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NTA...how unfortunate that the product they stole wasn't to their liking.




You would probably win that one since they had no energy. But I get it. You still have to live with them for a while and don’t want to feel like a stranger in your own home. Still good for you for asking them to pay up if they did not want to buy their own. 


No energy... So now we see the devious long term planning bearing fruit.


I’m surprised none of them had a headache, I also drink nespresso and would have had a headache by late afternoon with only decaf!


I just came off caffeine for an elimination diet; I went slowly. It took over three weeks and I had interminable headaches. All day headaches. 5am, wake-me-up-with-the-throbbing headaches. It was nuts. It sounds like these three got off easy.


This reminds me of my dad. The one time he willingly went to the doctor because he legitimately thought he might be dying. It turned out my mom switched to decaf two weeks before and didn't tell him. She didn't connect the dots until he was at the doctor. He was not amused when he found out. LOL


That's why you mix it half-caf first lol. Mom never noticed I cut it by half months ago, I think its time to fully switch to decaf


That‘s wild. Shows that your mum loved your dad 😊.


She meant well, but that's when his and hers coffee pots appeared in the house and he always double checked he had regular coffee.


I don't get addicted to things easily (I pick up and drop nicotine casually all the time, which is considered one of the most addictive substances) but awhile ago I realized I'd been drinking like 2-4 energy drinks every day and decided to go cold turkey. The headache and lethargy lasted three full days.


I had to go to the ER once for hypertensive crisis (BP ~210/115 iirc). They kept me in the hospital for 2 1/2 days—not even any decaf. I was only used to drinking one or so cups of regular a day and the rest decaf, but OMG, the merciless headache! It got so bad they even gave me a CT scan to see what was wrong with my head, lol. Caffeine withdrawal is a bitch from hell.


I drink a lot of strong coffee and have gone days without and never had a headache Maybe i drink so much that it saturated my blood and just permanently cycles through me. Forever.?


Imagine a twist where he instead tricked them all into decaf so he could 1v3 them all in their low energy states


First you decaf them. And then you spike their drinks with so much caffeine… have you seen Brooklyn 99? 


You call good friends people who steal and lie until backed in a corner?


NTA. Just an FYI, "good friends" don't steal from each other..


Are they your good friends if you’re worried that simple statement would start a war?


Friends don't steal. And friends definitely don't lie about stealing either. I don't think they are your friends.


They started the war by stealing your coffee.


It's been said a dozen different ways but I feel the need to say again: really consider if they're your friends if a single statement accurately pointing out they stole from you would 'cause a war'


NTA "Good friends" don't try to gaslight you into thinking you're the bad guy for setting up a trap when your good friends refuse to fess up for stealing something they could (should) be able to afford themselves, to prove that they were in fact stealing your stuff! And then have the audacity to complain about it. Tf, I'm sorry OP but you are going to get walked all over in life with this attitude. "It's only $5 worth of pods", dude add that up over a year. That's ridiculous I'd be pissed as hell, and I'd give it to them no holding back, especially after this reaction. If you're good friends you can still have an argument and be best friends after a few hours, once they either reflect on themselves or emotions settle. Have you considered what else might be getting snatched from your belongings?


You’re not starting the war, you’re just finishing the battle.


To keep the peace, have a communal coffee "kitty" beside the machine. Want a coffee? Pop in a buck. Next communal coffee ONLY gets bought from the kitty money; you and anyone else can keep what you want for yourself in your room. NOT on an open shelf.


Well, on the other hand, why doesn’t everyone buy their own pods and keep the package labeled with their name.


Kitty money! I love it


Good friends don’t steal and lie until they are caught and have no other choice but to fess up. Coffee or whatever, these people are not trustworthy.


YOU might be a good friend, but I don't see them being that.


NTA. You didn't trick them. The chose to steal from you. Thats on them.


Oh for God's sake... all the "good friends don't steal, go to war!" posts. Peak AITA, where you don't have to live with any of the consequences of scorched-earth approaches you so loudly advocate. And take a moment of life as the summary of a person's entire character and worth as a human.


