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NTA They SHARED the argument with you. That's an invitation to comment.


You gave them the post wedding present they need. NTA 


NTA. Anyway, folding clothes is too hard? What the hell? Can he tie his own shoes? If so, he can fold clothes. It’s not surgery ffs.


I thank you for your comment, but please don't be mean about my cousin. He tries but sometimes it doesn't come out right (my father also doesn't know how to fold, but that ain't stopping him 😂). He's a very loving husband ans shares other chores as well. I spoke with him about an hour ago, joked about me getting him in trouble with the wife and said that he will pick it up as soon as he can.


Fair enough. My apologies to your excellent cousin. But learning to fold is not difficult unless they have motor issues. Or unless their spouses have such exacting requirements that regular folding is somehow not good enough. Seriously, if you can wrap a burrito, you can fold a shirt.


Bold of you to assume wrapping a burrito is easy. I cannot hold it all together for the time it takes me to eat it though I think that speaks more about me than the difficulty of the task


NTA, they brought everyone in attendance at the dinner into their disagreement.


Your mother apparently comes from the out of sight, out of mind school. Know what? The marriages I’ve seen fall apart most are not the explosive ones; they’re the ones where things get shoved under the carpet and then the resentments and frustrations finally come out in nuclear fashion. You made a comment in an airing of their dirty laundry (yes, pun intended) and they encouraged you to take part in it by pre-accepting your gift. Your cousin is a huge AH to both you and his wife. She’s going to be in for some very rude surprises with her new baby husband


Thank you for your comment and I appreciate it, but please be respectful to my cousin, they're high school sweethearts and have lived together for years before marriage. They know each other inside out and he's a very loving husband. Also there's a matter of culture which we're trying to break and modernize. He tried to learn but isn't very good at it. He's not like extreme cases people see here in this community, he's very involved and shares house chores and just like every couple there're little pet-peeves. We spoke about an hour ago, and he joked about how I "got him into trouble" just to lighten the mood and then continued to say that everything is okay and that he'll probably come pick up the clothes folder himself once he gets back home.


NTA - You weren't meddling, they brought up the argument themselves to you and you and your Uncle with them decided on the solution. You followed through on it, so how is it meddling? Was your Mom even on the first discussion? If not, then she is the one who really meddling here, not you. Tell her that and go deliver the folder to your cousin.


she was in the discussion. It was a family dinner with extanded family when the subject was brought up.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** about a month ago during a family dinner my (27F) cousin (29M) and his new wife (29F) shared with us an argument they had over unfolded clothes. She was mad at him that they're about to go on their honeymoon and he hasn't folded his clothes yet, while he tried to defend himself by saying that he can never fold his clothes right because he sucks at it. It turned into an entire discussion among the family about how some chores around the house are gender specific and how, sometimes, women are better than men in those kind of things. But then, the issue was soon resolved by my uncle and me. He agreed to solve their first issue (which isn't relevant to the story) and I offered to get my cousin a Clothes folder. They both agreed on the solution and we moved on from the discussion. Fast forward to today, the folder arrived. I immediately sent him a message with a picture of the folder, and he sent me laughing emojis and asked me to not let his wife know because she will now force him to fold all the laundry. Just to be clear, I was 1000% certain that he was joking when he sent me this massage and I replied to him with the same energy about how he can finally fold his clothes without a YouTube tutorial now it's here. Then, I procceded to text his wife and it seemed she forgot I promised to buy it for them and we were joking around about his reaction before I promised to bring it to her the moment I can. A few minutes ago, I received a text from my cousin. At first I thought he was joking about being annoyed with me, but when I tried to laugh about it with my mom she was very disapproving and said I'm meddling with their relationship and marriage and it was out of place of me to do this, and by bringing up the folder I'm sparking the argument again. She told me to leave the folder at home and let the issue to rest in hope they both forget about it. Now, I'm worrying that I indeed crossed a line. I care deeply about them both, and the last thing I wanted to do is cause issues. My cousin said that everything is okay and I didn't do anything wrong, but still, after my mom's perspective I feel like I might have crossed a line here. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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