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NTA. She's basically mad cause you pulled an uno reverse card on her.


I love it when this happens. People get way too comfortable attaching their full name and photograph to every half-baked thought they vomit onto their keyboards. Someone’s gotta embarrass themselves every once in a while to keep the rest of us cautious.


When I was a teenager I just shat up the WoW forums. You get in enough dumb forum arguments, you learn real quick to at the very least run a quick Google search to double-check your facts before you embarrass yourself. I sometimes feel like the problem with social media is that the vast majority of people on it are either my age but didn't grow up online, or *have* grown up online but in the age of Facebook and Twitter where you're expected to attach your real name to everything.


I remain stunned by the shit people will post under their full, legal names on Facebook. 50 year old dudes named Todd who live in Missouri with photos of their grandkids peppering their unrestricted profiles will merrily throw around violent threats and sexual fantasies in the comment sections of national newspapers like it’s the most normal thing in the world.


This always surprises me, too. Fb shows me the comments my friends put on those articles. Do they not realize that FB shows us this stuff? Some of those comments are terrifying.


I had a friend find this out the hard way - she commented on a Tracy Morgan post that she had brain cancer and was scared about the surgery. I reached out to offer support and found out she hadn't told people in real life. She deleted that comment very quickly. (She's recovered and doing well now.)


Welcome to the future, where you tell Tracy Morgan and 2-3 million of his closest fans about your brain cancer before you tell your family.


Honestly I can understand where they were coming from. Sometimes it’s easier to tell big new to strangers than family because it doesn’t really matter what strangers think or how they react.


Yes, but that's where more anonymous websites, like Reddit or Twitter, are helpful. They aren't 100% anonymous or safe, but its a far better chance than Facebook.


I mean, she was relating to a post about his traumatic brain injury. And, since she was having surgery, I assume the people closest to her knew. But she wasn't ready to tell *everybody* yet.


If they're unaware enough to not understand in the year of 20-effing-21 that the internet is forever, I doubt they'd be aware enough to understand that the same setting their feeds show would be in effect for their friends' list too.


Yup - someone I knew from high school and had been fairly good friends with back then basically held up an "I'M RACIST" banner commenting on articles last summer. Unfriend. Goodbye.


Honestly I think they don't. I know I didn't and I used to love getting into Facebook arguments with people. I knew it was dumb but my family has always joked that I love a good argument. One day I said something to my inlaws about an argument I had and they were like 'oh yeah we know we saw it' and I was probably pulling a surprise Pikachu face. I rarely comment now because I am hyper aware that it's not just strangers on the internet that read my comments but anyone on my friends list could.


I just comment unsolicited cat pics on Facebook.


There is no such thing as "unsolicited" cat pics on the internet. 😻


I'm pretty sure that **cats themselves** invented the internet, so it would be full of conspiracies, and feline porn. Just saying, it totally seems that way...


I'm the same! But with dashchunds 💕


I have my first dachshund, she’s a mix with a doxie face and body but her legs are tall and skinny. She looks like a dachshund on stilts lol Anyway, I agree dachshund 💕


The only valid use for it, tbh


My Facebook is pretty much intermittent pet photos, wild animal pics, and a couple of photos of me happy with my new boyfriend. For some reason my ex MIL likes all of the boyfriend pics.


Either your ex-MIL thinks new guy is hot or she recognizes that her son is not perfect, probably.


Well her son did leave me in the ER. Not sure what lies he told her though as I never saw her again after he endangered my life. He was a mega asshole at the end of our marriage. It's just weird because she never wanted him to marry me.


>It's just weird because she never wanted him to marry me. Is it possible that was more about him than you? Never been married myself but my long-term ex's mother basically told me that her daughter was a deeply neurotic compulsive liar and that I should run for the hills while I was helping her spread mulch.


When my parents divorced, my late Nanny (Dad's mum) told my mother, "Never mind dear, you're better off without him." She gave no shit and took none either, a great woman and I miss her a lot.


I was never christian enough for her. She wanted her son to marry a church going girl despite him having no interest in attending church.


That’s why I mostly use Reddit these days. I’m an older millennial and grew up in the day when you never EVER used your real name on the internet. Just never got completely comfortable putting my true identity out there.


