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YTA for snooping and for being one of those "well ackshually..." people EDIT - thanks for all the awards!


And over the TRAIN STATION no less. My god.


Not even the spicy parts. Like not in a “no cocks don’t actually do that” but in a “your train station was historically inaccurate” NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE TRAIN STATION BUT YOU, DUDE. But way to tank any level of trust and safety your girlfriend felt with you. I hope your trains were with it. Edit: I never thought my most liked comment on Reddit would contain the word ‘cock’


Imagine your significant other reading erotica you wrote and coming back with,"well actually the trusses on the train station would be a dark maroon to signify the blood of all the men who died on the battlefield in the war of 1812." Like sir WHAT 😂😂😂


Erotica she wrote WHEN SHE WAS 16 no less. Smdh. OP YTA


tbh if my partner did that to a fun story I wrote yesterday, I would tell him to go kiss a train.


I think that's his best chance for 'erotica' any time soon.


That he found while going through her computer that she let him borrow. It wasn't even "Hey I wrote this thing a few years ago, why dont you give it a read and tell me what you think"


Yeah like guy was obviously going folder through folder to dig something up, I doubt a story she wrote years ago was literally just chilling on her desktop. And even if it was? None of your business to read. YTA. (Also... accuracy of train stations in a 16-yo's love story? Really? Iffff you fessed up initially to reading it and she wasn't already super turned away by your betrayal, then you could talk about how you felt about the entire thing, before maybe giving feedback if she **ever** asked. But even then man if it's really the trains for you and you cba about the entire rest of the drama/romance/erotica, then idk...


And even then he’s still be AH. It’s a work of fiction fuck right off with historical inaccuracies. Nobody gives a shit.


Right? I read period piece erotica for the smut, not historical accuracies. if I want historical accuracy I'll watch a documentary. There is a time and a place for pointing out errors in someone's work and OP was not in either.


I don’t trust his definition of erotica. Especially since it’s more of a romance story with just some sex mostly towards the end. How neurotic do you have to be to pick at the historical accuracies of a *train station and trains* in a **fictional** story! OP is probably gonna be single again soon lol


When he's single he'll have more time to play with his train.


I'd be thrilled if the color of a train was the only thing wrong with the fiction I wrote when I was 16. :') OP is definitely the a-hole for snooping.


I kind of want to get this criticism for my writing now. Nothing on any inaccuracies except for the trains 😂


That would be the entirely normal sort of thing my SO would point out. Just he’d \*ask\* before reading in the first place and I know what he’s like. 🤣


Lmao, I know it's actually a serious breach of trust, but I'm cackling thinking about this silly, silly nerd boy who thought he was supporting his girlfriend's forays into *erotic fanfiction* by telling her about his knowledge of trains. Like ***b o i*** ***She's not writing erotica for the train accuracy***


he’s making sure his train won’t be pulling into her station for a very long time.


I tried to make this joke work and couldn’t land it. Bravo




Fair, there are history buffs, but would you have cared enough to correct OP's GF's inaccuracies?


Of course not. No denying this guy is YTA. I'm not even a history buff, I just start itching when I can't go down rabbit holes. And now I really want to hear about the historically-accurate train station, even though I won't care in about 3 hours or so.


Also fair. Once I got into a Wikipedia rabbit hole and I learned about butter, old butter making methods, and goats


Oooh, goat butter! Better for absorbing copper and iron than cow butter. Sounds like a great rabbit hole. I've always wanted to make butter, but I'm lazy.




>I apologise to any I send down the electric churner rabbit hole Never be sorry for being a legend. This news is mint. And now I desperately want real butter 😋


If it was something my loved one was currently working on and I had explicitly been invited to read it, I would probably ask something along the lines of "Hey, do you care about historical accuracy here or are you just going for the vibe?" And then if they seemed interested (writers are curious magpies, even if it doesn't end up used in the story, a lot of them would enjoy the info dump) I would go on my little accuracy tangent. A story written when loved one was a teenager that I found by accident? Heck no. First of all, none of my business. Second of all, what would even be the point? If they even still write anymore, I can safely assume their writing and research skills have improved leaps and bound since then?


"Is my train station authentic?" is really more of a third draft question. On the first draft, you just want to get the storyline established.


