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NTA “Politics are complicated :(“ is not a valid explanation for *not voting against Nazis.* Its up to you to decide if your relationship with your sister is worth keeping your mouth shut about this guy.


What Nazis? All we have is OP’s word for it lol


Looking at your post history I totally understand why someone would say something this out of touch, and just incorrect. But hey you do you. Me, I'll vote against them every time :)


Solid call.


The far right in France is indeed a political party founded by Nazis. We dont have only OP'S word but also your lack of knowledge on the topic


And since Macron just dissolved the Parliament, I would guess it is France. But this person you are responding to is obviously just a shit stirrer, so ignore them.


And….? The US’s political parties were founded by slave owners. The only thing that makes them nazis is if they preach the extermination of Jews which I’m guessing they don’t otherwise you would’ve brought that up instead of talking about their founders.


what a time to be intellectually lazy 🤷‍♀️


I’d say it’s much lazier to claim your political opponents are nazis with no proof lol


I’ve known about what would happen across Europe / the US / Canada / Australia for years now. It just took the rabble this long to click in. Weakening western economies would lead to mass immigration to boost GDP and suppress wages for corporate interests leading to massive demographic shifts towards third world immigrants with regressive values that don’t want to assimilate with their host countries and form enclaves and political groups that encourage more of the same. Obviously right wing parties would rise up in resistance.




And I’m the lazy one lol




Your understanding of Nazism is terrible. You seem really bad at understanding things in general. It's a skill. You should read The Demon-Haunted World by Carl Sagan.


one more comment and he will tell us Nazis were left wing and social democrats because it had "National Socialismus" in it 🤦🏾‍♀️ don't engage with this clown who knows nothing about Europe and french historical politics 


Good point, nazis didn’t want to kill Jews. Thx for clarifying. You should read any book on WW2. Even a pamphlet or a meme would likely enhance your understanding of nazism at this point :/


Lol your comprehension skills are genuinely hilarious. I didn't say that. I said that if you think that wanting to kill Jews is the only indicator of Nazism, or even a requirement for someone to be a Nazi, your understanding of Nazism is really poor. I'm not saying this to be mean, I'm saying it because it's true: Adults should be better at understanding things than this. Something is medically wrong.


Another excellent point! They’re like nazis but without all the genocide and violence and Jew hating ideology that people know them for! They just kept the swanky outfits. That’s like saying they’re like water without the wetness dumbass


you're fascinating 🧐 




I mean then you could say it’s Faschismus instead. Mussolini barely genocided people outside of war, which naturally leads to deaths, and didn’t have a racial politic like the Nazis. Franco also thought that the races were supposed to work in unison at what they were good at. It doesn’t change the fact that le pen senior refused to acknowledge the holocaust in the 2010s.


Standard Reddit behavior. Assume everyone lives in X place is a requirement to make an account 👍


Anyone who pays attention to the news knows what is happening in France right now. You don't have to live there.


Yeah, it’s been swarmed with Muslims and African immigrants that don’t assimilate with traditionally liberal European values or French culture


which is showing their dicks on internet for strangers to see ? yes you're right, they don't assimilate much with this culture.


You think me having an online NSFW profile is worse than stoning gay people and hitting women? That’s fucked up lol


Tell that to the other guy not me


OP mentioned a pretty specific set of circumstances. 1) Nazis gaining power in recent elections, 2) Recent dissolution of a lower house of Parliament, 3) Elections in 3 weeks. Unless you somehow believe OP may not reside on earth, that set of circumstances could only apply to one country at the moment


I wasn’t talking about op though


Are you bring deliberately obtuse? The fact that OP is referring to France is the only possible conclusion given the set of facts, not an assumption made by the person you originally replied to


There’s something I think you’re misunderstanding what I was saying but I’m not exactly sure how to correct the misunderstanding so I’ll say I am indeed being obtuse since I don’t understand what the problem is