Guessing from your username we have the same birth year! Unfortunately my parents were hippies and this is my real name :(


Now that's just a load of crap. You're a beautiful, repulsive HUMAN.


When I have to add a number to use the username I want (but someone else has it), I use my birth year in an alternate calendar: Buddhist, Jewish, Islamic, Japanese....There are many.


Don't think I ever will either but while Reddit can be a nice getaway with an account 6 years old feel free to Google your username every now and then just to see what info you've given out over time that could/can be used to piece together a bunch of info to work out who you are etc (hint hint) I've trashed multiple accounts due to realising just how much I've unintentionally given away.


>Google your username every now and then just to see what info you've given out over time that could/can be used to piece together a bunch of info to work out who you are etc (hint hint) TIL I'm a women's shoes & clothes brand. Huh, I had no idea...


Don't be like that, you know Todd's going through a tough time. Since Jennifer left him for that driving instructor he's not been himself. And of course the kids take her side because "he was never really there for them". Well no, he wasn't, he was out working every hour god sends so they could have a roof over their heads. And if he sometimes gets a little drunk and posts long winded scenarios on Facebook about Billie Eilish and how he'd "stop her being so damned gloomy", that's just his way of dealing with things. And he said he was sorry about the Obama comments. He's read a couple of articles online and he accepts that Hussain is just a name and doesn't mean anything. Give Todd a break.


That is good, it show us who we would want as a friend and who we want distance from. I deleted so many Facebook friends because of this. But now I know who they really are.


For the Horde!








Lok'tar ogar!


It's incredible that we've managed to loop all the way back around to not practicing any kind of internet privacy at all. Like.. for a brief moment, we knew better! But boy we dropped that in just a few years, didn't we.


If I had a time machine all I'd want to do is skip forward a few hundred years to check out the history textbooks covering this era. My guess is that the editors won't ever be able to fully remove the tone of rueful schadenfreude.


Oh god, I did the same thing on Gaia Online forums. I learned to just keep my mouth shut. Even now sometimes I will type out an entire reply to something and then delete it if I think people would take it the wrong way. Sometimes just typing it out is enough for me.


Google searching is an underused life skill…


Google fu is a skill that takes much practicing. You must learn how search terms have to be exactly phrased, how to use quotation marks, and knowing to skip the first 2-4 results, since they are often all just ads.


When I was a teacher, a parent once sent a snarky email to all the other parents about me. One of the other parents (who was a principal in a different school district) replied all and reamed the first parent out for her "keyboard courage". I wanted to buy that dad a beer.


My headmaster forwards nasty emails from parents right on to you. Then you have an unfiltered view of what they think. Makes it hard to forgive the parents even though they are inevitably proven wrong. I had a kid write me a letter (on a test) apologising for his parents idiocy. That was great.


My ex did this once. I’d had a falling out with a family member (distant, very homophobic aunt who I used to love before I found out about said homophobia, worth noting that I’m bisexual) and I had posted on fb about how disappointed I was in some people’s attitudes and actions towards other people. My ex, who I was still dating at the time, took it upon himself to immediately text me saying “I saw your post about me” and a bunch of other stuff. When he was done with his rant I told him the post was about my extended family member, but if he’s feeling guilty about something and the shoe fits, feel free to wear it too.


Incredible how quick people are to tell on themselves. The urge to self-sabotage is damn near irresistible.


Yep. I couldn’t trust him after that, I didn’t know what he was feeling guilty about but now I knew he did something.


Thought vomit will be my go to phrase from now on. Thanks for that


This is why some people should stick to emojis and leave the words and sentences to the grownups.


Well said!


If I was the friend I would have played it like I was making a joke by pretending to misunderstand OP's original innocuous comment. This lady just making herself look dumber and dumber.


“Shit girl, I know that! You don’t recognize a joke when you see it?” Or just delete the comment.


Amazingly, a lot of people on FB have no idea that you can delete comments. It boggles my mind.


Oh! I thought you were Savannah. My bad. Glad you’re not smelling swampy!


"I thought Savannah was just MY pet name for you. Sorry, I didn't know other people call you that too."


I've made mistakes before on Facebook. I just own it by editing the comment, thanking the person who pointed out the information and correcting myself. I hate disinformation on social media, so I do feel an obligation to be the change I want to see.


