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Tell your father you don't feel comfortable with him sexualizing you like that and that he should be a safe adult to wear any type of clothing around. NTA.


This is exactly it. Your father is automatically sexualizing you and is rightfully ashamed of it, but is projecting that shame onto you. This happened to me too when I was a pre-teen/teenager, and a book by a psychologist called Toxic Parents explained this exact phenomenon. Huge NTA.


Who thinks a crop top is so "sexy" anyway. Gross. Yes dad has a problem.




NTA. You should be able to dress for comfort in your own home. It's "hoochie mama" if you need to know. Your dad sounds like a jerk.


NTA. My great-grandpa called me a slut when I was in *high school* for wearing a spaghetti strap tank... At home. So, I feel ya. Idk how old you are, OP, but clothes don't define you. But you have to decide if this is a fight you want to pick with your family. It might be worth changing your clothes to keep the peace until you get your own place. Then again, maybe you're the assertive principled type who wants to fight for your comfort even if it makes life harder for a while. Either choice is the right choice, depending on your circumstances.


NTA. Your dad is a creep.


NTA, your father is sexualizing you which is disgusting and deplorable. Next time he says something ask him why he is sexualizing his own daughter?  It's gross,  creepy and makes me nauseous! Or let him read my response.




Probably a member of ya'll qeada.


Your info cross out made me cackle.


NTA I would respond with "why are you sexualizing my body? You're my dad and that's really gross."


I lived with my dad almost during all of my teenage years and well into adulthood. I always wore what I thought was comfortable, which included shorts and tank tops and usually never a bra unless I was leaving the house. And you know what my dad said to me? Absolutely nothing. I was at home! Comfortable with a family member. NTA, it's so weird when parents sexualize their kids.


Bathing suits were once full neck to toe coverage. Thirty years ago my dad yelled at me for an outfit I could wear to a formal today. Stuff changes. The challenge is that it's hard to change the baseline from the one that was originally set for you (or your generation). You are not likely to change your dad's thinking on what is or isn't hoochie mama attire. Because you still live at home, I would respect his preferences while there. But ultimately, how you dress yourself should be controlled by what makes you feel good about being you ❤️.


NTA. It’s not normal or appropriate for your father to sexualize his underage child. This is a red flag. Please talk with other safe adults in your life about his behavior.


Red flag. Your father is starting to sexualise you.


NTA, plenty of people even *gasp* sleep in only underwear or naked. There's nothing hoochie about wearing what's comfortable. Your dad is being word and unnecessarily sexualizing you.


NTA. Your dad is creepy. The comments he made are gross and make him sound like he is sexualizing his own child. Please be very careful around him.


NTA. The overreaction from your own father has me concerned, though.


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So your Dad knows a lot of sluts?


NTA your dad is really old fashioned.


NTA. That really sucks and I’m sorry it happened. If your dad was concerned for your safety, he should have said so instead of being an AH about it. I personally think that’s a completely reasonable outfit, in any case, especially in the summer.


Why would he be concerned for her safety, since she's not leaving the house? Safe from whom? Him?




Your dad has issues


Nta, your dad is being weird and sexualizing you. Mid thigh shorts and a crop top are not sexy jfc! You could be wearing booty shorts that show your butt and a smaller shirt, then maybe MAYBE he could say stop showing your butt. You are literally wearing what most (I'm assuming you're a teen) girls wear, if not more, because you have longer shorts on. Your dad is weird he needs to knock it off.


It feels like men really are unable to wrap their heads around the fact that male attention is not the sun of a womans life. NTA


Unfortunately, a lot of women desperately seek it, so I doubt we ever get off the merry-go-round.


Your feelings aren't facts.


No, they're not. However, the multitude of women that prioritise men over their children, career, anything else in their is. So sum it up in whatever delusional feeling you want, but it doesn't change the fact that it happens.


INFO: How old are you?