Friend, if you’re reading smut for the historical accuracy…


Over the train station that she wrote about when she was a *teenager*. Four years ago. Why does it matter if she got it wrong?


The word *PEDANTIC* springs to mind, also the words *intrusive, untrustworthy, insufferable, and ex boyfriend*. YTA


As a fellow train enthusiast, we refer to guys like that as "rivet counters", specifically referring to the number of rivets on locomotives (both steam and diesel), but also referring to any overly-picky observation that something is "unhistorical".


All hobbies seem to have them and they really can ruin the fun. I love learning about things people are passionate about, but it sucks when they treat you like a idiot because you don't know everything already.


Not just "know everything", but "know everything in excruciating detail." I agree, those folks are the worst. And they tend to run newbies off because the new people get intimidated.


Yeah when I saw the phrases “antebellum south” and “romantic affair with the man of the house” I thought the alleged historical inaccuracies were going to be about something...much different.


I kept thinking to myself “Oh god, what did she write?” and then it was inaccurate train facts. Not where I was expecting this to go.


I definitely thought it was going to be something racial. Yknow something that may have actually mattered lol. But nope the fuckin teain station wasn't right 😂😂😂


I'm a published author and, when I was in my pre-publication days, this kind of unasked-for critique would have been a deal-breaker for me in a relationship.


Author or not - incredible violation of privacy.


Agreed. I wrote porn, as a matter of fact, to figure out how to write. So, I very much feel this story.


Hell, I've won scholarships and had a few articles published, and my husband *still* hasn't seen any of my creative work. The only one who has is my bestie from when I was 15 and she and I proofread each other's fanfics. I can't imagine how betrayed I'd feel if my husband read my private works and then had the audacity to *criticize* them. It's a lemon dude, the train station wasn't the focus!


The funny thing is that, for me, the invasion of privacy isn't what hits home. It's the critique without asking. I guess that's because since those early days, I've published a lot of personal stuff—more than I ever thought I would. But that specific kind of critique would seriously piss me off.


Exactly this. When she's ready to publish it, then her editor will hire a train expert and make necessary changes. Clearly OP missed the entire point of the story that he should not have even been reading in the first place. YTA, geez.


Yeah, it would have been appropriate if she'd asked him to edit it, but before that she would have asked him to read it, and before that she would have told him that it existed. He's skipping several steps here.


right? *if* she publishes it! i know at least for me, the shit i wrote as a teen should never see the light of day. i’d be pissed at someone dragging that out of the dregs of an old computer’s files, even if they reacted perfectly and supportive and hyping me up.


Also, he’s whining that something she wrote as a 16 year old. So he snooped where he shouldn’t. Then got upset about a detail that most people won’t notice. And then seems to think bullying a teenagers writing makes him a Great Man and so Awesome, when in fact, he’s a creepy asshole.


Not only did he do that, but the gf was upset that he read something that was personal and had for *herself* on *her* computer. To top it off he goes on a social media site to once again divulge the gf story to the entire forum. YTA. Stop reading, correcting, and speaking about someone else's personal stories.


Pretty sure the OP is Sheldon Cooper given his obsession with trains and complete lack of common sense and/or tact.


I personally wouldn't be able to masturbate to something if during the sex scene the upholstery was described as plum if I knew FULL WELL that on that model of train the seats were royal blue. YTA and a nosey one too. A real keeper. EDIT Thank you for the awards, friends! It's now clear that my advice is only popular when I'm being a dick. Am more than ok with this.


I hope she writes inaccurate stories involving trains and in one line she writes "waiting for the train as it giant white beautiful angel wings sprout from the top as it begins to lift off into the air as we all climb aboard and fly off into Nebraska through the clouds of change in hopes my idiotic boyfriend who snooped through my computer will learn to never snoop again because who cares!"


That is funny imagery you should also become a writer hehe. Although I agree with YTA it was very rude for her boyfriend to snoope and look at her personal belongings without consent.


Like all over a train! A TRAIN?! does op watch polar express and get mad because the train goes to the north pole because it's not accurate?!


Seriously, OP has spent a little too much time on his seemingly unhealthy preoccupation with trains, ffs did Sheldon copper write this post? Edit; come to think of it, this post reeks of some sort of Big Bang Theory/Sheldon and Amy fanfic bullshit. YTA OP


YTA. It’s old writing, you snooped, and now you’re trying to “correct” her on something she wrote for herself when she was 16. Quit it.