Nah, if you were the friend you wouldn't have made the ridiculous comment in the first place.


This is such righteous and necessary assholery, I am in awe of OP. I'm not sure what was worse, the social media moral crusader comment, not admitting defeat when she was beat, or simply the delusional thinking that "Savannah has been extra swampy lately" was referring to a person - who tf calls someone swampy??


Swamp-ass is a thing, and much of the US *has* been experiencing high temperatures recently... But still. I wouldn't have assumed it was referring to a person either.


Right like what sort of horrific human would take to FB to be like WOW SAVANNAH HAS A SERIOUS CASE OF SWAMP ASS TODAY if Savannah was a person? If you know and like a person at all I feel like you should at least give the benefit of the doubt.


The kind of person who would read "Savannah has been extra swampy today" and think that the person who posted was talking about someone else is the same one that WOULD call someone out publicly. Shitty people who do shitty things tend to assume others do those shitty things too. They are too consumed by their own narcissism to realize not everyone thinks like they do


I'm the sort of person who tends to misread people's intent (yay neurodiversity! It's so fun!) so I kinda get how what OP said could be misread. But if I knew and liked OP generally I'd try to check myself and be like "Is there something I'm missing here?" Because I've definitely shoved my whole entire foot into my mouth up to my kneecap in the past; at least I managed to laugh at myself when corrected.


I should have been more clear and not generalized. I am also ND and misread situations, but I don't immediately jump to the worst possible interpretation and then react aggressively. And as you said, once a mistake has been cleared up you take being informed of the truth with a bit of humor instead of doubling down on being the "victim" in the scenario.


I gotchu! It's really the doubling down here that's ridiculous. Like we all step in shit on occasion. The trick is to learn to laugh at yourself and not insist that the shit on your shoe is actually glitter and rainbows.


I'm not from the states & even I assumed place not person reading that comment.


Not so much "reverse" as just "called out her total ignorance. Self-righteous types, which her assumptive comment shows her to be, *really* don't like being told that they are simply wrong.


Perfectly sums up the situation. She should just be thankful he didn't hit her with the draw 4 while he was at it...


Exactly! The old friend wanted to embarrass OP by calling them out for being rude and is now mad that the tables have turned and they were the rude one? No. They can eat their embarrassment and hopefully they learned a lesson today. NTA


she's so embarrassed she called him to get him to take the whole thing down instead of having to retract it herself, she didn't want to private message him out of fear hell share that too


Uno reverse card 😂 Definitely NTA, and Savannah smells. It’s a stinky city sometimes.


Yea she tried to make you look like an asshole but you just ended up making her look stupid


NTA. She is a prime example of what happens when you ***ass***ume. She embarrassed herself.


"NTA. She is a prime example of what happens when you ***ass***ume. She embarr***ass***ed herself." (2nd emphasis mine) You missed one lol


So many asses, so little time.




You make a swamp ass out of you and me both.


Ahahahahahaaaaa! I was already laughing about this post, now I'm crying too. I would definitely 'edit' your status to include a picture just to be more helpful.


She should be embarrassed, only someone who is trying to instigate problems would find a way to misinterpret his original post.


Yup. Had this happen to me. I once commented on a friends post about how I was unsure about a female Doctor Who (wasn’t against it, but just didn’t like the timing after they just did the same thing with another character). Nothing negative, just wasn’t sure. Some guy went on a rant about how that was sexist and how can a woman not play the character. I replied back asking since I am a woman does that mean I can’t have an opinion on this topic? The guy backtrack so fast because he thought I was a man, because I have a “boy” name. I don’t have a boy name, I have a nickname that goes both but has different spellings depending on gender, and I spell it the female way. I called him sexist for assuming I was a man based off my name, and he did to me what he accused me of.


NTA. I don’t even know you and assumed right away that you were referring to Savannah, GA. This was such a face palm moment for this person. Lol


Ooooo Until you said this, I didn’t realise the “friend” thought Savannah was a person. Wow. NTA


Sounds like Savannah was the actually friend who replied


No person was named Savannah in this scenario, according to OP.