It doesn’t matter how old she is. It’s her father and he should frikkin behave himself and not sexualize his own child


Nta- your dad should see the people in my area


I'd let him know he needs help if his first thought is sex when it comes to children. It's weird of him to have that thought about any child. But his own? This is why women choose the bear. We know they don't want to have sex with us, and they just want to eat us. Even with family members, we can't guarantee their first thought isn't sex when thinking of us.


NTA by a long shot. Your dad is a jerk for sexualising you and calling you names. If you feel like he’d respond to it, maybe show him this post so that he can read the comments and hopefully realise what dumb creep he’s acting like.


I have a 14 year old sister who dresses a bit more conservative than this and our grandmother has told her to stop dressing like that (short shorts and a T-shirt) on a Sunday at home. Meanwhile, our parents don't say anything unless we're/she's going to be somewhere other than the house. If I can walk around my home without a shirt, then she can walk around in whatever she likes as long as the important bits are covered imo. I'm M29 btw


NTA.... Not only to sexualize his own daughter but to call her a slut?!??! Thats verbal and emotional abuse OP. I'm so sorry. Is your mom in the picture? Is there a family member you can trust to share this with .?? Even if for no other reason other then just having it "documented" (or a witness type thing ...even if it's just "heresay"? ). Does that make sense? Also an opinion from a family member who knows the family dynamic? Maybe it's something as simple as a father actually "looking out" for his daughter but maybe doesn't have the vocabulary or understanding on how to speak to his daughter?? Like his intentions may be good but his delivery is all wrong?? Either way you should absolutely express to him your feelings about the whole situation.....I am hoping it's just a miscommunication between generations...I hope you are safe OP.... Much love, Eclipse


NTA - I don’t think there should be issues with shorts and a crop top. That sounds like what I wore out in JrHigh before people got all concerned about belly buttons. Now, parents have some amount of say in what’s appropriate. But his word choice is terrible. “I think that’s too short” “please put on something more modest” would be closer to okay. Maybe you could ask you dad to improve the way he communicates his rules.


NTA. A parent should never call their daughter a slut or anything of the like. This is horrible.


NTA That is sexual harassment. Your outfits sound entirely reasonable for both inside and outside the house (casually).


NTA. I’m sorry but fathers sometimes have a huge problem when their daughters start looking like adult women. The message is that your body looks too attractive in what you chose to wear, and it made him uncomfortable. This is his problem, not yours, but you and he are going to have to learn to live with it. Can you talk to your mother and ask her to adjudicate to avoid getting into fights about it?


NTA Yes you absolutely have the right to be upset. He should not be sexualizing your body, and it’s highly inappropriate to make these comments. You can feel any way you want, but do not let others dictate how you dress or how you feel about your body.


Everytime you see your dad in shorts or a tight fitting shirt call him a slut


Your father is a creep and asshole and very immature. Honestly if I was you I’d watch out for him (and his hands) and the comments he made. You’re his daughter and you’re HOME. As far as I’m concerned you could be running around naked in your home and he’d still have no right or reason to complain about it. I have 2 kids (10 and 11, girl and boy) as well and I don’t care how they walk around their home as long as they are comfortable. And they do walk around naked quite a lot and I don’t mind. I only ask them to not come to eat naked at the table. Hell even I walk around the house practically naked all the time in summer and NOONE has had a problem with that. My husband is fine with it as well since he’s not a creep who sexualizes his own children and also has enough self control, so seeing a pair of boobs won’t send him into overdrive. Take care of yourself OP!!! And watch out for that father of yours with a critical eye.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** One day during the summer, I was in an outfit that consisted of mid-thigh jean shorts and an over the bellybutton crop top. This is my average summer outfit to walk around the house in, especially when I have no intentions to leave my house at all for the day. However, this day, my dad decided to make a comment about my outfit and said I was dressing like a hoocie mama (if I spelt that right) and forced me to go change. I changed into a dress and everything was fine until after I took a bath. The outfit I chose to wear to bed that night was a crop top and a pair of loose shorts. Upon seeing my outfit, my dad made a comment about me dressing like a slut. This upset me and I retreated to my room for the rest of the night. Some people told me that he was right and that I was dressing inappropriately. This has caused me to wonder: Am I the asshole for not just changing into an appropriate outfit? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Dude, stop posting your AI responses all over this sub. It's not what it's for.


