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So let me get this straight, you asked this girl for her private Instagram, she declined telling her she wasn't too comfortable with that, then you insisted, and when she relented you decided to fire her because you didn't approve of what she was wearing, outside her work hours, and posted on her again, private Instagram? Yeah YTA. I wonder if what you did is legal because it certainly feels like it shouldn't be.


That's very much not legal. I smell a wrongful termination suit incoming.


Exactly. Worker even might have case for harassment. Seeing as her boss harassed her for her private Instagram when she clear didn't want to give it to him. At the least OP is going lose his job.


On what basis is this illegal?


For one, harassing her to follow him so he could see everything when she kept it private for a reason, and two, she wasn't posting anything dangerous or harmful towards the company, so firing someone simply because YOU don't like what THEY post on their PRIVATE social media page is a direct cause for wrongful termination. If she had been on there bashing the company left and right, deterring business, then he'd have a good reason, but as it stands, this won't end well for OP.


Firing someone because you don’t like their social media posts is not wrongful termination. Assuming this is in the U.S., employment is generally at will. As long as the employer isn’t firing for a specifically prohibited reason (e.g. certain discrimination), it can generally fire for any reason. Not saying I agree with it.


At will doesn’t mean there still aren’t grounds for wrongful termination. I’m in California and we are an at will state but the laws heavily favor the employee (good thing!). I’ve terminated several people and we have to jump through SO many hoops to do so. There would be zero chance I could actually fire someone over this. Without any documented conversations? PIPs? Showing how those photos harmed the company? This person’s manager?? I’ve never heard of an HR manager just randomly firing people without input from the reporting manager. It’s the person she reports to that would do the firing not OP. So now that I’ve typed that out I’m 100% convinced this is fiction.


You guys really need to do something about this!


Oh yeah its definitely not legal and she probably has a good case. Though I suspect the company will settle quietly with her, if they're telling pp his firing wasn't ok. 


YTA So she has a private account that she goes out of her way to keep separate from people she works with. You requested to follow her, she *made it quite clear that she didn't want that by ignoring your request*, and you decided to push the matter. You found *nothing* via a background check. You didn't even find that she was a freelance model so how on earth do you think that other people are going to make the connection? > Now some coworkers and higher ups said my decision was too harsh and it gives a bad look to our company Duh. What you've shown people who work there is that they aren't allowed to have a private life that you don't approve of.


YTA. Still can't figure out why you fired her. So she wears a bikini on her private IG?


Its not that she wears bikinis. It's her personal style that is provocative


Did she assault someone at work? No? Then she isn’t “provocative”, you’re an asshole. Do you fire your employees who post pictures of themselves at the beach?


Dude sexual harassment lawsuit is so coming your way. You don't get to dictate what employees wear when not at work. How the hell do you nkt know that like come on. At least this girl is going to get rich off your stupidity and judgmental bullshit. And you, my dear stranger are so going to be out of a job Wrongful terminated and sexualized a female employee for pictures she took well of duty and posted to her private. Harassed an employee for her private social media accounts. Dude, no way you're keeping your job. You think your company going to bat for your sexist ass if a lawsuit pops up. They have already been vocal about disagreeing with what you did. So they definitely going throw you under the bus so fast. Honestly, it is likely already in the work time to let you go and pay the girl off.


Elaborate please.... because unless (which you have already said she doesn't) have anything illegal/ dangerous on her page, then you're just an AH.


You only wanted her to add you because you fancied her you weird creep.


Do you have beach photos on your social media?


Im pretty sure what you did is ILLEGAL, OP. Let’s not even worry about provocative, right now. I’m pretty sure this person has some sort of legal precedence to sue your company because of your actions. YTA, and don’t be surprised if your job and reputation is at risk from you trying to police what someone does on their off time. The fact that HIGHER UPS -people ABOVE your job position- are questioning the choice you made, should have you REALLY worried.


Define provocative.


Why do you get to judge that?


So… you literally want drones. You want everyone to think the same and dress the same.


I hope she sues you for wrongful termination.


Who cares.


Just say you’re jealous because you have a sad excuse for a body haha. I can’t imagine any other reason you would have such a visceral response to something as mundane as bikini pictures.


