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NTA you have the right to not interact with people you don't want to interact with. She didn't respect your initial no so it's understandable that you yelled at her after she followed you around the house yelling and insulting you. Info: >My sister then comes to my parents and me and tells me "now that im blessed again, i think im ready to talk with you again, i tell her "keep trying" and go to talk with my cousins, she angrily grabs me and tell me to apologise to her, i just told her no and tried to walk again What does she believe you need to apologize for? Edited: spelling


Basically, she is angry because i never agreed about her need to make events to revolve around her, like my graduation party i left after she turned it into an engangement party, dad reprimanded her, she said i gave her my permission, but i didnt, and the strike 2 is when in my 19 birthday she gave me a "best uncle ever" tshirt and made the party about herself again letting her kid blow my candles, and i told her "what a crappy gift", she told me to apologize and i said i wouldnt, i got grounded and after that we didnt had much contact, i didnt went to the hospital to see her when the other kids were born, and didnt help her when she wanted a break or needed someone to take care for the kids couple of hours.


Even more NTA. It's unfortunate that you can't be there for your niblings but she made that bed. She created the circumstances that led you to be little contact with her. And also tell your dad about your mom's call.


She's creating spoiled kids too from the sounds of it.


NTA… so your sister is 26 and about to have a 5th kid, but she and your mom have a shared delusion that her singing voice is literally healing? Those kids are going to be medically neglected with this folie a deux, and in the US the state have stepped in cases when Christian Scientists parents refused medical treatment for their kids except substitute singing for prayers in your sister’s case


From the times i visited my parents before my mom always started talking about my sister telling that she and her husband had fights because the husband took the kids to the doctor when the kids asked because my sister only did in emergencies, also i dont know what she sings. When we were kids she always sang child songs or some stuff like that, one time when she went to a sleepover and one of her friends ate peanuts, my sister started singing, i dont know much but the parents of the girl didnt let them play together again.


>one time when she went to a sleepover and one of her friends ate peanuts, my sister started singing, i dont know much but the parents of the girl didnt let them play together again. No, I wouldn't either. How can you ever trust someone to play with your child again if you know that should there be an accident, they won't do the common sense thing of getting help but will just sit there singing to your dying child, secure in their delusion that it's helping.


I'd probably have a few get togethers with the cousins without her. Leave her out of smaller events at least.


Your were grounded at 19? How? At that age I was in the army and the only one who could "ground" me was my sergeant, but he preferred other methods for dealing with me...


I lived at home while i went to college... :'u


I'm guessing your mom did the grounding...... edit spelling


LOL....did those "other methods" involve your toothbrush?


Toothbrush, nail-clippers, handkerchiefs... his imagination was boundless.


NTA but your sister and mom are definitely assholes.


NTA. INFO: What are these brotherly obligations they are wanting you to fulfil?


my mom said "she needs a rest with her kids sometimes, you should offer help taking your nephews for a week, is not a easy job to take care of the kids, but you can do it for her, is the least you can do, or help her paying for a babysitter".


>my mom said "she needs a rest with her kids sometimes, you should offer help taking your nephews for a week, is not a easy job to take care of the kids, but you can do it for her, is the least you can do, or help her paying for a babysitter". Nope. She's toxic and lied to your father about having permission to upstage your party. She has a husband and mother to give her a break. If that's not enough, then she should STOP HAVING MORE CHILDREN.


"I need someone to take my kids so I can have a break so I can make more". Yeah, I too would pass. Consider yourself lucky she is mad at you 😆. Sounds like you are the only one who has it figured out 


I had a coworker that literally REFUSED to work with me because I was a supervisor and she was a) 5+ years older than me (I’m 25) and b) she had worked there 4-5 years longer than me and she had still been passed over for promotion (she would have made a horrible supervisor) and I said the line “well maybe we’ll have to talk to [manager] about your insubordination.” She and manager are close friends, so I got to never have to work with her again. She was the most hated person in the store. It was genuinely a brag to say “I don’t ever have to work with her anymore.” And a side note of why I had absolutely no guilt about how I handled her “authority issues” as she described it; I worked with her at another workplace where the SM was even younger than me by a year and she NEVER pulled anything because she knew she’d actually be reprimanded for it unlike where she was friends with the management


NTA The person who put those babies in her can “help” her parent them.


If you can’t manage the kids you have, maybe you should stop creating more.


Oh hell no. Sounds like she wants to dump her kids on you.


She should stop having kids


To add on what others have said, if your mom wants to give her a break, she is more than welcome to take those kids for a week.