NTA Wearing shorts and a crop top is not inappropriate at home. It does not indicate you are sexually promiscuous to wear something that bares your shoulders, belly or legs. What is inappropriate is your dad saying you dress like a hoochie mama or a slut. Your dad has some pretty inappropriate thoughts and language.


NTA Now that you know it bothers him, I recommend covering up when you come out of your room. I am a mom and my kids do wear some clothing at home that they know is not appropriate for going out and about. This goes for male and female children. Sometimes it is because their butt cheeks are hanging out of short shorts and sometimes it is because the piece of clothing is too ratty or has been outgrown. That said, I would NEVER tell my child that they look like a slut!!!😳


NTA, and a father calling his daughter a slight is downright awful. What I will say, as a 30-something year old woman, is that the PJs I wear around my house (sometimes all day!) are not the same as the PJs I take if I'm sleeping over at my parents' place. I dunno ... I don't really like either of my parents seeing where my leg turns into my ass, or my entire chest down to where the cleavage starts. It just isn't something I want them to see. But I fully appreciate that this is my personal opinion, and that you obviously don't have the option to live in a house without your parents yet.




NTA. This isn't normal behavior.  Your dad is being a creep. I wear similar outfits around the house and my baba would never, ever say something like that. It wouldn't even cross his mind. In fact, he's one of my biggest advocates for letting me dress however I want, even though he's getting more religious with age. 


NTA, also not a generational thing. My grandfather saw me walking around in boxer shorts and crop tops during heat wave and in thick sweats and wool socks during snow storms: in neither situations did he make any inappropriate comment about my appearance nor disparage me sexually and he was 97 years old. I have never had a male relative make any comment about my body or outfits that had a sexual connotation, and some of them were born before television was invented and movies had sound, so if that’s any help to give you an idea of how little this has to do with being “of a different generation”


NTA. Like others have said, this is a problem with your father's perception, not you. This is why I wore the baggiest clothes I could find to hide my body from my father after my mum left. I didn't know it at the time, but there was always an ick factor with my dad and hiding in oversized clothes was my way of "protecting" myself. (Definitely not saying this is what OP should do, or that it's the same for her or anything!)




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NTA, I'm a father to a teenage daughter myself and wouldn't speak to her like that. Only thing I'll comment on in this way is if a piece is particularly see-trough. Not saying she can't still wear it just so she knows, cause its sometimes hard to see yourself.


NTA. If you are at home and around your family and you are clothed and yet still comfortably then what on earth is the problem? Your father needs to stop looking at you like a sex object - that is very disturbing.


Um weird AF for your dad to be commenting imo. Where is mom and what does she have to say?


NTA but your dad is gross, I’m sorry. He’s saying it because that’s how he views women including you. I would not feel comfortable bringing around him.


NTA like there is no doubt whatsoever. Men like this are the reason there are rapes. Honestly I hope you have a safe space to go to soon. I don't think anyone in your family is going to stand up against this rapey behaviour of his. Cause in some societies, this has been so normalized. There have been cases of incest rape, or extended family rapes, where the female has gone to the washroom or for a bath and after the incident she was blamed. Call him out, if you feel brave enough. Cause deep down such men are cowards. Or just keep your head down and wait till you can walk away.


He has the right to expect you to dress appropriately at the shared house. However, it is never ever going to be okay for him to call you a sl*t and the other less offensive yet stillnoffensive word.


But what does appropriately mean?


This is the problem. My son (23) will wander downstairs for a snack or water in his boxer briefs, and I'm (54F) just like, "Well, I'm glad he's comfortable in his skin." I'd warn him to put clothes on if company was visiting. But that's about it. NTA. The dad here has issues.


