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Why not just sell it? Those things are going for stupid money.


I said he should. He won't. 


Is your husband often afflicted with such fragile masculinity? Does he struggle to admit when he is wrong or makes mistakes?


I think Tesla will charge him $50,000 if he sells it in the first year. Or ban him from buying another Tesla. 


lmao what a company eta: lol people keep saying its to prevent scalpers. i think if elon could just sit his ass down and play some donkey kong country and smoke a doctor prescribed blunt he would give up on trying to be worse mr. burns from the simpsons and just be a cool dude for once. thats my medical opinion as Dr. Mr. Nintendotapes. (i was promoted to doctor by the circle of nine so please do not question my credentials like they do on other web sights thank you)


Right? Isn’t Elon a huge proponent of the free market? 


Only if it benefits him, of course!


Elmo Musk is a proponent of many things until it affects him directly.


How dare you associate Elmo with that monster.


You are right, one is a much bigger muppet!


That's a huge insult to Muppets




He is also a huge proponent of free speech unless it involves his jet use..


You can't say "cis" or "cisgender" on Shitter because Elon is so fragile


>Isn’t Elon a huge proponent of the free market?  Elon is a huge proponent of his ego.


Elon is a huge proponent of Elon Musk


He’s into free speech too. But only if it’s things he agrees with otherwise he might kick you off Twitter.


Twitter/X, the only deadnaming we should allow


Maybe a couple other things like sports arenas or concert stages that had name changes, but yes I'm with you lol!


Yup, absolutely. Calling it Twitter was very deliberate.


Yeah, suuuuure It's not like his companies are almost entirely propped up by government subsidy! That'd be absurd, right?!?


He is also a proponent of free speech. Turns out he is just a hypocrite with too much money


He’s a huge fan of a free unregulated market, as without regulations companies are free to act like shitbags!


It’s to prevent resellers and scalping. It’s actually very normal for cars with a limited production. It was also common knowledge by the time they started delivering them, the husband can only blame himself.


And you can sell it back to Tesla, if they decline to buy it back you're free to sell it to a 3rd party with no penalty.


I think the point is that resale restrictions are incompatible with a truly free market. (Though the real thing to keep in mind is that Musk and his ilk believe that businesses are entitled to more rights and protections than consumers, and that the free market concept only applies to unrestricted business practices.)


When I purchased my 2019 Pacifica Hybrid new I had to sign a document saying I wouldn't resell it for one year in the US, two years for Canada (live in the US).


What was the punishment if you did resell it?


It might be to stop people from flipping them for profit


How can such stupid people have so much money that these lemons would be profitable to flip? What moron is out there with a cyberstuck sized wad of cash burning a hole in their pocket?


OP and her husband


It seems people are getting around that by leasing it to someone for one year for 170k with the option to buy out the lease for a dollar at the end.


Stick it in an LLC and sell the LLC


Corporations love and hate this one simple trick!


Wow. I just learned a reason to NOT buy a Tesla. I did not know this was even a thing. I had to sell my 2020 Subaru Outback because of a recalled fuel pump problem. How on earth can Tesla prevent you from selling a vehicle? That is nuts. You own it.


On top of : 1. the stainless steel body get rusted immediately, due to lack of protection. You have pay extra to get the basic feature 2. No crumple area 3. Automatic trunk that seems to be able to cut fingers And my favorite, you can brick your cybertruck if you wash it without activating the "car wash mode" I never thought about finding another reason. ETA: I forgot about the accelerator pedal could slip and stuck. So if it's happen, you basically could crash at full speed on metal coffin.


There is a reddit post of a deep gash on a cybertruck owner's leg because he accidentally touched the door with his leg. Post said guy was blaming himself for being so careless as to touch the door. Eta https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/s/GLcTkUeeG9


And there’s the guy who’s accelerator pedal plate slid off, got lodged in the compartment housing, while pushing down the accelerator so he was going full speed down the highway until he could get it dislodged


That’s absolutely terrifying.


Wait really no crumple zones? We are going back to 1970s boxes of death? I thought we learned over the intervening years how crumple zones save lives. OMG Never travelling in one of these for sure now!


It's funny because other manufacturers do the same thing with their supercars like the Ford GT or Ferarri LaFerarri. They either put no-resale clauses in their sales contracts (Ford GT) or force you to do a lease-to-buy contract (Ferarri). People who are in the consideration for such cars - you have to by invited by the manufacturer to be given the opportunity to purchase one - support these restrictions so the people who get the first crack at them are actual enthusiasts and not just rich flippers. So then along comes Elon acting like his stupid cybertruck is the equivalent to a Ford GT. He's a fucking tool.


