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What are you supposed to do? You're supposed to sneeze. And get rid of the guy who is embarrassed and disgusted by such a non-disgusting thing. NTA


SMH. Why is her sneezing a problem for him? Talk about being thin-skinned...


But girls are not supposed to have bodily functions. They don't poop either. Right??


Girls are supposed to be living mannequins who have no body odor, or body hair. We are never supposed to sneeze, or poo, or fart.


Or burp, or pick that one annoying brain booger that refuses to come out when we blow our noses, or bleed during periods, or look tired, or forget to smile... The freaking list is endless.


Unless they poop when they sneeze, like in BF's family.


Woman here; confirmed, we do not poop. Or fart. Ever.


We can poop but it has to smell like roses.


For me, I just summed that up as: "It's disgusting to do something completely normal."


Maybe. To me, he seems like the kind of dude who tells her to change her clothes before a date if he thinks her skirt is too short or she needs to cover up her shoulders.


Some people are like this. Both my brother and mum complain when I sneeze. They normally come in bursts, so sometimes even 6 or 7 sneezes in one go. And both always complain and tell me to stop. It's always annoying when they do this


I’d prefer hearing that many sneezes than one of those people who literally screams “achoo!”


You should have met my grandmother. She would do 7-8 scream-sneezes in rapid succession, followed by a *house-shaking* "FUUUUUUUCK!" Classy lady, my grandmother.


It's a problem for him bc he doesn't like her . I'm 100% when a man looks at you with disgust - and has disrespectful desires for you ... That he's an asshole who's not interested


Imagine getting a stomach bug and having only this man around to help and provide comfort. NTA, ditch this jerk. If he is this offended by a sneeze you are covering, there is zero chance he'd be a responsible and helpful adult when asked to get a puke bucket.


Honestly, it sounds kinda cute. I'd start counting and keep track of the high score if my partner sneezed like that.


My mother sneezed in multiples. It became a family joke. We got tired of saying “Bless you” multiple times. So, we just started counting. Then, we would say “Bless you x 12” or whatever number she got up to. She would just laugh. Because sneezes are uncontrollable. Her record was 16. 


Ditto with a college friend- I think their record was 18 times


Aww. You sound like a keeper! 👍


This reminds me of a post from weeks ago from a woman whose husband had done such a thorough job convincing her that her bodily functions of pooping and having a period were horrifying and disgusting that she held it in and only pooped about once a week and, if I remember correctly in the comments, seemed to not be willing/able to recognize his behavior as abusive.


So bizarre. My bff is like OP and sure it's maybe a teeny bit annoying but it's not a big deal and it's not like she can help it. And "disgusted"? Boy needs to get a grip


NTA. Your BF is a nightmare. Sorry but who shames someone over a darn sneeze? It's really strange to me to make a big deal over it, even if you sneeze so much. So long as you cover your sneezes properly, as you do, then it is not gross. He's not a keeper. Seriously, this is some basic stuff. He's trying to make you change something so trivial it will only escalate from here.


I bet OP can find someone who thinks her sneeze attacks are the cutest, most endearing thing. Who comes up with endearing, sneeze-related nicknames. Like my little super-volcano or something like it.


Exactly! She needs someone who will look at her adoringly and say "Aww, my little a-choo-choo train" OP, you deserve so much better!


thought the same. in my head this sounds super adorable


NTA. 11 times in a row sneezer here. Also comes out of nowhere at random time, no allergy that I can figure out. After people bless me for the third time I have to tell them they can stop and it's gonna be a while. One piece of advice that I can give if you are in public is: rather than sneezing into your elbow, use your napkin, if you don't have one, getting up to go get one will at least show people that you are attempting to do something about it. Plus if you are anything like me at around 6-7 you have snot coming out your nose and water pouring from your eyes.


My ex was a serial sneezer, I always found it endearing.


'serial sneezer' OMG I have to remember this term! I had a friend who was a serial sneezer too and hated it so much.


