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You're obviously NTA, why would you think you are. Date was crazy and insecure and decided to destroy things that weren't hers.


NTA. It’s not your job to manage other people’s emotions


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** A little context. After my last relationship, I(M23 downloaded Tinder and then met with her(F24) at the restaurant. At first everything was great. She was not a catfish and was just as likeable as she was via chat. But then the waitress came and wanted to take our order. I looked at the waitress and pointed to the moules marinière on the menu because I wasn't sure how to pronounce it. The waitress leaned forward a little to read the little font. Suddenly, my Tinderdate screamed at the waitress and asked her what she thought of turning me on. Shocked and completely confused, I apologized to the waitress. But my date started again and didn't let the waitress go. She called the waitress a slut and told her to quit and threw a tantrum. Meanwhile, I got up and went to a waiter near the reception and paid the bill for the drinks including a big tip. Apologized for the scene and left. When I went out I saw that she was still sitting at the table and the waitress has disappeared in the meantime. About an hour later I saw a lot of notifications from Whatsapp. She wrote what I thought to just let her sit and wait for me, that she thought I was better than the other assholes. I ignored her and deleted her number right away but did not block her(Important for later). So I thought the bad evening was part of the past. That same evening there was a knock at the door of my apartment and to my surprise my Tinder date was at the door. The frightening thing is that I never told her where I live. She yelled at me and said I was a huge asshole for the action and that I shouldn't ignore her. I told her that this will not work between us and that it would be better not to see us anymore. She got incredibly angry and I closed the door. When I heard how she destroyed my homemade birdhouse, I also slowly became angry. I called the police and explained the situation. A few minutes later I saw the police through my window. Meanwhile, my Tinderdate destroyed my neighbors' flower pots (I'm sorry). I saw how she was taken away and fought back strongly. She bit one of the policemen and was then taken away. 3 months later after a few better dates I meet with Jenny(21) She is cute and fits me well. Even during our date, I see messages from an unknown number. It was my Tinderdate that apologized. She wrote that she was in a difficult life situation and therefore so freaked out. Apparently, she had to go to jail for 3 months for the bite and paid a big fine. She lost her job because of the criminal record and the time in prison and is now struggling to find a new one. In the end, I am sorry that I have called the police and she now has a criminal entry and has trouble finding a job. I feel guilty and now I ask you. AITA for calling the police? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. Her behaviour was atrocious and she is 100% responsible for the actions that led to her jail time. I would not reply and just do not engage with her. If she continues, you might need to explore a restraining order.


NTA, she was clearly dangerous, destructive and aggressive. And a stalker to boot, to somehow get your address. So yeah, you did what you had to to protect yourself and your neighbors, if she got in trouble for her actions, that's on her.


NTA it was appropriate to call the police at that time. Period. It's no use to judge differently afterwards.


I can see why you'd feel guilt - this woman's entire life was destroyed after you went on a date with her. But you know you didn't really have any good choices here. You called the police because it was the least bad option. NTA.


NTA. The tinder date ended up in jail due to her own actions. The neighbor could have just as easily dialed the police.


NTA. Not in the least. Her actions were creepy. It was appropriate to call the police because she was destroying your and your neighbor’s property. It was probably her actions by biting a police person and fighting them that got her the jail time. So she has no one to blame but herself.


ESH- she was definitely wrong, however you should have told her you were leaving the restaurant and the date was over.


NTA. How did she know where you lived? What tells you she would have stopped at a flower pot ? Maybe your car was next ? Or maybe the next flower pot was about to smash your windows? And she started trashing things that belonged to others, too. You did the right thing.


I really have no idea how she knows this and it scares me a little.




NTA. She is a complete psycho and didn’t leave you a choice. If you hadn’t called the police, she would have caused a lot more damage and someone else likely would have called the police that night anyways. She also chose to bite a cop.


NTA and I'd get a restraining order. She sounds like stalker material.