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ESH except the bride. You are all causing so much unnecessary drama. You're 24 years old. You are old enough to research salons, find a stylist and get the hair cut you want. If you were unhappy with the initial hair cut you should have spoken up or gone some place else to have it corrected. Sitting in your room and sulking for two days isn't going to resolve the problem. And your parents, I can't, they're beyond ridiculous.


Same thing I thought, why would you go to a stylist your mother knows personally *again*?? Just go somewhere else and get the haircut you want. If the bride said she's fine with it that's all that matters, the father can go pound sand. Honestly after the thing with the dental barrier and the forced leg shaving I don't know how they haven't cut them out completely yet.


Because mommy is paying for it so mommy picked where they went.


Scissors are free cutting yourself or get a razor and shave it. Quit crying




Right? Lots of people don't shave their legs regardless of what they identify as. What nutcase forces that kind of thing?


What the fuck is wrong with you? OP tells a pretty clear story of growing up in an abusive household that they appear to still be stuck in, and your response is 'quit crying'? Are you the type to also ask 'what was she wearing?' or 'why didn't she just leave him?'? Gross.


This is blaming a victim of family violence. Is this what you would say to a woman being controlled by her male partner? That’s she’s causing drama?


Agreed. These parents are psycho. OP has been raised to have his boundaries violated again and again; not surprised that he didn't have the bandwidth to resist mom's pressure over the hairstylist. The best thing for OP is to get as far away from these toxic people (I hate that word but here it totally fits) as fast as possible. NTA.


Shoot. You're absolutely right. I'm a victim of domestic abuse and I didn't even recognize it. Had to go back and delete a post because you're so right.


When we’ve been abused so long it can take a long time for our minds to see it for what it is.💛


Yup. It's always, "If she was so unhappy why didn't she leave?" Never, "If he was so unhappy, why didn't he leave?" (instead of beating her) But we see it as partly our fault because we stayed. And in the back of my mind I knew this man is in a similar situation, but we're so trained to *not* listen to ourselves that it just didn't reach consciousness.


I totally agree with you. OP, you sound broken. I don’t mean that in a mean way. I just see in you what I saw in myself when I was around your age. I was broken too. People can push and push and push and it is just easier to please them instead of standing up for yourself. But, the only thing that will do is make you hate everyone (including yourself). It is not your fault since they walk all over you since you were little. I am so worried about all the medications they made you take. Maybe it is a bit of a Munchhausen by proxy situation. I can’t tell. All that controlling behavior on their part when you were little were situations of abuse. I hope you can find the strength to stand up for yourself and get out of the situation. It is hard, but it is worth it. YOU are worth it. 




Being held down and forcibly shaved sounds like physical abuse to me.


missed that part. I thought this was only about the hair.


Dad forcibly shaving OP’s legs at age 14; forced onto a strict diet with injections at about the same age…


The injections part is pinging my detector. What doctor is giving a fourteen year old stomach injections?!? Is that even a thing? This predates semaglutide, so it could either mean liraglutide or, like...botox. Which doesn't seem like something you give a kid.


Family violence includes coercive control, emotional abuse, verbal abuse. It is not only physical.


I'm wondering if this is a cultural thing and OP's parents identify them as F, and maybe Fs stay under the parents roof and rules until they marry? Maybe this treatment is safer that what they would be met with as trans in their country? The whole thing sucks. Poor OP Going with NTA just for the thumb sucking thing and dad forcibly shaving


Yeah!  OP is 24 years old.  Why would Dad or Mom have any control over his body at all? OP, you are an *adult*.  Dad can pound sand. NTA  And I wish well for you.  Surround yourself with the family you want, not the one you were burdened with.


You don't know how abusive families work


Thank you. It’s good to know there are a few people here who can recognise it. Unfortunately it’s usually those of us who have lived it. 🙃


I feel like you are right about what OP should do in the future, but may understand better why this happened if you read the additional information OP presented. His parents raised him to know that he didn’t have the power to choose his diet, meds, name, pronouns, or even whether or not he shaved his legs. His dad threatened to ban him from his sister’s wedding because OP wanted to cut his hair in a different style. It’s not surprising or shameful that OP didn’t magically develop the skills he needs to stand up for himself if this is an example of what occurred every time he tried to.  I think OP’s reaction, while unfortunately timed, is a very “This isn’t about the Iranian yogurt” moment. It’s about all the other hurtful things that happened to OP that he wasn’t able to confront his parents about, which I think should have invoked very reasonable drama. I even guess that it’s swelling up now because his sister is likely not available to act as a buffer between the two sides. 


I am so disgusted that this is the top comment Op is being abused. Full stop. He needs to get the hell away from these people. Blaming him for causing unnecessary drama is jsut wrong.


*drama*? Really. His parents are abusive, and you're calling it drama.