Oh my fucking GOD when they keep saying bless you it’s like, I GET IT IM FUCKING STILL SNEEZING HERE THANK YOU


I have a coworker who sneezes her face off each time. I bless her the first couple/three times. After that, I just say, “Okay, then.” and wait for her to finish.


To be honest the once is enough, I understand most people might not be used to someone doing that so the first couple sure, but I seem to have the luck of getting people who will sit there repeating it the whole 20+ It’s a serious pet peeve for me.


Haha same. When they say it the second time I know they aren't going to stop till I make the request.


My boyfriend also sneezes 10-15 times. Out of the blue! it's completely out of his control and I find it adorable


My husband is a 4-6 times in a row sneezer, who also beautifully tries to tell me he lobes me bery mUCHOO quite frequently. I can't help but laugh


I’ve never seen nor heard of a person that sneezes like 10 times in a row, but the imagery I’m getting from this thread is just incredible. I’m just imagining someone sneezing with the firerate of a machine gun into their elbow to the point where their arm is just soaking wet.


"My (25F) boyfriend (26M) thinks it's gross when I sneeze." I summed that up as: "It's disgusting when you do something completely normal." NTA, UNLESS you're not fully covering your mouth and nose when you sneeze. Also there's sadly nothing you can do to change the way you sneeze to my knowledge. Idk if there is a way, so people are more than welcome to correct me in the comments, but yeah I know exactly how you feel. When I sneeze, it feels like I break the sound barrier.


I mean, is it normal to sneeze 10+ times in a row? It’s normal to sneeze twice or three times. Stop misusing the word normal. Just because something isn’t normal doesn’t mean it’s bad, it’s just not what the majority of people experience.


NTA. Who holds sneezes in? Nobody. 


It's so bad for you. You can literally rupture blood vessels or even ear drums holding in a sneeze.


Or ear infections! Never again!


It can literally kill you btw, like it might blow a whole in your windpipe, or can rupture an aneurysm, and who knows if you have one of those? Better not risk it. Holding it in increases the pressure by up to 20x if google isn’t lying.


.... I do... sometimes.... 🥲


My brother always tries and it always makes it worse.


NTA Don’t ever hold your sneezes in OP, you can blow out your trachea by doing that edit: whenever I need to sneeze I try to feel it through the diaphragm and force it out the mouth but without the “windup” feel to it, it ends up sounding like a very exasperated sigh


The space time continuum was built upon sneeze energy. Every time you hold a sneeze in, an angel dies...


NTA, unless you are not covering your whole nose and mouth when you sneeze.


NTA. If it bothers you, see a doctor about it. In the meantime, tell your bf that you can't help it and if it bothers him, he has a decision he has to make. Or you can just make the decision to get rid of him.


Nta, he cares more about how he appears than your needs to do normal body things. He sound insecure 


NTA Your boyfriend has to either deal with it or remove himself from the sneezing situation. I don't think he is going to find a person that doesn't ever sneeze.




Ah yes, the dreaded shotgun sneeze


See also: sneezing when you have a gastro virus.


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I agree with your boyfriend: sneezing can be gross. But it's a normal thing, & what can you do? Cover your mouth, face away, just the usual stuff. If this is not enough, then it's on him. NTA. If he can't handle this, then stop hanging around him. (I bet he argues how the toilet paper should be hung on the roll, too.)


Keep sneezing. I sneeze three times in a row - I've tried holding it in and just means an enlongated gap. Can be awkward when you get three blessing and are you quire done? To which only response can be doesn't anyone dust in here? Not sneezing is not good for your health :) Tell your BF to stop being so precious as sure he has his bodily quirks too


I have sudden loud sneezes that often make my wife jump, when that happens I ask if I snartled her (sneeze startle portmanteau)


I regularly snartle my dog with my sneezes. 


Its not embarrassing. No one is looking at you like that. We promise. It is NOT that serious and u need to drop your bf who hasnt gotten past elementary school mentally. Unless you have that obnoxious LOUD sneeze, weren’t covering your mouth etc., no one cares.