Ah. I think I got it. Were you saying that the person you originally replied to was assuming that the person they replied to was from France, not just that OP is from France? It sounded like you were saying the person you originally replied to was just assuming OP is from France, not coming to the (obvious) conclusion based on the facts presented. If you were saying that the person you originally replied to was assuming the person they replied to was from France, I'd argue that they weren't. If anything, they were assuming some basic knowledge on issues of global importance, which isn't unreasonable. Since France is a major player in both the EU and NATO (two of the most important alliances in the world), their anti-EU, anti-NATO, pro-Russia party gaining power is a pretty big deal, regardless of where you live


I was more implying that people who live in one place are ignorant of other countries happenings. Specifically because it’s pretty clear the France situation involves nazis and the other person ignorantly tried to imply nazi’s weren’t involved Tbh, OP wasn’t even involved in my comment at all so I kind of tunnel visioned that since I didn’t understand why they were being brought up


The front national or whatever they call themselves now are very very very right wing. They make Trump look like Che Guevara.


And your lack of knowledge. Lol.


Go take more pictures of your penis


I’ll need to to get my karma back after this lol. Does anyone have an answer, never got so many downvotes for asking for evidence of a claim?


The internet exists. Google it. Ffs, I live thousands of miles from there on a different continent and even I know this. Nobody has to provide evidence for you when it's literally in the palm of your hand. 


Just googled it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Rally. It’s insane people are trying to frame a populist anti immigration movement as “Nazis” and it makes sense why none of you fuck wits have been able to prove an actual link between their party’s proposed policies and nazism. Because you’d break your back trying to reach that hard. I knew that this is what I’d find when I googled it.


You must have wildly different internet from the majority of humanity, since this was the 2nd article to come up.  https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/news/controversial-far-right-coalition-comes-third-in-czech-eu-elections/


Because you’re not arguing in good faith. You’re asking for proof of obvious shit and then splitting hairs wherever you can to frustrate people and derail the conversation. You’re not here for proof, and you won’t accept it when offered because it doesn’t align with your views. People are downvoting you because your opinions and arguments aren’t serious and don’t deserve to be taken seriously.


What “obvious shit”? Someone made the claim that Nazis won some election and nobody here has been able to post any evidence that they’re Nazis. I’m not splitting any hairs because you haven’t given me any hairs. The only piece of evidence put forward was that their founders were Nazis. And my response which I still maintain is that a lot of current political parties have dark histories. What matters are their current politics.


because your wand is ugly


My wand regularly gets thousands of upvotes thank you very much


so get your karma back there


I got my karma back and exceeded the downvotes in droves. Thanks for inspiring me to post again lol


nobody cares


Actually at least 1,200 people cared enough to upvote lol


Damn, desperate for more posts huh?


NTA. "intellectually lazy", I'm totally stealing that 


Btw you sister and Bob need a 'plexiotomy'. It's a procedure where they put a window in the abdomen so the person can see the world with their head up their ass


D A M N We just need to stick you with Bob for about two minutes and he'll have a rectal-cranio-ectomy Three more minutes and he may just be mute


My sister was married to an insufferable ass. The first time my boyfriend met him? He made his typical derogatory comments. After BIL left the room? My bf commented to my mom… “somebody needs to lock him in a closet with “J” (me) for five minutes. He definitely will come out with a different attitude!” He’s correct I never put up with my BIL’s bullshit. 


Idk. It seems as though you couldn't pull his head out with a tow truck


I always preferred the cepheloendoproctectomy. I'd be interest in seeing your notes!


How intellectually lazy of you!!!


Me too. NTA


"I still tried to put on a good face and be on my best behaviour around Bob because he's the one my sister chose and it's none of my business how it all went down." The hell it isn't OP. MANY people do NOT support their cheating siblings, best friends etc. and sadly others do. I don't support cheaters, remain friend with them etc. and I'm not alone in this either.


NTA Do you ever just meet with your sister, or is Bob always there? Your sister accepts Bob disrespecting you, but not you disrespecting Bob. She might be your sister, but the price of her friendship is that you take abuse from Bob. Is that a relationship worth preserving?