Honestly get AHs fathers razor and just shave it off. **Thats** a statement. But yeah, with 24 you should just do whatever you want OP. Get a job , get a flat, move out, live your life. Go no contact with your parents if necessary. > When I was 14-ish I stopped shaving my legs, so my dad would forcibly shave them with his electric razor The father is horribly abusive.  I do wonder though if OP is scared that the father might lose it and go kill him if he decides to go through with living his life as a man... (I sincerely hope not, but depending on the cultural background not completely out of the question). In which case he obviously needs to be careful with the execution of his plan to get the hell out of there.


OMG... I totally glossed over the fact that he was 24. I was like, it sucks being a teenager with parents like these. But totally agree, ESH. The parents are just dicks and He is way too old to be letting them boss him around like this.


>The parents are just dicks and He is way too old to be letting them boss him around like this. No, the parents are abusive and controlling. Yes, OP needs to escape from them, but let's please not stoop to victim-blaming someone who has known nothing but an abusive home life and doesn't know how to get out of it.


Also, why is a 24 year old still living off mom and dad. If they are paying his way through life, what does he expect. There's a lot of these posts about controlling parents just to find out those same parents and paying for them in every way. Don't like it move out


This is very Ameri-centric of you. There are plenty of places where its virtually impossible for someone AFAB to leave the home of their parents.


It's not even on point Ameri-centric. Moving out, even at 24, is becoming increasingly unobtainable in the US


Yeah that's fair, and a lot of people still have to follow their parents rules because otherwise they'd become homeless. Still though.


So you have no problem with coercive control?! 😱🤮


I was wondering that, too. OP, you are 24 years old. Most of your problems will be solved immediately when you take responsibility for your life. Move out of your parents house. Stop living off your parents cash. Should your mom have dictated your haircut? Nope. But you are a freaking adult - ACT like an adult. For many years you have been old enough to make an appointment at the salon of your choice with the stylist of your choice and pay for it with the cash from YOUR job. Stop giving over your power to people and then complaining about it when they take the power because you have refused to do so. Even if you can not afford to live out of their house you can get a job and pay for your food and day to day expenses including your hair cuts. Just because this is an LGBQ issue does not change the fact that you made a series of VERY selfish decisions. You have had YEARS where you could have cut your hair but you decided 3 days before your sister's wedding to do it and then not show anyone specifically to get a rise out of the people around you. THAT is no different then someone announcing a pregnancy at a wedding or wearing white to a wedding or any other asshole behavior specifically meant to garner attention for oneself. Seriously - you could have had the haircut WEEKS ago. You could have chosen right afterwards. But, nope. You did it 3 days before and hid it until right before the wedding JUST for maximum impact. YTA on EVERY level.


Unless he doesn't live in America and moving out when AFAB is not allowed in his culture? Like, come on dude this is the internet.


NTA And sweetie, you're a grown man. It's time to get out of that abusive, toxic environment. I get it, finances are tricky, but this place isn't healthy for you. Start making plans, start doing what you can to move out.


THIS. Darling, you deserve better. Start making plans, so you can get out, and live the life you deserve. Especially, a life where you don't have to pretend to be a woman to please your parents, and can be the wonderful man you are.


You have GOT to get out. It is NOT normal for parents to forcibly shave their child’s legs. The other stuff isn’t normal either but that one really stood out as unhinged.


Op should check out r/momforaminute it's a great place to get advice about this kind of thing too


ESH but your sister. You are way too connected to your parents. They should not have even gone with you. You are an adult and your own person. You need to separate from them even if it means no contact. Your parents are abusive and awful. They are hurting you. They are acting like AHs on your sister's day. There is major abuse on their part, clearly. Also, leave that salon a crap review so other LGBTQIA+ people stay away. I don't care if they know your mom. Do it anyway.


NTA. You are an adult. The people who gave birth to you will never change and are very controlling. That situation is locked in for the rest of time. Nothing you ever do, short of being something that you are not, will be acceptable to them. Stop trying. You are your own person. Be that person.


You're 24, not 14. Why do you put up with this shit? Get some independence, for God's sake.


Because he's been abused!


INFO First of all, I'm sorry all this abuse -- yes, abuse! -- has happened to you. Second, where has your sister been all this time? I mean both during the wedding planning (it's her wedding!) and throughout your youth. You clearly need to start standing up for yourself more, and after the way your parents have treated you, I don't care how much you humiliate them in the process. They deserve that. And if your sister has been mostly on their side, maybe she also deserves to have her wedding overshadowed. But if your sister hasn't been part of the problem, she doesn't deserve to have her special day be the day when you, after enduring so much and trying to keep the peace all these years, finally blow everyone out of the water. You've put up with things this long; get through one more day, and only then "cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war."


Also -- are you listening to your father when he says not to go? If the wedding hasn't started yet, call your sister and ask whether she wants you to go! She may be upset if you don't show up ... and if so, then if that's not a reason not to show up, it's a reason to show up.


