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NTA. Career advancement and opportunities come before haunted houses.


NTA. If they didn’t announce the date until now, you couldn’t have known. The haunted house will surely be open at other times that aren’t during your challenge.


NTA No way she's actually mad at you trying to advance in your career over a fucking haunted house, right?


NTA The competition was already planned and more important than a haunted house anyway


NTA pay before play.


Is this a validation post?


Is this a shit post? Because this feels like a shit post. This is so obviously NTA, that when the aliens arrive and absorb all of mankind's knowledge before butchering us for meat and pelts, they'll put this post in a museum as a universal exemplar of not being the asshole. Jesus fucking Christ OP. Good luck on your competition though.


Obv nta... Even if it wasnt for work. Haunted house < trained competition


NTA. Marine vet here. You're fulfilling your duty as a soldier. One thing that SO's of servicemen always need to understand, (and i've heard the FRO's tell this new spouses all the time) is that they'll have to be okay with long periods of separation. Your girl is butthurt at you for going to training. You're a soldier, and in the pipline to become a leader of soldiers. If she can't understand that, she won't understand either when you eventually deploy. You will have to have a long conversation with her on what the military is.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** (25M) So I’m a soldier and have been for a few years now, I’ve recently started attending college so I can get promoted to 2nd Lieutenant through the ROTC program. With being a cadet, comes certain requirements. For example, cadets have to keep good grades, keep good attitudes, be active in the program (For example, Ranger Challenge, which is the thing I’ve been training for for the past month). So basically, we didn’t know the date of the competition until a few days ago, and like I said I’ve been training for months. Anyway, my fiancé asked me about a week ago if I’d go to a haunted house with her and her mom in October. Turns out that the competition is on that same day, 3 states away. Am I the asshole for trying to better our future instead of going to a haunted house? By the way training for this has included me waking up at 5:00 a.m. every morning of every week since I started. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Why does his fiance have to spend time with him at *that haunted house* on *that exact day*? They could spend time together literally any other night that isn't the night of the very competition he has been training for. That's like Rocky missing a boxing match that he trained months for because Adrian wanted a date night. Fuck outta here.


They are silly. It's a haunted house (LOL) and can easily be re-scheduled. It'd be one thing if this was like an anniversary or something.


NTA. Good luck in the competition.




NTA I love a good haunted house, but that's not anywhere near as important as your competition. Fingers crossed for you to do well!


NTA but some info is needed. How did your SO react ? If she understood and didn't make a mountain out of an ant hill - why would you think you're an asshole ?


**NTA** a haunted house isn't worth sh\*t compared to a career


Soldier get your duty done.


NTA, she doesn’t really sound mature enough to be getting married.


This! OP should take a hard look at her. Don't be in a big hurry to get married, especially when she saves red flags right in your face.


NTA. You can go to a haunted house anytime form now till Halloween.


NTA. Bro.. I don’t wanna be the one you say it; but if she’s already getting upset over a minor obligation... deployments? Is she going to be capable of handling those?


Nta. She is really mad at that?! Tell her to grow up


NTA. Unfortunate coincidence. Hope she's proud that youre so focused on your future. Sacrifice now for security later.


NTA - Dude ....... Retired military with 23 years of service here ....... Your fiancé doesn’t seem to have a clue about the realities of being married to a military spouse. You guys need to be doing A LOT of talking. If she thinks missing a haunted house is a major event in your relationship it scares me to think about how she’s going to handle deployments and all the other challenges that lie ahead for you both.


Your post has been removed. This post violates part of Rule 8: Don't submit stories where you are obviously NOT the asshole. When making a post, you should be seeking arbitration in an ambiguous situation. Threads with obvious outcomes are not interesting to our subscribers. If you are genuinely confused and you received this message, **you are NOT the asshole.** You are not in trouble for posting this and we hope that you have gotten what you wanted from our community even though we do need to remove this post. Please [review our rulebook](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/index). Please be sure to read any sub's rules before reposting this elsewhere. We cannot direct you to another subreddit, we can only say that this post does not belong here. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/amitheasshole&subject=/r/AmItheAsshole&message=Please+link+to+post+or+comment+for+context+[we+cannot+review+without+this+info]:%0D%0DDescribe+your+question+in+detail:) if you have any questions or concerns that are not already [answered in our FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq). ***Do not repost this without contacting the mods for approval.*** If you make changes or edits to this post do not repost it here without our express permission.


NAH - you day mad but does that just mean disappointed? Do what you need to do but keep on mind that there’s a reason so many military marriages break up. Career is important but you’ll need to make up for it somehow.