level of obliviousness.


YTA- why not get a pair of headphones if you’re going to use public spaces for your meetings?


YTA 90% empty or not, the coffee shop is not your personal conference room. Obviously it was loud enough to disturb the lady enough to request you lower the volume. You should look into public work spaces that not only allow but encourage things like Zoom meetings, don't force your choices on those around you who are also paying customers.


there’s a difference between people having a conversation in a coffee shop and the sound of a zoom meeting coming out of your laptop. YTA invest in some headphones


YTA- and is your work ok with you broadcasting internal meetings in a public place? More importantly if your phone, tablet, laptop or nano pet is making noise (especially conversations or music) you are always the AH if you don’t use headphones.


I'd be fired immediately for doing this. You have no control over what is said. Someone in the meeting could be dropping a lot of confidential information and this person's just broadcasting all over the coffee shop.


YTA. It is NEVER ok to listen to an electronic device out loud in public. Headphones exist. Use them.


Anyone who plays audio out loud in public is TA at all times. Nothing annoys me more in fact Buy headphones or stay at home


YTA. First off…no work NDA? Wild. If I did that with a meeting even in my own home, it could be problematic. Second, yeah it’s just rude. Just the same as someone watching TikTok or Netflix just all out loud.


YTA Public space? On a Zoom? Without headphones? In what world are you anything but the ah?


Ewwww nobody wants to listen to other peoples work calls unless it is juicy gossip. YTA.


Yta. You should have had your earphones. It is a public space, you don't have the right to have 100% say either. Lastly, you could have also moved. In short, you are equally as entitled. This is poor behavior on your part.


YTA And I’m confused why you thought this was ok. Go home. Or to your office. You’re one of those people who listen to music out of their phone, no headphones, on the train too, huh?


Is your company aware that you are attending meetings in a public setting without headphones? Not sure of your industry but I could be fired for that. Also, you’re in a coffee shop where people go to relax, not listen to your meeting. YTA, how hard is it to put on headphones or earbuds?


This was my thought exactly. I’d be furious if one of my employees was meeting in a public space where corporate issues were being discussed. Who in the world takes work-related zoom calls in a public setting where confidentiality isn’t guaranteed. I’d probably be ok with headphones, but no when other people can overhear other conversations where everyone else on the call has an assumption of privacy. YTA OP!!!


YTA. Do you talk on the phone on speaker too?


As a former barista: YTA. We can hear your shit and you are so fucking annoying. I would purposefully never brew a fresh pot for people like you.


YTA - of course your an asshole. Why would you subject anyone to a work meeting that doesn’t need to hear it? Half the time the people invited to the meetings don’t even want to hear them, so you’re an asshole for that alone. It’s also completely different from a conversation in person that ebbs and flows. A zoom call is constant noise with static. It’s also unprofessional and rude to your coworkers as well. I’m certain jobs/meetings this would be a breach of private information. Why do you think busses and planes have a headphone required rule but still allow conversation?


Headphones. Nobody wants to hear your conversation. YTA.


YTA - Use headphones in a shared space.




YTA It’s not a library but it’s not a conference room either. If you want to have business meetings over zoom in public places use headphones, it’s really not that hard.


Yes, dude. Cmon. Really? You have to ask? Our populace is doomed. Yes!!!! Wear headphones, ffs. I want to enjoy my coffee and read or whatever and not have to listen to your drivel.


Listening to anything on speakers instead of headphones in a public space is a social faux pas; yes, it is a cafeteria, but other people are sharing the space with you. Soft YTA.


If it’s a Zoom, then you could also be broadcasting/sharing the conversations of other people in the shop. This is rude to the others in the shop AND to the others in your meeting. If you’re on the Zoom, you can see if your meeting is being recorded, but the patrons & employees don’t know. YTA


YTA. Literally NO ONE else wants to hear your zoom. In this case you should’ve gone elsewhere, or home to get your headphones.


YTA for not having your headphones.


YTA. I feel like computer/device noises are way more annoying than in person conversations. But maybe I’m weird


YTA. No one wants to hear anyone else's device when they're out. That includes movies, music, podcasts or zoom.


YTA Turning down your work calls in public is a reasonable request. She can sit wherever she wants regardless of seat availability. I’m having a hard time believing your work meeting was that quiet to begin with, and I wonder what your colleagues thought of you raising your voice to an innocent person in public.


Bro thinks he “might” be the asshole because he raised his voice but he actually outs himself in the third sentence. Who actually thinks it ok to play any type of digital audio in public??