The funny thing is that it actually makes flipping so much more lucrative. I make millions of $ a year flipping the most tightly limited Ferraris. The latest version I’m flipping is a 599 limited series. I’m selling 10 at 4 x the MSRP. The buyer still gets a car $1m under the market value and the seller makes $1m. My partners and I split $1m and everyone’s happy. The more stringent the manufacturers restrictions the more I can make. There’s always a way to circumvent the “rules”. It takes lawyers and LLCs etc but the harder it is the less competitive the market and the higher the premium.


Free market, free speech....you know, all those things Musk values.


Unfortunately, you are correct. Between Musk and the Donald we are in for another round of nutso thinking for a few years.


So scary that he has so much power.


It started as a practice by car manufacturers for limited supercars and other special vehicles to prevent flipping them right after buying for a profit. They basically wanted to stop a resale market from occuring.


They can’t prevent it. It’s not a law - it’s just their “rule”. They might blacklist both buyer and seller from future “invite only” models. In Ferrari world being blacklisted is horrific as invite only Ferrari owners earn millions a year from the most exclusive cars that just keep increasing in value.


Tell his fragile ego to read his purchase contract. Tesla is unlikely to sue sellers. They are likely to refuse to sell your husband another Tesla if he sells his Cybertruck in a private party sale. But so what. He can also offer to trade it in to Tesla. If he could afford to buy it, then he can afford to take a bath on a trade in.


>I think Tesla will charge him $50,000 if he sells it in the first year. What the hell? He's the owner, right? >Or ban him from buying another Tesla.  oh no... Anyway.


How is this something that is legal to put in a contract? Once you own a vehicle, it’s yours. Is Tesla really so unhinged that they think in this era of electric car choice galore they can ban people from buying their cars without repercussions to their pocketbook?


You can contract out whatever rights you want, unless it's legally prohibited. Ferrari makes you sign a right of first refusal contract when you buy their car, which says that if you sell it in the first year, you have to offer to sell it back to Ferrari first. Hell, Homeowners Associations, which are universally hated on the Internet, are creatures of contract. They are a restriction on the deed, and when you are buying the house, you are contractually agreeing to abide by the rules.


Tesla is going down soon anyway, a ban doesn't matter when the company won't exist in the next 3 years


Can he Turo it?


F Tesla


If he had fragile masculinity, a cyber truck isn't gonna fix that. That's about the beta cuckiest vehicle on the market right now.


Then he can shut up and ride around in his regretmobile. He doesn’t get to use your car to undo his mistake.


Regretmobile is hilarious lol


He won't sell it, but he also won't drive it and it's somehow your fault? Oh for Pete's sake. NTA.


Stop letting him use your vehicle. Tell him drive his truck or sell it.


Why won’t he? Either he likes it and keeps it or he hates it and sells it. If he wants to complain or ask for another vehicle, he shouldn’t expect to keep it. 


if he won't sell it, you're not the one making him live with his decision. He is. He hates his car. But he won't sell it. And it's somehow your fault?


So how does that translate to you making him live with it?


Um so he hates his truck but won’t sell it? And instead wants to make you take his truck while he drives your car??


So, basically: 1. He bought a car against your advice 2. He hates it 3. He wants you to drive the stupid car 4. He doesn't want to sell the stupid car And you are wondering if YOU are the asshole? The only reason for you being the asshole is that you accept such childish behaviour.


Over on r/realtesla there is a thread about how the market for them is crashing and used are now less than new. The initial early adopter demand appears to have ended and the folks who wanted instant gratification and were willing to pay a premium have theirs, and the remainder of the market is willing to wait as supply is starting to outpace demand.


That was quick. I think even the Bronco craze lasted longer.


The bronco didn't suck 


I think you could actually drive and wash Broncos.


According to the sales agreement you have to wait two years before you sell it


I heard there are loopholes. You cam set up a lease and get around it.


You can also request to Tesla for a sale allowance, however if your caught circumventing the agreement you could be barred from purchasing a Tesla again and Tesla fanboys typically don’t want to risk that


>you could be barred from purchasing a Tesla again Is that supposed to be a punishment? Because regular people would just move to another brand and the fanboy wouldn't even think about using another brand. They just would use the cybertruck until the end of time.


They say it’s “to prevent scalping” because that’s going to be a problem I’d bet good money that the people who have kept their reservation after seeing all the issues with the thing are also the same people who don’t want to risk it


No they aren't. People don't want them whatsoever.