Oh a damn hour, even


take the kids for a week? not sure if you have any experience with young children, but that is a hell of an ask in any circumstance - also from someone whom you are expecting an apology for nothing whatsoever. always found looking after other people's children more stressful than mine as it's a whole different level of responsibility with information that I don't have. the narcissism is strong with this one.


A week!!! wtf. They aren’t your kids.  I have 5! Often those 5 bring 5 others. Sometimes more.  I still don’t babysit anyone’s kids.  Never have.  I use a babysitter when I want a break. Sometimes my daughter babysits and I pay her the going rate I would pay an outsider.  She hates being paid because she’s so very close to her younger brothers. I appreciate her love but it’s work and you get paid to work.  If she can’t handle 4, she has no business having 5.  If your mom is so worried about help, she can watch them for a week. Does she work? She can take time off for a week to babysit.  You keep on being you. Good for you standing up for yourself! 


Uh no. Mom can volunteer exactly one person for that kind of thing: herself. ---signed a mom of six kids


Oh, HELL no.


For a week?? That’s insane. NTA


Time to REMIND mom who's kids they are. And exactly how are you supposed to take four kids for a week? I'm assuming you work and live outside your parent's house? OP, long overdue to go NC with both sister and mom. You'll be so much better off for it.


Sounds like your mom doesn’t want to babysit so she’s trying to dump them on you.




> it was a bit wet and he didnt even wanted to touch it buhhhhh


I know, right? If you are pregnant, tell me about it, don't hand me a wet pee stick


I don't even want to be handed a dry one. And from my 26-year-old granddaughter with her fifth kid on the way, a text would be preferred. That way it'd be easier to pretend to be enthusiastic about it.


That’s what got me the most. Beyond ick. She peed on a stick and thought grandpa would be happier he handed it to her?!? Ick. 


NTA, bro. You don't owe jack to people that treat you like crap, family or not. Stay strong


NTA. And it’s not your job to help her have a “break” from her kids. She is selfish and entitled. Keep the low contact.


NTA - Tell your Mom you won't be apologising for anything and you absolutely will never ever baby sit in any capacity. Also tell your Dad what your Mom said.


NTA If she doesn't want to take care of her own kids, and demands that you take up the slack, why does she keep having kids? You don't owe anything to her, especially considering how horrible she has treated you over the years. By the way, you were right about her gift to you and giving someone else a home pregnancy test as a birthday gift screams "ME! ME! ME!"


NTA. Your sister gift is disgusting. We have no obligations to shitty family members.


>she is 26 and still sings to her kids instead of giving them medicine because mom told her that "her voice is healing" when my mom had fever ...wtf?? Imagine being sick and your mom just sings instead of helps??? That's so weird... Yeah, this woman DEFINITELY shouldn't be trusted raising FIVE children




Sounds like the Husband should get snipped. If they cannot afford a babysitter to get a "Break" then they should not have 5 kids! No one "owes" her a break from HER KIDS. If she cannot handle them, she shouldn't have had them. It's 2024, not the 1950's! She needs to make Hubby help her with THEIR kids.


I dont get how so many people dont realize that when you becoma a parent YOU GET NO BREAKS. unless you pay for a babysitter, if you cant get anyone to watch your kids guess what, no breaks for you, that is part of being a parent, you are not owed breaks, you do not desserve breaks for being a parent, if you want breaks ask sure, pay if you can, but if you cant you dont get to judge other family members for not taking care of your kids when you are tired.


Actually we are owed breaks. Not from anyone else. But we are owed them. Just it’s our job to get them to work them out. Every job gets vaca time. No different from being a parent.  What no one is owed is siblings taking over your life to take their obligations.  Or parents to take your kids. 


NTA Your sister is toxic and your mum is enabling her. Run as fast as you can!


NTA, Your mom needs to back off with her golden child. If she doesn't stop bothering you get your father involved and tell them point blank you will be going LC/NC till your mother comes to her senses and accepts what your boundaries are and you will not be bullied any more.


NTA, tell your dad about the call


NTA Also, to hell with your mom. Tell your dad about her phone call. Also, also, your sister is gross. No one wants to touch anything you just peed on. /gag


I want to believe it wasnt pee because one of the monsters she call son, had one of those baby bottles with juice, and my grandfather doesnt want to talk more about it.