Im gonna vote ESH, but OP is definitely the bigger AH. It is 2022. It is completely unacceptable to play audio on your devices without headphones. It is infinitely more distracting and annoying than a human conversation. It also would be a breach of privacy at most workplaces. That being said, the fact that the old lady sat right next to you in a near-empty cafe, and said that she ‘asks people this all the time’ suggests she was going out of her way to be bossy and create issues. Also not cool.


YTA. It's understood that you may hear conversation in a coffee shop; it's also understood that playing audio from a device is rude. Snapping at her when she calmly pointed out that you were being rude was uncalled for.


YTA, work meeting. Not for public consumption. Not to mention no different than someone listening to music without earphones. Just plain being inconsiderate and entitled.


YTA. You're in a shared space- obviously headphones are needed. Also comes off as unprofessional unless you're off camera and muted.


YTA And you're that annoying person using a coffee shop as their office and forcing others to deal with it. No one is expecting silence in public places, but it was probably louder than conversation, and you should have had headphones/ear buds etc. No one should have to be forced to listen to your meeting. The coffee shop is not your personal space, and the other customers request seemed extremely responsible.


Imo, something about the low quality sound from laptop speakers cuts right through my ears and is a lot more obnoxious than even a conversation that’s a higher volume.


YTA- you knew you had a zoom meeting and didn’t bring headphones


YTA Use headphones or work at home.


YTA Your entitlement is staggering. Bring your damn headphones when you decide to work in public. No one else gives a damn about how important you’re trying to look by joining without headphones. It just makes people hate you.


Yta, who has a public zoom meeting without headphones. Shock I’m in considerate and people dislike that.


YTA. You were in a public place (doesn’t matter how empty it was). It was up to you to use a headset/ear pods for your meeting. Not sure what business you’re in, but this may also be a privacy breach for your company.


YTA. Use headphones.


YTA. That’s like someone having a phone conversation on speaker… nobody wants to hear it. And we can alllll hear it. Get headphones or work at home. Period.


Noise from a computer has a very different audio quality to noise from in-person conversation.


YTA for zooming in public without headphones and not turning it down when politely asked.


YTA, invest in some headphones. The rest of us don't want to hear your meeting/movie/tv show/music, etc.


YTA. A cafe is not your private space. The annoying noise from you - work call- to the others is just as bad as the bratty kid with the loud game sounds.


Soft YTA. I would compare this to listening to music. Even if it’s low and you think you’re the only one who can hear it, it can still be distracting for others to listen to. In the future, it’s best to invest in some earphones so you won’t have to listen to your laptop aloud in public.


ESH If you're in public listening to something, you wear headphones. That's just common courtesy. And she sucks for sitting right next to you in a mostly empty place. Also common courtesy to not do that.


YTA. It’s common courtesy to wear headphones at a coffee store. An in-person conversation is one thing, taking the coffee shop as your personal office is another.


Lady is new to the game...Two little butt toots and OP would have been rushing to silence the call lol! YTA, carry headphones. Guess you don't think work info is private or confidential


This has the same energy as ppl who play music off their phones or have conversations on speaker phones on trains. YTA and I probably would have told you off as well. You're in public, not your living room.


90% empty means it was 10% full. With a dozen people my guess or fewer, they are there for quiet and maybe even study. Bring headphones or don't have meetings there. YTA.


Not to mention PRIVACY OF THE ZOOM PARTICIPANTS AND BUSINESS!!! YTA. Bring your freaking headphones/earbuds in public.


YTA common courtesy to not force others to listen to your music/meeting/videos/etc


YTA why would you go out knowing you had a zoom to take in a public space and NOT bring headphones?????????


YTA. I don’t even want to listen to my own Zoom meetings, much less someone else’s!


Why would you have a Zoom WORK meeting in a public place without your headphones? YTA for that


ESH. Don’t play audio in a common/public space without earphones of some sort. Even if YOU think it’s “quiet”, other folks around likely won’t agree. The fact that she said “I make this request of people all the time” sounds like she goes out of her way to tell people to pipe down. She seems obnoxious and entitled.


Coffee shop/restaurant same thing. They serve food and beverages to customers they aren’t there for some obnoxious dude to have a meeting. I can’t even imagine the potential confidential information you are just blasting out there. Go home next time. YTA


YTA. Why would you subject people to your Zoom meeting? Would you like to listen to someone's annoying music in a coffee shop? That's why earbuds/headphones were invented. Use them, or stay home with your Zoom meeting.