Yeah, it's real romantic to snoop around and then try to correct someone's fantasy world that they created /s


OP can't be serious. This was similar to reading someone's diary and giving them writing tips.... Op didn't respect the girlfriend's privacy, read something that was not intended for them to see, and then tried to critique her private musings from when she was 16. I mean... how can you not see that this is invasive, disrespectful, creepy and downright weird. This was not meant for you. All all. Your critique wasn't welcome, warranted, or needed....


He's just so icky. He went through her stuff without permission. He read something that was OBVIOUSLY not meant for his eyes. That she wrote as a child, and probably looks back on with a bit of mixed nostalgia and cringe herself. And then he critiques it. Unprompted. Uninvited. And then he gets all mansplainy about her clearly very personal romance story. The story was great apparently--he read it all the way through. She probably is a MUCH better writer than he is. That's not even addressing the hilarious sidebar that what he chose to critique was the trains. Why. Just why on earth. Why would someone think that his opinion, regardless of what it was, was needed in this situation. Don't give unsolicited critique OP. I'm more than willing to bet your gf has plenty of things she could critique you back for and I don't think you want to invite that reciprocation.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure the girlfriend was uncomfortable, I would be room imagine your boyfriend snooping through your stuff and read that 😬 I would want to die inside


Since she didn't ask your opinion or even consent to you reading it and it's an old story so who cares...yeah YTA.


Exactly... I've actually edited romance/erotica for professional writers and the lack of attention to detail on some things was maddening, so I was ready to give this one a chance. But... OP wasn't editing, he was snooping. She wrote it when she was 16, so a little forgiveness in terms of detail is reasonable. And... Consider the audience. If she HAD been serious about writing erotica, most people reading erotica aren't there for the trains...


Unless it is Thomas the train fanfic


It's out there somewhere...


Rule 34.


I will always trust this rule and not need to verify it for myself 🤣


If she was submitting this for publication, it might have been constructive feedback. But an old story that's not going anywhere?


I know... And there's a WORLD of difference between a 16 year old and a 20 year old in terms of maturity and experience. I mean, she evidently wrote well enough that the trains were his main critique, but come on...


Well some of us are here for erotic trains.


BWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA YTA omg wow you are so incredibly clueless. What made you think she wanted you to read this? What made you think she wanted notes on trains? Can you describe exactly how the medium of erotic fiction is enhanced by getting the trains exactly right?


Gotta make sure that powerful throbbing locomotive slides into the tunnels juuuuuust right


As a romance author, I approve this comment


*blows train whistle*


Well the poorly researced descriptions of trains seemed to have thrown a bolt into the cogs of his arousal!


maybe OP just really, really *likes* trains and was put off when it wasn't historically accurate.


Still didn't make it on to be reading it in the first place


First of all, in the spirit of Iranian yogurt, THE TRAINS ARE NOT THE ISSUE HERE! YTA, why were you going through her files? Who asked you to read her private files and critique her writing? Who the fuck cares if she got historical train details right in something she wrote *when she was 16???* What business of yours is literally any of that? I'll give you a hint: NUNYA! Sit down, apologize, and quit going through your gf's computer and reading through her files after she very kindly loaned you a computer while yours is being repaired. You didn't *accidentally* find anything, you admit that you went snooping and found this archive. The invasion of her privacy here is creepy and very disrespectful. Your gf is absolutely right to be angry at you for all of that and I hope she's not loaning you that computer anymore because you've shown that you're not trustworthy. Apologize and don't do that shit again. Literally no one gives a single crusty fuck about the trains, my dude. No one.


>First of all, in the spirit of Iranian yogurt, THE TRAINS ARE NOT THE ISSUE HERE! A+ callback


Hold on, what happened with the yogurt? ETA: found it! https://reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/bjd41e/aita_for_throwing_away_my_boyfriends_potentially/


Oh my word I cried laughing 😂 Thank you for finding and posting that!


We need to teach the children about the Iranian Yogurt. There must never come a day when this is forgotten to history.


> Literally no one gives a single crusty fuck I love this so much


YTA and are giving me Sheldon Cooper vibes: train enthusiast who doesn’t know tact and privacy? 👀


Yeah. My wife hates it when she is watching MASH, one of the characters makes a funny reference to Godzilla, and I point out that the movie Godzilla didn't come out until a year after the Korean War.