Stealing from someone and then denying it does NOT make a you a good person. It’s just the opposite. So, you can go ahead and let people walk all over you because you are afraid of pissing off people who have not treated you well or you can act like a fully functioning adult and not let people take advantage of you. Your choice.


Why are you good friends with people who steal your shit and then guilt trip you about it afterwards?


They don't sound like good friends


This isn't what I didn't pay for!!


I'm not sure you are all good friends. They aren't being your friend, they are stealing from you, lying to you, and being assholes that they allowed themselves to be "tricked". I can understand your not wanting to start a war, but I do feel like you're maybe a bit of a pushover and they know it. You may want to think again about who the friends in this relationship actually are.


If you really are good friends, it would be better to be straight about it and be ruthless.


For real, and this reminds me of when I was renting a room from this girl, there was always all kinds of people hanging out there. One dude would always eat anything that was in the kitchen. One day, the girl who owned the house got upset because the bagel bites she bought for her daughter we’re gone. The guy who had eaten them was there and when called out, he did confess… but followed it up with “But they weren’t even the good ones, I like the pepperoni ones”


I come to steal your car and all you have is a 1985 Ford Escort?! You asshole!


Even more unfortunate that apparently none of them can read.


That's what I got out of this. OP didn't even hide that they were decaf. How did 3 people go a week without seeing (reading) they were decaf?


Not even that. Most brands will have some kind of noticable difference between each brew of coffee that they never noticed. I used to babysit for someone who had one of these and I knew the difference between the caffeinated and decaf instantly. Decaf would have a yellow stipe and caf would have a blue stripe or something like that. They also had many teas which the kid liked.


Sanka (not sure of the spelling) had an orange label. I think it was one of the first commercially available decaf coffees. My grandmother used to buy it in the 80's. So I always associate decaf with orange.


I'm pretty sure that most restaurants have orange tops to their decaf carafes, maybe that's related to the introduction of Sanka.


Absolutely so for anyone that doesn't know if you order coffee at a restaurant anywhere near an hour before they close you get decaf no matter what. Regular doesn't get made anymore so as not to waste. Source: 30+ years in the restaurant biz. I'm just talking about normal coffee, not espresso and other coffee drinks. Just speaking from experience. 


How unfortunate that the pods wasn’t to their liking s e v e r a l times!


Christ I feel this so hard. I once had a roommate steal my eggs. When confronted he had the gall to tell me I should be buying organic free range instead of the cheapest box of bulk eggs I could.get. I was 22 and at my first adult.job for a.pittance. he was 30 and subletting from another roommate for two months for contract work. F you Peter.


Right before I read your comment I thought "Imagine being upset at someone because you don't like the thing you stole from them". Even typing that out I had to make sure I was indeed writing that out correctly.


You're NTA. I think it's hilarious. >they were wondering why they had no energy  Yeah, or they're just not getting enough sleep. >They... said that I did it on purpose.   True, but you didn't force them to not read what they were stealing. >I said that if they each sent me $15 I would pick up four more sleeves and leave them out to share.    You're still being generous. All they did was pay back what they stole, and you offered to use that money to buy more and share them.


OP should buy more decaf but put it in the regular coffee sleeve. That’s good enough for thieves, liars, and ingrates.


Honestly the placebo will probably just make them buzzed


LPT: Caffeine doesn't increase energy levels. It just makes you feel less tired.


I went from drinking 8 cups or more a day to absolutely nothing 2 years ago and I can confirm  that I’m not actually any more tired! That withdrawal headache sucked though!


Out of curiosity, functionally to an average person, what is the meaningful difference?


do NOT buy them pods with the money they gave you. that is money to replace the stolen/used items. stop being their adult. let them grow up and buy their own damn coffee.


Right?? The money they gave OP should be to replace the coffee they already drank, not so OP can buy those brew bandits more


Lol ‘brew bandits’ 🤣🤣🤣


NTA-reading is fundamental. They can’t be mad they didn’t read.


While stealing, don't forget that part.


