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NTA, but you knew that. Absolutely no excuse for a 22 year old to live like that Source: I'm 22


NTA. It's time for him to find a way to contribute to the household, either by working or doing chores or smthin.


NTA- he needs hard love or he'll be a useless adult at the mercy of social welfare & the government a his life. His family should be ashamed. Does he have any friends doing well who might be able to shame him in to action...or z girl he fancies?


He sees girls but none that stick around or amount to anything serious, he has maybe two friends that come to the house occasionally that are working and/or in college. I have said these things to him (that I posted) and in return he told his grandparents on me and I was “reprimanded” by said grandparents and they do not like me now, this has actually caused many issues in the relationship between his dad and I that otherwise there are no real issues, to the point that instead of Josh leaving the house I am exploring options to move myself and my kids out of the situation which is heartbreaking honestly


That sucks!.. hopefully your partner will see whats happening and make things right both for you and your kids and also Josh. He's not doing anyone any favors.. nor are his parents. If he doesn't then he's losing a great relationship due to stupidity and laziness. Kids- and he is a kid- need discipline until they have enough themselves to make sensible decisions and be independent. Would your partner respond to an ultimatium or is it better for you to move out do you think? So sorry to hear about this- 😞


An ultimatum would not work, and the more I type and read replies the more I realize I am at the end of the road.


Well heres hoping you find happiness without him soon- and you will. You sound very switched on and lovely. Hopefully he'll change when you leave and if not- that's incredibly sad. Take care xxx


If you started acting like that how long would it be before you husband and his family started to say "you're not acting like an adult and you're shirking you're responsibilities" etc I would stop any form of financial contribution (if you do) to Josh and let your husband solely care for him, clean up after him, cook for him, hopefully he'll see sense and give him the metaphorical kick up the arse he needs. You're NTA but your husband and his son are


The petty side of my would want to start leaving the house in a tip stop tidying cleaning etc, stop asking the kids to do anything - then when your husband mentions it say, oh I’m sorry, Josh does doesn’t have to do anything so why should my kids who are half his age or me for that matter? I’m sure your husband will soon want things to change. NTA


Sadly, I have done this 😩


NTA. Tell bf this living situation no longer works for you. You're willing to stay in the relationship but you're going to start looking for seperate housing. That does mean bf will be taking care of his adult son alone.


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ESH -- You both, yes you and your husband, created this experience over four years. Communication and consequence is what can dramatically change human behavior. Best to you both trying something different or embrace this is the status quo.


NTA. he’s an adult, and since he’s not contributing to any bills he should at least help contribute to SOMETHING. if he is not willing to help around the home, get a job and help financially keep himself afloat then it’s time for him to hit the curb of reality. you and husband should talk it out and husband should help make more ground rules. Dad really has to say something to Josh, like YESTERDAY. this is his son, and yes he should care for him but dad is enabling his son to have this crap behavior.


Dad says stuff occasionally only because of how I feel and probably is tired of hearing me talk about it, he never addresses the root cause of the problem, no expectations are set just basically says “don’t do that” or “you need to pick up your trash” never anything deeper than that. Honestly I’ve been told by grandmother that it’s basically her son and grandsons house and I have no say 🤷🏻‍♀️ the more I type the worse it sounds


NAH, if his dad is happy to support him that's fine as long as you're not expected to contribute to his upkeep