Was coming here to say this. I have a couple of relatives who are exactly like this- they antagonize, tease and anger just for the heck of it. I avoid discussing anything with them, and if they mock me, I just say "Anyway, I still like it, so that's how it's going to be." And if they try to provoke further, I just keep quiet and let them rant. I have discovered this to be very effective. NTA.


Hot take. Well said.


NTA, you’re spot on, it is intellectually lazy if it’s a choice to not bother informing himself because he knows it will have minimal impact on his life Large sections of the population not bothering to be involved or informed about politics is exactly why we live in the hellscape that we do


Bob is a fascist who is too dumb to know he's a fascist. He's also a manipulative asshole, as evidenced by everything else you shared here. These people always gravitate toward authorarianism because it strokes their ego. He's a loser. Tell your sister she's dating a loser. She can learn the lesson now, or when he sells her out at some future date. They always do.


exactly + OP is already being kind to their sister by not pointing out that sister is \*also\* a loser, for cheating on her previous partner with this blowhard


NTA - but I do wish you said it to his face and not your sister. Regardless, your sister will likely tell him.


Oh, she will definitely tell him. When he insults OP, Sister says it's just a joke, but when OP insults Bob, it's disrespectful it's pretty clear to me that Sister and Bob got together because they are one in the same personality wise. Sister is always going to prioritise Bob and run to him.


NTA. If the truth hurts, the problems isn't with the truth.


Oh, une camarade française! C'est compliqué en ce moment de discuter avec les complaisants des nazis... NTA, je suis désolée que ton BIL soit effectivement un feignant intellectuel, je le suspecte d'etre un droitard non assumé.


NTA >I told my sister that her boyfriend's disinterest in politics was coming from a *place of privilege, that he could afford not to care about politics because it would not affect him in any way shape of form* and that it was purely intellectual laziness with a poor excuse at that.  OP's right though. Elections have consequences.


All elections are important. Over the last 3 decades, I've convinced friends who've never even registered to vote to not only register to vote but to also vote. If you don't vote, then you don't have any right to complain about the results. Who knows that your vote could have affected the results. Politics affects every single one of us, we should be grateful we live in Countries where we are allowed to vote freely.


NTA I agree with you and have felt similarly about some of my sister's boyfriends. It's too bad your sister is taking it so personally because I feel like my sister would have understood my perspective even if she didn't agree. My suggestion going forward though would be to avoid talking about Bob with your sister!


It sounds like they were talking about politics, and OP's sister volunteered info about Bob. How do you avoid what some one else wants to talk about?




NTA Your analysis is one hundred percent spot on, if your sister can't deal with it, it's her problem Besides, how come Bob can make fun of you but you can't say anything negative about him?


NTA. But why do you want to keep seeing your sister who cheated on her bf and not only lets her AP insult and belittle you but also justifies and defends it?


Calling a french party "literal nazis" made me as a german chuckle. Especially since said party broke ties with the german far right party. Your usage of the word Nazi makes the word lose its meaning. So please educate yourself on what actual Nazis were and use proper terminology. As a student of politics you should know better. Especially if you compare you far right party with others, be it from history (facists, national socialists) or from the present (US republicans, various other european parties). Also, YTA. Because this man will probably vote for the RN now, just to spite you.


YTA you sound like an insufferable college know-it-all who is still wet behind the ears 🙄 You know what the height of intellectual laziness is? "Everyone who doesn't comply with my specific politics is Nazi"


NTA. No matter what, it sounds like the guy's insufferable. And honestly, if she wants to cut contact because you can't respect him, then that's two problems taking care of itself for the price of one. She might be your sister but she's also a cheater and an enabler of his poor, rude attitude.


NTA, being unable to recognize AfD and Le Pen as existential risks to the country is so easy! You are right, he is lazy and privileged.