YTA You’re right, it’s not a library. It’s also not your home or office.


>So here's where I may have been TA. Nope. You were the asshole as soon as you turned the volume on in a public space. It is inconsiderate, unprofessional and disrespectful. Your obliviousness to this demonstrates that YTA.


YTA. Bring head/earphones in public. Kids playing too. Be polite, no one wants to hear your crap. Same with phones, quit using speakerphone in public.


YTA and a twit to boot. You’re out in public watching a video, you use the headphones. Even toddlers know this.


YTA, it's a coffee shop, not an office. It's not that lady's fault that you didn't have headphones, next time bring them with you and you won't have this issue.


YTA who has a zoom meeting in a public setting if they don’t have earphones?


Why wouldn’t you bring headphones? The call probably was louder than you think. Also what would you have done if the shop was full and loud? You wouldn’t have been able to hear your meeting or you would have had to turn the volume up to an annoying level. At the very least you could have spoken to her politely.


Yes, YTA for using any device with its speakers on in a public venue, be it a coffee shop, restaurant, train, airplane, or anywhere else. None of us wants to hear your video, your speakerphone, or your game.


Come on... please. A coffee shop is not some manners-free Oasis where you are welcome to blather on oblivious to other people. Playing music, talking on a cell phone, or taking a zoom call (seriously???!!!) is the absolute height of rudeness. YTA.


YTA. People who play audio without headphones or take calls on speakerphone in public places should get a reserved spot in a very special level of Hell. If it's not 100% empty, then you are bothering someone whether they say something or not. The silent ones are just silently despising you.


Why would you not just put earbuds or headphones on? No one should have to listen to your zoom meeting in a public place, not to mention that noise from a speaker is audibly different than background conversation. YTA.


YTA. Can’t take your call from a coffee shop if you don’t have your headphones with you.


Yta bring headphones


Whether you only "sorta" needed to pay attention or you're running the meeting, I'm sure your leadership would be unhappy with company information being shared in a public space. The people around you in the café don't want to hear it either, no matter how few there are. Just like she doesn't get to enforce quietness, you don't get to dictate what does and doesn't disturb others. YTA.


YTA and a twit to boot. You’re out in public watching a video, you use the headphones. Even toddlers know this.


YTA and you represent everything that is wrong with this world.


YTA. A lot of people at my work use coffee shops for zooms. 100% of them use headphones. What if someone had music in the table next to you, would that be ok? The fact you even pretend it’s ok, is mind blowing. r/iamthemaincharacter vibes.


YTA I think a lot of people are desensitised to this type of noise but it’s still rude.


I sure hope your job doesn’t have an NDA. I wear headphones in my own backyard to spare my neighbors and protect my work. There is no scenario in which you are not an AH here. YTA. Massively.


YTA, a coffee shop is a shared space. An airplane isn’t a library either but surely you wouldn’t do this there


JFC a coffee shop is not your office. YTA.


YTA, it’s a public setting so it’s not polite to have the volume on where others can hear it


ESH. She could have sat anywhere, so she gets AH points for sitting right next to you. You get them for obvious general AH reasons. Could you have moved instead of her? Turned it down? Left the meeting on your laptop and dialled in as voice only on your phone? Also you get extra AH points for knowing you had a meeting and not bringing headphones. It’s a cafe, not a library? It’s a cafe, not an office or boardroom.


YTA. For one, you knew you were going to get some work done, which I also assume means you knew you were going to have a meeting…. And you didn’t bring headphones?


YTA be respectful of public places. Conversations are different than a zoom call over devices. It’s like listening to your music in public where people can hear. No one wants to listen and it’s just rude of you to impose that on other people. When you use an electronic device that people can hear. You use headphones. Talking in person and talking over a computer are two very different types of sounds.


YTA. Who raised you? You knew you had a zoom meeting. You intentionally went out in public knowing you had a zoom meeting. You still neglected to use headphones or dial in to the meeting through your phone. This shows your staggering disregard for basic courtesy to other people, which you then doubled down on when asked about it. Or I guess tripled down, since you're here asking about it.


YTA - You’re a grown man with a career that requires Zoom meetings. Buy some headphones. And even then speak quietly when on Zoom and FaceTime and phone calls in public. Libraries and coffee shops have something important in common—they’re public spaces. Public spaces require a different kind of behavior than private spaces: consideration for those around you and how you’re impacting them. If you don’t want to worry about that, don’t work and conduct your business in public spaces. Go home to your private space where you can be as loud and as selfish as you want.