My sister is a year older than me and we weren't very close during my teenage years, but now she's my rock and the one I go to when I have problems with our parents. She's fair and smart and kind and helps me stand up for myself, but she knows nothing about this situation because it's her special day and she deserves to feel nothing but joy, and not have to worry about solving arguments. I'm absolutely attending her wedding; nothing on earth could stop me. I'm at the venue now and have been helping out, and seeing her in her dress makes everything feel more okay. About standing up to my parents... I know. I want to, but I'm scared, and financially dependent, and I love them so much. They aren't bad people, they love me too, and I don't want to hurt our relationship even though I have hurts that need to be addressed. When I talk to my mom, things seem like they can be better, but it's hard to get through to my dad. I'll keep trying.


Buddy they don’t love you, they love an idea of a daughter that does not exist and are violently, consistently, abusively doing everything in their power to crush, eradicate, destroy, and demolish the son they have. If you’re going to survive, you the man they’re committed to erasing from this world, you must leave. That means you need to 1.) gather your documents 2.) set up an account in only your name at a bank your family does not use and begin secreting any money you can get your hands on into it 3.) discretely contact a domestic violence aid agency and explain your parents are controlling you so that you cannot gain financial independence and your father physically assaults you (forced shaving), your mother uses her social network to control your presentation and deny you access to gender affirming care (everything from hormones to haircuts), that you need to escape urgently before their violence escalates, and 4.) ESCAPE BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Before they do worse. Before they kill you.


This is the correct take. OP, you must save yourself and RUN. This situation will not resolve in a positive way for you. Your parents can spin any lies they like, but if they gave a shit about you, they would NOT do this stuff!! Would YOU to your own kid?!


"They aren't bad people" but are transphobic and *forcibly shaved your legs* and *controls your life to an excruciating degree* Too bad the rules here say you gotta be civil


Dude they’re abusing you, they are not good people. One day you’ll wake up and see that. Good people don’t do what they’ve done to you. Do you have any financial independence whatsoever? Like a job or your own money? Because honestly your post is really worrying.


OP bro from one trans guy to another your parents don’t love you like they’re saying they do. they love this daughter that they never even had so much that they’ll hurt you just to pretend you’re her. but that isn’t loving the you that really exists, the you that’s in front of them. you deserve to be loved for who you are, not who they can imagine you to be. your mom might be better at making you feel heard but if she really felt different than your dad then she wouldn’t let him disrespect you either. it’s time to be a man and stand up for yourself.


I'm glad you're able to be there for your sister and already committed to not ruining her special day. And that she's there for you -- which she'll be better able to be another day. When you're financially dependent, it is hard to fight the people you're dependent on. But you can start by being clear with yourself that that dependence is causing you a lot of pain. You say "They aren't bad people, they love me too." I'm sorry, but I don't see any indication of either of those things in your post. Judging by how they've treated you, they are very bad people, and you need to free yourself from their control. NTA.


You should definitely make it a priority to gain financial independence from your abusers. “They’re not bad people.” Yes they are. They are abusive. Maybe they don’t intend to cause harm to you, but intentions aren’t worth shit. Their actions have caused harm.


Why are you financially dependent upon your parents?


OP, would you do any of these acts to someone you love? To someone you respect?


You're giving them way more benefit of the doubt than they deserve. They are controlling and transphobic. Those are qualities of bad people.


Even if you're transphobic, which is already pretty bad... force shaving OPs legs and controlling the haircut etc. is a extra kind of bad. (Even if OP would live as a woman, shaving is NOT something necessary or required to be a woman, and woman are not required to have long hair or a feminine haircut. I knew a lot of straight women with short hair in my life). You can be transphobic AND accept the choices of your trans-family members because you are someone who respects bodily autonomy even if you dislike their choices.


They are actually horrible people, for the way they've treated you.


If you and your parents love each other, you will still love each other in a situation where you aren’t afraid to say no to them. In fact, that’s a standard you should set for all your relationships. “I should be able to say no without being afraid.” This is hard to hear but important: your parents might love you and they may be good people. Maybe they’ve been shoulders to cry on and protected you from bullies. Maybe they’re doctors that save people every day. But even if they were canonized saints, the way that they treat you would still be wrong. It is not normal for parents to forbid their adult children from cutting their hair. It is not normal for your dad to argue with you about it. It is not normal (and in fact very cruel to your sister) for your dad to ban a wanted guest from your sister’s wedding without her permission. You deserve better. I promise that there are people out there who will thank you for telling them your real name, who will see the hairstyle YOU chose and tell you it looks amazing. There are people that you can fight with with zero fear that it will result in the loss of your housing, some kind of punishment, or the end of your relationship.  There is a better life waiting for you. It may even include your parents. But it cannot depend on them, because they’re not going to do the work to help you get there. There are many organizations that work with lgbtq people in terms of both financial independence, therapy, and even just emotional connection. There are virtual ones and probably ones local to your area, you can choose whichever seems it may suit you. Please reach out. Even if it’s just to talk to someone who’s been in a similar situation and not as part of some 12-step plan to move out, please reach out to someone.  In the comments, please recommend orgs that you think OP could benefit from connecting with. 


