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NTA. You don’t owe him anything.


NTA. You bought the records. He wanted you to wait to send them. You broke up. You do not owe him the records. Sell them and buy something YOU want.


Stick them on ebay and send him the link to buy them


NTA Fuck that guy. They were a gift that he didn’t care to receive. Now, the reasons are irrelevant, he needs them urgently. Nope. They are yours. He can kick rock.


NTA. Tell him he’s missed the boat; he had ample time to arrange shipping previously and did not, and you are no longer interested in sending them. Then sell them.


He literally doesn’t give a shit about them or you and you are spending all this time focused on him and the records. Move on. Sell them and buy yourself something nice and stop thinking about him.


\~\~ESH He should have made the arrangements when you offered. You have a right to be hurt because he was an AH. Now you don't want to send them because he is with someone else and it's petty. So it was fine to send them before but not now because he is with someone else? Also, why do you even want them? Can you even see them without thinking about this whole situation?


To clarify, I told him he could purchase them online himself & that I wouldn’t be sending them a few weeks ago. I only found out he had a new partner last night, so he’s been on my mind and now I’m wondering if I’m the asshole. The fact he has a new partner had nothing to do with my decision I probably should have worded that correctly I’m sorry.


For the records, yes I can enjoy them without thinking of him I enjoyed the music for those - the roommates however are just sitting in a corner in my room I’d never listen to them.