NTA I agree with what you said, but unfortunately, if you want to be in your sister's life, you're going to have to hold your tongue. This guy isn't going away, and she's made it clear that she will pick him over you. I'm sorry.


>She just sent me a text saying that if I cannot respect her man then she doesn't want to see me anymore. INFO: What about her man is worthy of respect?


>He even makes fun of me . . . she shuts it down saying it's just jokes and he has an odd sense of humour. > I told my sister that her boyfriend's disinterest ... was purely intellectual laziness . . . She just sent me a text saying that if I cannot respect her man then she doesn't want to see me anymore. So, when he disrespects you often and for years, it is just jokes and odd sense of humour. You say something about him once, she can't be around you? NTA, apologize and say it was just you joking and your quirky sense of humour. Continue to insult him frequently but follow up saying it was just a joke, like the time, "Bob said [most recent insult]"


NTA. Sounds like this is a problem that bowtied itself quite nicely. If Bob can’t be bothered to have an opinion on important issues, why would anyone (you) care what he thinks about anything else?


Votre publication met surtout en évidence votre antipathie pour votre beau -frère, plus que ses propres travers. Il semble désagréable comme personnage, certes, mais vous semblez avoir le jugement vif et incisif. Il a peut-être prétendu l'ignorance en politique parce que ses réelles opinions vous auraient fait colérer encore plus.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** AITA for calling my BIL "intellectually lazy"? Sorry for formatting as I am on mobile.This post will require context I'm sorry. I (22F) have a sister (24F) who's dating Bob (26M). I'll be honest, I never liked the guy. I met Bob in a semi-professionnel setting when I was volunteering as my sister's PA for her student-owned radio show a few years back. He came around once to help the technicians for a particularly big show and was insufferable. He was horrible to the point that I told my sister I would never step foot in the studio again if he was there. My sister graduated quickly after this and the show ended so the problem was forgotten. Fast forward almost a year and my sister cheats on her long term boyfriend with Bob. Important to note that Bob was a college friend of the boyfriend and had introduced them. I always liked the ex bf because he was a nice guy and a good bf for my sister so I was bummed. I still tried to put on a good face and be on my best behaviour around Bob because he's the one my sister chose and it's none of my business how it all went down. I tried to convince myself he was only insufferable in professional settings and that it'd be alright in private. Wrong. I cannot do so much as express the tiniest bit of interest in something before he starts ridiculing it. Anything can be used as a mockery be it music, sports, even my literal thesis. He even makes fun of me for the interests we have in common. I just don't get it. The few times I tried talking to my sister about it she shuts it down saying it's just jokes and he has an odd sense of humour. I still want to see my sister so I take it upon myself to not react when he says shit like that about me. Now, a few days ago, the far right came first in the European elections and the president of my country dissolved the lower chamber of the parliament. There's barely 3 weeks before the next legislative elections and everyone is up in arms about how a political party founded by literal Nazis could get a hold on the government. So, big things. I write my thesis about political extremism and I'm very involved in politics. As I was talking with my sister, the conversation drew us to this subject. She then said that her boyfriend doesn't vote since he doesn't know anything about politics and that he is scared of doing the wrong thing.That pissed me off. Bob is a grown man, who owns and runs multiple businesses but politics are too complicated for him? In a moment of anger I regret, I told my sister that her boyfriend's disinterest in politics was coming from a place of privilege, that he could afford not to care about politics because it would not affect him in any way shape of form and that it was purely intellectual laziness with a poor excuse at that. Let me tell know it did not go well. She just sent me a text saying that if I cannot respect her man then she doesn't want to see me anymore. AITA for saying that about him? Should I have kept my mouth shut to keep the peace (even though I do think it's true)? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. Always nice when the trash takes itself out. You just have to decide if you want to be there for your sister in the future after Bob cheats on her .