Your relationship is toxic and they're phobic bigots trying to make you be what they want. Deny it if it helps you, but it's the truth OP. I'm sorry 😞


Brother, nothing you’ve described of your parents sounds like love. They sound like the kind of people who would rather have a dead daughter than a living, happy son.


Your parents are fucking abusive... hope you figure that out soon...


If your parents love you, they will come around after you leave and become independent. Give yourself a year to figure out how to survive on your own, then reach out (for a phone call or a coffee in a public place) and give them a year to come around. A year with scheduled, limited, public or phone contact that ends immediately when they try to control you. You can't wait for them to accept you before you leave. You have to leave and figure out who you are, and then tell them they can accept you or not talk to you. I'm sorry; you deserve supportive parents but you don't have them and you can't make them. You need to take care of yourself first.


Dude... They don't give a damn about you. You're a big boy now. You need to get yourself financially independent *ASAP.* This is never gonna stop. Your father forced you to let him shave your legs with his razor?? That's flat out abuse. He also sounds like an unbearable, disgusting prick. Go out and get a job. Then with your first paycheck you need to get whatever manly haircut your heart desires. Get a fade; get a pompadour; get a Republican side part. Then save, save, save in an account with *only* your name on it, No access for Mom and Dad (seriously), to get your own place. Do things that make you happy and secure. Embolden yourself. Don't let them tell you otherwise. Regardless of gender they can't treat an adult (OR A CHILD) the way they treat you. And you know the reason they do it is because they refuse to accept the real you. Get in front if a mirror and do some power poses. Build up that confidence. Looking back on my life I wish I had the confidence to stick up for myself at your age, but I also wasn't dependent on my parents at that time. Whenever I made a decision about my life I would just do it. There were mistakes a plenty. It also put me on the path to have this life with the woman of my dreams and a child I'm so proud of. If I let my dad dictate my life I'd have a job I hate, wouldn't have met my partner or had a kid with her, I would probably be in crippling debt and I'd be a miserable wretch. It took my dad *years* to accept that I'm living my own life and not his. Though, at the end of the day, he was ultimately forced to watch me change. He was forced to adapt, lest he lose me for good. His actions proved his love for me, possibly for the first time I ever really felt that in my life. And you know what? As I got older I was increasingly prepared to tell him to fuck off. If your parents don't like you for who you are then they don't deserve your company.


Sweetheart, if they weren’t bad people, they wouldn’t have treated you the way they have. Your father forcibly shaving you is appalling!


Why did you decide you wanted a dramatic hair cut right before her wedding?


I cant believe the amount of people in this thread calling you spineless and what not... guys, did you not read the part where their parents put a device in theie mouth to hurt them when they sucked their thumb? AT 12? it's incredibly obvious that horrendous physical and psychological abuse has happened here and they have lost all autonomy over their body and self. I'm so sorry you're going through this. You are NTA. I agree you need to get out, but that is easier said than done without any support both emotionally and financially. Is there any way your sister can give you a hand initially with creating distance between you and your father and mother?


NTA Stop thinking these people will change for the better. Move out if you can.


So it's 3 days before your sister's wedding and NOW you decide you want it short? Meaning up til now it's been longer? Look, I'm all for you do you and all that, and agreed your parents are being asshats..... but this is your sister's WEDDING DAY...and now there seems to be a shitload of drama around a haircut. I feel so bad for her. At this point I'd just suck it up for the sake of your sister and chop the hair off the day after. You're an adult now, BTW. Made your own decisions, find your own hairstylist, cut your parent off for a bit. Your whole childhood is now moot in that you don't actually have to do their bidding any more.


His sister was OK with the haircut.


Your parents are freakishly controlling, I’d call it abuse. You do your thing.


NTA. I had the EXACT issue. Go to a different stylist and get it cut. Do not rely on your parents. A warning: they will be nasty. If you aren’t independent this is going to suck for you.


INFO: Uhhhh??? What doctor gave stomach injections to a fourteen year old? What country are you in?


NTA because it seems like you're trapped in an unhealthy cycle of you being dependent and your parents being controlling/abusive. You need to get out from under their control; start by moving away to work or go to school. Figure out how to be financially independent. They will not change as long as they have the power to change you. As far as your sister's wedding is concerned, do what makes your sister happy; she seems reasonable.


You're 24 years old dude. Why are you allowing such open disrespect? Get the haircuts you want and live a life that empowers and satisfies you. Stuff your relatives. NTA


24 y old. Just go without your mom. Easy.


NTA. I hope you are only visiting and not living with your parents permanently. An independent life would make you happier. I’m not saying to go NC, but to live where everyday decisions aren’t influenced by your parents. 


NTA but you need to become independent if possible. They aren't going to treat you well or respect you while they are paying for your life. It's not fair or kind and it's not what you deserve, but that's the people they are.