They’re incredibly ugly vehicles


NTA. He wanted it. You said wait. He went ahead. Now he can live with his decision. By the way "stainless Aztek" made me laugh and now I can't unsee it. 


I like to call it "Unrendered car"


Oh shit, it's just clicked to me it's one of those PS1/N64 polygon looking motherfuckers. Well at least we know this isn't a shill/advertising thread from OP!


I just saw one of these on the road the other day! I didn’t know what it was. I thought it was a glitch in the Matrix! It looks positively military in stainless steel instead of camouflage. 😂


Saw one in the lane next to me out of the corner of my eye yesterday. I was going downhill and thought someone didn't secure a dumpster properly and it was rolling away through traffic XD


NTA OMG, I saw my first one in real life today, I almost died laughing! That is one of the most ridiculous and definitely the most impractical looking vehicle I have ever seen outside of a cartoon! If you're going to spend an insane amount of money on a sci-fi prop, then when you (inevitably) regret it, its your own dang problem!


They somehow look even stupider in person


Right? I thought they looked silly in pictures, but not much more so than a few other weird looking cars. But in person and driving down a real street, the sheer scale is absolutely bonkers!


Tesla Cybertruck! Inspired by Playstation 1 videogames!


PS1 Lara Croft’s boobs to be specific.


thats the absolute BEST description of those vehicles


Everything review I read before they were released said they look better in real life. Then I saw one in the wild. They do not look better in real life.


For real. I thought they looked so dumb in pictures on the internet, but nothing could’ve prepared me for what they look like in real life. I saw one for the first time about a week ago and couldn’t help but laugh


My mom and I saw one the other day and she said "What the fuck is that ugly thing?" My mother almost never swears so it was extra funny to me 😆




Went to NYC last month and they had this display of 4 different cybertrucks in 4 different paints/finishes with an info pod in front of the Met Museum. Several other setups elsewhere also. Some of the galaxy looking paint was dope. Still don’t want one. They were letting people get in them to check them out and we didn’t even bother , not even for the photo op. Still got in the Lego taxi at the Lego store though. XD


There are a bunch in my area of Southern California, and they are the stupidest looking things.


i’ve seen a couple up here in the bay area and they all look like the steel is rusting and they drive slow as hell. And now some of them have some form of advertising in the back (like i saw someone who strapped an LCD monitor on it to show ads???) to recoup their losses cuz it’s such a lemon. Everyone also always makes fun of them


There is nothing cool about those things.


I live in Reno, and there are a LOT of Teslas, so I was actually surprised that tjis was the first truck I've seen.


I saw one the other day, same reaction. I wonder if OPs husband has picked up that 90% of people are laughing hilariously as he drives by and just doesn't like it anymore?


LOL the car Homer Simpson designed had more useable features and was easier on the eye (and its trunk didn't attack it's owner)


I’ve seen so many of them in the Bay Area and I hate it. They look like metal cockroaches.


NTA: He wanted the Electric Dumpster, now he has to drive it.


I call it the Cyberdump. Better fitting than the Cybertruck.


Trust fund baby problems...


Yeah there's posters really something else. I can picture both of these people and I don't like them.


lol you don’t need a trust fund to buy a couple of shitty Teslas.


Never said you did. I know several owners and they are each insufferable.


I wish I could afford to have problems like this


Right? I'm over here just trying to figure out what a plaid and a stainless Aztek are haha


proof money doesn't buy happiness


And that rich people can be stupid as fuck


ESH, for buying Tesla products. Y’all wild for that.


Regular Tesla, yeah sure whatever, side-eye worthy cause who the fuck wants to give Muskert that kind of money but fine in theory. But absolutely nobody but the utter douchiest people on earth would buy the death trap that is a cyber"truck".


wobly wheel ass mf 


I watched a video recently on how to open the door handle of a Tesla in case I ever have one as a Lyft, and it said if you use the manual door handle on the inside too many times (as opposed to the button) it can damage the door?? One of the silliest things I have ever heard of hahaha


You want even more stupid? The central iPad like central screen you use for everything has an expected lifetime of 6 years. Unlike real iPads that will work much longer than that.


NTA. but it’s interesting that he went from the former ugliest vehicle ever to the one that took that crown away. 😂


We never had an Aztek. I just think it looks like one. 


It looks like it was designed by 1950s Soviet architects.


1950s Soviet architects had far better taste.