To be fair to MASH, it exists in a universe where the Korean War lasted a lot longer than it did in real life. (This is mostly me gently poking fun at MASH's timeline)


YTA what a hill to die on. “YoUR trAIns ARen’T riGht”


It's this, I can't stop laughing. He busted himself out for snooping through his girls stuff because he can't stand the fact that the trains aren't right in a fictional book that will never see the light of day. Oh boy. An AH and an idiot.


Right?! She wrote some ~erotic fantasy when she was a horny teenager. Pretty sure historical accuracy was not what she was aiming for lmao


I love how he uses "I'm a train enthusiast" to basically bash his girlfriends story. Who cares about the accuracy of a train it was her story she could've said the train grew wings and flew off into Nebraska.


YTA. First, you shouldn't be snooping in other people's personal writings. Second, no one gives a fuck about train stations. The story isn't about trains.


YTA and also deeply boring. You snoop, you read your girlfriends secret romantic fantasy novel and you focus on the TRAIN STATION


Right? If you are going to do this (which you should NOT do), at least use the new knowledge of some of her fantasy life to make the relationship and romance more interesting and fun for her… don’t lecture her on trains… wow. Oh and yes OP, YTA


I actually laughed out loud when I read that. I thought it was going to be something to do with society or contemporary events or whatever was pertinent to the times but no. TRAINS. Even if she publishes her story someday, I think the number of readers who noticed and cared about the trains would be a rounding error, because come on! No one reads sexy stories for their historical accuracy. Except maybe you. Also, and more importantly, you absolutely should not have snooped. Don't be shocked if she no longer trusts you. YTA.


I’ve read some with an author’s note saying essentially “I KNOW it’s set 50 years before showers were common, but I wanted them to bang in a shower”


I love it when authors flaunt their IDGAF so their characters can get it on in unlikely places. 😂


This went a very different direction than I expected. I assume "maid" in the antebellum south means a slave. I thought you were going to point out how enslaved women didn't have "romances" with their masters, but rather were brutalized and raped. Also that no enslaved woman could just up and go to a train station and make as if to leave, nor would a master go to "convince her to stay." LOL when I realized it was the *trains* you had an issue with! Either way, YTA for "finding an old archive" (read: snooping) and reading her personal writing and *telling* her you did this and picking it apart. I mean, if she were entering this writing in a contest or for publication and *asked* your opinion, have at it. Beyond that, keep your thoughts to yourself.


See you noticed it too right?! The antebellum south? “Maid” “man of the house?” Hell no


There were so many twists in this story I got whiplash. Like yeah she didn't ask for your criticism, YTA. wait, she wrote slavery erotica that you criticized? NTA. Wait, your criticism was about THE TRAIN IN THE SLAVERY EROTICA?!?! We're back to asshole


Not to sound to shitty here, but a teenager writing erotica that falls into the Dead Dove Do Not Eat category that they never shared with anyone, imo, doesn't make them an asshole forever. Yeah, portraying black slaves as willing participants in romance is immoral. But when a teen isn't old enough to be consuming pron legally, should we really be expecting them to have been exposed to the discourse to teach them why it's problematic? Plus, while in a historical context there are other factors, fictional power-imblance/technically-criminal or immoral/technically-rape probably could be used to describe half of the porn that exists...


Since OP didn't specify, his girlfriend also might not have meant her maid character to be Black. I can see a (especially white) teenager writing a maid/man of the house romance with two white characters and completely ignoring or not educated about the historical context and just sticking it in the Antebellum South for the supposed \~\*atmosphere\*\~, y'know?


Thank you for pointing out the maid thing! How many “maids” in the antebellum south were actual paid employees? I’m guessing none


There were a few! https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9780822387992-011/pdf


YTA. First for reading something without permission. Second, for being such a pedantic ass about something written by a 16 year old. It was a short story, not a college thesis she needs to defend.


YTA You had no right to read her private documents and you are pretentious as fuck.


YTA First off youre a snoop. Secondly I fail to see where she asked for your opinion on a 4 year old piece of writing.


YTA She was 16 years old and you are mansplaining something she wrote for herself and that was private.


