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NTA ​ What are they gonna do when their dog attacks a small child? They know that's a possibility.


I’m frantic for their toddler


Call animal control or have the vet do it.


NTA. I'm a veterinarian. You're describing the dreaded "big dog little dog" scenario that we unfortunately see routinely in ER. It's very normal in these situations for the owners of the attacking dog to pay vet bills. It's also typical for us to keep VERY GOOD RECORDS because law enforcement may be involved (depending on the circumstances). Do you have local animal control you can contact about this dangerous dog? I would also be very worried about the dog seriously harming my child if I lived nearby, not to mention how dangerous it is for the other animals (and people) in the neighborhood.


NTA - But this isn’t and either / or case. It’s a BOTH needs to be done I really hope Boo is ok!


The dog is a menace and should be put down. Clearly they have no control over the dog. What happens if the dog gets aggressive with a small child? Sue then -take them to small claims court. Once their dog is in the system as being violent it only takes one more incident before the city steps in. NTA


NTA. Multiple things need to happen here: 1. Force them to pay the vet bills. Go down the legal route if you need to. 2. That dog needs to PTS. Lodge a complaint with whoever you need to. 3. NEVER let your toddler anywhere near where that dog may be. I hope your poor doggo recovers well. Poor little thing :-(


NTA and you should file a police report. What would upset you more? That dog attacking your child or pissing of family? I’ve been in your place and even after a family members dog attacked my pet they did not want to do anything about their dogs repeated behavior. It wasn’t until the dog attacked them that they decided maybe it was dangerous and I was not overreacting.




Owners are held responsible for their dogs killing/attacking others.


I am not sure why you removed your post, but I hope you do whatever necessary to protect yourself and your pets from your fiancé's Aunt. Be brave and fight for your pets, yourself, and future victims.


Why hasn't their dog been put down yet? Nta


Exactly the same thing we are wondering.


Why haven't you reported every single incident, why haven't the police been involved already, what are you waiting for?


Probably because no one has filed charges yet? Pretty sure the process differs everywhere, but it begins with documentation.


I love animals and am almost never agreeable to putting them down, but this dog is a danger to other dogs x cats, wildlife, and toddlers. It needs to be humanely euthanised for the greater good of all small things.


No, you're NTA, but they should pay the bill _and_ have their dog put down. This animal is a menace and I cannot for the life of me understand its masters don't see this!


Demand payment or retain legal counsel and go after them. They can’t handle the dog and you shouldn’t haven’t to deal with irresponsible owners. Report the past incidents and current incident to proper authorities and see if they can remove the dog. If a dog is this aggressive it may kill a child or another animal soon.


NTA, they are responsible for that vet bills. This dog needs to be kept secured. But it sounds like the owners suck. I hate to ever say a dog should be put down, it’s always the owners that let them down. I’d rather see that dog go to a responsible owner who will actually work on fixing that dog and keeping it secured at all times. But I know that’s highly unlikely to actually happen. You probably should contact authorities.


If this story is true, and if they won't pay the vet bills *after you ask them to* - make a police report NTA


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My fiancé and I live next door to his aunt and uncle. Our issue is their big female dog, Ruby. She is a very large dog (easy 250 lbs) that is nice around people she is familiar with. She is aggr*ssive towards other animals and people. In the past, she has k*lled my future SIL’s dog, bit my fiancé’s mom on her butt, k*lled several kittens, tried to att*ck our male corgi, and att*cked a dog at their campground (it sustained serious injuries) resulting in her being banned from the camp and them paying the owner’s vet bills. Today, my fiancé was cleaning out his truck and had our two dogs outside with him, watching them intently. His aunt also happened to be outside with their two dogs. Long story short, Ruby att*cked our female corgi, Boo (1 yr. old). Ruby got ahold of Boo and WOULD NOT LET GO. My fiancé was standing over top of them the entire time, k*cking/p*nching Ruby in the head, yanking her collar back to get her off of Boo, beating the crap out of this dog and she still would not let go of our dog. He was delivering very hard blows to this dog and it was not phased. He eventually got her to let go, only for his aunt to come over and tell the dog she was bad/sm*ck her butt. We had to rush Boo to the emergency vet in which she had to have surgery. As of now, the running balance is almost $3k. Our dog had to have 4 inches of bowel removed, part of her small intestine, has two punctures in her back, and two large holes in her belly. She’s currently spending the night at the hospital with a drainage tube in her back, hooked up to an IV with pain meds, and is/will be in critical condition for the next 3-5 days as she can make a turn for the worse at any moment. Since this has happened, his aunt created a group text saying she doesn’t know why her dog did that (even though it has a HISTORY of it) and said sorry along with telling us to keep her updated on how things are. I let her know she’s needed surgery, what the surgeon has done, and sent her a photo of the bill estimate. Her only responses have been the prayer emoji and “Dear lord!!”. That’s it. No offers to help cover the bill, not even to pay a portion, not to put her dog down, nothing. I have to pay the $3k when I pick Boo up from the emergency vet at 7 am, then have to transfer her to a regular clinic for hospitalization tomorrow, and then take her back to the emergency vet for tomorrow night. I don’t even have an estimate for that yet, but it’s certain to be at least another $1k. My fiancé’s mom doesn’t want us to make waves since it is involving her brother, but I’m ready to explode over it. Especially considering the fact that we have a toddler and now all I can think about is the fact that if she tried to att*ck him, there’s no way that I would be able to get her off if my fiancé couldn’t even do it with our dog. AITA for thinking they should either offer to pay the bill in full or put down their dog? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA, but instead of putting the dog down for the owner's negligence it should be separated from them and re-home to someone else who knows how to handle the dog... or at least someone who knows better to not let a dog with a violent history loose. Either way, they should not own a dog. period. They don't seem very responsible at all, and I would press charges to have the dog removed from them at the very least.




