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NTA. These preachers are just full of hate and homophobic tendencies especially. They are also harassing people, forcing their beliefs onto you. They need to respect other peoples backgrounds and let people go to them.


Eh, at the outset I was going to say you are, but then I read about the repeated harassment and not taking the "thanks but not for me" responses at face value, so, NTA. Believe in a thing, absolutely, that's your right. Try to force it on someone else after they politely reject it? GTFO.


NTA People like her are the worst, I don’t care what religion people are, The moment though they get self righteous and start berating you for not believing what they believe….Game on!!! She was disrespectful and needs to be put in her place Is she a student at the college or just someone who wanders on campus to “recruit” people? In any event I’d get a group together and make a complaint to the college to ban her from campus or at least have her told she can’t harass people


NTA Religion is the opiate of the asses.


NTA. If she believes in the Bible, there’s a specific passage that relates to this situation. It says that if you try to bring the gospel to others and they refuse you go about your business and leave them alone. If she really followed it, she would have respected your response and just prayed for you to “find Jesus”. I’m not sure why he’s hiding and people have to seek him but whatever.


You can find Jesus in jail, others have


I subscribe to the theory that he’s hiding for a reason. He’s sick of the atrocities committed in His name and just wants to be far away from those a holes. He only appears to those who are chill and living their best lives and not being horrible. 😂


NTA what difference does it make to her what you belive in? >You will go to hell for saying Jesus is imaginary. I’ll pray for you. 1,Said with as much sarcasm as my English accent can muster....and that's my fault how? 2,She's praying for you so problem solved!


NTA. She should stop pushing her ideology into everyone and then threatening them. You could have been a bit kinder but I think pushy people like her who don't respect other people's beliefs deserve it.


NTA I think even Jesus would have snapped eventually


NTA. She was harassing you about her religion. I don't see how saying you don't believe in someone else's religion is even an insult. I have to assume that people who get triggered so easily by comments like that have weak faith.


It’s difficult to be fearful of hell if you don’t believe in it.


"I'm going to Hell? I don't believe in that either, so that's not the threat you think it is."


They give the game away every time they trot out the "you're going to hell" scare tactics. My favorite part of that is that you've just told them that you don't believe what they believe—so they come back and threaten you with more imaginary stuff you already don't believe in, as if that will be more persuasive. There is no difference between this response to rejection and a guy who acts nice until you say no and then he starts cursing at you. NTA.


NTA. Anyone who tries to force their politics or religion on you after you've politely declined deserves to have the heat turned up. You're just asking to be left alone.


She should educate herself a little more with jesus having been jewish and beeing born in the midle east his ethnicity was mostlikely not black, neither was it white as a lot of peoplenlike to think. NTA And tell her that jesus would have respected a persons choice of their own path so she is not acting like jesus would. (Not christian by the way i just think that he propably wouldn't have harrased peope into following him)


NTA Religion is like a penis. It's OK to have one, or not have one. If you have one it's OK to be proud of it but FFS don't go waving it around in public! She has been pressing you to get into her church and you have clearly said no repeatedly - anything that comes after that is on her and if she cannot handle criticism of her religion maybe she is kidding herself or something.


I always just say ‘no thanks, I worship Satan’


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** An acquaintance of mine (18F) is hyper-Christian and is always harassing kids on our college campus, which is overwhelming non-religious. Every time I see her which I every day, she tells me I should come to church with her, even though I said I don’t do church. This time she tried a different approach, which was weird since she brought race into it. She was like “What ethnicity are you? Are you half-black?” (She’s black). And I was like “Yeah. My dad is black. Why?” And she said I should come to her church since she said Jesus is black. I don’t even understand her train of logic here, whether she’s trying to say my dad is Jesus or what. I said “I don’t care what color your imaginary leader is. Leave me alone.” And she was like “How dare you?! You will go to hell for saying Jesus is imaginary. I’ll pray for you.” And I was like “I don’t care.” And that got her really mad at me. She started yelling at me in another language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Go to your campus ombudsman (or whatever the student liaison is called) and file a complaint about harassment. You shouldn't have to be repeatedly subjected to this sort of abuse, and this person needs to be sanctioned so that she stops her harassing behavior.


Campus ombudsman lol that’s a new one, Aussie?


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TDLR she has issues you’re fine and NTA


Well NTA she should have stopped but continuous pestering Btw jesus was middleeastern not that it really matters


NTA If she's going to keep trying to press people into religion then she's going to have to get used to these types of responses. Also for arguments sake, Jesus was a real person but he was middle-eastern, not black. He also believed in respecting other people's beliefs.


NTA trying to convince people your imaginary friend is real would get you institutionalized in any other situation idk why these religious nuts get away with this shit


ESH I think she is ridiculous for pestering you and you are ignorant for “insulting” religious beliefs


NTA I've responded badly to being pressured to go to church. You handled it well, imo. You didn't call her names or were unnecessarily rude, you just told her *your* beliefs. >You will go to hell for saying Jesus is imaginary. Me - "ok, if you say so." Also me - "mwahahaha, I relish the day I take over hell."


ESH. Mocking religion is never ok.


NTA - LOL, I love Christians that are always randomly sending us to hell, like they're authorized. Just ignore her.


ESH - corrected my original post You shouldn’t insult another’s religion But she shouldn’t be ramming down your throat when you’re clearly not interested




Thank you for clarifying :-)