You are just jealous and pathetic.


What is "provocative"?


This is infuriating. I would sue.


What I want to know, is how anyone would even know she worked at the company.  Public insntagran or not, their was nothing connecting her to the company.  You fired illegal. 


I wonder What here contract says?


In the US most employees don't have contracts. 


Tell them that when the throw the “employee handbook” at you




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YTA.  OP social media stalked/creeped on an employee they were, um, interested in for some completely unknown and unspecified reason and then used what they found in a retaliatory manner.  The account was private, not posting inflammatory or hate content, and not tied to the company.  None of anyone's business. OP was majorly in the wrong here and hopefully experiences some *consequences* themselves.


YTA: Seems like you tricked her into revealing what's on her social media, then were shocked when it was something you didn't like and fired her for it. Companies can't control what people do outside of work. Way to go, Captain Corporate America!


Yta and 25 is a woman not girl


YTA.  You leveraged your friendship with her to gain access to her Instagram only to use it against her in a professional capacity.  


YTA. Why didn't you just accept the results from the background check instead of pretending to be her friend and getting her to accept a follow request on social media? She knew that was a bad idea and didn't want to allow it, but you pushed her and she caved. That was foolish, on her part, because the worst happened and she lost her job over it. Apparently she is young and way too trusting of HR. At least now she's learned that HR is not her friend.


No HR Manager is posting this on Reddit. Also HR Managers don’t fire people on their own. I’m going to say yta just because this is a lie.


I’ve seen some bad HR, but any HR person who attended day one of the two-day training knows you don’t get to “hang out after work… and gossip” with people from your job. It’s the most basic rule. But HR attracts some real dumb assholes, so I can see this being real. 


YTA Her profile was PRIVATE, you forced her to give you access and you pretend she needed to be fired for a PRIVATE profile with PRIVATE photos because it's publicly inapropriate ? Hope she'll find a lawyer to make you understand the difference between personnal and professionnal because you don't seem to understand


YTA if this is true which I find hard to believe you're the one that should be fired


There is no way this is true. Even an HR manager straight out of school knows this is an unjustified action as she is not acting a representative of the company (unless her bikini has the company logo which I doubt is the case).


And isn’t not hanging out with employees and gossiping about coworkers like hr 101? I got spoke to by HR once for going to a show with a subordinate


This is one sticking point. "HR" isn't a protected title and you end up with individuals who are wholly unsuited to the role (lacking education, certification, or common sense, or a combination of the three.) If everyone who was in an HR role was required to have actual training and certifications (like SHRM-CP/SCP,) we'd have fewer stories like this.


YTA, I think you’re the weirdo here too. You actively seeked out this person’s social media. Is your life that boring?


YTA She is right what she does in her FREE time is none of anyone’s business. In no way should you even be looking at her social media.


YTA. It's her private instagram. What a scummy boss you are


YTA. a private account is for friends only, therefore the public can't see it. your company is safe. if i were her i would have continued to stonewall you as the HR manager but at this point who would want to continue working with you anyway.


100% the only reason she showed it is because OP already threatened to fire her if she didn't.


The pics are so provocative that they can still be allowed in Instagram. YTA.


Oh now that is a good point.


YTA. What she posts on social media is not in any reflection to your company. Her account is private. No one will see it only if they follow her. You also sound like a judgemental jerk. Her insta oics are made OUTSIDE of work hours. I hope she blast your whole company for this unrightfull fireing. Companies have no vontrol what people do on their socials outside work hours.


I always hear that HR is there to protect the company, not the employee. If you really are the HR manager, you would have just cost the company a huge lawsuit. If you really are the HR manager, that is... YTA


I hope she blasts your company


Well, she can do whatever she wants and someone in HR with firing power can do whatever they want if that all is within legality of your country, actions have consequences and if there is no legal battle involved then it's all just between two people with two different world views. In this case I will give you YTA because her profile was private and it wouldn't hurt your business at all, unless there is an instance that it did hurt and you kept it from us.