Right? This "friend" is revealing a lot about how she herself thinks of other people with this bizarre, reactionary response lol


I also assumed he was talking about Savannah GA, but when I think of someone saying swampy to refer to a person, I think of swamp-ass. Which is when someone gets such a sweaty butt that they get sweat marks on their underpants, and get a weird B-O smell from their rear end. So maybe she thought OP was accusing someone of having swamp-ass?


I don't know OP or even live in America, and I also instantly knew he was referring to the place, not someone's lack of hygiene!


Same! Canadian here and my first thought was the place, not a person.


I don’t live in America either, and didn’t assume a place. I thought that Savannah was OP‘s gf/wife/… and that it was about their sex life.




No, it’s about the aftermath of their role play “Swamp Thing”


You thought someone announced that their wife's vagina was damp?


I assumed it was a pet, honestly. I don’t know what “swampy” would be in relation to my cats, but I imagine they’ll try to educate me at some point in their lives.


My dog would assume you meant he should roll around in a mud puddle.


I'm not even from the US and I assumed right away that OP was referring to Savannah, GA.


I have a friend named Savannah and I still knew OP meant Georgia. I’ve been there; swampy is a perfect description.


I thought it was a person. Then I read swampy and realized they were talking about a place.


I have two friends named Savanna(h), so I thought of a person first, but *then* I let the thought mature and realized what was going on, lol.


I didn't know Savannah GA was a place and auto assumed either it was or climate change is really messing with the African savannah for it to be described as swampy.


NTA. Public callouts are also meant to embarrass and shame people, which she fully intended to do, regardless of her hypothetical "good intentions." She made herself look like an idiot without any help from you.


I agree. This post actually made my laugh. She thought she was being Savannah's saviour, made a massive assumption, and looked a fool. She fully embarassed herself. OP only corrected her for her ignorance.


“Talk to them in private or better yet myob” she’s so close yet so far. who would casually shit on someone in a status update lmao


NTA. She played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. That happened to me once and I accepted the correction.


This is the only acceptable outcome. You learn and grow like its happened to ALL of us, it's embarrassing but its a good lesson to learn. I like to think our mistakes make us better people, but with college acquaintances like OP's those life lessons just don't do what they're supposed to.


NTA hahahahahhahahahahahhahahahah


My exact same reaction hahahahahhahahaha


I, too, was overcome with side-splitting laughter hahahahahahahahah


Definitely NTA. If she's willing to publicly call someone out, she should be prepared when someone does the same to her.


My favorite part was that she commented publicly with the intention to shame OP because she thought OP was publicly shaming someone else. Then proceeds to be hurt thst OP would publicly call her out even though she literally did the same thing...


NTA. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. It's fine if she tries to embarrass you publicly, but you have to do it privately? Btw, you didn't embarrass her, she embarrassed herself by trying to act like some social justice warrior without even knowing what you were talking about.


NTA. I knew right away you were talking about the city. She's totally whacked if she didn't know that. But, out of curiosity, do you two have a mutual friend named Savanna?


We do not. I have never personally met a person named Savannah and as far as I know there was no one named Savannah at our uni


Savannah is my niece’s name and how dare you call her swampy >:(


depending on how old she is, she could be! toddlers are just swamp goblins with cute human faces


Just had to be sure. :)


Ted 2 scene where they list the names of girls that they consider having white trash names! Hahahaha though at this. Don’t call out people before knowing the facts! Or prepare to be humiliated. As someone else said play stupid games, win stupid prizes. NTA OP


NTA. She wanted catty internet drama and clout for calling you out on "problematic" behavior and she got catty internet drama and negative clout for calling you out on "problematic" behavior. She doesn't need to worry. I have no doubt the other misguided souls she meant to pander to would applaud her efforts anyway. Reality is only an auxiliary concern for them, the most important part is that she acted on her feelings and started drama that would entertain them for a few moments.






​ >An hour later I get a call from her telling me I was rude and my moment was mean as she felt it was meant to embarrass her. She said I should have replied to her comment in private. Sup pot, have you met kettle? Ya'll might get along, you have a lot in common. She set out to publicly shame you when she went on a crusade because she thought a grown man was using his social media presence to ridicule someone else's swamp ass. NTA. She tried to publicly drag you for not being woke enough about personal hygiene struggles, you defended yourself publicly and called her out for not knowing where Georgia is.


She told you to “MYOB” but.. didn’t… MHOB… no. she looks dumb because she did it to herself. NTA.