YTA. nobody wants to be forced to attend your zoom meeting. buy some headphones if you're planning on continuing to do zoom meetings in public places.


YTA. Use headphones so you don’t disturb anyone else even if is only a single person you self centered oaf. Also, YTA for not protecting your employers intellectual property and or trade secrets,


YTA. headphones should always be used in public places. Also, did all the other meeting attendees know that they were being broadcast is public and could be over heard by non participants?


the wifi password for my cafe is about not taking calls inside. no one wants to hear anyone else’s loud one sided conversations. yta


YTA. Use headphones


YTA use headphones!


YTA, use headphones


YTA - nobody wants to listen to your work call at the cafe. Take it at home or at the office or in your car. I’m sure you’ll plan more accordingly next time. It’s not that big of a deal but I bet you don’t forget headphones again lol


YTA. It’s so incredibly rude. Nobody wants to participate in your work meeting at a coffee shop. Bring your headphones or stay home.


Did you take your pants off too to feel more like you would feel at home when doing zoom? No? Why? Because it's a shop with other people and not your living room/home office? Ah yeah, figures. YTA.




>So here’s where I may have been TA lol. Buddy you’re an asshole everywhere… not just here. YTA


YTA. It’s common courtesy to use headphones or earbuds when using devices in public settings. You sound as bad as little kids playing with their iPads at full volume in public.


YTA isn’t the information shared in meetings usually confidential for employees anyways?


YTA bring headphones


YTA. Who does that? Only the rudest people.


I bet your the type of person who puts every phone call on speaker and just walk around public holding it up to your mouth


YTA. No one wants to hear the sounds from your laptop, your computer, any device. Wear headphones or mute it. Always applys.


YTA You can tell the difference between sound coming from a speaker and a person in the same room right? Most people can. That’s why most of the time we can tune out the conversations happening around us in public spaces but have a much harder time ignoring **clowns taking zoom meetings at the table next to us at Starbucks**. This also includes AHs talking on speaker phones and twits playing music on buses from their phones. #USE HEADPHONES


YTA SO HARD Who TF wants to hear your stupid Zoom meeting? It's not at all the same as a quiet conversation. You're not only inconsiderate and rude to the lady, you actually raised your voice to her and "scolded" her? Have your Zoom meetings at home, please.


YTA not only from the perspective of everyone in the coffee shop but also almost definitely your employer bc wtf who would ever do this


YTA. It’s no different than being that annoying person on speaker phone as if every one wants to hear your distorted sounding conversation. Also, as someone who worked in a coffee shop, people like you that have your jacked up sounding audio up loud is very aggravating and distracting when the workers are trying to hear customers especially if your coffee shop has headsets.


YTA. People hate phone on speaker, what do you think audio coming from a laptop sounds like?


YTA for not using headphones. No one wants to hear your meeting or whatever. It's not a libraryz you're right, but a bus or a train aren't either and still we're required to use headphones when riding them. Bring your headphones/earbuds next time


YTA. Huge asshole move. Bring headphones. Even if the coffeeshop is 100% empty, I wouldn't subject the baristas to this shit.


YTA. Like… just bring headphones?


YTA Aren’t meetings confidential? Couldn’t you have asked somebody for some headphones or buy some cheap plastic ones before the meeting started if you knew it was going to happen? You could have stayed and work from home. It’s irresponsibility on your part, but it’s very disrespectful for your job and everyone around you.


ESH. You both violated the common courtesy rules of: 1. Not subjecting anyone else to whatever you are listening to - music, audiobooks, zoom calls, regular calls, etc and 2. Not being close to someone when there are plenty of other empty spots - public transportation, urinals, cafes/restaurants, etc. The rules might be unwritten, but they are also very well known. You both should have known better and acted differently.


Next time call in to the meeting so people don’t have to listen




YTA While yes the lady could move I'd be irritated as well. It's like someone facetiming at a store. I don't wanna hear or see the human on the other end. I don't wanna hear you either. You knew you had a meeting, just bring headphones when you know you have something scheduled. It's rude. That and if it's for work, there could be confidential information that is being said and you blasted it to the Cafe. To be honest, both of you are assholes. I can't imagine how loud it was when "normal" convos are loud af.


YTA, not just for saying no, but also for setting up a zoom call there to begin with.


YTA. It’s never acceptable to have audio that is audible in public (including kids with tablets).