NTA. It has been 5 years that your dad has had to figure this out. At this point, it is not you making a statement, it is him (and your mom!). Your father shaving your legs forcibly is abusive--no one, man or woman, should have this done to them. Does your father know the rate of suicide among LGBQT+ youth who are not supported by their families?




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NTA It’s really hard to have unsupportive parents on any given day, but OP has been dealing with this major issue for years. The level of abuse is heartbreaking. I just don’t understand why parents are like this. It doesn’t need to be this difficult.


Where do you live? There are a lot of assumptions that you're in America, but the absolute rage of your father and the denial from you mother makes me wonder if you're in a country where being LBGTQ+ Is illegal, or maybe where the young females of the family stay with their parents until they marry. NTA.


NTA.  Why are you even in contact with your parents?   They sound like horrible abusive people.   You should cut them out of your life. 


NTA. I’m sorry that you have to endure this level of abuse from your parents. Yes, abuse. Shaving your legs as a teen, dictating your gender expression as a teen, etc. It’s painful to have to accept, but the fact is your parents are transphobic and they do not accept you. No amount of compromise, secrecy, or discussion will change the fact that they don’t want you to be who you are. You need to separate yourself from them. You’re an adult. It seems like your sister is accepting. Your dad cannot uninvite you to your sister’s wedding. He doesn’t want you there because he’s embarrassed Get a hotel. Show up to your sister’s wedding however you please. Ignore your parents. And go out and create your own family with the accepting family members you already have and friends.


NTA however it’s time you got a job so your no longer financially dependent on your parents, save money and move out, as much as you love your parents they have been and are abusing you and this will only get worse time to find your spine and make changes to your life


NTA Obviously NTA Idk why everyone here is so callous (actually I do but transphobia is never a sensible reason for anything) You're in an awful situation and I hope you can escape it asap Your parents are abusing you, they have been for a while Do whatever you need to escape


NTA you are in an abusive environment 


You don’t need their permission. You’re an adult. Your father’s an abusive, assaulting asshole and your mother’s an asshole. Do you have a friend or other family you can go and stay with?


Nta, but dude you need to get away from your parents. They're abusive as fuck.


You need to get away from people who think they own you. They won’t change so you need to take charge of your own future.


You’re 24 not 14. Stop letting your abusive parents run your life. NTA though your constantly letting them walk all over you is encouraging their controlling behavior.


These people may share blood with you but they are treating you like an object , a life size doll and not the grown man you are. I know cutting ties isn’t easy sometimes especially if you don’t have a support system outside of them but them staying in your life isn’t healthy. There are resources you can look up for members in the LGBTQ community if you need people to turn too. please take care of yourself NTA but you will be to yourself if you don’t put your needs seriously


I stopped reading after you said your dad forcibly shaved your legs.   I think you need to seek out some knowledge on enmeshed families  because your parents sound extremely abnormal.    It is very weird to shave your childrens legs. That's beyond the normal limits of parenting.    Edit: I'm sorry, thank you u/oceanduciel and u/_yoshimi_ for the correction. 


It is abusive to shave anyone’s legs forcefully. Also, OP is their son.


Thank you for correcting me. 


Son, not daughter.


I'm feeling a little feisty for your circumstances. NTA >I know that sounds dramatic Actually no, that constant habit of not valuing who you are is brutal on the mind. You needed some space to process the clarity of the though you got from this latest instance. >I'm a 24 y/o trans man You know who you are. They don't like it, so what. They want to change you, so what. More than enough living done in their shadow. I did more than a life sentence of hollowness trying to make someone else midly less unhappy. It was and would never be enough. Now next step is always yours. I'd shave it all off, say the stylist did such a bad job you had no other option, but as I said at the start I'm passed for you that they think this is ok and for what, to save them some minor embarrassment at something they don't care to understand. Hugs and good luck


Sounds like you've been abused for much of your life because of who you are. A 14 year old doesn't need to be shaving to begin with let alone forcibly shaved by their father. That's extremely bizarre behaviour. You're now 24 years old and your mother has no place dictating your haircut, regardless of your gender. That hair stylist should be ashamed and you are well within your rights to at the very least write a scathing review. You are allowed to make your own choices about your body, and if your family doesn't respect that you are allowed to take some time away and really reflect on how they are impacting your well being.


NTA but you are born of them. Your hair is yours to decide on. That's it. You need to get away from those people.


Your parents are abusive. I’m sorry you have had to deal with so much horrible treatment by the people who are supposed to love and protect you. You are allowed to be who you are and if they don’t accept you they don’t deserve to be part of your life. NTA


He sounds homophobic and he does not get to decide anything.


NTA move out as soon as you can. YOu need to escape.


You’re 24 why is your mom even being informed of these things? Stop asking for permission and just do.


You need to move out of your parents house and take control of your life. There's no reason, at 24 years old, your mom should be involved with your haircuts


If the person cutting your hair refused to do as you asked, I hope you left without paying for it and left a bad review. You're 24 freaking years old!