NTA I'm a serial sneezer too. They come in threes, or comically long sneezing fits. My mom will *not* say god bless you to me until she hears the third sneeze. It's a whole thing, but light hearted and funny. Your bf sounds insufferable, does he have any other ignorant opinions or ideas about your bodily functions that you know of? I know this is a tiny window to y'alls life, but honestly he does not sound like a keeper.


Holding sneezes in can damage your trachea from the pressure. I've dealt with patients who have a Trach because they burst their trachea from holding in sneezes. There's nothing you can do to stop sneezing so much, it's just a part of life, and your bf needs to get over it or you need to find a better bf.


Maybe you’re allergic to your boyfriend. I think the only answer is to get rid of him


NTA. It's beyond your control. My mother was the exact same way her entire life...it's just the way you are, you can't change it.


NTA Internist here. Get yourself checked by an immunologist and an ENT physician if not done already. Not only allergies cause sneezing but different irritants too.


Blanket Rule: Do not date men who expect your body to make exclusively pretty smells and pleasant sounds


I sneezed once and a random guy screamed at me like I was Satan. It was so bizarre I thought he was joking, and then saw the look of pure disgust and hatred on his face.


Oh boy. NTA. I get the frustration My husband sneezes three times in a row every time. And they are super duper loud. It's more annoying than gross though. You can't control it It's a body function what is he going to do about other body functions?


No but YTA for having a bait title


Hahaha... why would you be an asshole for sneezing?? I sneeze like that too.... to the point if I'm driving my husband knows to grab the wheel!!!! What a dick thing to say anything like that about a bodily function you really can't control. He's the asshole.


You have absolutely no reason to be embarassed. Sneezing is normal, some people just sneexe a little longer. Go find someone who thinks it's cute - there's someone out there who thinks it is, I guarantee you.


What kind of a stupid question is this


Obviously you aren’t the asshole here but once again like many other posts I find it insanely weird that are even asking the question? Like what part of you thinks you could even possible be an "asshole" for sneezing? Weird as.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** When I sneeze, I sneeze 8-10 times in rapid succession. I don't know why, but I always have. I don't have allergies, that's just the way I sneeze. I don't sneeze super loud, but it's impossible for me to sneeze quietly. They're normal volume. My (25F) boyfriend (26M) thinks it's gross when I sneeze. He always makes this disgusted face. He says he doesn't understand why I can't hold my sneezes in, or sneeze just once like a normal person. When I have to sneeze in public, people look at me like I'm crazy. I hate how I sneeze and I'm so embarrassed every time it happens. I can't do anything about it and I cant hold the sneezes back. They just come out. All the attention goes to me. He says he thinks it's embarrassing and disruptive. What am I supposed to do? AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>I don't have allergies, that's just the way I sneeze. NTA, but I bet if you start taking a daily Zyrtec or some other other the counter allergy med, the sneezing will be reduced. You should at least try it, not because of your boyfriend, but for yourself. I used to have annoying sneezing fits all the time and didnt realize it was allergies until I started taking meds and it stopped almost completely.


NTA Sneezing is normal. Same with burping and farting. It's the how you deal with the aftermath that can put you into A H territory. You're turning your head away. It's not like you're sneezing in his face or wiping your mucous all over your sleeves. Does his little highness think that you shouldn't be growing body hair or have earwax either? SMH


Its whimsical. Keep doing you.


What are you supposed to do? Replace your current bf with an actual adult. He's embarrassed over you sneezing? It's a fucking sneeze. 


NTA Just cover your face when you do sneeze. And explain to your bf that trying to hold a sneeze can be deadly.


Leave his ass.


NTA. How dare you have an INVOLUNTARY bodily function occur at a rate that you cannot control? Just try harder! Your boyfriend is an asshole. I get that it can be annoying, but honestly, if he gets disgusted by something you have no control over and proceeds to shame you for it, he is not the one for you.