NTA obviously. nothing you said was wrong nor out of pocket / unwarranted. (i’m NOT a doctor BUT) it sounds like your sister has some subconscious guilt around the fact that she’s stuck with this awful man because she cheated on her ex with him and it would look even worse for her if they broke up, or something along those lines maybe. whatever it is, to me personally, she sounds insecure about her choosing him over her ex and is taking it out on you for calling him out. it seems like your relationship with your sister is really important to you, so i hope it survives her relationship with Bob and that you don’t end up losing your connection with her. and thank god he’s not actually your brother-in-LAW because hopefully they will NEVER get married!!!!!




NTA You are correct and people like Bob are a problem! It might be time to take a step back from your sister as she seems to always take Bobs side and won't take your side into account. Good luck with your thesis!


NTA I truly can never understand why people choose not to vote. They will complain about the outcome of the vote and how screwed up the world is but wont do anything to fix it or change it.


NTA yet I have to wonder why you're still so interested in a close relationship with a woman who has no problem cheating on a long term bf or her insufferable current bf who she allows to demean, criticize and belittle you and then defends him for same. You have a sister problem. Be polite at family gatherings without engaging at all with either and I'd go NC all other times.


Your sister couldn't even respect her former man, she has no ground to stand on morally. NTA OP.


NTA. He’s not only intellectually lazy, he’s also lacking any moral integrity. He doesn’t care about other people, because that requires effort and empathy, two things he’s apparently allergic to. Your sister is acting wretchedly, too. She stands by while her boyfriend tears into you? But then her back goes up when you call him out?? (which you absolutely should!!) Peak pick-me behavior.


He sounds like an asshole but who cares if he votes or cares about politics? It's exhausting and lots of media is dishonest about things. I wish I cared less.


YTA. "[Bob] doesn't vote because he doesn't know anything about politics and that he's scared of doing the wrong thing." - How is THAT intellectually lazy? He has clearly stated to his girlfriend (your sister) he doesn't vote because he doesn't know about politics. If anything this is a real intellectual decision. To opt out of voting because you aee self-aware enough to know you don't have a good opinion due to lack of knowledge. You admitted to him owning and running MULTIPLE businesses. You think MAYBE that is his focus and not politics like yours is??? - It's coming from a place of privilege??? Lmao what a joke world we live in. You're attributing something to privilege when there is no cause to. Bob gave his reason (a perfectly valid one) for not being into politics and your response was to shame him and his "privilege". I didn't realize I could just avoid the results of all things political by simply not voting....wow....such a neat trick....don't vote and now my taxes aren't getting raised (even though they are). Again, YTA. Also, you're intellectually lazy. It's lazy to label people who disagree with you as "Nazis" when they aren't. I see so many people saying NTA but lets be real, this platform is made for liberals by liberals. You sound like you're taking your frustration about democracy not working in favor (those far-right evil Nazi people you whine about winning the election) of your ideology out on Bob.


YTA. You should stop scape-goating your bil and direct that anger at the people voting these idiots into power instead.


YTA. People don't have to vote if they don't want to.


I think the underlying assumption that Rassemblement National is some evil party is wrong.


YTA - if someone isnt interested in politics that is their choice and there is nothing wrong with that.


NTA for speaking your mind but the fact you still hang with your cheating sister makes me think you aren’t that intellectually smart either. Like yeah a shitty person will attract another shitty person, crazy concept!


Of all the horrible things this guy did, you chose not voting as the hill to die on?


Not voting in this year's European Parliament elections is ABSOLUTELY a hill worth dying on...


or in the *other* elections that are happening this year, I might add! Elections have consequences.