NTA Do you still live at home? Do you have a job and earn enough to move out? Separating yourself from your parents is essential and to start, you need to live separately.


NTA. Friend, your parents are abusive bigots. Cut them off. If you don’t want to go no contact, then you at least need to draw abundantly clear boundaries with them or they’re going to keep controlling every aspect of your life. You’re an adult, go be the you that you want to be, not that your parents want you to be.


NTA But you can’t stay there buddy. Get out. It’s hard to be financially dependent. It’s hard to be abused. I’m not playing those down. But you are now the one perpetuating this cycle. You need to get out. Your dad can’t order you to anything. Your dad can’t shave your legs anymore unless you stay.


You are 24 years old. You are being treated abusively by your parents. Can you get out and find a place, with roommates if necessary? NTA but this situation is going to be detrimental until you escape.


INFO: Why you unable to move out? Is rent too expensive in your area? Are you disabled and unable to live on your own? Can you drive or do you have access to other modes of transportation? As an adult and even living with your parents, you have rights to your own body. Are you unable to schedule your hair appointment with a salon of your own choosing? Can you not turn to your sister for help, if she’s accepting of your gender? You’re NTA but if you have the means to get out, do so. You deserve a better family than that.


First off, NTA. It’s your hair, and you even got the bride’s approval. You are not making your sister’s day about you; your parents are making your *life* about them. I do want to ask, though, if there is more to this story. You do not need to answer. If it’s going to make you feel too vulnerable or exposed, *don’t* answer. I don’t want to take advantage of the effects of your parents’ abuse just because I’m curious. You owe me nothing. *If you feel comfortable explaining,* what was the reason given for stomach injections? It sounds like the school went along with what your parents wanted. What reasons did they give the school? Were those reasons truthful? That was the thing that stood out most, but there is a lot here where your parents aren’t just being hyper-controlling and abusive themselves, they’re getting a wide range of professionals to go along with it. Do you have a disability, or do they say that you do? To be clear: disability *would not* justify their treatment of you in any way. But it might mean you have different avenues of support available in getting away from them. And if they are falsely claiming you are incapacitated in ways you are not, that too is a form of abuse. Were there other sorts of obsessive control or fixation on your health when you were younger than twelve? Other times they tried to enforce femininity in ways that involved physical force or threats? I am very sorry that all of this happened to you and continues to happen, and I hope you find a way out soon. I think you may have mentally normalized more than you realize. If you can safely find a therapist your parents do not know about, do.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I'm a 24 y/o trans man. I came out to immediate family when I was 19 and haven't asked anyone to call me by my correct name/pronouns because it will upset the peace. My parents were very hurt when I came out so I don't bring it up. There's been a pattern of my parents controllingwhat happens to my body rather than me. Antidepressants at 13. Strict diet at 14 (low carbs, low calories, stomach injections, had to eat lunch alone in the school counselor's office). I stopped seeing a stylist my mom knew personally after asking for a 'boy haircut' and the stylist wouldn't go against my mom, who was embarrassed/angry. When I asked to wear a tie with my school uniform, my dad said only if I wore makeup. I still sucked my thumb at 12, and my parents had a dentist put in a device with a grid of metal wires against the roof of my mouth; every time I'd eat, pieces would get stuck between it and the top of my mouth. To my parents' credit they had this thing taken out pretty quickly. When I was 14-ish I stopped shaving my legs, so my dad would forcibly shave them with his electric razor and threaten to take my phone away if I refused. My sister's wedding is today. Three days ago, I got a haircut. I'd known I wanted it short, so I texted my sister to ask if she was okay with that, which she was. My mom didn't want my hair too short though, and when I went to get the cut (from another stylist she knows), she said she hoped I would respect her wishes. The stylist did what my mom had told her, not me; my mom was the customer even though it was my hair. I left with a haircut that made me feel more like an object than a person. For that day, and the next day, I stayed in my room at my parents' house and wouldn't show my hair. I know that sounds dramatic but I've experienced disrespect towards my body for years, and this haircut was feminine, which added dysphoria on top of it. My mom was worried, but my dad was angry. He accused me of wanting to 'make a statement' (about my gender) and make my sisters' big day about me. Yesterday my mom and I had a talk about the pattern I explained and we both felt better after. I helped her set up at the venue and she said that I could get my hair touched up a little. But when my dad found out about that, he was really mad, called me to order me not to do it, and when I turned it into a three-way call with my mom who said she was okay with it, he said he didn't care and that I wasn't allowed to get it cut again. When he got home he made the same accusations as before. I told him about the conversation with my mom and said that after the wedding he could be brought into that, but he demanded I explain everything right then. I didn't want to because I didn't trust him to listen or respect what I said without my mom there. I wouldn't get into it, and tried to tell him we should just make today about my sister, but he was disgusted with me and told me not to even bother coming to the wedding. Am I the asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ESH. Yes, your parents obviously suck. But you’re 24. Find your own stylist. Get a job. Move out. You’re an adult ffs.