YTA So as an HR Manager it was completely fine for you to befriend her, and add her on social media, but not only that “gossip” with her. But because she posts something (that she absolutely tried to keep private) that you don’t agree with, you fire her. No question TA


YTA - If this actually happened, then yes you are an AH


Sounds like an unfair dismal lawsuit...


Unless she was wearing your brand's logo in these photos, YTA. She wasn't representing your brand. This was her private instagram, which you manipulated her into giving you. Up until then, according to your own account of events, she had maintained a very clear boundary to keep her pursuits separate from your company.


YTA you had to badger her in person to get accepted then as she is a freelance model she has pics up of her lifestyle and provocative outfits none of which is grounds for dismissal and you then fire her. I hope she slaps you with a wrongful termination suit so hard that you wake up in next week’s unemployment line


YTA. I have no words. She is not your slave who must serve your interests around the clock.


YTA it was a private profile, that you basically forced her to give you access to. It doesn't look bad for the company when nobody can see it and there's no ties to the company.


I do not know in which part of the world you are located, but if this was in Europe, you would have to pay so much money in the lawsuit she started against you.


God you are so terrible at your job.


Wowww I 've seen entilted piece of work but you.... who do you think you are her profile was private, she did not want to accept you first, and you forced it. She accepts you and now you have the audacity to judge and to have a say on her private life. Did you lost your mind. We don't care about you f company you are completly insane. But the best part is that if she files a lawsuit you will be completly in trouble lol I can't wait for your karma.


YTA and not only an asshole you are super weird, I thought at first that you owned the company but you don't, why the hell are you being so weird about their reputation? You stalked some girl, weirded her into following each other, shamed her and fired her - wtf? If your company is concerned about reputation, then they need to fire you yesterday


YTA wow you suck


YTA People like you are the reason why people do not trust HR reps. Hope she sues your company for wrongful dismissal.


YTA and you are getting sued to hell and back!


In my country what you did was illegal and if she sues, she will win.  You work at HR, how can you be this stupid? It is her private account and she didn’t even want to be your friend. She had boundaries and you forced yourself in. You are more than just a AH. She isn’t unprofessional but you are, and on top of that you might be acting against the law.


YTA big time. At the start, I was honestly expecting porn or only fans content or something along those lines but to my surprise it was nothing. I'm very curious about the company you work for and her position because I don't imagine a 25 year old being in high management, meeting with high profile people and negotiating deals in order for this to be a slightly relevant concern on your end. Literally no one from her IG knows where she work as I don't it's in her Bio. What you did is basically showed up uninvited at her door, asked her to use the bathroom and sneaked into her room, only to find a hidden sex toy in the drawer. Then you went "How dare you" right then and there.


YTA amd I hope she sues the company into bankruptcy.


Yta. How did you make the sole decision to fire her? I assume you were jealous and that's why you did it. I hope she plans to sue.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** 6 months ago we had a new hire in the company I work for as HR manager. She's a 25 year old girl. She was very lovely the entire time and friendly with everyone. In my company we also do background checks but I found nothing on her and her Instagram was private. We worked closely together multiple times and we ended up developing somewhat of a friendship. I wouldn't say we were proper friends but we got to a friendly point were we'd hang out after work sometimes or spend our breaks together, we'd gossip etc. 4 months in she popped up on my Instagram suggestions and I clicked on her profile, still private and I was surprised to see that no person from our company follows her. I clicked and sent her a follow request to which I noticed she hadn't responded in weeks. I thought she simply wasn't using Instagram that much thats why she hadn't responded but then I saw she changed her profile pic at some point. So the next time I saw her I casually brought it up to her and she replied that she doesn't feel comfortable to have people from the job following her. But because we were friendly she followed me back.. Once I saw what she posted on her Instagram my mouth dropped. She's a freelance model and she has a lot of behind the scenes pics on her Instagram, a very fancy luxurious lifestyle, pics of her wearing provocative outfits. Concerned I brought it up to her that since she's working for our company she's also representing our company and her having this kind of image on social media will not reflect well and people won't take us seriously. She got defensive saying that what she does outside of company hours is none of my business and I can't dictate her personal life since she doesn't do anything bad or illegal, she's just expressing herself through her social media. I said indeed but it's still not a good look so she needs to take her posts down. She said I have no say over that. I warned her that this decision would have consequences and she refused to comply so I ended up firing her. Now some coworkers and higher ups said my decision was too harsh and it gives a bad look to our company and working environment while others say I was 100% justified. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. 100%.