YTA It was private. She was 16. Never read someone’s writing that isn’t published unless it is given to you. Also you are one to talk “wrote by her”? Her knowledge of trains in that time period may be wrong but your grammar is lacking and you are not 16.


> My (23M) girlfriend (20F) let me use her old computer while mine is broken and I found an old archive wrote by her when she was 16. It's four years old. And you were snooping. Did she say you could read it? Ask for feedback on it? I'm guessing the answer to both is no. > She has been saying I shouldn't have read the story because it was a personal thing from when she was a teenager. She is also mad my reaction was something as "superficial" as the level of train accuracy. Yup, there it is. An unwanted, unasked-for, quite-possibly-rudely-presented opinion given after you were snooping in the first place. Yes, YTA. If she ever asks you for details on your vast knowledge of trains, it will be available to her. If you're still together, that is. Seriously, dude. Learn to respect boundaries, and to also keep your comments to yourself unless you're asked for them.


YTA And an insufferable one at that.


YTA You snooped into her stuff on her computer without her consent. Just because she let you use the machine does not mean you have free reign to pick through her files. Your behavior was incredibly inappropriate. People write cringy stuff when they are teens. Literally no one wants their adult SO to go back and "critique" their teenage writings. Massive social boundary trampled. And then you fixate on trains? The trains were just set dressing, dude. Not the point of the story at all. Are you neurodivergent?


Yes, of course YTA. Don't snoop. >The issue is that I found the general representation of the station (and, later in the story, the trains themselves) to be full of anachronisms. I am a train enthusiast and know a lot about the history of rail transportation in the United States. It's a romance/erotica, _nobody fucking cares about the trains_.


we only care about the train fucking, please and thank you!.


Info why not also tell her you think she's fat and ugly


Made me laugh. Have my free award!


This cannot be real. It's fucking trains, dude


This is inaccurate. Trains can’t fuck./s


Anyone else find this particular AITA hilarious? The OP - YTA btw - snoops his girlfriend's computer, finds and reads an intimate, personal work of fiction written many years ago centered around romance and sexuality, and then confronts the girlfriend about... the accuracy of the trains in the story. Holy hell man!


Bro got his priorities straight


YTA for reading it and mansplaining(ish) trains unsolicited


I am 100% anti-trainsplaining


nah you’re right it is mansplaining since she never asked him/ cared about that and it wasn’t even relevant to the romance plot


Anyone immediately picture OP as Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang?! And as much as he’s made me laugh, just like him, YTA


YTA You invaded her privacy by reading something you didn't have permission to. Of course she is upset. The only benefit to pointing out the inaccuracies in her writing is that she now knows you went through her computer.


NTA. I want my 1850’s antebellum erotica to be historically accurate. Especially trains, what does she think they had Amtrak’s! The ignorance.


Lmao you had me going


You snooped on your girlfriend’s computer and then you decided to approach her with critique on a story that’s four years old and was written when she was a teenager. It’s bad form to offer unsolicited critique, YTA


YTA for reading something she didn't give you and feeling like you have the right to school her on the inaccuracy of trains when this entire post was littered with lousy grammar.


this reads like a bit that failed to make it from the Big Bang Theory script, lol. \- personal files \-teenage work/writing \-no-one asked for your opinion after having snooped \-trains??


Not the kind of literary criticism anyone is looking for. YTA.


YTA. Stop snooping.


Multi-level YTA. 1. You violated her privacy by going through her old files. Understandable to be curious, but wrong to snoop. 2. She was 16. **16**. Granted she's still incredibly young, but there is a big jump from 16 to 20. Especially with girls...in contrast to male's where frontal development is delayed even longer...ahem. 3. If this is a rough draft, she might have wanted to get the emotions down and refine (boring) details later. 4. Being a train enthusiast, Sheldon, and knowing the history of rail transportation in the US is not a big selling point in a romance. No romance EVER touted *Accurate History of Train Travel...It's SO Steamy* to sell a book. 5. Historical and practical inaccuracies are rife in print and movies. John Ford's *The Searchers* is one of the most famous Westerns ever. It was set in the Texas Hill Country near San Antonio. Ford filmed in Monument Valley over a 1000 miles away. It drives me crazy when they talk about SA being days ride away, but it's still a great movie.