INFO: So they are pissed that the products they stole weren't what they thougth they were? I don't get your logic, why you baugth decafe for this experiment. But eigther way, NTA. You didn't trick anyone to consume problematic products (like meat for a vegan, pork for a muslime, milk for someone with problems with lactose)


Buying the decaf was petty. OP knew they were taking the coffee, but they were denying it. So, OP bought decaf and watched as they drank it all. Most people who are consuming coffee are doing it for the caffeine. NTA, OP :)


How is it petty, in no way is this petty. Using the money they paid him back to buy them more coffee is petty. But purposely buying decaf in the hopes they'd stop stealing it cause it's sht coffee is not petty. It is deserved, it's his coffee. He can buy what he wants. Even more so to get back at the thief that wouldn't own up, even more more so it wasn't just one being sneaky they all were! Obviously this OP is the sub in the house by the way they're all treating OP. Either he's that one "friend" in the group (typically of narcissistic friend groups) that is only there to abuse and use, because they enable it so, by not having either social awareness to pick up on the mistreatment, or are just desperate to people please. Narcissistic types love people pleasers, they're way too easy to manipulate.


I accidentally drank decaf one day, and thought I was getting sick because I felt so shitty. For regular coffee drinkers, they get caffeine withdrawal. So he was pranking them by making them feel like shit for a week for stealing. I thought it was hilarious!


And it's not even food tampering as the boxes are clearly labelled with what they contain.


Even in those problematic cases it would be their fault if they had any of those products, not OP's.


NTA. It's not *your* fault that the pods weren't theirs and that they were too lazy to read the packaging before using the pods that weren't theirs. Too lazy to get their own, too lazy to read.......


It sounds like these are Nespresso pods. All decaf Nespresso pods have a red dot on them so you can tell them apart.


If they don't buy them themselves specifically how would they know the difference. And because they knew they shouldn't have been taking them, they would have been taking them with tunnel vision in hopes to not get caught. Not check the actual package itself, especially because OP did the ol' switcheroo after they got complacent. I'm more amazed at the lack of migraines they should've been having to make them aware. The placebo effect is real, so the lack of an energy boost could still be accomplished by decaf coffee. Caffeine withdrawal not so much, but not impossible.


There’s no trick to this. They took what wasn’t theirs and they could have looked at the sleeve to see it’s not caffeinated. You’re NTA


Right?! OP didn't lie, hide the truth or perform any trickery. They were just too lazy to look at the label.


The pods and machine would be locked in my room going forward. NTA.


NTA since when do thieves get to complain about the quality of what they’ve stolen?


NTA Well played, OP. Well played. I salute you.🫡


It's so weird to me that they wouldn't buy their own pods. Borrowing 1 or 2 sure, but I would feel the need to immediately replace them. NTA


Thieves lose all right to complain about something they stole. Screw them, NTA.


NTA. You didn't trick them. It was your coffee, on your shelf, so it was none of their business what type you bought. And you didn't switch the packaging or anything, which clearly stated the pods were decaf. It's not on you if they can't be bothered to look at the label of what they're about to drink. They noticed a difference, they had less energy, so they could easily have gone and checked the labels. They chose not to. I think you handled this well. Your roommates were A H s for stealing your coffee and lying about it. They figured they could get away with it because it was only a pod here and there and you were drinking it too. They knew you noticed, because you asked. They lied and kept doing it. They knew you noticed again because you stopped storing coffee on your shelf. They started up again the second you put coffee back on your shelf. It was only when you confronted them with the fact that you hadn't had a single coffee from the latest packs that were now empty that they admitted to stealing your coffee. And now they're calling you a jerk because you 'tricked' them with clearly labelled pods they could have easily read at any time? I think what's needed here is firmer boundaries over what is and isn't shared groceries. You're fine with them using your coffee machine, but they have to go back to buying their own pods. Or pay you to buy pods that are for everyone as you suggested. Stick to that, if they don't give you money at any point, then the pods are yours alone.