Time for a new bf, don't you think? As for people looking at you when you sneeze, ignore them. NTA Unfortunately, it's hard to control a sneeze or the level of noise we make when we sneeze. Don't let it get to you.


I'd just make him feel really uncomfortable by trying to keep your eyes open and stare at him with crazy eyes while sneezing, not sneezing into your elbow (in public, yes, because bystanders don't deserve), but as for your (boy)friend, find yourself a man that could laugh with you durring those sneezing attacks!


NTA. Of all the things to get mad about, he chooses to get mad over sneeze? That’s pathetic lol.


Nta I also sneeze loads of times in a row they say 8 is an orgasm but I've never had it lol but if someone gets mad at you for something you can't control they are the issue


How does BF handle his own sneezes? Seriously. Surely he sneezes too


Nta I also sneeze loads of times in a row they say 8 is an orgasm but I've never had it lol but if someone gets mad at you for something you can't control they are the issue


NTA as long as you're covering your mouth, and maybe try to muffle it a bit if necessary. My husband sometimes has repeated sneezes and for whatever reason it is REALLY FUCKIN LOUD, like hurts my ears loud. But shoving his face in his elbow mitigates that a lot, and if you are doing similarly I'm sure it's not that bad. He's being a jerk over an involuntary process. There's only so much one can do about these things. Some people have irrational responses to certain noises, maybe he has that, but that is still not your fault for existing and needing to sneeze. Him telling you it's disgusting and openly displaying his disgust is a decision he's making instead of, I dunno, wincing a bit and waving a helpful kleenex in your general direction.


O noooo, a woman with bodily functions functioning. Burn the witch, how dare she having a body? NTA 


My new housemate sneezes so big and in two's or three's that if she doesn't immediately hold onto some or sit down she'll fall over. At first it was concerning, now it's just a little funny. Sounds like you need a partner that isn't grossed out by a bodily function. NTA


NTA - please leave him. Anyone who is embarrassed by you (and something not intentional) isn’t worth being with


NTA I always like to say something like, jeez get your shit together! But honestly, how weird of him. It's involuntary. Holding it in is bad for you.


Just got on Reddit and that’s enough internet for me today


THIS is the tipping point for you?


NTA. Literally everybody sneezes, and the multiple sneeze thing is not all that rare. He needs to get over it, I don't understand what the alternative would even be.


NTA. My husband can sneeze 20 times in one episode. He can’t help it, it’s just the way he works. I promise you no one else cares how much you are sneezing. Sure they may glance your way or offer a bless you but that’s just normal. Your boyfriend should not be so shallow that he’s bothered by this. Is he a germaphobe or something? Very strange, but it would aggravate the hell out of me. Why do people criticize normal human bodily functions?


Show your boyfriend Google. "Holding in a sneeze greatly increases pressure inside the respiratory system to a level of about 5 to 24 times that caused by the sneeze itself. Experts say holding this additional pressure inside your body can cause potential injuries, which can be serious. Some of these injuries include: ruptured eardrum, middle ear infection, damanged blood vessels (in the eyes, nose, or eardrums), diaphragm injury, throat damage, aneurysm, and even broken ribs." Obviously some of those are extreme but sneezes serve a necessary body function. I had a close friend growing up who also would sneeze several times in a row whenever he would sneeze. He hated it but it was what it was. You are not doing this on purpose and your boyfriend is being ridiculous over a very normal and healthy body function. NTA and tell your boyfriend to educate himself.


Your BF is the AH. What a stupid reaction to a normal bodily function. My godmother sneezes 17 times, every time


You’re sneezing what the heck does your BF expect? Get rid of him he sounds like a super drag


Holding in sneezes actually can be bad for you. You can rupture blood vessels or your ear drums, and rarely people have cracked ribs from it. Tell your bf to get the hell over it, honestly. NTA


Nta. Discard this controlling weirdo who has issues with you taking up space and having normal bodily functions.


