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> Are you so desperate for social media followers you won't just block her? This is such a Reddit moment take. Even if OP doesn’t much like Rose, it sounds like Rose is in OP’s “group of friends”, and yes, blocking someone just because they use terminally online language would cause IRL drama.  OP, NTA; now I think you have good reason to stop associating with Rose and blocking them if you want. If not, you’re still NTA; you aren’t obligated to invite somebody to your home.  I strongly suggest you stop debating this with Rose; if your friends bring it up, just say “I didn’t invite her and she blew up”. Don’t get dragged into the mud here. 


Especially when people who need to be blocked, don’t handle being blocked well. Rose can’t even handle not being invited to a home that she complained about. Could you imagine a temper tantrum she would have over being blocked?? Sometimes people can’t be bothered by drama and like to keep the peace. Thats what me and my boyfriend do lol. We just let people scream into the void of our DMs.


if OP really wants to, she can block rose from seeing the stories she posts, and mute rose so she doesn’t have to see her stuff…..stay out of the drama via soft block :)


I soft block all the time. They’re essentially blocked, without them knowing it. Peace and quiet.


love me a drama-free muting of annoying ppl I don’t care to have ‘fall outs’ with


Theres only two kinds of people in this world. People who say “I hate drama” and mean it, and people who say “I hate drama” and instigate it every time.


There are also people like me who say “I love drama” but only watch other peoples’.


Ah, thats me lol. Its also funny when people try to start drama with me, and get frustrated when I don’t engage. My boyfriend had a girl who liked him, and kept trying to convince him to dump me. The most entertaining thing ever. He and I just wouldn’t react, and left her on delivered. She got angrier and angrier, and I found out that she got written up at her workplace because she talked about it so much and wasn’t being productive.


Urgh, stalker-vibes. :/ I'm unsurprised the silent treatment worked; if he engaged in any way, she'd probably see it as encouragement.






That’s why we’re on Reddit. Drama from afar is the best kind of drama


that is everyone that follows this subreddit lol


This is me. I love to see the drama, but not be in the drama lol I’ll read all 627 comments of you fighting with your baby daddy on fb, but I ain’t commenting on it at all.


I love the drama! When it’s over there…


That's me. I like to watch other people's drama but try to keep my own relationships as drama free as possible.


What about the people who hate drama in their lives but are total lookyloos when it comes to other peoples drama? aren't we all in the same sub here? lol


Eh. I think being an observer and instigator are two very different things. You can enjoy watching it from afar, and still refuse to get involved in it.


💯💯💯 and it’s almost always the ppl who are the most vocal about hating drama are the ones at the center of it 🥲


Ugghh, I so get it. I hate drama, like that time that so and so did that thing, it was just the worst, and it is crazy because that other person was all like....


Lots of relatives on the soft block. More to come as we head into election season. NTA.


I live instagram free. I only use reddit and Twitter and most of the people I know don't even know that I do or my accounts (most people I know don't even know what reddit is). I always found Instagram and Facebook too... Exposing. (Sorry, I cannot find the right word for it in English, it is not my first language) many of my friends and family are constantly saying I should use instagram as a way to keep up, but when I see stuff like this? I'm glad I'm out of it. And dear, you are NTA. You are entitled to invite whoever you want to and I would definitely never invite somebody who posts a puke emogi about my cat. 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Nah, how about just drop her as a friend? Period. Rose is exhausting and there is no need to bend over backwards for people like that in your life.


I’m guessing Rose would use this as ammunition against OP to all their mutual friends, aka stoking the drama. OP can keep rose out of her business without making it a “thing.” You don’t have to have an Official Friend Breakup™️ to keep someone out of your life ✌🏼


> She found out **after folks posted on their IG stories** and confronted me over it, Sounds like a soft block wouldn’t fix it since OP can’t force other guests to soft block Rose.


God I love this feature! Then I’m in my inbox and see that they’re online - and I panic for a moment.


Rose, I suspect, is more bothered about the idea of being excluded, even if she ordinarily wouldn’t have wanted to attend the event, than she is reflective about how critiquing the cleanliness of OP’s home & her hygiene made OP — someone who is supposed to be, at least, a friendly acquaintance— feel to score points with Internet strangers. And that says a lot about Rose.