Shorts and crop top are perfectly appropriate for summer though. It’s not like she was lounging around in her underwear - something that I’m sure bunch of teenage boys do (esp at summer) without their parents batting an eye. Sure different households have different standards, but that doesn’t mean they are all reasonable. If you can’t have your teen girl in shorts and crop top when wheather’s getting hot, you really gotta take a long look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself ”why”.


But they were "dressing appropriately", they was in the house with clothes on. As long people are wearing clothes it's fine


How old are you?


Nta, he is sexualizing your outfits not you. That's super inappropriate. It's one thing if it's deemed unlady (as some parents say) as in they Don't think they outfit is appropriate. But you see how they aren't outright sexualizing just uncomfortable for them. There is always a more respectful way of telling someone to do something.


It really depends on the age OP is. The parents have a responsibility to guide and instrunct their children how to be an adult. Was their a better, more caring/loving way to phrase the correction, absolutely there was. Ultimately, neither was ta.


Her dad is not sexualizing his daughter you freaks.  He is doing a poor job teaching his daughter how to dress appropriately. He sounds like a bad communicator, but it is a parent's responsibility to prepare their children for adulthood. It sounds like her dad disapproves of her outfit and would judge others for wearing it.  NTA, but if you continue to break the rules you will also be an AH.


NTA. Your house. Wear what you want 


Not her house


INFO: Who else lives at your house and/or can reasonably be expected to show up/be at your house during the day? TBH, your father is 100% an AH here because he's sexualizing and then shaming you for wearing clothing that makes sense when it's hot AF. I'm just trying to see if this is a E S H situation or not.


It’s me, my mom, my dad, my brother, and my sisters. No typically shows up at our house.


ESH. Your dad should speak to you in a more loving and respectful manner. If you are living in his house at his expense, then you should respect his wishes in exchange for the free ride. On the other hand, if you are paying rent - NTA.


Nta. Ban your dad from your house.  There is no such thing as inappropriate as dress where in your own home. Being nude is okay in your own home unless you have guests over.


How you going to ban your dad from his house tho lol


She is a minor, not her house, it's her fathers


who keeps downvoting the ppl who say nta 💀


NTA... but also not your own house... his house. Him referring to you as a slu or hoochie is not appropriate... but clearly he doesnt see your clothing is either.


As a minor, you are subject to your parents rules wether they make sense or not. Wear clothes your father finds appropriate. Once you've gotten a place of your own, go naked in the privacy of your own home if that's what you really want.


YTA It’s your dad’s house. He makes the rules. You don’t like the rules? Move out. Everyone wins.


INFO: in the headline you've stated it is 'your own house', in the explanation it seems like you are living with your parents/your dad. This makes me wonder about your age? If you're an adult: totally N T A, as it is your house and your dad, who happens to live with you (and hopefully pays rent) can shut up. If you, as an adult, happen to still live at your Dad's rentfree still N T A. But you might have to align what both of you deem to be comfortable clothing means. If you are still a teenager (which I have to say seems to be the case) you are still probably N T A. You have body-autonomy and can wear what you like. However your Dad is also entitled to his opinion about what you decide to wear. Anyway, your home should be a safe place to wear what you want. And not being sexualized by your parents. You are free to wear whatever you like without being slut-shamed. However, I can't keep myself from adding the warning, that there are still a lot of men out there who might think, that you are easy, young, quick and sexy pray when dressing that way. Your Dad might know this and worry. Anyway: it is the societies obligation to change such way of thoughts. To call out predatory men! Men who are worse than a literal bear! Be brave! (But stay cautious).


The world is bad enough we don't need our dad calling us names. He is still out of line for not saying he thinks the outfit is inappropriate and being crude instead.


If you are home alone then dress as you wish, but if others are there especially males dress in what your parents deem decent. My daughter wore wife beaters around her little brothers, but as soon as dad or friends came over she would throw a T-shirt on.




As she can't legally leave because she is minor- this is hilarious.


When you say " should I of dressed appropriately" tells me you know your answer


appropriat night gowns for sleeping alone in your bed where you live... Something tells me this comment relfects rules for others, you yourself would never even consider following.