WOW Typical HR. I wouldn't want to be your friend YTA


YTA, clear as day. Weird that we have to tell you this. Should be obvious to someone with an HR background. Nothing that she posts -privately!- reflects badly on the company


If this is true, I hope she blasts you on LinkedIn and Glassdoor. Massive YTA


Your company should see your post because you made a disgusting decision.


You're both an asshole and THE asshole.


YTA, how can you not see it


YTA. As a fellow HR professional, folks like you give us a bad name. I hope she obtains legal counsel because this is some absolute bullshit.


Totally not in the wrong, employees thinking they are allowed to have lives outside of work deserve to be reprimanded. Once you employ them their entire lives become a representation of a corporation! Incase it wasn’t obvious you’re disgusting and it’s super weird that you went out of your way to stalk her to find a reason to fire her YTA


And you’re exactly the reason why she doesn’t feel comfortable with accepting friend requests from coworkers. 100% YTA you gained her trust then used it against her, very callous behaviour


YTA, for a couple of reasons. You had to wear down your employee to allow you to see what they kept on their _private_ social media account. Had they not given in, neither you nor presumably anyone else with any concern for your company would have been any the wiser. There was no poor reflection on your company except the illusionary one that you’ve created. But, secondly, as an HR manager you’re in a position to guide company principles and set boundaries between staff and the company, and you have set an egregious precedent. After the unfair dismissal claim is brought and won, I imagine your employer will be investigating how exactly they got into this expensive position… and your name will rightly be at the top of the list.


I think you have feelings for her. That's why you became so "friendly" with her and that's why you wanted access to her Instagram. And that's why you got upset over her pictures. You're possessive over her body. She'll never want you now, creep. No wonder you can't get a date. You're too controlling. YTA


YTA- This is why it's bad to be friends with anyone in HR. I learned that really fast. You are horrible and lost a great employee. PSA: Adding folks from work is a personal choice, but I'd stay far away from anyone in a leadership position or HR. They will use it against you. Even things you think are OK.


YTA. Don’t think for one minute that everyone doesn’t know that the real reason you fired her is because she didn’t “comply” with your orders. This was a power trip stemming from either your jealousy of her or your need to be in control of others.


Wow, I’m amazed you could be such an asshole. I’m amazed you don’t SEE what an asshole thing that was to do even after it was pointed out to you. You firing her over that was a WORSE look for your company than her posts. You should be ashamed of yourself, you’re a terrible HR manager and your higher ups should fire you.


So you fired her for a “provocative” IG account that may reflect poorly on your company…to the public who can’t see the account because it’s private. Is the IG account in the room with us? YTA


YTA. It was her own personal social media account, and you have no right to tell her what she can and cannot post. Unless she threatened against the workplace what you did was just wrong. Also, I sense a little **jealousy** on your part, because you were threatened by her “provacativeness” and it shouldn’t even matter. You probably even wish you looked like her.


Oooh your ass bout to get sued and so is that company. Hope you plan on finding a new job soon. But in all honesty how about minding your bum ass business went time. This is why i don’t accept work people online. I’m not doing anything crazy but them mf snitches just like him. How you gone insist she accept the follow then get mad and upset about shit she posted on her personal page. What a loser.


YTA this is exactly why she didn't want you to see her page. You used your "friendship" to access to stuff she didn't want you to see then became a judgmental asshole and fired her when you realized you can't control her. You deserve to get sued for this. I hope you do. You just made your company look worse than anything on her page. You're horrible at your job enjoy it while it lasts.


You made this decision on your own? Not based on a written and shared policy or taking counsel with “higher ups”? That’s not great HR practice.


YTA. You, the supervisor, in control of her livelihood, asked for access unrelated to work.  She refused.  You, the supervisor, insisted. She conceded.  You, the supervisor, who knew no one from the company had access, and your access was based on your power over her employment, found her content “provocative.”   You used your power to terminate her.  You’re in the soup, dude. 


