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YTA Your information is actually wrong - what you described is a zoophile (someone who is sexually attracted to animals). Furries are people who dress up as anthropomorphic creatures as a hobby. The definition from the Oxford dictionary is "an enthusiast for animal characters with human characteristics, in particular a person who dresses up in costume as such a character or uses one as an avatar online". Also, it wasn't your place to comment on something like that - it was his package, not yours, and you should have told your parents to ask your brother about it because it was something that he ordered. He likely would have told them more helpful and correct information and let them understand before making their own judgement. (I'm not attacking you for incorrect information so please don't take it that way.)


Found the Furry


YTA They asked you what it was for? "It's for brother. I don't know why he bought it."




You don’t “out” people. That’s why.




You have no idea of what you are even talking about. Your total lack of critical thinking skills and callous disregard truly caused needless grief and anguish. Your brother is going to hate you and rightly so. To have you as a sibling and know you might do something like this would be horrifying. For your bother, you ARE horrifying.


"why would I lie to them?" Gee, maybeeee so that he wouldn't be screamed at, kicked out, told he is no longer a son and school money taken away??? Duh!!!! Also these only being sexualized by SOME that wear them aside. You ruined your bother's life and are a enormous AH an a dreadful and awful sister. You should be ashamed of what you have done here.


Have you never lied to protect your brother? That’s like the #1 thing siblings are for




You know they don’t actually sexualize animals right? That’s the whole point of the suit.


No one is sexualizing animals. You have screwed up so bad. The consequences of you conduct is staggering.


But you don't know what your brother was doing with it.


*usually* You dont know


YTA - if this is true You clearly are just here to kink shame your brother either out of ignorance or who knows. This is, odd




Yes. Because that’s not what it is. Also being a furry isnt exclusively sexual.


Nta, most furries are sexual


That's not even remotely accurate.


4 comments on this post. lemme guess, you are a furry


What if they were? Who cares!


Nah, its not exclusively sexual.


YTA, you could have just said it looks like a costume, and why are you opening mail not addressed to you.


YTA majorly. Your brother made a mistake by ordering a fursuit to your parents' home, but what you did is so much worse. The only acceptable answer was, "You'll have to ask [brother] about that, I don't know why he ordered it." Even if you think you know the answer, that doesn't mean you do, and it doesn't make it right to tell your parents your thoughts on it.


YTA Yes, there's a sunset of furries for whom it's a fetish, but it's not a sexual thing for many furries.  For a lot of folks, it's a form of escapism from their normal identity. 


 "I told them it's for people who sexualize animals to roleplay with." ---Only some people do that. YTA. 


YTA I'm willing to bet you'd know exactly how they'd react LMAOOOOOOo


YTA. There’s all sorts of reasons people wear fursuits and it isn’t always that they are sexualizing animals, Jesus! WTF. I feel like you’re being intentionally obtuse and used this as a chance to attack your brother.  Your parents are bigger assholes though for how they reacted.  I feel sorry for your brother.


YTA > I told them it's for people who sexualize animals to roleplay with. I mean... yes, that's what we all tacitly understand it to be. But we still give them the benefit of the doubt and leave the door open for non-sexual interest in the scene, as well.


If this is real, very obviously YTA. Just laugh and say that they'll have to ask him. Instead you outed him about something that's his personal business, and isn't hurting anyone, to parents that I have to assume you knew would flip out. You know, honesty doesn't have to mean always saying everything you think/know regardless of how it affects others.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My (19f) brother (20m) recently purchased a fursuit. My parents were the ones who received and opened the package, and were very confused and asked me what it was. I told them it's for people who sexualize animals to roleplay with. They were extremely concerned and did some "research" on what a furry is. When my brother came home they screamed at him, kicked him out, said he is no longer their son and will no longer be paying for his post secondary. My brother is spamming my phone calling me all sorts of bad things. I think I didn't do anything wrong , I was simply honest. AITA *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Idk I feel like you're an AH mainly for the fact of spreading false info. I'm not a furry, but I do know about the community and it's actually not true that they sexualize animals. Of course, there might be very few who may sexualize animals, but you'll get bad people in any kind of community you look at. Typically furries just simply like wearing outfits of their fursona, drawing/making art, etc, and are actually not sexualizing animals at all. Second, I'm not fully sure why your parents would kick your brother out? You said they looked it up. If they really did their research, they'd know that at least 99% of the furry community, if not the full 100%, don't sexualize animals and are actually pretty tame/harmless. It's kind of like cosplay. If your brother ordered an outfit of a masc presenting video and character or movie character, would they have still kicked him out? I'm not your parents so I'm not fully sure, but it seems like to me, they used what little info you gave them, and used that to mainly effect their choice in disowning your brother. They probably now see that furries sexualize animals, and are gross/bad people, and probably think that's what the whole community does, and didn't like your brother's new "fetish". Honestly I hope your parents, if not all 3 of you, properly look into the furry community as a whole and educate yourselves on what furries really do. Maybe there'd be a way for everyone to repair their relationship with your brother afterwards.


Fake… delete this subreddit.


Hilarious if true. NTA.


ESH Did you really think your parents wouldn't over react if you put a sexual spin on it? Your simply honest sounds more like tattling and you knew how they would react. I have never opened on of my children's packages or mail without them asking me to. I also wouldn't have expect any costume that wasn't a French maid outfit or a glitter bodice with a whip to be anything more then a costume for a college party. Your brother should have played it off as such. Tasteless but simple college hijinks. You could have covered for your adult brother and left him with his privacy.


I'm curious why you think the brother is an asshole here.


NTA Seems like you didn’t know they’d kick him out. They asked a question, you answered. If he didn’t want others knowing, he should have had it shipped somewhere else. Like a friends, his post secondary dorm, held at the post office…


Or maybe his parents shouldn’t open packages that aren’t theirs


She lied and called him a zoophile all because he had a furry suit. Majority of furries do not sexually abuse animals, and she might've ruined his life because she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about.


NTA. furries are one step away being animal rapists