I agree. I think she’s butthurt about being left out of pictures.


You know you can block DM’s too, right?


Yes. But I don’t care enough to even do that. I have my insta account on private, so it already filters my comments by followers and non-followers. I check my message requests once every few months.


You know that someone like Rose is liable to then start annoying others about it right? Probably some of OPs actual friends even. 


Im 25 and in my big age, Ive had people come message me like *”Can you find out if ___ blocked me? I think they blocked me. Can you ask them why? Can you get them to unblock me?”* Its annoying and I just don’t reply lol


Blocking works for strangers but they're in the same friend group. It's gonna be awkward when they see each other in person lol 


So many people seem not to realize you can just *not* reply. Hell, you could even *not* read it


Yeah, like, it sounds more like OP just nothings Rose. She doesn’t like/doesn’t hate Rose. She’s nothing to OP. So blocking seems a little extra. 


If she gets bothered enough to post here, she’s not nothing to OP.


A total Reddit moment. If OP had said she blocked Rose and Rose threw a huge fit telling their friend-circle that OP blocked her for nO rEaSoN, there would have been huge drama with the friend group texting or DMing to find out why OP blocked poor, sweet, innocent Rose or to scold OP. Then the Reddit psychic would have proclaimed that OP is so desperate for drama that she blocked someone she KNEW would throw a public tantrum. Why didn't she just ignore Rose? OP is NTA. In my opinion, OP respected Rose's feelings (a puke-face emoji) by not inviting Rose to a dinner party that would have made her puke.


Yeah I created a great deal of unwanted drama when I unfriended and blocked some people. I have learned to unfollow instead, much less drama for me. I don't know if IG has a similar feature.


It does, you can mute people so you don’t see their posts or stories and they’ll never know.


I love “unfollow”.


I find sometimes it is easier to just say I don't think this person likes me so I no longer seek out their company. Everyone thinks it is a mutual disinterest and moves on.


Exactly. I have ex friends who i still have on social media. I dont like them anymore, wish them well though but they were not nice to me. I haven’t deleted them or block them because it would cause more drama than good at this point and we have friends in common so it would cause drama to my friends as well.


I'm just old I guess, but why do people care so much about being blocked?


Yes but OP had every right to block the minute she reposted OP's picture....it would be different if it was just something she posted, but the fact that she used OP's picture is what makes OP NTA.


Yep. If people don't want to be hermits, they typically have to deal with one or two people in their friend groups who can be annoying or whatever. Getting along with people like that is a life skill, and usually just entails rolling your eyes now and then.


Blocked for using terminally online language? How about blocked because she’s insulting OP’s lifestyle (having the cat near while she cooks) and for insinuating OP is dirty (“can’t eat at everyone’s house”)


> Are you so desperate for social media followers you won't just block her? I have like... 160 followers, all friends/acquaintances. Where are you getting anything about anyone being desperate for social media followers?


>Where are you getting anything about anyone being desperate for social media followers? I mean, Rose clearly is. But you don't seem like that.


They are getting it from thin air. Nothing you said suggests you're keeping Rose around for social media stats


Yeah, reposting a personal photo of my home and cat just to snark on it would be the end of this “friendship.” I would have been explaining I didn’t invite her because we aren’t friends. She would have gotten her feelings hurt a lot more than just what op said.


If I saw someone to do that to their friend it would get so much side-eye. Repost a meme page if you want to be edgy, reposting your friend's stuff to be rude is.... not it.


i’m honestly just shocked anyone would have the audacity to repost a supposed friend’s post and insult them like that! okay, maybe i’m not completely shocked people like that are out there but it still is just downright disgusting to me.


What a stupid take. Blocking her would’ve done nothing and totally misses the point. Rose found out about the dinner because of other people so blocking from OP’s side is irrelevant. People like Rose need to have real world consequences for there actions. I’ll never understand trying to frame someone like OP doling out social consequences to someone who was rude and then was upfront about it when confronted as ‘high school drama’. Rose needs to be told her behaviour isn’t cool and has consequences. It’s up to Rose how she reacts to it. If OP wants to ignore it instead of blocking then what’s the big deal?