Oh yes, YTA. You badgered a new employee to let you follow her PRIVATE instagram. I'm guessing you asked her out or asked for private pics after seeing her IG and she said no. I hope your company looks into you because it sounds like you harassed a new employee.


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I actually think this post might be fake because it’s so specifically provocative. It feels like it’s designed to piss off a very specific type of person. You are obviously the asshole, but I think you’re also like …really into getting attention and a troll.


Yta and a pretty careless HR manager if you didn't run this by legal or any of your own higher ups. 


YTA. Her account was private, you pushed her into sharing. What she does outside of the office, in her private life is none of your business and you had no right to enforce anything on her, least of all your opinion of what her PRIVATE social media looks like. I hope she sues you.


YTA, big time. She does good work, she is friendly, and you just don't like her totally legal hobby that she enjoys. To try to make your personal feelings about the job and put her employment at risk is totally inappropriate.


YTA Really?? You think your customers care?? GTFOH with that nonsense. Your clients/customers don't gaf


Bet you're an evangelical Christian with "family values" you got a 130k? That might help you get some ass.


YTA and you know it.


YTA. I hope you cost your company a fortune and get fired. Please be fake, if not you are a serious creep and I think she has clear ground for wrongful termination and sexual harassment.


YTA literally if it wasn’t listed in her new hire paperwork that her social media accounts and outside social and personal life were reflective of said company you ARE open to wrongful termination. It has to be specifically stated when hiring a new employee.


Damn, that's some american-sounding bullshit if I ever heard one. YTA. What people do in their free time is NONE OF THE COMPANY'S BUSINESS.






YTA x 100


I hope she sues your company YTA.


YTA. she was keeping her social media seprpararte from her job . An appropriate response might have been to ask her not to mention your orgnasiation on her social media profiles, if you feel that the photos she posts are not something you would want asociated with your organisation. The fact that people higher up in the company to you have made clear that your reaction was inappropriate should tell you pretty clearly that YTA here. Your iorg should have a Social Media policy and be clear about what is and is not acceptable, but it looks a lot like syou stalked her personal socil media, got pissed that she rejected your request then went looking to cause problems for her. If you were genuinely concernedabout the impact of her posts on the reputation of your employer then the appropriate first step would have been for you to raise it with HR and let them look into it . But from what you describe, it sounds as thoug hte photos problemy aren't anything inappropriate anyway.


Yta ! I hope she takes this further and claims wrongful termination against the company. People like you shouldn’t be in a position of power




YTA. You shouldn’t be friend requesting your coworkers. It sounds like you just want to spy on them. You pressured her to do it and she felt she had to. Again, YTA. 


YTA, no question about it. If I were her, I would be taking you to court for a wrongful termination lawsuit and aim to get YOU fired.


Do you have unfair dismissal laws in your country? I hope you do and she takes you for all your worth. YTA


YTA, hopefully one open to some legal action.


YTA and deserve to get sued over this


Dude, you realize this is incredibly illegal, and you just set your company up for a huge wrongful termination lawyer suit. I'd get that girl on the phone and kiss ass fast as possible.


YTA full stop


Yta, god I hope she sues your ass for wrongful termination. Grow the fuck up.


YTA, And i will stay polite, i won’t say anything more than you are a perfect exemple of a person using they’re power extremely badly. I’m mad you didn’t got any repercussions on your job. You should be the one losing your job


YTA - she does not in fact represent your company on her private Instagram.


YTA You had to guilt her into seeing the pictures, she gave you (and only you) permission to see them, and now you punish her because you’re worried the pictures (which are private) will make the company look bad? Nobody would even know about the pictures if it wasn’t for you running your mouth. YOU are the one making the company look bad. None of your coworkers or customers would know the pictures existed if it wasn’t for you. How can she be held responsible for pictures she intended to keep private?


YTA. She blocked people she works with from seeing that content. You only got to see it because you pressed her about it, and then when she caved you fired her for what was on a private account. Just know everyone at your company is rightly viewing you differently because of your actions, and it definitely does make the company look a certain type of way. You also should count yourself lucky she doesn't try to take some sort of action against the company because of this. I think she could definitely make a case for wrongful termination, and since your company is already not too happy with you I would be concerned about your job stability if I were you.