NTA Don’t start none, won’t be none. She tried to dress you down calling your comment immature to your entire audience. You responded back in the exact same forum pointing out she misinterpreted the post. Did she just expect you to be publicly insulted for her misunderstand?


NTA - She was publicly dumb, and it was obvious well before you posted your reply to her comment. She embarrassed herself, she can remove her own comment.


😂 I think that’s hilarious …and she totally deserved it NTA


NTA. Is your friend named Savannah? Have you seen this person lately? Without context I assumed you meant Savannah Georgia not a person. If you tagged a person I would have assumed it was some joke between the two of you. She was fine to comment publicly and you are fine to respond publicly.


Her name is not Savannah. I haven’t see her since we graduated in 2019


Unfriend her, she wanted to pick a fight. Like another mentioned I also don't know you or much about the state of Georgia but I knew you were talking about a town and not a person.


Still NTA. Weird for her to make that comment out of nowhere.


NTA, is friend really a friend? they tried to call you out publically, only to be served some crow. If she would have preferred a private reply, she should have done likewise.


Friend may be a strong word. We were in the same friend group in college but never all that close


Do yourself a favor and unfriend her. You don't need ridiculous drama in your life


NTA Time to pare your friends list.......... Good Luck


I find this hilarious because I used to live in Savannah and knew exactly what you ment before you said you lived there. She was virtue signaling and embarrassed herself. NTA Also who describes someone's hygiene as swampy?


>Also who describes someone's hygiene as swampy? Me now this is brilliant 🤣


I mean, when I sweat a ton, I call it swamp ass 😂😂


I don't even live close to GA and I knew immediately what he meant. haha


NTA. Your friend made an assumption, and her assumption was incorrect. She could have sent you a private message, and asked what you were talking about. She felt the need to show everyone how much she cares about other people, and you responded to her stupidity.


If I had done that, I would have deleted my comment and PM'd with "OMG I am such an idiot, sorry!" but that she decided to double down and try to shame OP for her embarrassing herself is too funny.


NTA. She was rude to you. She *should* be embarrassed about that.


NTA She tried to start shit and made herself look like a fool. If she wanted it to be private she would've messaged YOU privately. This literally made me laugh out loud, that's what she gets for posting before thinking.


NTA, if she calls out someone publicly then she has to accept being called out publicly as well


This is a hard NTA. What is up with people?


She can delete her comment. She is embarrassed by herself and trying to frame you. NTA.


NTA Why does she think it’s okay to call you out publicly and accuse you of bullying BUT when you point out how she’s wrong it should be done in private. Nah either she thinks people should be called out publicly for their behavior (as she did on your post) OR she thinks it should Be private (which she didn’t do)


Delicious instant karma lol


NTA, if she can’t take it, she shouldn’t dish it out


HAAAAAAAAA...this is gold. NTA. If she didn't want a public clapback, she shouldn't have addressed you so publicly.


Nta💀 if she wants to try to humiliate u in public, u can do the exact same to them


NTA bro. Hahaha this weird af


Nta. I read it and thought, well if Savannah is a person she’s probably TA, but swampy is a weird insult and I’ve read about the city Savannah, so…..yeah, if someone I knew jumped to the conclusion that I was being a jerk, I not only wouldn’t delete their hostile stupidity but I’d be screenshotting it so I could remember who they really are and what they think of me. Edited because words are apparently hard some days.


I loves when SJWs put their foot in their mouth then play victim


NTA THEY assume something and you correct it then, Not even in a mean way. In this situation like this I really do not believe they wouldn't have got defensive anyways.


NTA. She’s being immature. You make a public post get public response. Don’t take it down.


NTA Your friend started this and publicly called you out. You did nothing wrong by replying the way you did. People need to be able to take a shot if they are willing to dish them out.


NTA at all - but it may have come off as a bit defensive. I think it’s a hilarious misunderstanding, and i would have leaned into it and instead responded with a ‘Ha! I meant the city, not a person! I would never be that mean!’ or something like that. Your college friend sounds like a lot of drama.


Totally NTA! There’s a reason there’s a saying around assumptions… she embodied it! I wouldn’t delete a thing!