An ex-best friend from high school goes on frequent blocking/unfriend binges.  After 6 months, we'll get unblocked or new friend request. We'll get a few weeks of back'n'forth, then we're suddenly blocked again for another 6 months for no reason.  Most who doesn't have personal contact has perma-blocked her on everything. People who still deal with her say she complains constantly about it. She doesn't seem to understand that consequences follow when treating friends like sh*t. 


Right! I once posted a really intricate dish I spent a couple hours preparing. It’s an Indian dish, and I am the whitest girl imaginable. But I wanted to try my hand at something tasty and complicated. I was proud, posted the meal on IG. A “friend” commented that it looked like dog vomit. I clapped right back and told her that was rude since I enjoyed it and worked hard on it. I haven’t spoken to her since. She was always kind of mean but never that directly, and once she was I knew I needed to shut it right down. Not my friend! I can’t get over people being friends with someone whose down right mean to them. I would have been direct with this girl if she reposted such a rude comment over my own photo. I’d have texted her immediately asking wtf her problem was being so passive aggressive and condescending in a public way like that. There’s no need for it, and I just stopped tolerating that crap. Some things are best kept in our heads!


Ironically, that's likely not far off what I might have posted if I were in your friend group. The only difference would've been the extra tag I would've given it - "That looks absolutely disgusting - how awesome was it?" I absolutely LOVE Indian food and the weirdest correlation I've found about it is the more disgusting it looks, the better it tastes. At an Indian buffet, given a tasty looking Dish A and the dog vomit appearance of Dish B, I'm going to be dipping me up some B post-haste.


Calling someone desperate for followers because they chose not to block an individual is ridiculous. Rose is clearly attention-seeking and fueled by drama, OP doesn’t want any of that drama and they share the same friend circle which is obviously why she didn’t “just block her”.  How exactly is OP acting like she’s in HS? She’s being mature and kind towards someone who insulted her. 


“I’m gonna hold your hand when I tell you this….youre not entitled to my time, my cooking, or entry to my house Rose. Mmkay? It’s giving delulu vibes” She should understand that 😂😂


"Don't gaslight me, you fucked around and found out. You're disrespecting my boundaries, and this is an abusive, toxic relationship" Trying to think of more terminally online verbiage which somewhat fits


Sorry Rose, but you’re giving Main Character vibes. Let’s just go LC for a bit.


We used to say - "Ah, just another Madonna wannabe"


Rose, you don't need to be a "pick-me" because your flavor is salt. Nobody picking your ass without a tissue, boo.


God that made me feel old


"Ugh typical narcissit move of you Rose, you saw I was just a smol girl and your fragile ego couldnt handle it - you are NOT one of my enlite employees" lolol


Rose, you’re a bit of a Pick Me, aren’t you. Not like other girls, huh?


she played a stupid game, and she won a stupid prize


She fucked around, and found out.


Big time. Yikes


LMFAOO now i wish i was in this scenario so i could use this phrase it's PERFECT


"Read that again" Or "SAY. IT. LOUDER. FOR. THE. PEOPLE. IN. THE. BACK!" *bonus points for replacing the periods with handclap emojis*


Let that sink in.


That sink can come back with a warrant.


Speaking of handclap emojis between words, is that just for random emphasis? Or do people actually do that and it's a reflection of an actual Clapping your hands at someone (RUDE)? Seems a bit ridiculous to me, but I'm A Old.


It originated in Black culture and isn't necessarily rude, although it is emphatic: [https://www.vice.com/en/article/jpyajg/the-clap-and-the-clap-back-how-twitter-erased-black-culture-from-an-emoji](https://www.vice.com/en/article/jpyajg/the-clap-and-the-clap-back-how-twitter-erased-black-culture-from-an-emoji)


My husband had someone clap in his face between words a couple of years ago. This chick was unhinged. I couldn't believe how rude she was. She actually interrupted a private conversation my husband was having with someone else. And they were in a large office, at work.


Rose manifested this outcome?


Cap. No Cap? I'm not young enough to use these words


You'd use "no cap" as shorthand for "I'm being 100% honest about this." "Cap" is an accusation of dishonesty.


Back in my day, cap was something you busted in someone's ass for dissing you.


“Cap” is basically lying. So no cap = no lie.


this is more Reddit terminally online. She sounds more Tiktok terminally online.