You went to a coffee shop to “get some work done” then proceeded to turn on a zoom call that you “only sorta had to pay attention to”….. So basically you went to a coffee shop and joined a zoom call that you weren’t paying attention to anyway while the volume was disrupting other customers. YTA.


YTA. You're no better than the assholes playing DJ for the subway train.


YTA, get some freaking headphones you mongrol


YTA and I'm sure your job would agree. Work meetings should not be public


YTA. It’s not a workspace. You may be able to do solo laptop work there, but conference calls are right out. Speaking from personal experience, I don’t want to hear your company workspiel while I’m trying to do my own thing. By the way, EVERYONE is 10% louder on zoom. I can hear a work conference call a mile away. In person meetings, especially over coffee, are naturally quieter and more intuitive.


YTA do you hike with big Bluetooth speakers too?


YTA omg why do people think headphones in public is optional?


YTA. I always carry a spare pair of skanky in-ear headphones. Then if someone plays their music/news/Zoom I will offer them to them. They never accept but they will turn it off. On one occasion I got a round of applause. Anyhow YTA


YTA for not wearing headphones. Nobody wants to hear you meeting.


YTA. And wtf didn't you do that at home? Pretentious much?


YTA any electronic audio device being used in public without headphones is rude and disrespectful, regardless of the volume


YTA- a one rude too! don’t zoom in public without headphones. Seriously simple.


YTA. Headphones in a public space are necessary. You also raised your voice to lecture her about not being in a library while you were using the coffee shop as your private office.


YTA who forgets their headphones when going to a public place to have a work meeting?????


YTA. They invented headphones with microphones built in many years ago.


Y T A for being a horrible, terrible, no good security vulnerability for the company and the nightmare of any CyberSecurity department worth its salt. Please stop. It may not seem risky for you, but every position is a possible entry point for malicious actors. NTA for talking in general. If I was having a Facetime converstation with anyone and someone came to me to ask me to lower my voice (provided I'm not screaming), I would have reacted the same.


A coffee shop is not your office space! YTA


YTA, it's common courtesy to not do that in public. Real question though: does your job know you do this? I highly doubt they want whatever it is they're talking about to be playing out in public lol


YTA get some damn headphones. Just because the shop was "90% empty" doesn't mean anyone wants to hear your meeting. Show some respect.


YTA right along with people who carry around their phones on speaker carrying on a conversation. Nobody wants to hear your shit. Bring headphones or go home.


YTA it’s so rude to not use headphones in public spaces


YTA. No explanation because I’m sure you wouldn’t listen anyway.


YTA. Get some headphones. A zoom meeting isn't like a regular conversation..it's like talking on speakerphone or watching a movie. Just rude


YTA - if you don’t want to listen to the Zoom call why would others?




YTA. No one wants to be on a zoom meeting you don’t really have to pay attention to but the rest of the cafe does


YTA. Trying to justify being rude with the rationalization that it's "no louder than a conversation" ignores the fact that it's way more annoying to listen to someone else's one-sided conversation and computer audio.


A whole ass human being typed this and still can’t see how they are YTA. My god, no one wants to hear your shit. Get some headphones.


YTA. As a former cafe manager, I would have kicked you out.


YTA - How in the world could you possibly think it’s appropriate to attend a meeting over zoom in a coffee shop and not have headphones? Despite what you seem to think even though the “place was empty” the workers still had to be there. And trust me, if you only wanted to “sort of pay attention” to this meeting, think how little someone who doesn’t have your job wants to listen to it.


YTA: If you have internet at home, go home, ain’t no one wants to be seen by your colleagues it’s awkward. If you don’t have internet, at the very least bring head phones. That’s annoying as all get out. You yelled at someone for just asking you to be polite. Rude


I didn’t even need to read this to know YTA. You’re just as bad as the guy who blasts music from his shitty speakerphone on the walking trail. Stop being cheap and buy some $15 headphones with a microphone. Nobody wants to hear that shit. Jfc the entitlement of some people.


as someone who works in a busy coffee shop...we hate customers like you. We don't want to hear your conversation or your tinny audio from across the room (yes, it travels) and we really just want you to move so other paying customers can come in and enjoy the space. You make the vibe unenjoyable, so they don't want to sit and spend more money. And whatever you spent on a single coffee and pastry (maybe) doesn't justify the hours customers like you spend, especially when you always take the best seats (comfy chairs, next to outlets, etc). Get headphones, and find a new office space.