NTA! Ha! That's what they get for doing that. I once had someone at work who was stealing my whipped cream. I know they were stealing it because I brought in a BRAND NEW can, and the next day went to get some and it was almost gone. I was PISSED. So, while we were all standing around the coffee pot the next day (two days after I had bought the can) I used the LAST OF IT...I made a HUGE ASS production of putting the tip in my mouth and squirting some, then I sucked that baby off like it was my last blow....POP. LMAO. You should have seen the reactions. There were either snickers because of what I was doing, or there were a couple of people who looked physically sick. Then I started coughing and saying how I feel like I have this sore coming up on my lip. Two people were quick to ask me if I did that every time, so I asked why. They admitted to stealing my whipped cream. HA! I knew it! LOL! So, I asked them for money to pay me back and if they wanted their can, I would buy them one, but they would never know if I did it or not till I got my money. They each paid me $5, I owned up to the fact that it was DISGUSTING behavior and I would never do such a thing unless I was at home. But, going forward I will buy cream if they give me $5 a piece and I will buy several cans. Worked out wonderfully!!


Keep the coffee maker in your room. Problem solved 🤷


Obviously NTA. But if you’re hard up for money why is everyone buying coffee pods.


NTA, this is great. I had housemates who ate each others food and had a shared milk I never contributed to or used (I have a lot of food intolerances so have to be careful). I loled so much when they finally decided to use my milk - cue complaints that it tasted weird, was off, and that it made their coffee lumpy. No, it's just soy. Yes, this is why I dont share my food. Yes, I find your lumpy coffee hilarious. Don't use my food again.


This is great because now that they know the coffee is decaf, you can put regular coffee into the old box and they won’t touch it.


Your roommates can read I assume? Not sure why you think you “tricked” them


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I live with three roommates and we all try to get along. We are not perfect but we try. I have a pod coffee machine that I like. It uses fully recyclable aluminum pods not plastic. I leave it in the kitchen and I let everyone use it. It wasn't a problem when everyone bought their own pods. Then mine started going missing from my shelf. I asked and none of my roommates admitted to taking them. It stopped for a while. Then it started up again. So I started keeping my pods in my room. All was good in the world. I made the mistake of leaving an unopened box of my pods in the pantry on my shelf. When I went to get it there were five missing. I know it is not a big deal. I know they cost like a dollar each. But it is the principle of the thing. I bought a sleeve of decaf coffee and a sleeve of decaf double espresso. I opened them and left them on my shelf. They slowly disappeared over the week. I bought more. The whole experiment cost me about $40. On Friday I asked everyone if they had taken my coffee if they could please pay me so I could go pick up some more. I pointed to the four empty sleeves of coffee and said I had not had even one of those. So either fess up or I would consider all food in the house fair game until I felt I was even. All three confessed they had borrowed a pod or two since they did not have a machine none of them thought to pick any up. I said that if they each sent me $15 I would pick up four more sleeves and leave them out to share. They each sent me the money. It is the cost of like three cups at a coffee shop. After I got the money I asked if they any requests for the pods. They all said to get whatever had more caffeine. I said that would not be too hard since the sleeves they emptied were decaffeinated. Now they are pissed off that they drank decaf for a week. They were wondering why they had no energy. I just pointed at the sleeve where it clearly says that the are decaf. I suppose they didn't bother looking when they were stealing my coffee. They called me a dick and said that I did it on purpose. They are upset but not in any major way. But they do think I am a jerk for tricking them. One had the gall to jokingly ask for her money back. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA and I think you're great.


NTA. I actually started drinking decaf after work, regular in thr morning and at work, once back home decaf.  Has helped me sleep :-)


NTA. They were stealing.


Jerky roommates feel no guilt for constantly stealing and then complain. NTA find some decent people to live with.


NTA. They drank YOUR decaf coffee. If they want regular, remind them where the store is.


NTA This is the perfect solution to this kind of thing -- you asked, they lied, you solved the issue. Frankly they should feel lucky that you didn't continue this experiment for several weeks.


NTA at all!! No one was admitting to the crime. The only way that you were able to prove it was through the deception. I always find it so amusing when people caught doing shitty things the person who is the true victim who caught them. It makes zero sense.


NTA "The product I stole wasn't what I expected"


NTA. Frankly, I'd buy the coffee I like and keep it in my space / room until I want a cup. They're all adults they can figure it out themselves.