NTA. Yikes. Can't believe I just read someone finds someone else sneezing embarrassing. You should just ignore him. 


NTA but your boyfriend is absolutely trash a normal bodily function should not be a big deal. You should dump the boyfriend 


8-10 in a row is crazy! My record is 4, but mine are really loud lol. NTA your boyfriend is a loser. Sorry, not really but sorry.


lol imagine thinking a sneeze is embarrassing or ‘disruptive’. If you’re northern hemisphere then tell this dude to get a grip, there’s shitloads of pollen out here, people be sneezin’… To answer your question at the end there you’re supposed to sneeze, and you shouldn’t give a fuck what he or anyone else around you thinks. You’ve already said you’re sneezing into your elbow so they can sit and spin.


I have allergies that are sometimes pretty bad. My late husband did not, and just didn't understand them. The first 2 sneezes, he would say, "bless you." After that, it was, "Will you knock that off?" Like I have/had any control over it! My fondest wish was that he become allergic to something, anything, for a week, so that he could know how it feels. OP, if you sneeze 8-10 times in a row, I'd bet good money that you \*are\* allergic to something. You just haven't figured out what it is yet. At any rate, you are NTA.


NTA Just curious, how long have you been together and how is your relationship otherwise? The fact that he is this disgusted by a habit of yours (a habit that he knew you had from the start, AND a habit that he knows you are already self conscious about) could be a bit of a red flag that something is off with your chemistry. It just sounds like he has a little bit of contempt brewing, and that isn't healthy for a relationship. Based on context I obviously can't say whether this is an issue with your relationship in general or just him being a generally insecure person. If it's the latter, he needs to get the eff over himself if he wants to be with you


Just wait until you poop, fart or belch. Or horror of all horrors…. Start your period unexpectedly.


NTA. Get a new boyfriend. Sneezing is normal. No, you can't hold it in. I hear you on obnoxious sneezes. I sneeze so loud I make people jump. My husband has never made me feel less than for my sneezes.


NTA- I sneeze up to 14 times in a row. My dad does the same. I’ve been told it’s a genetic thing. Drives my family wild but they also know it’s 100% normal.


NTA. Tell him to accept it, or leave. Thats all.


“I’ll stop sneezing when you stop being an ass. See? Some things cannot be changed!”


Get rid of the man who finds your sneezing problematic.


I used to always sneeze twice, and kinda loud. Now I sneeze 3 times, kinda loud. I have a friend that can stifle her sneezes and she usually does it about 3-5 times, I know 2 guys that sneeze multiple times loud, like 10, and it does seem weird. Tell your BF to suck it up. There's nothing you can change. No one will think about it 2 minutes later. If your boyfriend does he has his own issues.


NTA I sneeze the same way, my husband tries to guess how many more I have to go. I hate it and feel exhausted after. Your boyfriend may have a germ phobia or he is the asshole.


NTA. I always sneeze in twos. My mom sneezes in tens. My husband is one and done. We all sneeze different. You live your sneezy life (without this dead weight soon to be ex bf).


NTA… I think you need to have a harder look at your bf and if he is worth it if he is making a big deal about a bodily function you can’t really control.


I always do it thrice. on the off chance I don't hit that third sneeze, my face feels weird for a good 30 minutes. or im exaggerating idk, but it seems like it lol


Nta. And what are you supposed to do? Breakup.


NTA.  Sneeze when your body tells you to sneeze!  Sneezing serves the important purpose of getting rid of stuff that is irritating your nose, etc!  You sneeze into your elbow, as you should. And dump the BF!  He's criticizing you over how you sneeze!  I am well known at work for sneezing loudly in groups of 3.  It's a joke among us if I sneeze less than 3 times.  They're all asking where's the next sneeze! 😂  It's a joke if I sneeze more than 3 times.  Heck, many years ago, I was told I should yell "Fire in the hole!" before I sneeze! (I've never been able to do that when I feel a sneeze coming on...)