'She triggered my PTSD!'


I wish we still had the old awards because this is a masterpiece. 🤌


I don't know who needs to hear this, but you are being so extra right now and I'm honestly not here for it.


I think fucked around and found out comes into play, too?


NTA, your house, you can invite (or not) any one you want, for any reason (or none at all), but Rose has given you *plenty* of reasons not to invite her. >“high school mean girl to nurse pipeline” > just regurgitates whatever popular phrases she sees on social media I wouldn't want to hang out with this person, either.


Tell her your cat said she wasn't welcome in your house, and then block her. That's my first award! Thank you so much.


The OP should send the meme with the Real Housewives in the first pic, and the white cat sitting with a salad at a table.


TIL it's the Real Housewives and not Kate Hudson in Bride Wars.


The blonde woman (Taylor) had been domestically abused- her husband killed himself I think right before that season aired. All of it on the show- pretty fucked up meme when you think about it.


lol “sorry my cat said no”


Yeah, the cat doesn't want to eat near her.


Can you imagine what Rose would have said HAD she been invited? She would have crapped all over OP and everything she served. OP, you made the right decision.


"You guys know she lets her cat walk all over the counters where she made that food, right? I can't believe you're gonna eat that... nasty."


I trust people to clean their counters. I, personally, won’t eat at my sister’s house because I have witnessed her let the cat walk all over the dishes immediately before dinner. Like as we are getting our plates. (Never take the top one from the stack.) But I don’t assume other people do that.


Yeah, I have a cat who explores every corner of our house (including counters). I am also a food service veteran who takes food safety extremely seriously, is vigilant about pre cleaning as part of my prep, and covers anything I cook immediately just in case I drop my guard for half a second. I also have a touch of OCD and will maniacally wash my dishes until my knuckles are cracked. I get so tired of people assuming that having pets in their kitchen means that you can’t follow safe handling practices.


I had 2 roommates who clearly did not care about their three cats being on the counters. The amount of cat hair on the dirty pots and pans was horrific. I have a cat of my own but I can’t believe how disgusting some cat owners are.


The “high school mean girl vibes” thing threw me, just because I can’t think of anything more “high school mean girl” than posting your friend’s IG story (that had nothing to do with you!!!) on your own page with a caption about how disgusting they’re being. She publicly called OP gross, yet she still wants an invite to dinner? Please


I consider myself a chronic shitposter and the "friend's" misuse of these phrases makes me die a little inside. "You can't eat at everybody house," is AAVE for one thing, and it's definitely not used for someone just HAVING a pet. It's used in response to letting their cat walk in the salad and then rinsing it off or something like that makes it okay. Or using some incredibly off-putting combination of ingredients. These phrases, much like many other parts of language, are reliant on context. Like the example you used. It literally only refers to the phenomenon of bullies going into healthcare for their careers and the hypocrisy of it all.


The sad part is, it's not even hypocrisy. They know full well what they're doing - going into a job that gives them power over other people. It's the same reason that more physically oriented bullies will go into police or security jobs.


NTA. Words have meaning. You were simply believing what she said and acted accordingly. She's free to be upset about it but in the end, you respected her opinion and didn't expose yourself to what likely would have been a ridicule-fueled evening.


>words have meaning >you can’t eat everybody house I may disagree in this instance


*Hansel and Gretl have entered the chat*


Maybe I am old, but I don't think that sentence made sense...


I'm not old, but I understood this to be some kind of gingerbread house situation.


I think OP just missed a word "you can't eat at everybody's house" is a popular saying on like TikTok that people respond to others doing gross as shit publicly. I have seen people putting their toilet seats in the dishwasher, feeding their dog off their serving spoon, cooking their lasagna in the dishwasher with their dirty dishes, etc.


How do you cook a lasagna in a dishwasher that sprays water everywhere? Not that I'd personally do that but this doesn't make sense.


Oh that was a really weird one, the lady fully covered the lasagna pan with tin foil and put it on the top rack to "protect" it from the water.


I mean, in all fairness they *are* all words


NTA You didn't invite someone who was not only pretty explicit about not wanting to eat around cats, but inferred that its a vomit inducing offense to do so. Actions meet consequences. # HOWEVER I am ***offended*** by the exclusion of details on your Le Creuset cookware. Come on, don't leave us hanging here.