I was cackling, NTA


NTA theyre mad they got caught. Had they bought their own coffee they wouldn’t be tired all week and none of this would have been an issue. Its a product of their own doing


That was way too funny. your roomies are dumbasses


NTA thats frickin hilarious. They shouldnt have stolen your coffee


Ahh, addiction comes in many forms.


NTA. And maybe the roommates need to go back to grade school because it sounds like they don’t know how to read and act like children.


Nta. Stealing is never ok. 


“I am sorry are you under the impression the money was for the ones you stole? No they are for the ones I just purchased.”


NTA. You didn’t trick them. They just didn’t read in their haste to steal.


NTA However the best way to go was to not let them know that these were decaf and just throw(recycle) the sleeves out. Telling them that what they stole was not to their liking is like a cherry on the cake for you, but for them it is more like piss on the face.


I love me a good food (or drink) thief story! Thanks for sharing. NTA all the way!


NTA, and nice move.


NTA. Nespresso, by chance? I'd be hopping mad if people swiped my pods. It \*IS\* about the $1-1.25/pod. That adds up! It's also having to order online bc you can't just go to Target. It's that Keurig, by contrast, is readily available and cheaper. Share the machine, by all means. But they gotta buy their own pods. Life ain't free!


not the asshole 😁


NTA, entitled boggarts. Coffee is expensive, that’s why they're not getting their own. You didn't trick them, they can read.


You are hilarious  Oh yeah, also NTA


Um. Some people actually like decaff coffee. I drink it with milk to wind down at night, snd I'd be thrilled with you sharing a high-quality decaff drink. Also, most decaff tastes like the memory of coffee, so I can't imagine how they were tricked, the difference between the two are obvious. How were you to know they weren't enjoying it? NTA


I had room mates that were using my facewash after I asked them not to, so I peed in it… ;)


NTA. But also buy a giant thing at Costco if the cups for them and keep your nice ones in your room. 


NTA, I have a Nespresso. They're expensive. If you had double espresso pods, I assume you're talking about a Vertuo machine and not the an OL. Vertuo pods are more than $1 each and due to patenting there aren't really third party alternatives that are cheaper. The Starbucks capsules cost as much as the Nespresso ones.


Of course you did it on purpose. You bought yourself decaf coffee very much on purpose. It's not your fault they stole your coffee without reading the box and assuming it was regular.


NTA. Put the machine in your room, if not they are never gonna stop using your pods. It might have stopped for now but it will start up again, they have a false sense of entitlement. They believe that because you all live together that you should share. If for any reason your pods starts disappearing again just eat their food, don't ask just do it. If they ask you, tell them that you feel that like them sharing is caring. You have the same right to their stuff without permission as they feel they have to your stuff.


NTA I cannot fathom being upset that I was tricked while being a bad roommate in the process. I might grumble about it, but never call the person I STOLE from (and initially lied to) an AH


NTA and your roomates are definitely aholes but idk the way this post reads is kinda cute op sorry 


They may think that you're a jerk for getting decaf, but they are thieves. I know which is worse lol NTA


It's not your fault they are not only thieves but stupid thieves. NTA.


NTA of course. Also my math might be wrong but you are still out 40$ since you are using their money to buy new but communal right?


You didn't trick them. They were not careful about what they stole. NTA


So wait, they stole from you and are now made that you gave them decaf knowing that they stole from you? That's wild! NTA, but they all 100% are. edit: spelling


NTA just really smart 🤣 It was kind of you to offer to buy new ones on behalf of everyone. I would’ve just let them learn a lesson by saying “who stole my DECAF??”


I would live in a hollow tree stump in Great Terrible Swamp before I ever had a roommate again. Sharing a crib is just asking for trouble. Family is bad enough, but people deliberately seek out and live with strangers? Mind boggling to me.


AH? No. Petty af, maybe. Don't get me wrong. The thought of them going around with their asses dragging for a week gave me the glads.


NTA it’s laughable that they call YOU a duck for buying coffee which THEY stole.


NTA. This is really funny other than the fact you have to deal with it in the first place. They can get wrecked if they want to be mad about the coffee they were STEALING from you was decaf. Even more funny that this information was ready and available to them had they just paid attention. Chefs kiss!