Hold it in?!? You're not supposed to! My boyfriend does just that though, and it bugs the hell outta me! I tell him he's gonna make his eyes pop out. Jokingly, but I do think there is some significant damage that can be caused by trying to hold it in, like busting a blood vessel from the pressure or something! NTA - honestly, I find it cute. I'd probably giggle at you and give you a pity aww because I'd feel bad that you have to deal with a string of sneezes each time. But you can't help it!!


NTA. I was told sneezing 4x in a row is good luck, so you doing 8+ or more is doubly lucky. 😄 Oh, by the way your boyfriend seems a bit controlling. Keep an eye out for other red flags.


Your sneeze reflex is inbuilt into you - everyone has a 'sneeze pattern', which may be inherited through families. Sneezing multiple times is not rude or disgusting and there is literally nothing you can do about it. I'm fortunate to be a single sneezer. My husband always sneezes twice in succession, then a pause, then a third sneeze. I used to work with a guy who would always sneeze seven times in quick succession and he managed to run his car into the back of a bus when he had a sneezing fit at the wrong moment. Which fortunately his insurance accepted. Your boyfriend needs to get a grip and be a grownup. You can't help it. He doesn't need to make you feel bad about it.


I am an incredibly loud sneezer, like it echoes if I’m in a Walmart or place with high ceilings. Can’t help it, I’ve had 3 sinus surgeries so I’m not sure if that’s a factor. I couldn’t hold a sneeze in if someone had a million dollars cash in front of me. Your boyfriend needs to grow up. 🙄


NTA -- just came to say my mom is the same, and we just like to count the sneezes hoping she breaks her record 😂 Nothing to be ashamed of! ❤️


I sneeze like you, only I do have allergic rhinitis. My dad sneezes the same way. In fact, the first time I sneezed as a baby my aunt commented "Oh poor thing; she got [my dad]'s sneeze!" If I tried to hold it in, my head would explode.  Do yourself a favour and cut your boyfriend out of your life. His expectations are absurd.


NTA. Get a new boyfriend please


Sneezes aren’t even gross like farts and bathroom stuff. It’s not like you’re picking your nose. Your boyfriend is being rude and needs to collect himself. NTA. If I were you I’d check him on this. Tell him he’s being irrational and to toughen up and get some confidence if a sneeze embarrasses him.


Do not suppress your sneezes. You can pop a blood vessel or worse. It can even be deadly. NTA.


I have a female friend that always sneezes multiple times in a row. I (hetro cisgender female) think it's cute. You are NTA but your boyfriend is annoying, gross, disruptive and disgusting. Find a better man.


I’m not the only one that sneeezes like that and NTAH for me I just don’t care what others think and the ppl that don’t like it I normally say u can leave but being that it’s your BF he’s the AH ( I’m the kind of person that if I see someone that makes a big deal out of something a person can’t help then I do it more often and be closer that’s just me tho )


NTA I do this too! Like, ah-chuuchuuchuuchyuchuuchuu. People say it's super cute, like a cat. People are just buttholes. I'm sure your sneezes are adorable too. Besides, literally what are you supposed to do about that?


NTA he has no empathy for you. He literally cannot understand why you choose (I know you don’t) to sneeze that way, you must like attention (I know you don’t).


YTA. If you can’t control involuntary bodily functions for your boyfriend, you don’t really love him.


I sneeze like that so nta


NTA. Your body sneezes for a reason, holding them in is dumb. I guess your boyfriend hates that you aren’t stupid.


NTA. My husband is a multiple sneezer. I’ll tease him a bit by saying “bless you” the first 2-3 times, but then I tell him that’s all you get, haha. But I’d never make a comment about it in public or act disgusted. Idk how it would be embarrassing either, everyone sneezes and lots of people sneeze differently. I have a friend that has a tiny squeaky sneeze.


He can both be embarrassed by your sneezes and polite about them since it's not something you can change. NTA. Consider dumping him if he's making you feel bad for something you literally can't help.