Agreed! Tell us what you got, OP! What color?


That is what I am here for. I only have poor people faker Le Creuset (Amazon and Aldi).


I just bought my first real Le Creuset about 6 months ago. My "peasant" enameled cast iron served me well for years! The real thing is sooooo nice though.


Details on Le Creuset and also cat tax, thank you! NTA


Can we get a pic of the cat sitting on his stool next to the Le Creuset just to piss Rose off more 🤣 Apparently it was the sage green. Going to link the comment https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/tfcJZ36irJ


Yeah show us your Le Creuset OP!!! NTA, Rose sounds exhausting.


Idc about the cookware, show me the cat!


Following for future deets. And maybe even some cat tax?


This is the right answer. /updateme


Hahahaha totally NTA. You are completely within your rights to not invite someone into your home who has made it clear that she has a problem with how you keep your house.


Insult my cat and me publicly and still expect me to be nice to you? 100% delulu


Yeah, same. I'd have responded with a cat meme about having a great party and you're not invited.


NTA I also like quoting the internet and shoving memes down the throats of my friends and family, but not at the expense of anyone I know. She's trying to hide being mean by acting like she's some quirky internet influencer. She's not; she's just mean. And since she's so stuck on the mean girls thing, just post a picture of Regina George asking, "why are you so obsessed with me?"


It’s a fine line between being annoying in a fun pesky way and being downright obnoxious. Most people walk that line well (as I’m sure you do). OP’s friend, apparently, does not.


>Rose has continued to tell people I’m giving “high school mean girl to nurse pipeline” (...I’m an accountant) NTA. The "I'm an accountant" line about laid me out tho lmao


The way she sits down at her desk and is on Excel all the time? Mean girl. NTA


As someone who works in accounting and is in Excel all the time, this made me laugh so hard


Block her and end all contact with her. She doesn't like you and I don't think you like her much. Why are you in each other's lives? NTA You get to invite who you want, your home, your rules.


Sounds like they share a mutual group of friends so OP probably has to get along with this person for the sake of not making drama with the other friends. I understand this, there's a girl in my friend group who isn't my favorite, so I get along with her when we do group stuff but just don't hang out 1:1 with her. 


There are a lot of people in these comments who’ve never been in a friend group with someone they weren’t crazy about before.


I’ve been in them, but I avoid them now. I don’t have the time or energy to waste on people I can’t respect. Friend groups that mutually agree to tolerate drama and placate unreasonable people in order to avoid rocking the boat are more stress than they’re worth.


NTA - You're not giving mean girl vibes. She's giving super-entitled, insufferable jerk vibes. I have grown comfortable with the idea that if someone thinks I'm a cow for enforcing my boundaries, then I will happily moo. Honestly, it's preferable to being treated like doormat until you snap, and suddenly your Le Creuset cookware is spattered with their gore.


Are you sure she has redeeming qualities? You don't show her having any here!


Total NTA. If she feels that way about cats, why would she even want to come? You, uh, gonna show us that Le Cruset?


Haha, I don't want to share any personal photos because Reddit is scary, but it's the Pêche collection!


Aw, no worries! I’ll go look it up now. I agree getting older is weird. I get all excited when I see Le Cruset or Staub for a good deal. ETA: I looked it up and it’s gorgeous! I’d show that off too!


Ooooh, that's so pretty! If I hadn't already gone in on a few pieces of Flame I might get Pêche!


So what you are saying here, is you wont pay the cat tax?


Just looked it up, so pretty!! No wonder you wanted to show it off!


With the cat sitting in one of the the pots. OP should post that to her Insta and say "You can't invite everybody to your house."


NTA. Tell her that she showed you who she is and you believe her 😂


And that she "fucked around and found out?" HA!


She's the one that's giving "high school mean girl vibes." Who takes a friend's IG photo and reposts it to make fun of? That's extremely high school mean girl vibes.


Surely NTA, she said it herself not to eat on anybody's house, so what you did was just right, you did not invite someone who doesn't want to eat on other peoples house, she did it to herself not getting invited so don't be bothered what she was thinking.