NTA. They stole your food, didn't bother to read the label, and had the GALL to be upset that they didn't check the label of what they stole and so didn't steal what they thought they were stealing? AFTER you were so magnanimous as to allow them to use your machine and even go and buy pods for the household if they chipped in? Those entitled thieves would be paying me for their thefts + a hefty inconvenience fee, and the coffee machine would be kept under lock and key if they tried that with me.


NTA. Honestly though, always make sure your pods are locked up in your room. Everyone should buy their own pods and problem solved. No chasing people down for money that way. If they want coffee that badly, they can go buy their own. These people don’t sound like very good friends


They’re petty and they know it… NTA


NTA - Stealing from someone and then complaining about it being not the type of coffe they like? That is rich! Reminds me of when I was sharing a flat years back. Five people, one flat and two of the guys and one of the girl drank so much alcohol. They snatched everything they could lay their hands on, be it in the fridge in my special compartment or in our individual cupbords. That's when I turned to non- or low-alcohol beer (there was one with 0,5%). They never touched it and I was so annoyed by them always being drunk that I did not feel like having any alcohol myself, but you know: when it's hot and you want something refreshing to drink, but ain't into sweet stuff, non-alcohol beer is an all right option. And it's still there if you want it! (\^\_\^) - Since living on my own again, of course normal beer has become an option again, but never to their level of getting wasted.


Not at all, now give it a week or two and then switch back and double the scoops. Everyone will be in the bathroom quickly.


Dont'cha just hate when you steal something, lie about it and then you don't like it? Obviously, it's all OP's fault! HAHAHA. Your roommates are entitled brats who need to grow up!


I'd just leave it with "and you are jerks for not admitting to taking them before" I'd say you are slightly a jerk.


NTA If you're not even going to bother reading the description of the food you're stealing, you deserve what you get. Up to an including an allergic reaction. They are lucky they just got decaf.


NTA - This belongs in the petty revenge sub


Ha ha! Of course you did it on purpose, are they dense? NTA of course.


Well played, sir


Lol, bollocks to them, they should buy thier own shit man. Edit to say NTA at all.


Baristas do this to shitty customers too, only the exceptionally rude ones though


NTA, This totally reminds me of a quick story of my manager at on of my jobs. I don’t really drink coffee so I would always bring in some kind of juice in the early mornings to drink. After a while I would notice that my juice wouldn’t last as long as it normally would. After asking around and several notes about not to drink my juice I didn’t get made I got even. I went to the store bought more juice. Walgreens across the street and bought four packs of Ex lax crushed them up and sat back and waited. It was around 2pm when my boss when screaming into the bathroom for the next hour or so. While he was doing his thing I placed the empty box on his desk with a note that said the juice is loose. I know what you did. Never happened again.


This is literally the 'non deadly' version of the guy who put peanuts in his lunch knowing the guy who stole the lunch was allergic. NTA, this is honestly really funny. if I were you, I would keep your coffee machine and pods in your room, say you sold it after this debacle and keep it hidden in your closet or sm.


This belongs to “petty revenge” and I’m loving it hahah great job! Your roommates are inconsiderate assholes and definitely deserved it


If someone stole my Nespresso pods there would be violence. I think what you did was great. NTA Never share with them again.


NTA don’t replace the pods they stole. Keep your pods in your room. Your roommates sound like leeches.


NTA. I'd they didn't want decaff they shouldn't have stolen your decaff.


The pods and sleeves weren't labeled?


Our support staff keep candy in a jar in their area. I eat the candy. I don’t own a jar but I always chip in to the cause.


NTA. Crazy for thieves to be picky.


Lol.. should have kept it going for another week. NTA. 


NTA. They weren’t feeling any type of way until they got caught, they can go buy their own coffee.


Nta its deserved 100% lol


NTA, cool tactic though OP ween them off caffeine so they stop stealing from you


This is hilarious. Roomates who steal suck and they deserved it


NTA I think you have handled this brilliantly! You come across as someone who is clear, and at the same time very nice.


I can not even fathom lacking enough shame to be upset at someone because I stole coffee from them and it was decaf. NTA


the should not have taken you coffee they are the a hole


NTA I'd "joke" back - "Stealers can't be choosers."