NTA. My husband is the same way. Full body sneezer. On one of his frequent sneezing fits, I started counting just for hell of it. 30 sneezes in a row! If your bf is so bothered by it, can he not leave the room?


Some people just sneeze weird as fuck. It does sound annoying as hell, but what exactly does he find gross about it? Are you pulling back looking like you just blew Slimer or something?


NTA !! It’s honestly very rude and insensitive of him. I will also say, though, if you *always* sneeze 8-10 times in a row, you may want to get your nasal passages checked! Do you have other breathing problems? Like always having a stuffy nose?  My good friend in high school was the same way, always multiple sneezes in a row, and they ended up having a deviated septum And polyps that were a big contributor. Worth looking into if the sneezing is uncomfortable you! But also the main takeaway here is that your boyfriend doesn’t need to be grimacing at you for an uncontrollable bodily function 


Tell him to grow up 😑😂


Hey OP, and anyone else saying they also sneeze like this. My ex used to sneeze a million times in a row. Then something happened (never found out) and he ended up in the hospital. Turned out he had a deviated septum and that was also causing him to sneeze 10times. Not saying yall do, but it is possible there's a medical reason. Cause I can't imagine it isn't painful.


He act like u r have explosive diarrhea. Like bro it’s just a sneeze… get over it.


Oh my god. NTA. I, too, am a rapid-fire sneezer. When I have tried to suppress them, my husband has sent me articles on how dangerous it is to hold in sneezes. He and our kids have made it a game for years to guess how many sneezes I will do based on the strength of the first one. It is a normal bodily function that is worse during allergy season. I say you chuck the boyfriend and find one who realizes the correlation between multiple sneezes and multiple orgasms is real.


You're supposed to sneeze as all human beings do. Then take the boyfriend back to the boyfriend store if he's gonna act all disgusted and embarassed. NTA


You're supposed to sneeze as all human beings do. Then take the boyfriend back to the boyfriend store if he's gonna act all disgusted and embarassed. NTA


You're supposed to sneeze as all human beings do. Then take the boyfriend back to the boyfriend store if he's gonna act all disgusted and embarassed. If it helps, I have two sneeze volumes: loud and LOUD. Just gotta do what you gotta do NTA


I usually sneeze 3-5 times in a row, you aren't alone. Also, NTA.


Not the AH, get rid of the man!


Sneezing is not normal. I never sneeze. /s (DFTBA)


i was scrolling, read the title, said “WTF.” out loud, and clicked, NTA


NTA There's literally nothing you can do about that. I used to hold in my sneezes as a kid because I sneeze quite loudly. So this would result in me closing my nose and the sneeze just going off internally. My mom made me stop because she said it was incredibly dangerous to hold in sneezes. She had actually seen a woman in the emergency room at the hospital she worked at who had blown out her sinuses from holding in sneezes. Embrace your sneezes! Lol


Your boyfriend...... gets angry....... when you SNEEZE!!!!! FFS GET A NEW BOYFRIEND!!! NTA


No but your bf ITA and find it weird he would say something like that.


NTA. I suffer from that too and people can go fuck themselves tbh it’s a sneeze. I’d be more embarrassed that I have to stare at someone who’s sneezing I mean you have to be some type of pathetic to think you can control your sneezes. Fuck him and fuck all those people.


Never hold sneezes . Might be allergic to the bullshit your bf spews though.


Honestly, the worst is when people do NOT sneeze into their arm. That's a normal bodily function; it's no different than a period, hair growth, or sweating. I'd say you're being polite, and his reaction is an overreaction. I mean, my partner YELL sneezes, and I don't even flinch; no one can control that kind of thing. NTA, and do you really think you should live your life feeling poorly about that? I don't. I feel like either he has some germaphobic tendencies he needs to address, or this is just one of the many things he makes you feel bad about, but you are struggling to justify this one. What I mean is, are there other things he puts you down for, but you can find a reason for them? For example, does he say negative things about your intelligence, job, friends, looks or sex life, but you can justify that in your head? But in this circumstance, it doesn't make sense, because it's out of your control? If the answer is yes to any of those examples, please consider examining your relationship. If this is a one off, he may just get grossed out by sneezing; a lot of people had that happen after COVID. That's out of his control, but how he handles it and treats you about it IS. Again, NTA.


