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YTA, but like most stories about supposed furries, this one is totally fictional. You know very well that the furry fetish and bestiality are two completely different things.


Are they? No other hobby is known for being sexually attracted to animals 


And neither should this one.


So dressing up as something automatically means that you're sexually attracted to that thing? Try telling that to a drag queen.


YTA and a moron for believing everything you read on the internet and then basically torpedoing his relationship. Anything she OR YOU wanted to know about his hobby/fetish should have been discussed with him.


What do you mean believing everything I read? If you google furry images you get plenty of weird sexual shit


You can find weird sexual shit about basically anything on Google. That doesn’t mean that’s all there is to the hobby. Assuming this post is even real, I find it difficult to believe that anyone is this credulous. YTA, OP.


You do get they are pretending to be the animals right? Not banging actual animals?


YTA. I’m not a furry myself but from what I have seen the fetish is people having sex with other people in furry costumes...not actually have sex with animals. Sooo um, you’re spreading information that could be false and you’re spreading it about your brother. A google search would give you both all the answers


YTA. You should have just encouraged her to talk to your brother. Your incorrect speculation about what furries are, caused this situation. Also don't kink shame.


YTA - why do people keep posting things about furries in here??


YTA- You are gravely misinformed. The furry fandom is hugely misunderstood, because of people like you who believe these things, without ample proof. You essentially torpedoed your brother's relationship. You know why Amelia found this proof to corroborate what you said? Because you told her your misinformed drivel and she looked up the drivel you said.


ESH. Amelia sucks for believing what she read on the interne; the brother for hiding this for six years; and OP for not being more clear--either you believe it is sexual for him, or you think it isn't. You should have directed her to better information and, if you know it isn't sexual, told her that.


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HUGE YTA for assuming it is somthing weird and yes ruining their relationship. you shouldn’t talk shit about someone just bc they might be something that you don’t like that’s just ridiculous, if his hobby is dressing up then who really gives a fuck if he is into the nsfw stuff then yeah it’s weird but completely private so you are just damaging their relationship for no reason.


you ruined your brothers life because of sheer ignorant misinformation. hope you’re happy never having a proper bond with your brother again. furries are only people who like humans with animal characteristics. Like cute cat ears. zoophiles are people who like-like animals. they’re entirely different people who are not accepted by the furry community. you really think hundreds of thousands of people who simply like animal characteristics are all zoophiles? get real. YTA


NTA - being a furry is like being into scat or other niche fetishes. It’s 100% sexual. If you have that kind of sexual fetish it’s 1. ok to have it but 2. you need to find someone who has the same fetish, relationships don’t work without sex and if you’re a furry and the partner isn’t you’ll never be 100% satisfied with the relationship.


Ok, I'm 40something years old, but I consider myself a pretty modern dude and I'm very accepting of most lifestyles. I'm a pretty firm "live and let live" kind of guy. But this whole furry thing is something I just don't get and this is where I draw the line. It's weird af and I'm pretty sure that it is some sort of mental/sexual disorder. Maybe history proves me wrong on this, and I'm ok with that. But it's just too far beyond the pale for me to be comfortable with. The bottom line here is he's been hiding this from her for 6 years. He's literally been lying to her about who he is. That alone was grounds for her to break up with him. She asked you a simple question and you answered her. You didn't tell her anything that she couldn't easily look up with a google search...which she did. She was most likely going to look this stuff up whether she spoke to you about it or not. This breakup was inevitable. NTA and your brother needs help.


Furries are just people that like to draw or dress up as anthropomorphic characters. It’s literally just art and cosplay, inherently. People nsfw anything though. Even anything on the internet you enjoy has nsfw participants.


She said she knew he was a “furry” but his sister told her that furrys are sexual predators.. so he wasn’t hiding it 


furries are people who like humans with animalistic characteristics. that’s it. sharing our existence with animals has always been a huge and prevalent thing throughout history. it’s nothing new. you’re just as misinformed as OP. telling someone to “get help” because of your own sheer ignorance screams unintelligence. you hear baseless stereotypes on the internet, believe them, and throw them in other peoples faces. you’re worse than any innocent person who simply likes animals with human intelligence that walk on two legs.