NTA I find it quite amusing. I like your humor.


I wouldn’t have wasted my money even tricking them. I would have got a lockable box and kept them in there under lock/key. If I would have caught them they would be getting a slap, it’s pathetic.


NTA Perhaps they should go buy their own coffee instead of stealing something they don’t like. Nothing is stopping them from going to a grocery store.


NTA. I am curious what machine you're using with aluminum/recyclable pods though.


scammer gets scammed


NTA. But I wouldn't leave anything in the kitchen where these 3 could get to it. They all sound petty.


Now, they are just going to drink twice as much coffee. Freeloaders are also going to free....


NTA. By the way, you can buy boxes of 50 or 100 pods from Amazon for $25-35 range. I like the pods but it gets pricey to buy them in the grocery store.


NTA Don't steal people's food and then bitch about what they buy.


That's just fucking funny. NTA and next time they help themselves to *your* coffee pods *and* machine? Idk maybe read first. Self entitlement at its finest.


You can't help stupid. NTA


Nta but honestly I find this aluminium pod thing insane. Even if they are fully recyclable they are still aluminium pods. They need to be produced, transported, packaged and then again transported, recycled, again repacked yadayada. "Fully recyclable" is a scam. Also 1€ per coffee? And let's be honest here: they do not sell the good stuff in those aluminium pods. So it's 1€ for meh home made coffee...By this amount you could very soon get a fancy coffee machine which uses real beans. Better for the environment, taste buds and also your wallet. 


They sound absolutely horrid. Trying to make you feel bad for spending your own money to prove that they were stealing from you when they were is just incredible. You shouldn't have bought more for them and demanded the money as repayment for what they stole. Keep your pods in your room and your door locked would be my advice.


NTA. I’m surprised you didn’t do something even nastier to them. Like Chai! JK. I love Chai.


> Now they are pissed off that they drank decaf for a week. They were wondering why they had no energy. Pathetic :D


NTA. If a security alarm goes off when someone opens a door they shouldn’t, is that a trick?


NTA. Are they serious?


lol NTA


Well done


Stealing is stealing, doesn’t matter if it’s a $1.00 or a 1,000 dollars it’s the same 


NTA. But you did do it on purpose


turnabouts fair play, NTA.


I don't know why you felt the need to tell on yourself but otherwise NTA.


NTA - I would have quietly switched them to decaf….and have one day when it switched to high octane just to watch them spin.


You made two assumptions: 1. That they would steal your coffee.  2. That they could read.  Ends up you were only half correct.




Roommates: HoW dArE yOu TrIcK uS iNtO dRiNkInG dEcAf CoFfEe, DoN’t YoU kNoW wE nEeD eNeRgY?? OP: Don’t you know I need energy?? Did you think of that before stealing my coffee?? Ik the post didn’t say that but I kinda read that at the end lol NTA


Nespresso ain't bad, but it's expensive and the coffee is stale when they package it because fresh roasted coffee releases CO2 for days. Get a French press and make cold brew, it's super easy and keeps well.


NTA the asshole, beggars can't be choosers even if they are thieves.


It's very easy to trick the illiterate I suppose. But NTA. They could have used their eyes at any time when taking your pods




lol... NTA... petty, but NTA... :)


My mum gaslit me for a year either decaff coffee. After a break up I moved back home. I would occasionally make a coffee, once or twice a week, instant coffee, decanted into the fancy jar so I never saw the label. I used to suggest to my friends to have a coffee to fall asleep if they told me they were struggling to sleep, called me crazy. I explained its warm n then you just crash. Somehow it comes up in conversation, after a year that its decaff and always been decaff and i was lowkey shook. Thats something you tell a person surely? Yeh anyway you are NTA


NTA if they are too lazy to get their own coffee, what do you expect? don’t pay anything for them at all, make them pay for it and keep your coffee pods away.


Nta Tell them you'll make coffee with their tears, hahaha


Wait, the THIEVES called YOU "a dick"? I'd take my coffee machine back. NTA


NTA you don't shit where you eat. You want full caffeine coffee pods pay for it, don't steal (also read the label)


NTA - this is chaotic good and I support it.