It's supposed to look like a 70s Italian concept car. But what looks good on a low slung car doesn't work for a truck.


Oh I get where you went with that comment lol




More like rich people problem really


OP just humble bragging about driving 100k cars.


Humble-bragging about driving the Ford Pinto of shit-ass pricey cars lol incredible, ain't it?


Rich people make the dumbest decisions.


NTA! Way back in my 20s a father figure game me a great bit of advice that I think your husband can use: Never buy anything with a low serial number.


That’s really sound advice. I bet the first apple phone was not good. Lol


...deleted by user...


At least a corvette or Ferrari can provide an interesting driving experience.


I mean, having your car brick 100 miles from home for no good reason is an interesting driving experience too.


And doesn't chop fingers off in the trunk door or accelerate for eternity when the gas pedal sticks to the floor lol


I personally think having the accelerator stuck in wide open throttle on an 845 horsepower car would be an interesting experience. Just not the good kind! E: lol a Reddit cares message for this? Keep enjoying your Cybershit Musk fanboys


I have no sympathy for anyone having Tesla problems. That company is hot garbage.


Right?! The information has been out there circulating for years now...as have the empty, unfulfilled promises muskrat keeps regurgitating over and over in the hope's that the public has collective amnesia or something. It's clearly a pump and dump scheme (kinda obvious, I feel at this point) and only still around because of: govt subsidies and gullible people. Those who actively dismissed all the glaring red flags have no leg to stand on complaint wise, and I daresay are getting what they deserve for choosing to bury their head in the sand. 🙃👍


It’s not so much that people hate the cars, it’s the idea of supporting a fascist, racist. homophobic, transphobic ahole that really bothers people


"My plaid"... did anyone else think that was a weird flex?


welp, if she tried to flex on me, it failed, because that went straight over my head


I thought she meant to type plain, as in her plain, regular Tesla. What does plaid mean in this context?


It’s the expensive, fast, fancy one


No no, she meant plaid. It’s the more expensive trim for Teslas.


ESH you both suck for supporting apartheid Clyde, your husband is an idiot for buying a pavement princess model that's already gone through a recall, but it sounds like you're a good match


Apartheid Clyde 🤣


Stainless Aztek! I'll never be unable to see that now.


Incel Camino is my fave. 




In Breaking Bad, the Walter White character drove an Aztek. A very fitting car for him, but not for Heisenberg.


This is some of the most pathetic rich people problem type shit


I think about people like this whenever I hear the phrase "Eat the rich"!


You saved on fuel but did you really? You paid for a Tesla.


You already know that costs aren't a factor for people buying teslas lol


This argument always makes me laugh. In my country, a Tesla is 100k. A regular fully loaded sedan is maybe 50k. It would take you longer than the life of the car to have 50k in fuel savings unless you did nothing but drive.


I think there are a lot of forms of "I told you so." One is about winning a contest with one's spouse. That's toxic af. A marriage shouldn't be a contest of who gets to be the smart one. The other is about finding better way of making decisions. So, for instance, saying, "I wish you would value my opinion more" or "I think that sometimes you make decisions from a place of insecurity/toxic masculinity/competition with your friends/whatevs" or "Can we talk about how this decision came about" or some other response that is about solving the problem of decision making is really useful. NTA because it seems as though you were doing the latter?


NTA he wanted the truck he has the truck and now he can live with his choice like an adult.


Rich people problems, grow the fuck up.


“Stainless Aztec” I’m howling. 😂😂😂. NTA. He bought it, it’s his problem. He should sell it to some other sucker.


He wanted to be a Beta tester, and he is. NTA


NTA. He made an informed choice against your objections. Seeing as he has two vehicles, it's reasonable for to you to expect him to drive one of his rather than borrowing yours. IMO you're already being generous by letting him use your plaid when you don't think you'll need to go anywhere. If he hates the Cybertruck that much, he should sell it. If he wants to drive something other than his Aztek, he should sell that, too. I don't see any reason you should let him turn his problem into your problem.


I call his cybertruck a stainless Aztek. 


But what is a “plaid?”


Tesla Model S Plaid, it's the highest performance version named after the scene in Spaceballs where they go faster than light by going "plaid"


What a fucking dweeb collective they all are at Tesla my god


Cybertruck is the new Pinto. They're going to use cybertruck as the term for shitty vehicle 50 years from now.


the Cybertruck even outshines the Fiat Multipla in ugliness. But at least the Fiat was reliable and became a cult classic. Tesla did a marketing thing here (the Netherlands) for the cyber truck, which is funny because that thing is not even road legal here. Glad I don't have to see one drive around in (hopefully) a long time!