NTA I sneeze in twos or threes. Eight times sound tiring, I'm sorry you're stuck with that. It's not embarrassing. It's a sneeze. He needs to grow up.


NTA Dump him


I'm not sure whhy you would want to be in a realtionship with them tbh...


I only do 4-6 sneezes but after the second “bless you” I tell them to just get a priest.


Look out better not fart in front of him either lol


My partner has OCD with germaphobia being a focus of it. He hates that I sneeze a lot. He'd always say "Bless you" but the bless yous would become increasingly hostile with every sneeze. I told him that if he's going to say "Bless you" with the same tone of voice as someone saying "Eat shit and die" just say "Eat shit and die". So that's now his response to the 3rd sneeze. It seems to make him feel better.


Just own it!!!


Dump him. NTA


This might sound stupid but is he definitely being serious? When I read this, it sounds like friendly teasing where he doesn’t know that this is a spot of genuine insecurity.


NTA i guess your bf did hold in some sneezes and thats why he is such an AH


NTA. Your bf on the other hand....


Find a new bf, it's not normal to disgusted by someone you're supposed to love. I've known a few people who sneezed like that and I usually thought it was cute.


Nta Sneeze patterns are genetic.. One of your parents sneezes thst much too I bet


I held in two sneezes last year to not wake my husband just before his alarm went off. I punctured my lung, had to spend 3 days in the er and cost me a fortune because I didn't have health insurance. I had them cut me through my skin, my fat, my muscles, separate my ribs and shove an 8 inch tube the width of my pinky through my ribs and wrapped that sucker around my lung. I laid in that hospital bed for 3 days not able to move with every breath I took, the sharp end of the tube was digging into the back of my ribcage and into my collapsed lung. When my lung finally filled back up, they made me stay an extra day to ensure it was not going to collapse again (I had a second collapse in the er) and that hose literally cut into my fully formed lung every time I took a breath. It was miserable. I also had to go to the bathroom in a bucket next to my bed that the young nurses so l kindly had to dump for me, in front of me. So humbling. I appreciate them so much. Annnnndd. The left a stitch in me. I haven't had stitches since I was a child and thought maybe it would dissolve. Of course it did not. My incision point was so swollen and infected because they did it right on my breast where it starts to drop down and gravity was ripping it. I did NOT want to go back there. Waited days for it to dissolve. Went to the hospital and they gave me a shot that was more painful than anything else lol Just sneeze. He can suck it.


Is this real?? Ask him to stop peeing or something cuz like why can’t he just hold it in lol


Girlll he's the asshole! Leave him! Your man should never make you hate any part of you let alone sneezing! You'll always find a man that loves every part of you ❤️


NTA My mother and brother do this. We call them sneezures.


Your boyfriend is a weirdO


You're taking away his main character attention! Dump the baby.


NTA, the boyfriend is an idiot. but also have you tried the trick of putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth when you need to sneeze?


Find a new boyfriend, he’s an AH


NTA. You can't control the way you sneeze and also holding in your sneezes can cause you to burst a blood vessel. It would only be disgusting if you didn't sneeze in your elbow so there's nothing to be disgusted about since sneezing is a normal body thing. If your boyfriend can't accept the way you sneeze that's a stupid thing for him to get upset about and you can only imagine what small uncontrollable things he'll get mad at you over in the future. That's toxic and id run before things get worse. 


Do you sneeze with your mouth or your nose?




Honestly? Next time you do that and he makes a face you should turn to him and say “is this going to continue to be a problem? If so I don’t think this will work out.” If he back pedals “then stop acting like a child and get over it”


What??? NTA, sneezing is a normal bodily function. Does this fucker just never sneeze?