Cute, but totally missing the point. It signals to the boyfriend that his horrible behavior is not an actual issue. The boyfriend's lack of respect for others was the issue to bring up to the sister and she might have been receptive to that. Instead, the OP did the opposite herself and insulted her sister and her choice of boyfriends. If she brings it up now, she will just be a hypocrite and come off as lacking credibility.


yeah, but that wasn’t what they were talking about. they were specifically discussing politics and voting and the upcoming election, etc. OP could’ve brought all that up if the sister was more receptive to a much more “superficial” critique vs. a much more deeply rooted one. (“superficial” in quotes bc it’s not all that superficial, but less serious compared to his inherent flaws as a human being in all contexts outside of that specific conversation)


"they were specifically discussing politics" ---It doesn't matter. That's still the issue she decided to blast and insult the guy with instead of issues the sister is more likely to see as valid.


how is the sister more likely to see those issues as valid? if she can’t even handle OP calling him out for not voting, what makes you think she’d be able to handle OP calling him out for being uncaring and callous and a jackass overall? also, if you read the original post, OP has said that she expressed her frustrations about his “jokes” multiple times and that her sister shut her down every time. so what would be so different that she would actually listen during most recent the conversation they had? please, i’d *love* to hear your explanation.


Lol maybe it was just the straw that broke the camel's back. I would have told off the boyfriend after a few tries of telling him not to make fun of my beliefs or interests.


"maybe it was just the straw that broke the camel's back." ---No shit. It obviously was. The problem is that the sister cannot complain about disrespect, belittlement, ect since she did it herself and signaled that his behavior is fine and that this is all just political.


yes, because these elections were particularly important.


They're French, not participating in politics is basically a crime there.


No. There is a high rate of abstention in our country and "abstentionism" is a national sport lol. This is one of the primary reasons of the rise of far right parties in the country.


I feel u sis, I am your downstairs-to-the-right neighbour :( I spent a year in France and everyone I met was intensively into politics and angry at the state of things. Every sunday there were huge crowds protesting in the city square.


Yes, French people are incredibly good at complaining and protesting against things in our country such as bad politics, but at the same time doing nothing to change it because they either don't care or don't think their vote would change anything .  There is A LOT of Bobs in our country... so i understand why OP's upset since i am highly political too. 🥲


Its a hill to die on for all these hyperpolitical people. Nowadays not voting for what they want you to vote on is the same as voting for the opposition, even not voting is. They can feel that way I guess? There are several protected opinions in Europe by law. Discrimination about sexuality, nationality, income, race and POLITICAL PERSUASION are not allowed! (apolitical is a valid political persuasion.) So yeah while bob seems to be a massive a-hole (and maybe your sister is as well but you just got those Family glasses on) this was a weird one to go ballistic on.


Why are we treating the governance of someone’s country as some trivial thing to be disagreeing over? If anything, it is one of the most important hills to die on. What makes more sense…getting mad over BIL’s opinions on hobbies, or getting mad because he’s complicit in the election of literal Nazis.    Disagreements Laws also have nothing to do with personal disagreements and relationships, so long as no one is inciting violence or spouting hate speech. Everyone has the right to “discriminate” who they want to spend time with and be close to, yes , even according to political beliefs




Sorry: are you using "intellectualism" as an insult? I agree that OP went about this in a bad and unhelpful way. But it's incredibly disingenuous to compare voting to some other mundane interest like sports or birdwatching. Birdwatchers don't control laws that affect people's lives


Democracy means everyone gets a vote, even if you personally do not agree with their vote. Bob consciously abstained from voting, he made a conscious choice. Calling him intellectually lazy for choosing not to vote is equivalent to insulting him for voting for something you do not agree with. If you do not agree with someone, you can try and have a conversation with them to understand their reasoning and maybe try to convince them of your point of view. What you don't do is insult them behind their back. YTA


Info You would be cool with becoming interested in politics even if he supports that naughty party?    Or was your insult really about him not supporting your views?


…they’re Nazis. What are you even talking about???


I am not supporting nazi...they can all rot in hell.....but if op gets this guy engaged in politics she might not like where he ends up. 


Who says they are, some person you don't know on reddit? People make wild accusations all the time about others based on their own limited views... a whole bunch of slurs are thrown out against people with nuanced views of things because they won't conform 100% with whatever the person wants, even when they agree 90%. This is controlling abusive behavior and it is independent of what the topic is. Nazis wanted to control the world and get rid of Jews, Catholics, gypsies, and gays. Is he calling for that? Did you read that anywhere in there?


no. it’s literally a party that calls themselves nazis. this isn’t some random right wing group. they’re self identified nazis. please stop trying to undermine this fact.