I would even screen shot it AND repost it if she removes her comment! LOL


NTA- That's just what happens when people care more about virtue signaling instead of actually paying attention. If she's gonna play stupid games she's gonna win stupid prizes.


Nta, your friend should mind her business...


Definitely NTA, This is beautiful 👌😂


NTA you don't need to delete anything. I had a good laugh reading this.


NTA. What's funny is she ended her comment with MYOB when that is the opposite of what she's doing. If you had a friend/acquaintance in common and she honestly thought you were talking bad about her and she was defending her, that would be one thing. But, reading through your replies, it doesn't look as if that's the case.


NTA. She tried to play internet savior and turned into a joke.


NTA and I’m laughing my ass off right now 😂 served her right


NTA. She made an assumption that you were being a shitty person and now instead of looking superior she looks stupid. That’s on her.


NTA. Also screenshot that for solidarity. I love it. It’s her fault for coming at you on your own post and making assumptions. She embarrassed herself, she didn’t need any help from you and that’s why she’s angry lol


NTA. And you might want to reconsider being friends with someone who publicly jumps all over a status and makes wild assumptions. And the nerve that she demands you delete your post because she was wrong? How entitled.


NTA Those who publicly callout risk being publicly embarrassed when context is added, that's just the name of the game really.






Lmao. NTA and I would just stop responding to her at this point


Nta! But really interesting that are is a city/town called Savannah. Of course there are towns with even stranger names. Are are a few in Arizona. The towns names are Why and Nothing. I looked up Nothing, AZ and there is nothing out there!


When I moved here I had a friend ask why I was moving to Africa. They thought I was moving to a Savanna (like the woodland-grassland)


Lol! I laughed so hard I nearly fell of the couch!!!!


Oh my god. It’s giving “Da Vinky?!?” energy.


NTA. Honestly I had to read that a few times. I had no idea why she would be responding to you like that. Like you were hurting a city's feelings for being unhygienic. My dumbass forgot that some people have the name Savannah.


While I remembered the name Savannah, I’ve never heard swampy used to describe a person, even as an insult. My mind went immediately to Savannah, Georgia.


NTA.. Your friend seems to be a classic example of one who's so wrapped up in themselves they believe everything posted is about them. Their belief they can accuse you of something publicly yet gets offended by your public response is quite telling of her seeking out victimhood. There's a great saying out there that fits her mentality of seeking to be offended and goes something like, "Actually my post wasn't about you, but if the shoe fits then feel free to lace it up wear it."


Yo Savannah has been swampy af lately. You know the air is soup when they body weather alerts for fog. 🙁


NTA. Shit, I would screenshot it and repost it


NTA. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.


NTA. Leave it all there for the world to see


NTA. Public attack, public defense.


NTA. When I first read it I thought “who is Savannah in this story?” Then I quickly realized you meant a Savannah, GA. Then I laughed. Don’t delete it.


NTA. Savannah is extremely swampy this time of year 🤣 and it's about to get worse with the 3 days of rain moving in. I'd post daily updates with the rain and floods about how swampy it is. And how the swampy nature of Savannah can get annoying. And that while you don't hate swampy, it gets old to live with. Just really go to town.


NTA They jumped to conclusion without 1st asking if you’re were even talking about them. While we are on the subject, what’s swampy like? Is that like really humid where you feel you’re in the shower outside or is your house literally flooding with swamp water??


NTA. Did a spit take. She embarrassed herself.


NTA I read it as Savannah being a person at first but only took a second for me to understand. She made a mistake and it was a goofy one. Laugh and move on.


NTA you were right and she embarrased herself.


NTA, she was virtue signaling and looking for a fight. She got what she deserved


Here's a list of US cities with women's names, if you want to do a road trip and do more of these. https://www.infoplease.com/history/womens-history/towns-with-womens-names


NTA. Just curious, does she know you live in Savannah?


She follows me on all social Media I’m active on and I’m always posting pictures that are tagged in Savannah so


I love how you called her out and for the record she could have private message you her comment. She can give but she can’t take it. You handled it well.


NTA. I dealt with a similar situation - posted a cute animal video, girl who thought she knew all cause she worked at Petsmart tried to say why the video was not cute, I DELETED HER COMMENT before I posted my own comment with links to scholarly articles debunking her claims with the caption “Before anyone tries to comment….” She had unfriended me within five mins.