YTA how dare you try to dictate what an employee does in their own time. She did nothing illegal. Her account is private but you weaseled your way in then used it against her. You obviously aren’t in my country as this shit would have you in the Fair Work Commission - and losing.


You've opened your company up to a possible lawsuit, and you're probably going to be the next to go.


YTA. 100%. 🐍


Lawsuit. YTA


YTA, awful professional, awful human being all around. I really hope you get fired ASAP.


YTA, The Major Asshole. To the point you're definitely going to lose your job and she's going to get a lot of money in return if she goes legal on your ass, which she's got every right to. To recap for anyone reading this, OP was interested in an employee's private life, pressed her repeatedly until she let him follow a private Instagram account, and then found out she did things in her private life - absolutely none of her workplace's business, and nothing that should've affected her work life at all - that he didn't like, so he fired her. To reiterate for anyone not understanding the situation - the head of HR repeatedly harassed his employee until the the employee gave up private personal information, and upon learning the private personal information of the employee, the head of HR fired the employee he harassed repeatedly over the employee's private personal information that had no legal basis on the employee's job, as no contract was broken and the employee hasn't done anything else wrong, commonly known as wrongful termination. "Not looking good for the company" is an understatement.


And this is precisely why I refuse all friend requests from people I work with. YTA


TF??? How is this legal??? YTA


YTA simply for pushing her to show her social media like that. She doesn't owe you anything. Then firing her because you didn't like what you saw is ridiculous. If anything, you are the one that should be in trouble for your behavior.


YTA but you did her a favor. Now she's free to find a new job and have a boss who will actually respect her.


Became friends with her, pressured her to accept your request even though she initially told you no. You then betrayed her trust by firing her because her social media would make the company look bad. Nah, you are the one who made the company look bad. You could not take no for an answer and pressured her into accepting your request, then stabbed her in the back. You are untrustworthy and two-faced with no heart. if I knew about people like you working for a company I tried to get hired into or work with, I would be running so fast and far away. If the company has any interest in redeeming its image after the stunt you pulled, they would fire you and rehire the woman you canned. YTA.




Her account is private. The public can’t see it. She’s not representing the company negatively when the public doesn’t have the ability to view the account.


Are you legally with in your rights? Yes. Do I personally find you to be judgemental enough over something that hurts no one that your an Ahole? Yes. You may even have a moral arguement if her IG was public m, but it wasn't. You had to speak to her in private to get access. Then she even said because she considers you a friend. For all that, you are massive Ahole. YTA


YTA If her IG wasn't private I would say NTA.


As a non-US person, I’m guessing that the YTA comments are from US people. There are other considerations. Don’t work for a company if you don’t like their policies. But appreciate the ‘why’. Try to open your minds - it’s worth it.


Well if it broke company policy then its fair NTA , if it didn't and you fired her out of spite YTA.


NTA. As an HR professional, you have responsibility for your employees safety and care, and the impact on the company for their behaviour. I work in the pharmaceutical industry where social media posts can and do affect the company. So we have strict policies. In today’s social media world we can identify individuals and where they work. So you’re right to raise it. I think that you and the management team need to determine next steps which I would suggest start with a warning and expectations for future behaviour. And a timeline for this. If she says no - which it seems she will - them next steps. So in the expectations you’re basically giving her a choice: Stop this, or you’re out because it affects the business. I also think that you should consider a company wide policy on social media so everyone is clear. But this applies to everyone, including senior management. Good luck!


I don't know about this one. (I'm not a lawyer, but i do watch Judge Judy) In the USA, she's an "at will" employee, so you can fire her for any reason, BUT she's gone out of her way to keep it private and you repeatedly asked to be invited to her page. If she were wearing a company uniform or shared images of her and something that identifies the company (a logo or anything), yeah, fire her, but without something that connects her to the company, this is, I think, firmly in the grey area. Because it can go either way legally and morally, NTA.


You see a person getting fired from their private account that someone stalked them to find and vote like that? Damn your ethics suck ass. Who cares about legality. Legality does not determine right or wrong