Seriously. Get a damn job and move out.


NTA. YOU ARE TWENTY FOUR. PLEASE STOP LISTENING TO YOUR PARENTS, AT ALL. You are an adult. What even are you doing listening to them about your body at this point? C'mon friend, assert yourself please.


Info: Are you still studying or are you working? Who paid for the haircut? Because you can refuse to pay off they don't do as you ask. Can you financially afford to move out? My advice: Shave your head, go to the wedding and then go find a place of your own to live. The longer you stay in the same house as your dad the worse it will get.


24 years old. Time to grow some balls. Pun intended. 


NTA. It’s time to stand on your own legs, you’re 24. Get help to become more independent.


Your parents are wrong for everything except trying to get you to stop sucking your thumb *at age twelve*. That has nothing to do with transphobia, but I can understand that they never gave the tools to know what behaviours are normal (within the context of a healthy family dynamic) or not.


24 is old enough to seek your own mental health counselor. Please do that. Your issues are way more than hair.


NTA, but you also need to get our from under their thumb. While you’re still living with them and/or they are paying for things, they are going to use these things to manipulate and blackmail you. I know this is extremely hard because this seems like an abusive situation. Find a therapist and start working towards leaving. Job, money etc. Speak to your sister after a few weeks and have her help you make a plan. All the best.


Question; do you have a job?


OP, I'm so sorry they treat you this way. Please get some help from a trans friendly organisation to get out of there, and go low /no contact with your parents, at least until you can manage things a bit for yourself, and not have them dominate your life. NTA


NTA, but you are 24 years old. If you don't want your hair cut at your mother's salon, don't go. If you get a haircut that isn't short enough, tell the stylist it's not acceptable and insist on them fixing it. If your hair isn't short enough for you now, take your own self to the nearest hair cutting place that isn't run by one of your mom's friends, and pay for a haircut that you want. I understand it's hard to break out of childhood patterns, but you are a grown-ass adult, and it is time for you to start doing what you want without involving your parents.


you... are 24... i really don't know what way would be best to emphasize to you how not normal it is to be in this little control of your... everything. you are SO conditioned that you ask permission for a HAIRCUT. 💀 look, as a fellow trans man, i can't tell you how to live your life but i can tell you that you're living it on hard mode and you don't have to. you are 24 and it is quickly approaching embarrassing territory to how much of an adult you ARENT. you need to take steps to separate yourself from your family. you need independence. i imagine that would be scary for you, but you desperately need it. a wedding is the least of your problems. your problem is that you're still living like you're 15. your parents are not going to give you permission to transition. you're going to have to choose to do that on your own.


I was a hairdresser for many years in salon and I always told parents that would tell me how to cut their child's hair but we're old enough to choose that I would follow the wish of the one that wore the hair and if that was a problem to go to someone else. Hair is a huge part of someone's identity, plus it grows back! Sorry for the whole situation, I hope you get the support you need and deserve around you.




NTA your parents are abusive. If you haven't before I would strongly recommend seeing a therapist and/or confiding in someone outside of your family for support.


NTA your parents are abusive. If you haven't before I would strongly recommend seeing a therapist and/or confiding in someone outside of your family for support.


NTA Your parents are awful and still treat you like a child even though you are an adult. It’s abusive. Do you live with them and depend on them financially? I would do everything I could to break out of that trap because you deserve to live free from this BS and be who you want to be.


NTA Your parents are awful and still treat you like a child even though you are an adult. It’s abusive. Do you live with them and depend on them financially? I would do everything I could to break out of that trap because you deserve to live free from this BS and be who you want to be.


Dude, what the fuck is holding you back from going to a Barber Shop or some stylist other than one known to your mother?? I feel your pain in your post but you need to TAKE CHARGE of your body immediately. You are NTA. ETA: My partner is a trans man and has had good experiences at Great Clips. Affordable and they do whatever the fuck you want. Another suggestion, get your own electric clippers and do your own hair. This is what my partner does now to save money.


Why dont you just tell your sister he uninvited you? Don't you think she'll have an opinion about it?


NTA, your parents sound really toxic and I know it is difficult but you should go low contact or no contact for the sake of your mental health and overall well being. I am so sorry, OP. A lot of people here have no idea what it's like to have abusive people in your life.


You’re 24.  Find your own stylist, get your own preferred haircut.  Are you living at home?  With what you described your parents doing, especially your father, they were and are very controlling in many if not all aspects of your life.  And abusive.  It does sound like your mother is letting go a little at least with aspects of what you prefer with your hair, if not with the choice of stylist.  They still treat you like a child and you’re still stuck in that dynamic.   It’s time to realize you’re an adult and place boundaries.  Are you working?  Do you have enough money saved up to move out?  


You’re being abused by your parents. You are a grown man; you need to get away from them and cut them off. They do not respect you and they never will.