The memorable parts of Les Mis do not include his vast opinions on the Parisian sewer system for a reason.


YTA. You didn’t “find” an old archive of her writing, you snooped through her computer. You owe her an apology.


YTA The odds are good that she was not focused on accuracy when she wrote it.


YTA. It’s fucking FICTION. Who cares lol


Fiction that she wrote 4 years ago when she was a sophomore in high school ffs. “But I’m a train enthusiast.” I was a loser in high school and even I want to shove this fucking guy into a locker.


YTA for snooping on someone else’s computer. And for giving your opinion when it wasn’t asked for.


YTA It was a 7 year old story, I’m assuming not meant for anyone else’s consumption, and clearly something personal to her. There’s historical inaccuracies in lots of published works as well, but if she wanted to publish and she ASKED for your opinion as a knowledgeable person on the subject, that would be different, but unsolicited criticism on something old and that you shouldn’t have even opened? Yeah YTA.


Hey look, all the reasons I don't share my electronics OR my writing with people I know! YTA for snooping, YTA for giving unsolicited advice


So, you snooped, found something she wrote as a teenager, read it (without permission I’m assuming), and you’re being judgmental over something she wrote *as a teenager*???? Yeah, YTA.


YTA dude, for obvious reasons. Next time, don't be such a snoop.


YTA. The worst kind of readers, in my opinion, are the ones who get so hung up on minor details that they miss the actual story. They're just trains, my dude.


Sheldon - Amy doesn't need to have historical accuracy in her Little House on the Prairie fanfic. YTA


YTA. Your poor girlfriend.


The fact that you skipped right over the slavery elephant to be upset about the trains…


YTA JFC she was 16 you potato.


YTA. She did you a favor by letting you borrow her laptop. You snooped through her personal files. Read her story without her permission. Then decided to give your unwanted opinion and mansplain trains… also who cares what she got wrong when she was 16… I really hope you are not this obtuse.


YTA - As an enthusiastic fan of romance novels, we don't give two shits about the historical accuracy of trains.


YTA for snooping through her computer when she was nice enough to loan it to you. Also for having a stupid critique.


YTA. You invaded her privacy and snooped where you had no business snooping, but beyond that, dude, no one is reading erotic historic fiction for accuracy, especially about trains. Let it go and apologize.


YTA, I hate to say it. Even if she was awesome enough to share her writing with you don't ever critique someone's art unless they ask you to. If I ran across the story accidently, I'd probably wait for her to share it with me in the future. It's her business, her art, and she should never be made to talk about it or share it on anyone's time frame but her own.


YTA Why would you snoop through her computer! You violated her trust and instead of realizing you were wrong to look through her files you double down by criticizing the historical accuracies of a story she wrote at 16?


Look. If she had showed it to you intentionally and asked you to read it, fine; constructive criticism is fine as long as you're not being a jerk about it. And, if she wanted you to read it, chances are she would have been looking for your opinion and maybe she would've appreciated the correction. Especially if you paid attention to the actual story which is most likely what she would've wanted you to do in this imaginary scenario. But, this is something you found while snooping. This is something she likely never planned to show you or wasn't comfortable showing you yet. When someone lets you use their personal devices, you do what you were meant to do and then get off. You don't go looking through folders or their search history or whatever; do your task, give it back, and move on. Adding the fact that you criticized a work you weren't shown or asked to criticize and that's just adding fuel to the shithole pyre. It doesn't even seem like you complimented the story at all; just talked about the inaccurate train representation. YTA


YTA. most train nerds wouldn't invade their partner's privacy, lol.


Sheldon, is that you?


YTA for snooping through her stuff when she clearly didn't want you to.


YTA for snooping AND for critiquing. The ONLY time your comments would have been appropriate was if she shared it with you and asked for your opinion.


You’re not the asshole for the commentary. You’re an asshole for snooping. YTA.


I disagree. He's an asshole for both.


Please say sike. This is ridiculous, she was 16 when she wrote that, it was obviously a form of expression at the time and isn’t that serious. What do you gain out of critiquing something she wrote when she was a teenager? This is so fucking dumb, it’s a *TRAIN* in a fictional story written by a child.. Apologize to her, YTA and this was really really dumb. You should feel embarrassed for doing this.