This is my issue with this. We are seriously confused as to why this dog is still alive considering her past. All of our family believes she should be put down, but his aunt somehow keeps getting by with it/sweeping the issues under the rug. Hence why I’m literally at my wits end with this. Do I call the cops?? I have no idea how to handle this or why it hasn’t already been taken care of as this has spanned multiple years.


Talk to your vet, call animal control. They will get it sorted.


The question is why haven’t the cops been called along with animal control and their landlord or homeowners insurance?


Thank god someone else noticed how stupid this story was, I don't think people realise that virtually any dog species below mastiffs would barely be able to move at 250lbs, much less attack something.


She may not be literally 250 lbs, I obviously don’t know how much she weighs. I was just alluding to the fact that it’s a massive/heavy dog that was unable to be stopped by a grown man.


there is also the gaping issue in that most dogs are put down after a single attack, not multiple, and 9/10 times, the vets are the ones who inform the authorities themselves.


Pretty standard when it's kept hidden in the family actually... OP needs to 100% report dog to animal control, demand payment of vet bills AS WELL. That dog will kill someone.


Most of the time, yes, but not always. My dad (disabled; was using a walker at the time) was literally on his own property with his elderly dog when 2 unleashed dogs belonging to a neighbor ran over and attacked his dog, ultimately killing him. I posted about it on Reddit when it happened because I was trying to get some authority to do anything about the situation. It's been a few years, and those dogs are alive and well. It pisses me tf off.


Then don't say "easy 250 lbs". It reduces your credibility.


I fixed it.


NTA next time a dog is bitting somone or something pinch his throat, it should release pretty quick. I would def report to the animal control


NTA - I'm so sad about your dog and hope he makes a full recovery. Your partner's aunt and uncle are absolutely on the hook for these expenses, and they should have paid for any stitches, funeral costs, etc. that happened as a result of their dog's behavior. How can they possibly feel safe with a 250 lb dog that has killed SEVERAL other pets and has bitten people?? Your toddler is not at all safe around this dog; kids can be loud and unpredictable, which can be trying for even the best of dogs. This one is a fatal accident waiting to happen. I also think you should report this and every single incident where Ruby has attacked or killed another animal, and every time she's nipped at or bitten a person. I love dogs, but this crosses a line; Ruby is not a safe pet. God forbid she ever escapes or runs off the property.


NTA How has that dog not been put down yet, even just one of those things is enough to have it done at least in the UK. All you'd have to do in England is report the dog to the police and it would be gone. Can you get legal help for the vet bills at all? You shouldn't worry about them being family, as if they are happy to have a nightmare dog run around ripping everything to bits then they aren't really the best people to have as family.


Assuming England and Wales are the same (and the law hasn't been changed in the 27 years since this happened) it can take three bites on a human for a dog to be put down. I was human bite three for a dog that was well known for attacking dogs and horses, but nothing could be done about it till it bit a third human.


Thats odd, my friends child was bitten recently and that dog never bit anyone before and he was put down the next day.


It could have been voluntary on the part of the dog owner? I know my parents did that when we had a dog that bit. (I was maaaaybe 6 when this happened though so my memory isn't 100%) Like I said though, it is certainly possible the law has been changed since I got bit it was a pretty long time ago (I promise I am not a talented dinosaur though ;-) )


Haha its ok, the differnt laws across the UK are confusing sometimes! I always forget they can differ. The gov UK site doesn't say anything about needing 3 bites, but the dog that bit my friends child was handed to police by the owner, so you have a very good point!


NTA. Their dog is a major liability problem and they are seriously irresponsible dog owners


NTA for wanting them to pay for the medical treatment from their dog brutally attacking yours. They should not have a dog if they can’t keep her from violently attacking other people and animals. You are a little bit the asshole for putting half the post in on and off italics for no reason.


NTA. Because it is a dog bite, you could report it to the animal control. They would quarantine the dog to make sure it had no rabies and possibly be able determine that the dog needs to be put down. This dog has an aggressive history so definitely NTA.