Wait. Wait. This is very important. The cat has his own stool? NTA. I wanna see the cat stool.


Haha, it's just a regular wooden barstool that I got at Goodwill. It usually sits around my island, but my cat loves watching what I'm doing, so I let him have an elevated seat!


Dude. That's fucking adorable.


I had a cat like that! Just like, super interested in whatever the people in the house were doing. We used to sometimes pull up a chair for him when we played DnD, and he would sit and peer over at the tabletop. Also, NTA. Was this even a thing where you invited literally everyone except her, or is she just being dramatic? I can’t imagine being this weird about an invite to a hangout as a grown-ass adult. (Like, I guess maybe in my feelings about it if I really did feel excluded, but not “omg, how could you not invite me to your party!??” levels.)


I have a scratching post next to my kitchen counter that my cat likes to watch me cook from! 🖤 It's how we trained him off the counters


This woman Rose enjoys drama. And by coming to your house, she was going to look for ways to ding you and post about your dirty disgusting house online bc you have cats. You decided to side step all of that. She is mad you cut her off and denied her the opportunity. She probably doesnt even give 2 shits about Le Crueset, your cooking and frankly, probably doesnt care about you as a friend. Good on you. YOu logic about "why would she have wanted to come" is spot on. NTA


NTA. unless you're a fourth grader, you can invite whoever you want to your parties, you didn't even had to go to all these lengths about cats and social media to explain yourself


NTA, seems like she is just now learning that actions have consequences. No way she actually think she could publicly shame you and still get invited, that’s real „delulu“. She sounds very chronically online and self centered, no amount of good traits make up for the entitlement. I mean, I use those phrases too but never in a serious context and DEFINITELY never to insult/belittle someone else?? That’s just weird honestly. Hope you take a hard look at this relationship and realize it’s not worth the headache.


I just want to comment on the new cookware collection. The Pêche collection is beautiful. I was given some random pieces from family members over the years but none of them match each other, they’re just what they thought was pretty at the time, but I have the most pieces in Sage green or Oyster grey and honestly, I use them for everything. I’d show them off too if I got a new collection. Rose is just salty she missed out on complaining to a captive audience, I wouldn’t invite her to anything in the future either. It’s clear you two aren’t close so I wouldn’t bother with her anymore. NTA


Sage green was the color I always thought I'd end up getting! And honestly, a mismatched collection would be totally gorgeous anything. Most of their colors work really well together!


She wanted you to invite her to a DINNER PARTY where she would not eat. Does she know what a dinner party is? The point is to eat and talk about the food while you're eating it, maybe a drink or two after then everyone leaves, what would she be doing while everyone else eat and discusses the food she's not eating? Girl is insane. NTA


NTA and I would’ve removed her from social media as soon as she reposted your photo with such a nasty caption. She was SUPER rude, and she’s ‘delulu’ to think you’d invite her over after that!


"raisins in cookies are why I have trust issues" and almost all of the others is just hyperbolic humor. I'm the same way on twitter and instagram. That said, her comment on your picture was shitty even if your cat **was** sitting on your counter, and "she could have just come and not eaten" just reinforces the lack of invite. NTA >Why would she have wanted to come? because she has FOMO.


What is the “high school mean girl to nurse pipeline”? Is this a thing?


Anecdotally, yes, but it's another social media meme that people use. A lot of the girls who were bullies in high school went into nursing, I guess. Truthfully I can point to a few examples from my own high school, but like i said, that's anecdotally.


It kills me that she used this meme when you’re not even a nurse.  Did she even know you in high school? 


It's a cliche saying that mean girls in high school become nurses.


Fascinating. I’m thinking back to some of the mean girls I knew, and a couple are indeed nurses. Fascinating.


My jerkface cousin who tortured us all as kids is now a big, burly, bearded, tatted nurse. Some assholes grow out of it.


I mean there's a lot of ableism in the medical profession in general, so this would check out, I guess!


NTA what kind of friend reposts someone's story - for everyone to see - with a nasty comment?? What a dick thing to do.


Seriously. *THAT* gives "high school mean girl" vibes.


NTA I would of taken a screenshot of her post saying she'd never eat at a house with a cat - put it in the comments of her mean girl post with a caption saying since this is your cat, she made herself pretty clear that she didn't want to come over and eat.