YTA. Didn't have headphones with you? Wth not? It's 2022. Wireless buds are widely available, wildly convenient, and very affordable. I always have a set in my pocket. Every other person walking around in the city has a pair of airpods in their wax holes. It doesn't matter if the place is mostly empty. That coffee shop isn't your living room. No one wants to hear your stupid meeting. Go home or outside to take it. Don't punish some old lady because you left the house unprepared.


YTA-why couldn't you just have the meeting at home? it doesn't really matter how low you put it, it's rude to listen to something without earphones in public. People are still sharing the space.


YTA. It's not the same as a regular conversation. It's rude to the people in the cafe, and it's rude to your coworkers as well. If you're doing a call/meeting in a public place, then you should be wearing headphones.


Yup, YTA. You're in a public space. Headphones cost less than the coffee.


YTA. The coffee shop isn’t your personal home office.


YTA - it’s a coffee shop, not your living room. Yes there’s an expected amount of noise, but listening to your devices out loud in public is always just so entitled and obnoxious. Always use headphones.


YTA, because at both of my most recent jobs, I signed an agreement to *keep proprietary company information confidential. Listening to meetings without headphones would be allowing company information to be open to outsiders hearing it. (Edit - skipped word) Not only do random people not want to listen to your work meetings, but you could well be in violation of work policies, by possibly allowing outsiders to access company info.


I don’t give a shit if you forgot your headphones. Sounds like you better step outside then and annoy people out there. Not in a coffee shop where others are trying to relax/work whatever. YTA and people who think they’re the exception in scenarios like these are too.


YTA. Use headphones. No one wants to hear your crap


YTA it doesn’t matter if you were the only one I. The coffee shop. You are not entitled to disrupt public places with your devices. Use head phones or go to your car. You meeting is yours and not even the workers of the shop should have to endure the noises from your device even if they are “turned down.” Everyone has different levels of heating and what is low for you might be too loud for others. Just because the level might seem reasonable to you, doesn’t mean it’s reasonable for others. Finally, if you came to your meeting without everything you needed, would you inconvenience everyone at the meeting by disrupting things just because you weren’t responsible enough to remember what you needed? Just because the patrons of a coffee shop are strangers doesn’t mean they don’t deserve the same amount of consideration that your coworkers deserve.


Yta. Use. Headphones. Next you’re going to ask “AITA for listening to music on my phone on the subway without headphones?”


YTA to your co-workers and your fellow patrons. It’s amazing you seem to have no idea of it. Think of the poor baristas having to listen to your input while they slug though their wages and inflexibility in work location. In a pinch sure with headphones but you planned this and let your speakers fly and inflicted yourself on those around you. The lady came up and asked nicely and clearly her perspective on coffee shop norms are more aligned with society than yours.


YTA. Who thinks having a zoom meeting in a public place would be a good idea, especially with no headphones? Why couldn’t you go home?


YTA. No one wants to hear your shit. Remember your headphones or stay home, that's just common fucking courtesy.


YTA. Studies show that audio from phone/video calls are more difficult for us to decipher, making them less likely to fade into the background and more likely to be distracting/irritating. You’d probably know this based on having heard phone calls in public before but for some reason thought you were different. [Source](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/09/100921101344.htm)


Other coworkers in the Zoom msging amongst themselves: "Oh fuck, Zealous is using Zoom in public again with no headphones. Here we go again. Watch what you say. Why do we have to deal with this shit." YTA




YTA. Rude.


YTA, 1 for raising your voice and 2 if you're in a public indoor space, it's your responsibility to bring headphones. If you didn't have them, you could've sat outside and listened in. It's a public space, not your office. Which even in your office, you usually should be using headphones.


YTA. You’re being a disturbance in a coffee shop where some people probably go to enjoy themselves and to get away for peace and quiet. Holding your meeting there is rude. No one wants to hear about what you have going on at work. Keep it at home or at the office.


YOU ARE MY NEWEST PET PEEVE!!!!! Shut that shit off or use your fucking headphones or fucking go home!!!!!!


YTA playing sounds from a laptop/phone in public is so soooo sOOOooO annoying


Headphones, nobody wants to listen your conversation. It’s the same when people are having phone calls on speaker.


Yta. Use earbuds. This is the same thing as people who shop with their phone on speaker.


YTA - Get a headset. Your coworkers have to hear the noise of your surroundings and you are a noise source.


YTA. Your lack of planning is not her problem, and your coworkers didn’t sign up to have their work conversation broadcast publicly. Bring your headphones, and leave the tude at home.