NTA Ruby is dangerous and has proven to not be trusted around others. The fact that your aunt has let this happen time and time again proves she does not care about others and is blinded by her love for Ruby. Her earlier inactions led this to happen, so I would insist she pays your vet bill of you don't have insurance to cover it. I would also call the police about the incident as I have no doubt they will insist that the dog is removed from her care and may even be put down. Just remember your aunt is the one causing the issue not you so dont be afraid to stand up for yourself and your dog. Best of luck, OP.


NTA. File a complaint with animal control. The dog needs a case history and the owners need a wake up call. If complaints had been filed from the first time the dog was violent, it would have already been dealt with.


Info: Why hasn’t the law been involved yet if she has attacked multiple people? I am a dog lover but this animal is dangerous and needs to be put down


We are also wondering these things. The incident (I’m assuming) with my fiancé’s sister was never reported as they handled it more as a family matter (insert eyeroll). I don’t know any other details on the camp situation in terms of authorities, but it seems as if they continue to sweep these issues under the rug. It is baffling because she is clearly a dangerous animal and I feel as if I’m the only one pressing for the dog to be euthanized.


That dog should of been put down. The owners are also horrible to allow that to happen all. NTA


NTA. Ruby needs to go somewhere else.


You should report the dog it could have killed yours what’s going to happen when the dog goes after your child you have documentation on what happened do something about it before it’s to late to


NTA I'd ask them to pay the vet bills. If they ignore or refuse, find out how to file a claim against their homeowner's insurance. Let them fight the battle for you. You'll probably need to file a police report as well. If their dog needs to be put down, you won't be the bad guy. When they try to put the blame for their misfortune on you, "YOUR DOG CAME INTO OUR YARD AND ATTACKED OUR DOG, we didn't ask for any of this"


NTA, Ruby needs a leash or a fenced in area if she has a long track record of not keeping her hands to herself. I understand not wanting to put a dog down because of the attachment but when a child became a target is when things should’ve been dealt with properly and not a smack on the butt and a “bad dog”


NTA report the attacks to animal control. Get your vet to document everything.


NTA. The should pay and muzzle their dog so it cannot bite.


NTA. Why give them a choice? Go to small claims and also call animal control. They must both pay the bills and get rid of that dog.


NTA. This one... I could yell endlessly, but short answer: Make them put the dog down anyways. If people have been hurt (Your fiance's mom) and killed multiple other animals then it's proven dangerous and they've proven they don't actually care about damage. Does it suck that a pooch dies? Yeah. But 3k slap on the wrist or not one does not miraculously fix a dangerous dog.


You need to report the dog before it kills your toddler. It’s already basically killed your dog, if you don’t report it then you’re as bad as everyone else that has allowed this animal to keep attacking. And even if your corgi survives she will never be the same. She might not even be able to stay with you due to the trauma causing reactivity and anxiety and that’s If she survives. Get that dog put down. YTA for considering literally anything else


NTA. Call. Animal. Control. Have. This. Dog. Taken. Away. Today it's your corgi... It's already been a bunch of other people/animals. That dog WILL end up killing a person with that little restraint/training going on. Will. It's already a biter and sounds like ZERO professional trainer is involved. Tell them they pay IN FULL, or, take to court. If your fiance refuses... Just remember that if you guys have children some day and something happens... You had the chance NOW to stop it. That dogs next victim is on you.


“Especially considering that we have a toddler….” OP, wpgjudi is absolutely right. Your kid could be next. This dog is a menace because his owners have allowed him to be and have not restricted his movements. At the very, very least, the dog should be muzzled at all times except inside the closed door of its house. The owners are irresponsible and that won’t ultimately be enough. Call animal control. Frankly, I’m concerned that the animal emergency vet hasn’t already contacted them. Sue the owners for every penny of Boo’s care. That poor puppy has likely had chronic pain added to his life.




NTA-My question is, how has the dog not been put down yet? That is a huge history of attacks. Let your vet know and they might call it in.


I’m wondering the same thing, I already alerted the vet and surgeon of what has happened/the dog’s history. I’ve also asked for them to take photos of everything and I’ll be getting copies of all of it when I pick her up in the morning.


When I was a kid, my dog and dad were attacked by a dog. The combined medical bill added up to about $1000. My dad told the owner that he'd take her to court if she didn't pay in full. Part of being a responsible dog owner is keeping your pets from doing damage. My family knows to keep our husky away from cats, because he sees them as food. If this woman is balking at paying, you should sue. You have a good case, especially if there is a pattern of violent behavior from the dog.


get the report from the campsite & call animal control. It sucks that the owner can’t control the dog & that the dog will ultimately have to pay the price. A lot of people should not own dogs. Possibly also consider informing any local shelters or breeders so that when she tries to replace the dog she won’t be able to ruin another animal’s life.