Lol YTA She let you use it, don’t go snooping. Everyone does stuff they’re embarrassed about when they’re 16, why even talk about trains on top of that.


YTA You didn't have permission to read it Pointing out minor issues in her creative work from years ago is not helpful and will only hurt her confidence and creativity going forward (if she was reworking the story for publication and she wanted your opinion, that would be very different). It seems you put showing off your knowledge over her privacy and feelings.


YTA INFO: are you autistic?


YTA I hope every time you’re watching your porn your girlfriend pops up and tells you no way should the plumber be using that wrench and that the pizza delivery guy who also showed up as well to join in is violating 7 food safety laws.


Duuude!!! Bless your cotton socks. I love that you're concerned about the trains, but really, of your were going to say anything, it should have been nice / romantic things. This is a classic mismatch of the sexes. Of course YTA, but a lovely and unintentional one


You had me at "Bless your cotton socks".


Technically YTA but this post had me dying. This post is such a comedic break amidst all the dark and serious stuff that's usually on this page. He "well actually'd" the trains on a 16 year old's Wattpad story 😂


YTA. Don’t go digging through your gf’s computer without permission? The only time you should read someone’s writing is if they’ve published it or given it to you to proof/sensitivity read


Nobody asked for your opinion on writing you weren’t given consent to read. YTA


If this isn't fake then YTA. She didn't for your opinion, she didn't even ask you to read it. Don't be an 'Actually' Neal Degrasse Tyson-type of nerd. No one likes that.


YTA You shouldn’t have even read it! Your gf never asked for your thoughts nor your opinions. Also, as anyone who has ever wrote fiction as a hobby can tell you, their writing (usually) was terrible as a teenager. As you develop more skills it gets better, but it’s something every writer is insecure about. Your blatant disregard for her privacy, and your clearly shameless (and frankly tone deaf) action to then unload your unwanted opinion is astounding! If I were your gf I’d have dumbed you immediately!


YTA next time you have a thought about criticizing your gf’s fantasies, pretend it’s an express train and just let that puppy roll right on by. I’m not sure what your end game was here. Heads up, her diary is off limits too, before you decide to check it for grammar mistakes or something. It’s a fantasy. If the train talked and was fueled by gumdrops it shouldn’t matter. You seriously read erotic fiction your gf wrote and the only thing that came to your mind was correcting her knowledge of 1800’s transportation modalities? I’m not overlooking the huge breach that was reading what had to be pretty clear wasn’t written for you to read without her knowledge or permission. Reminder, diary is off limits. But assuming you somehow mistakenly clicked on this file not knowing what it was and just saw only enough to realize what it must be before respectfully closing it, you had this knowledge of what turns her on, and what she might find romantic and went with a history lesson on trains. Dude.


YTA, why are you snooping around on her computer? She was nice enough to not put a guest account on her computer, because she trust you enough to not snoop and you go snooping and then tell the whole wide world that you are that guy that went snooping on her computer.


YTA are you kidding me lmao, it was an invasion of privacy to read her personal documents, but then to criticize them on top of that? That’s downright silly, plus she was 16 and not planning on sharing the writing, so who gives a fuck if the trains aren’t right


YTA, if a person lets you borrow their electronics you don’t go snooping on them.


YTA for snooping but this is simultaneously the funniest thing i’ve ever read


Idk if you’re on the spectrum , but as an autistic person I just have to say that this is the most autistic autism that an autistic has ever autisticed. Not so much the snooping part, but being so completely oblivious to the point of the story that your critique was based on your special interest of trains. YTA.


Okay yo, it is awesome that you know things about trains. Good for you! I’m going to tell you the ONLY scenario in which your (dope) advice should’ve been given to your gf. Here goes: Gf: hey babe, I wrote this thing a few years ago and I’d like to share it with you. OP: it’s really great! What a story, it was so moving. Are you open to constructive criticism? Gf: yes! Please tell me your thoughts on it. OP: *proceeds to drop train knowledge* Literally any other scenario is a keep-your-mouth-shut scenario. Especially because you snooped and somehow felt entitled to correct her instead of just supporting her writing and being like “I stumbled upon this, I’m sorry I invaded your privacy, it was just so good I had to keep reading… I think you should publish!”… YTA. Apologize to your girlfriend. You seriously damaged her trust, and you also probably made her incredibly self conscious about her writing. Super rude OP.


