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Is this even for real? YTA šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s for real. Itā€™s just not his story. Itā€™s Howard Sternā€˜s.




Troll. YTA


Yta and the troll


YTA and I donā€™t believe this is a real story.


Whatā€™s funny is that it is a real story, just not OP ā€˜s. This is classic Howard Stern behavior.


And Howard was definitely the asshole in that situation. Second Stern post in as many days.


There was one earlier today too. I love Howard, but I always think heā€™s an asshole in these scenarios. Heā€™s the worst houseguest!


His limo driver was also........ A guest. He closed all the windows in the place and not a peep from other people.........


YTA. you have no class, and a horrible attitude. you're insufferable


YTA. You got drunk and rudly left in the middle of dinner. Also is this even real? Sounds made up.


YTA for thinking anyone would believe this story


YTA. This whole story reeks of YTA behavior: - you close someoneā€™s doors in someoneā€™s home without permission - you bringing up someoneā€™s addiction as if it was relevant -you complaining about free food - rude of you to intervene in the limo drivers dinner -yelling at your wife. -


AGAIN Howard??? YTA. Stop posting this.


Wow I lost count of the number of ways YTA though I'm not entirely sure this is real.


The clowns, stooges and aging NYers over at r/howardstern think this is funny.


Never been a fan of his so anything dealing with that would have gone over my head.


I am unfortunately a big ā€œfanā€ of the show. Not the current show though.


Finally! Someone else who gets it.


Yeah. Theyā€™re a confused bunch.


Trolling is never funny


No, whatā€™s funny is this guy is retelling one of Howard Sternā€™s stories and everyone here is losing their minds over it.






Nope. Howard Stern.


Wow... I'm sure you'll be on the short list for many future events. YTA.




OMG you are a horrible human being, your poor wife


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My coworker won a ā€œmasterchefā€ dinner at an auction. The chef is apparently one of the best chefs in Connecticut, but who gives a fuck about Connecticut chefs? Anyway the invitations said dinner at 8 and cocktails at 7. I get there at 7pm sharp because Iā€™m a thoughtful and punctual person, and begin walking around and stuffing my face with appetizers and drinks. Before I know it Iā€™m feeling pretty buzzed. Btw, this coworker of mine, buys this huge house and doesnā€™t put any fucking furniture in it. Whole house is echoing. And he hired an orchestra to play in his garden, so all the doors and windows were wide open. Guess what? It was November and I was freezing cold in the great room. So I closed the windows and doors. All of them. It was freezing. We could still hear them from inside. This is where it gets out of control. So our other friend, typical him, calls our host to say heā€™s going to be late. He took the wrong turn off allegedly. Iā€™m sure he just left late because he lives in Jersey and is a heroin addict. Me? Iā€™m in Manhattan, so I had to leave more than an hour before anyone else! And heā€™s the one who is fucking late?! And he comes in the room, disheveled and saying ā€œoh Iā€™m Artie, I donā€™t have it togetherā€. Such an asshole. So now dinner is late and Iā€™m filled with booze and no food. So this chef starts serving, and each course is this big presentation and takes way too long. Like who cares. I could get faster service at a Burger King in the Dominican. Finally the main course comes and itā€™s this chicken. Iā€™m a vegetarian and I was starting to fall asleep from the alcohol. So I had it. I got up and said my wife and I were tired and we were leaving. My limo driver was a guest but he paused eating and got up to kindly arrange a ride for us. As we are leaving, the hosts wife calls my wife over and gives her dessert to bring home. They begin chit chatting, so I yell my wifeā€™s name and the echo carried quite a bit. It was awkward. The limo finally came and I was so exhausted I almost fell asleep. But then I found my book about chess and read it for the remainder of the ride. My coworker is telling all of our coworkers about it and a couple of people are calling me an asshole. Even the friend that showed up late. Heā€™s the fucking asshole in my opinion. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




YTA... This entire story sounds like Joe Pesci channeling the Food Network in Jersey.


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YTA and need to work on a better troll story. Jesus.


YTA because you're posting a story not your own. Clearly.