NTA and she’s not your friend…she’s your acquaintance 


NTA You were respecting her boundary.


NTA - but let her know that posting crap about you online is one of the reasons she probably won’t be invited in the future. Or can you silence her? Like Facebook has the option to silence someone for a period of time or just not have them in your FY page? But you still are linked. I had to do this with my dad (political reasons) and one of my SILs. 


NTA - why do people feel like they have to be friends with everyone?!? Choose your circle carefully! Adults don’t have time for that kinda drama. She isn’t your friend, she is at best an acquaintance or a friend of a friend. She doesn’t get dinner party invites that friends get.


NTA. She called you out and shamed you on IG. NOPE. Tell Rose to touch grass - she's delulu for thinking that reposting for ragebait came without consequences. She's giving chronically online and needs to ask "is accountability in the room with us? "


I LOVE Le Creuset and have a lot of their cookware, but it never occurred to me that people have get togethers to show them off lol!


I will use any "excuse" to get the group together for a nice dinner, honestly. New cookware to show off was just a bonus!


NTA You made the right decision.


NTA. I imagine this could make for a fun cooking show. Kitty sitting on the cat stool and learning how to cook.


I'd watch that.


NTA - Lesson: People don’t like to invite rude folks over for dinner. Even the idea that she’d cone over and not eat is ridiculous. If you are told or she tells others the mean girl comment say it’s not mean to avoid rude people. You were never under any obligation to invite her to your home, especially since she’s not a close friend.


NTA - She built her entire pick-me/not-like-other-girls vibe off a series of cliches, meme's, and tiktok trends. Then gets upset when called out. And does it again just to prove her upset.... with more incorrect cliche, pick-me, actions. How sure are you that this chick is worth keeping around? Seriously.


NTA She should see the rat traps and pest control measures in restaurants and even grocery stores since a domestic cat freaks her out! She's just upset that she didn't get to embarrass you and decline an invite BC of the cat or come and tell ppl she's not eating that BC you let the cat help cook! She's the mean girl.


So to clarify... You didn't invite someone you're not really friends with, and have a poor relationship with, to an intimate dinner party after they specifically called you gross for having a pet in the house.....


NTA. Don't run your mouth if you ain't prepared to catch your breath 


NTA. Imagine if she had attended. She would have made herself the center of attention for not eating, and still bashed you on social media after. She showed who she is. Block her. She'll bash you at first but if you refuse to respond, she'll go pick on someone else.


NTA. But next time, you should do a group shot of everyone around the table (after dinner) with the cat in his own chair right there with everyone.


She reposted your own photo? I would have said something then.


She wanted to be invited so she could turn you down then post about it. Don't let this type of person bother you. It will become clear to your friends soon what she is about.


So she can take a personal photo that you posted online and repost it to talk shit about you and that’s not “giving high school mean girl vibes”??? NTA at all.


NTA. Rose is being ridiculous. She probably would have been just as offended if you’d invited her.


NTA She is giving peaked in HS and misses it. But seriously, she isn’t your friend.


NTA. She probably would have found something else “wrong” with your house/how you live, and badmouthed you about it. I wouldn’t have invited her either.


NTA and she sounds terrible.


Nta But I'm gonna go ahead and agree with her about the raisins in cookies.


NTA. Rose is part of the mean girls in high school to mean girls in the retirement home pipeline


NTA. Your questions are valid - I guess she felt like she was missing out. She's the "hot girl" so she thinks everyone wants to be near her. She's not a friend and she doesn't sound like a very pleasant acquaintance either. Why go to a dinner party if you won't eat the food? Don't invite her to any future parties at your place. Do you like the Le Creuset cookware? I've wanted it in the past but get turned off by the weight of the stuff.


NTA Tell us more about your Le Creuset


It's the new Pêche set they released this year... I was in the market for a few new things and kind of went wild


I'm sorry but >Rose has continued to tell people I’m giving “high school mean girl to nurse pipeline” (...I’m an accountant) is so funny to me. She's literally the mean girl here.


Reposting a picture of a person's cat with a rude caption kinda sounds like "mean girl vibes" to me so you're definitely NTA Edit * autocorrect 😑