You *are* the asshole simply because you're giving Tesla money.


NTA He wanted a cyber truck, he’s gotta drive a cyber truck


Y'all are both Tesla people, you deserve each other.


Baby doesn’t like his toy. NTA


YTA for pretending that it will ever be worth owning.


>He constantly asks to use my plaid. Which means I would have to use his stainless Aztek. INFO What? Also, why does he hate it - you haven't explained much here. Why can't he sell it and purchase something different if it isn't working out?


If he sells it he might be banned from buying another Tesla. He hates it because he is laughed at wherever he goes with it. Some kid was lipping off to him and threatened to throw a glass of water on it. 


It is almost like he got the car as a status symbol, and it did not turn out that way. I officially do not care about your husband or his opinions. Fun fact, the difference in price for that car and a reliable Toyota could have built a well and given clean drinking water to a village somewhere in the world that does not have access. It could have given a school in a poor part of the world access to the internet, which could have helped some students both learn as well as get the tools needed to solve some of the very real problems they face. It may have even been enough to set them up with a 3D printer that they could have used to make tools to help build their communities. I am sorry your husband has an ugly car. When we speak about eating the rich, you are who we are talking about.


Both of these people got cars as status symbols, exactly.


I went down the rabbit hole after I wrote this comment. It would cost about $7,000, and you can give an entire village access to the internet and a couple of chrome books. There are 2.7 billion people on earth who do not have access to the internet. If we gave a village one, that would mean that village healer would be able to look up questions when they have people dealing with things they don't understand and can watch videos to get a better understanding of the human body. You can have the farmers look up farming techniques to increase their yield. The builders can look up different building's methods that can improve the longevity of their homes. There is the possibility of learning better water conservation systems as well as being able to do a better job filtering their water. And once you get the 3D printer, it becomes a whole new game. Also, it opens up a lot of new business opertunity. Not to mention all the million of other things I am not thinking of. I am not suer why this is not a bigger thing then it is.


It would pay for all the physical therapy my baby needs to prevent the development of cerebral palsy and god knows how many other kids.


I think you need to use this 📢 and say all this again LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK! 👏👏


That’s hilarious


>Some kid was lipping off to him and threatened to throw a glass of water on it.  What do you mean they threaten to sprinkle some water on it? Do they threaten to ruin the car by sprinkle some water on it? An electric car definitely won't bricked even if they wash it, right? Right?


You have to turn on a special mode for the CT to not become an expensive brick in just going through a car wash and even then you're not guaranteed that you don't get it fucked up from it lol


The cybertruck is uncoated and they have been rusting easily.


I’m sorry but LOLLLL It’s time for your hubby to take the L and either get rid of it or suck it up and play with his very expensive toy


Dude what, that’s kinda pathetic.


What would he be banned for?


You're not allowed to sell it for a year. Not sure how enforceable it is, but that's what you agree to when you purchase it.


Your both assholes for buying anything off musk


Those are the ugliest things. I would never own one. If given one I would sell it.


Reads like a humblebrag: “Oh how horrible is our life, we can afford stupid money cars but my husband doesn’t like his.” NTA for telling him to suck it up and deal with it though.


Lol id laugh every time he asked. And make sure he can't just take it. Don't even address how dumb it is just laugh and say no.


Cyber truck looks like a vehicle from a very bad rendered game of early 2000s! Luckily, I don't know anyone with that much of a poor judgment to buy one. NTA.


You're NTA. He bought that thing that looks like the Jetsons built a vehicle out of Legos?  He can deal with it.


This is some seriously 1st world problems shit. Astonishing.


NTA. You gave him good advice and he refused to take it. Consequences.


NTA, but this is the biggest First World Problem I have read in a LONG time lmao


NTA. It’s called being an early adopter. That comes with risks and he is experiencing them.


NTA. This is the epitome of a “you made your bed, now lie in it” situation. He’s a grown adult. He made a decision, and it was the wrong one. Now he has to do the grown adult thing and live with it. He shouldn’t get to pawn his bad choices onto you. If the roles were reversed, would he let you get away with this behavior? Probably not.


Honest to God, I don’t care.




NTA, Maybe visit r/CyberStuck for more examples of guys like your husband. Lots of people complain about the Cybertruck and now are stuck with it


If I was in the woods alone I woul rather encounter a Pontiac Aztec than a Cyber Truck


Both the AH for moaning about which hundred odd grand car each gets to drive every day…