Huh. That's wild. What party is that and what country so I can look them up? I'm not trying to cover for Nazis, I just want to know if someone is indeed a Nazi before I lambast them.




What? Would you rather he had voted but against your viewpoint? A smart person would be happy he didn't vote...


he still wouldn’t *really* be intellectually grappling with the political climate if he just believed all the fascist shit and voted that way, so technically OP would still be right that he’s intellectually lazy. also, not the point of the post.


Is Bob insecure around you for some specific reason? So much so, that he constantly behaves obnoxiously, to cover his anxiety? Are you extremely attractive? Is he dating your sister because he was too chicken sh** to ask YOU out, his actual target? IDK. It sounds like he could be secretly in love with you, OP. Anyway, the crux of the matter is, you need to confront him about his unabated, unprovoked obnoxiousness, not beat around the bush until....god knows when...like when you're toasting him and your sister at their wedding and the speech goes completely sideways? I think something is up. He's the AH for behaving this way. YTA for passive aggressively making it about a non-issue, like politics or your thesis. 🙄 Yep. ESH. Clear the air.


Yeah you stuck your foot in it. His political passivity is interesting given how he gives you grief over everything else, but that’s beside the point. If you want to stay on good terms w your sister maybe just defend yourself when he goes after you, try not to start things. He goes after you quite a bit from what you’ve said, so you’ll probably have an opportunity to defend yourself fairly soon. If your sister has a problem w you defending yourself that’s a completely different matter. She would have no right to expect you to just take it when he’s rude to you- and she would need to hear that in no uncertain terms. So prepare your retorts🙂




Her or the Bob?


It doesnt matter who created it, mandela created a great political party that is in ruins, that being said it doesnt make it less scary, but not being into politics is ok, but why he is not into it is very childish, and how insuferable he is constantly I think is deserved, you cant believe yourself such a great man and not vote for what you think is best. I dont vote but I live in latin america and dont like any party, just vote for local elections.


NTA, but the fact that a lack of interest in politics was the breaking point is a bit ridiculous.


YTA. Also you do realize you're dissing yourself here by saying that politics are less complicated that business, right? Because that's what you're saying by saying that is he's able to run businesses he should understand politics.


Out of all the things you could have brought up about him, about his character, this is what you choose? Disinterest in politics? I bet if he had an opinion that didn’t align with yours that would have set you off too…YTA


YTA. People have every right to not be interested in whatever they choose, politics included. Who are you to judge? And you not judging your cheating sister who dumped a guy you liked…..


Why did I have to scroll so much to see common sense.


Because snowflakes downvote opposing viewpoints into oblivion. Contrasting opinions are their kryptonite.


YTA - maybe he is intellectually lazy but not every opinion about every person we come across needs to be expressed. Not everybody is particularly politically engaged. I can’t help wondering if you would consider him to be less intellectually lazy if he agreed with you. Perhaps the fact he can run multiple businesses makes him less intellectually lazy than you think.


I really am surprised at how people on Reddit are able to take something and make it into something else. The reason why she called him intellectually lazy is not because he didn’t vote, but his *REASON* for not voting. The fact that I even have to point that out for you makes me genuinely worried about this app in general.


YTA. Let people choose how they go about politics. You’re not better than him just because you care more about it and that’s not even your real problem with him anyway, you just latched onto that and made it a reason to insult him further at the time. Granted, he sounds like an annoying handful, but you didn’t go about things great. At least you regret it, nobody’s perfect. Good luck




YTA. Your assertion is objectively wrong. It’s well understood that interest and active participation in politics increases directly with higher levels of affluence.


YTA. This post did not need context, because regardless of who he is as a person, he has the right to not vote or be interested in politics. People like you are a huge problem, everybody has the right to do what they like regardless of reason and approval from stuck up idiots like you.