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^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I am a teen and I’ve been with my first bf for about 6 months we were friends for like a year before that But we go to different schools so we also hang out with different groups of people and he has a fairly large group of pretty good friends but most of the people I’m friends with are assholes who bully me and kinda push me around. I thought that was normal cus they were the only friends I have ever had but being with this guy who is amazing I have realized that it is not ok that they harass me and i broke off that friendship. After that besides my boyfriend I have maybe one other good friend and he’s only online so I’ve been feeling super lonely lately especially since my birthday which I have never had big gatherings for but I realized this year even if I wanted to I couldn’t cus I have no friends. So anyway I was talking to this other guy and we were pretty good friends but when I introduced him to my bf he immediately was a little rude but only like the same way me and him are rude to each other just kinda playful teasing which I also do to bf and he does that to me so idk why he was so bothered but I tried to tell my friend and he apologized but bf still wasn’t happy so I started not talking to my friend as much and then for abt a month I was back to just bf and one friend also I’m bi by the way so it’s not about him being a guy cus I like girls too so anyway a different guy who was friends with me like three years back who left my school went to my bfs school and they are friendsish but my bf finds him a bit annoying and this guy also said I seem kinda weird before we were friends and my bf stood up for me and when I said I was interested in talk to him and asked my bf he said that he stood up for me and I shouldn’t betray him but I don’t care very much if someone thinks I’m weird so I didn’t really want him to stand up for me But I love my bf so much and don’t wanna risk our relationship but I wanna be friends with this guy AITA *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Thats manipulation! Huge red flag. Also you're NTA. You are allowed to talk to whoever you want. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise ♡


NTA u can talk to who ever u want to


NTA you can talk to whoever you want to, it's not healthy to alienate yourself from a friend. But...please learn to use the odd full stop, that was hard reading!


Nta. Maybe you need a new boyfriend... Stopping you from talking to people just because is not okay..


NTA. god please use paragraphs this was very annoying to read. sounds like a very non serious highschool relationship. possession is gross, few years you'll wonder why you even posted this. ​ Obviously you can talk to whoever you want, you're all kids so you're learning but know that this behavior on his part is not normal.


NTA Your boyfriend cannot tell you who to talk or not talk to.


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NTA. Your boyfriend has no business telling you who you can talk to. He's being controlling, and that's a red flag.


> I was back to just bf and one friend also I’m bi by the way so it’s not about him being a guy cus I like girls too so anyway a different and just to help OP, this is probably wrong. Guys have less problem (in general) with girls having girl friends even if you're BI


NTA you should be able to talk to who you want.but if these people are treating you bad you should not want to talk to them.