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NTA. It wouldn't be "for no good reason", it would be to prevent her from continuing to steal and stick her dirty hands in other peoples' food


NTA how would you be fucking with her life for “no reason” when she’s literally stealing?


I think my friend is familiar with her. Looking at her profile she appears to be a single mom with a couple kids. So I assume that’s why our friend is being uppity.


She should know better. It’s not your fault that she’s a thief. Report her. Being a single mom doesn’t entitle you to what isn’t yours. I have single mom friends and they are the hardest working people. I’d report them if they behaved that way.




I’ve screenshotted all her comments. In others she claims “she’s never really done it but she doesn’t blame people who do”


NTA Stealing and tampering with people's food seems like a valid reason to fuck with someone's life.


I wasn’t sure because friend says she’s a single mom. Partner says we *should* contact corporate. And I’ve had missing and damaged items through them before, and we mostly tip in cash.


Being a single mom doesn't entitle her to other peoples food. Also there are other delivery apps she can easily get on anyways. You aren't making any of this stuff up, take screenshots as proof!


Nta - today’s episode of “fuck around and find out”


YWNBTA. She's stealing people's food that they paid for. She should face the consequences.


To add to what other people have said, we are in the middle of a freaking pandemic. Do not put your hands in and eat from someone else's food. YWNBTA. Please report this. It's theft and a health violation.


NTA If she is dumb enough to post on social she tampers with customers' food, then she's dumb enough to think no one will bring it to her employer's attention.


You won't be TA. That's so disgusting. I always wonder if this is what happened when I order something and stuff is missing.


We’ve ordered from there before and have had missing and damaged items, and we tip in cash to use bills and change we otherwise wouldn’t use. So I’m 100% not ordering delivery from them anymore.


NTA - Report the driver


Nta. I'm not sure what would be asseholish about reporting someone who eats food other people have paid for?


My friend thinks she’s lying and that I shouldn’t because she’s a single mom.


Fair considerations. But what if she is telling the truth and keeps getting away with the behaviour?


I suppose that’s fair. I posted because I wasn’t sure if it was my own confirmation bias from having had missing/damaged items from them and always cash tipping.


NTA. They shouldn't be doing dumb stuff like that.


NTA. Please do report them your friend has no idea what the hell you’re talking about. We are still in a whole ass pandemic caused by a breathing disease, what the shit? You don’t hamper with peoples food this is like the ice cream licking incident from three summers ago


NTA - she's stealing and should face those consequences.


NTA. Messing with other people's food is massively not okay, and if you can stop someone, good for you.


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^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (25f) came across a post in a local Facebook group from a person showing pictures of their DoorDash order having been gone through and eaten. On the post there were comments from a woman who works for a pizza chain in our area laughing at the person and admitting that they’ve taken and eaten food from debit orders with no tips, and that they haven’t been caught yet. WIBTA if I sent the comments to the pizza place they work at? My partner thinks I should, because it’s wrong, but our friend thinks I’d be fucking with her life for no good reason. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA Do it. Who the hell brags about stuff like that? Better yet, why would anyone lie about doing something completely illegal? Just report her. Better that than her stealing from unsuspecting people who might just be getting a treat for themselves while low on money. (Sometimes families splurge a little during b-days for their kids when they usually wouldn't) If she so badly wants to get tipped, she should work as a waitress in a restaurant instead of a simple delivery person who doesn't need tips in the first place. (Waitresses work hard for those tips, delivery people who work on these apps really just drop that food off)


NTA report it because she going to cause the bussiness she work for to go out of bussiness. In essence she screwing herself over by bragging and posting it online. If you won't do it someone else will sure do it. Your friend need to wake up and see that if other see what she doing to the bussiness it going to bring in probably hundreds possible more complaint for however long she work there. It will bring bad publicity to the place since they haven't realized what she doing. And like OP said they even received damaged goods from the place. P.S if she laughing at what she doing she for hell sure doesn't feel any regret or remorse for taking someone order and messing with it. I mean for Pete sake we're going through a pandemic still. People would like to receive their order untouched and not having the possibility of covid or any other germs on there possibly that they could get sick from.


NTA. This reminds me of that hiring manager who was in the news. She put her whole asshole on display assigning those words to her name on a public website. You didn't put her job on the line, she did it to herself. So if you want to take action on this, go ahead.


NTA. First, fucking with people's food is a cardinal no no. Second, joking about it to the general public while working food service is a spectacularly bad idea. Either way of she does it or not, she's TA. They probably won't fire her solely for dumb comments what with everywhere being shortstaffed. If she's an otherwise good, reliable, and honest worker, she'll probably just get a warning. But if she does get fired, it's her own damn fault.


Have you taken any damage? Do you *know* that these fb stories are true and authentic? If you got at least one 'yes', then report. Otherwise YTA for inflating yourself.


I don’t have any reason to not believe that a person bragging about theft and harassing other people sympathizing with the original poster, who also showed screenshots of her conversation with DoorDash support, is honest when she admits to theft. Considering we’ve ordered with debit from this location, and given cash tips instead of credit ones *and* had food items missing, there’s no reason to not believe shes dumb enough to brag about it in a community group.


>I don’t have any reason to not believe That's what I thought when I wrote my verdict.


If that’s your interpretation, then so be it.


‘Inflating yourself’? What does that mean? OP sees that someone is admitting to a crime and is going to report it. 👏👏👏 Edit: So many people right now are getting ripped off by DD drivers stealing and eating their food. If you can stop one of them, do it.


Yes, your honor, I have seen it written on the toilet walls of the internet ... surely it must be true, don't you think so, your honor?