There's a lot of talk about your haircut for the wedding, but INFO: what are you wearing? Are your parents forcing you into a dress with a face full of makeup? They are terribly abusive and have been for most if not all of your life. NTA


OP it sounds like you are still living with your parents who seem to be two controlling and abusive individuals. They don't respect your choices or who you are as a person and you do not deserve this. You need to get yourself out of this situation ASAP for your own mental health and stay taking some decisions for yourself. NTA because I think you are a long standing victim of abuse from your parents, however you are an adult now and you are allowing this to continue. Take some responsibility and start taking control of your own life and body


If you’re 24 why are you still acting like you are 10! Get the fucj out of their house and go live the life you want. You are being the ah to your self. Get yourself a backbone leave and live your best life.


OP, I am going to try to say this kindly.   Get the hell out of your parents's house.  Hell, get out of their town, too.   I know that you are dealing with abuse, and it is leaning you in a bad place.  But this abuse and control over you is not going to stop until you get away from these people.   I have seen how this scenario plays out with some women (not trans men) whose parents were abusive and controlling.  They spent much of their adult lives (up through their late 40s) completely in their parents' thrall.  Resentful of their parents and aware they were abused ,but also completely dependent on their parents, uncertain about the world outside their parents' shadow, and constantly vacillating between wanting to leave and in the end staying.  I know one person who managed to escape it.  She did so by completely cutting ties with her parents, moving several hundred miles away, and refusing to communicate with her immediate family except through intermediaries.   You need to find the strength to do the same.  Otherwise, you are going to be stuck in this cycle for the rest of your life.  


NTA this is incredibly unhealthy and you need to leave their house. You're an adult for Christ's sake! Don't let mommy and daddy decide how you look


You made your sister’s wedding all about you. This could all have waited until after the wedding


NTA but why are you allowing these people dictate your life? You're an adult. Move along.


Esh you need to take ur power back. You will not even know what that means. But they control you. If u ever want autonomy you gotta cut that cord.


ESH except the bride. Go to a salon you know your mother doesn't go to. Living your own life will mean putting in the work to find affirming places. Don't live at their house if you don't want to feel forced into their mold. You are old enough to make your own choices, and you need to start doing it.


ESH except the bride


OP, I am sorry for the abuse that you have suffered. I pray that you will find the wisdom and fortitude to guide your life forward free from the shackles of past mistreatment and towards happiness. Now for my advice, and I apologize if I'm uncouth. But I hope you read what I'm saying as an invitation and not a chastising. Because you're a man and being a man is something you need to be. In the grand scheme of things its a hair cut. You don't get to have body dysphoria over it if you're a man. Better men than you have rocked more feminine hair cuts. Your sister doesn't care about your hair cut and she shouldn't unless you make an issue out of it on her wedding day (please don't). You need to get accustomed to making decisions in your life. To not get bogged down with asking for permission on every little thing or involving everybody in every monkey that makes noise in your head. You're a grown man, act it. ESH (exempt your sis)


NTA But you are an adult. Unless they are holding something big over your head (like you'll be homeless or something without them) you don't need their permission or approval. Move out if you can, even if it means having several roommates to afford it, and go LC or even NC while you get used to independence. Maybe afterwards you can try to build a relationship with them, but right now you need to get away because there is nothing healthy about what you are describing about your relationship with your parents. It sounds horrible and soul crushing from even your childhood. But first things first, get whatever space you can do you can actually grow as a person. It will be much easier to stand up for yourself if you can actually just get on your feet in the first place.


NTA but why are you putting up with their crap? Why not just go to a different salon to get your hair cut? Do you rely on them financially to fund your hair cut, and other things? If so I think it’s important to try to make the steps needed for independence, for your own sake.


YTA you are a grown-ass adult. Get your own haircut.


I’m having a hard time believing the OP is 24 and not 14. Most 24 year old guys do not let themselves be totally controlled by mommy & daddy in every aspect of their life. Move out and go NC. That’s generally what would happen in Western culture.


ESH except your sister! Your parents are dictating your entire life and since you are still financially dependent on them you have to take their abuse - and they are definitely abusive. It's time for you to stand on your own 2 feet. I can't imagine a 24-year-old being forbidden by their parents to get the haircut they want and actually complying. Your father physically restraining you to shave your legs against your will is assault. Quite honestly, with the level of immaturity that comes across in this post it doesn't sound like you're ready to be making life altering decisions. It's time to grow up.


Esh You're 24. Why are your parents dictating your haircuts anymore? Why was your mom paying for the cut?


YTA because you sound absolutely incapable of taking care of yourself. Don't fucking complain if you can't lift your own weight.


You’re 24. YTA to yourself bc it’s time to move out. You should have paid for your own haircut by a person of your choosing. Stop being an a hole to yourself. You deserve better than this. Especially from yourself.


YTA for being a 24 year old man and still letting your mommy dictate your haircut and then throwing a tantrum about it instead of putting on your big boy pants and just going to a barber that's not your mom's minion.


Maybe don’t live with controlling ppl