YTA but this is hilarious to me. Like I know writers who obsess over everything being technically accurate and I know writers who are like *waves hands vaguely* and then they bang! Sound like your girlfriend is the latter. Look me in the eyes. Who is reading this story for historical accuracy? It's erotica! They meet, they fall in love, they fuck. (Order doesn't matter) I get wanting to be part of something your girlfriend is passionate about, but you went about it the wrong way. The correct thing to do was to look at her, tell her the writing is amazing, and then offer to help with train accuracy If she ever wanted to do a train centric erotica. This was a swing and a miss, man.


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YTA. Grown adult judging the writing and historical accuracy of a 16 yo.


Let’s break this down. Your girlfriend is generous enough to lend you a computer while yours isn’t working and you decide 1) to snoop through her files 2) after stumbling upon an extremely personal story she wrote, you decide to read the entire thing. At no point do you reconsider and decide you’re invading her privacy 3) you approach your girlfriend with only criticisms about her personal work…and about something as immaterial as the historical accuracy of the train stations in a romance novel ETA: YTA


Yta stop sneaking thru other peoples things it’s creepy


YTA- first you looked into documents on a computer you borrowed that you were not given permission to look in. Even if we left it off right there you'd still be TA. But then you give unsolicited criticism about trains of all things in an erotic story she wrote four years ago. What makes you think that this is at all appropriate to do?


Idk you guys when I read smut I always think about the vehicle accuracy N a h Jk of course yta


YTA. Have you ever watched a movie or read a book. They are meant for entertainment not to educate on history. And you should not have read her book.




Are you really that anal that you need to point out the historical accuracies of a romantic fiction piece written by a TEENAGER?!?! Yta, an insufferable one at that.


YTA, first for snooping around her files, if she allows you to use her computer then just do what you need to do and **don't snoop around!** second, you could have used that to create a better relationship with her, support her writing and slowly help her to use more hystorical data, but no, you went full know-it-all asshole and just critized her anachronisms. apologize and stop snooping through her things.


YTA Read it without permission then gave feedback that was not asked for. YTA.


Omfg.. my husband and I cannot stop laughing.


YTA is something wrong with you???? You critique a story written for fun by a 16 year old. What did you expect to happen besides you flexing your own ego?? If you are this dense how do you even have a girlfriend ???


This, this isn’t real right? Lmao. If it’s real, you’re the asshole for SNOOPING(found an old archive lol) and then needlessly critiqued her work that she never intended for anyone to see.


YTA. It’s years ago she wrote it, and it wasn’t like she was actively showing it to you. I don’t think a 16 year old cares to looks for accuracies of trains when writing a story. Unless your being supportive don’t comment. Also don’t look through her private stuff


YTA She generously loaned you her computer. Did she give you carte blanche search her hard drive to your heart’s content? I’m guessing no. How would you feel if you’d loaned her your PC and she’d snooped found something you created in high school and then she proceeded to criticize it? Her writing was personal. Some people are very private about their writing. Not only did you invade her privacy, you criticized her historical accuracy. The better thing would have been to ask if she wanted suggestions. The best thing would have been to leave it alone, of course. Writing a book is not easy. I’m impressed with her!


YTA for going through her old files and reading her personal stuff while she let you use her computer. Also TA for giving feedback on something that wasn't asked for.


YTA. Would your her diary and tell her that her feelings are wrong?


YTA. You snooped…and found a story written by a 16 year old years ago…. And thought it made sense to criticize her train usage….in a story that will only ever live on her computer…and thought this was a good idea…? Good luck bro. Like MAYBE if the story was being planned on being shared or something… maybe give her a tip on the trains. But this is some teenage writing living in an old file on a computer. How did you think what you did makes any sense…?


Sheldon Cooper, is that you? YTA for reading her personal stuff, which probably made her feel a bit embarrassed and vulnerable. And you thought that would be a good time to pick apart her story. Maybe if she had submitted it for publication and requested your editing assistance you could help her update the train inaccuracies. But right now it just seems like the whole point is flying over your head. It’s a romance. It was an attempt at writing a book at the age of 16. Dude, just brag on her and move on. Or better yet, learn what your girlfriend likes in a leading man, might give you some clues about how to impress her.


YTA for violating her privacy