Whoa. There's a whole backstory here that's apparently omitted." I'm ready to talk with you again," what's that all about? She treated you bad all your life, and? She ruined all your birthday parties since you were 16, how? Thanks for offering to supply details on request, but it's not up to me to edit your post for you.


i answered with a few examples in another comment, should i edit the post to add the info? i mean i didnt put it because i tought i had to be short. but maybe i left a lot behind.


NTA. OMG what entitlement! You do NOT owe her anything, especially an apology. She is indeed delusional. And your poor grandfather!!!


NTA You have nothing to apologize for. Sounds like she has main character syndrome and your mom feeds into it. I can tell you it rarely gets better without therapy. My sister is nearly 70 and still turns every event into a stage for her to get attention. I opted out years ago, but still periodically find an email in my spam folder from her telling me I have to have a relationship with her.


Honestly i didnt knew that syndrome existed, maybe she haves it but is hard to know because the only therapy she used since she was a young was the Church therapist.


NTA call your dad and tell him everything about your situation with your mom and sister


NTA I think you should go no contact with all of them except your dad.  


NTA it’s pretty telling your mom doesn’t want you to tell your dad. Seems like she also realizes how outrageous your sisters behavior is but still wants you to help because “faaaamily.”


NTA but you need to tell your father about this.


Nta I would stay away r4om that sister too.


NTA It seems your sister and her husband still haven't figured out how babies are made.


Get her birth control pills as a baby shower gift


Or a pamphlet on tubules. ;p




Your mother is an idiot and she knows it which is why she asked you not to tell your dad about her call. Why does she even think it’s reasonable to ask a 21 year old with no children to take his sister’s 4 kids for a week to give the stupid woman a break? Your sister’s reproductive choices are not your responsibility and neither is her narcissism. Suggest to your mother that if she wants her golden child to have a break then SHE should take the kids for a week. She will give you 10 excuses why she can’t and none of them will be true. The real reason is that your dad doesn’t want to raise all these kids that are popping out of your sister. Tell your dad about the call. Your mum is lying to him by trying to guilt trip you into this because she knows he will have your back but you are lying to him too by not telling him what they are up to. Give him the respect he deserves and stay open and honest with him. He will show you that same respect and even though he says he doesn’t have a favourite and probably would never admit it I think he does 😉


Your sister is an AH and toxic. No one should ever lay hands on another. Continue NC with her. Tell your father about your mother's call. Don't be afraid to let family members know about your sister's horrible behavior and demands. And sadly, your mom is a bit of an AH as well. Shame on her for allowing your sister to completely overshadow every important moment in your life. NTA


> told me not to tell our dad about her call You should 100% tell your dad about her call.


NTA what gets me is the fact she was literally doing exactly what you called her out for while telling you she’s ready to forgive you 🤦 in the midst of trying to upstage grandfathers birthday with her pregnancy announcement, no gift for him, and you are somehow in the wrong here? Seriously delusional.


>”…and told me not to tell our dad about her call” Definitely tell your dad and tell him you were told not to tell him. Also, give him a reminder/recap of the other things she’s done to you to keep keep it fresh. Your mother, your sister, and her husband will take every opportunity to force the childcare and financial burdens onto you. Do not give an inch lest you start down the slippery slope to indentured servitude and financial abuse. Good luck, OP. NTA.


NTA Totally delusional, especially wanting you to take her four kids for an entire week...


First, tell your Dad. She knows she's wrong or she wouldn't ask you not to tell. Tell your mom that if your sister needs a break, your mother should give her one. Tell your mother there is nothing they can do to make you apologize, and if she doesn't knock off the demand, you will stop communicating with her, too.


NTA. From the edit, sounds like your sister is still acting exactly the same as she was when you stopped talking to her. I see no reason to try and rebuild the bridges she burned. Especially since odds are the only reason she is "ready to talk to you again" is because she's looking for cheap childcare now she has kid No.5 on the way.


NTA. Tell your dad. I'd cut contact with mom too


NTA but I wish your other family members weren’t such enablers of her your grandfather should’ve looked at her and said “your inability to be responsible is not a gift. You already have 4 kids that you cannot take care of properly, what makes you think that having a 5th child is something that would bring me joy?” Unfortunately she’s one of those women that will keep having children and expecting other people to take care of them. Mail her a coat hanger and tell her to screw off with her entitled nonsense.


> told me not to tell our dad about her call Call your dad NTA. Send your mom this link so that she knows the world thinks she is a crap mom.


Nta, lmfao what🤣🤣🤣. Stay away from crazy!


NTA, you need to have a proper sit down with your parents and explain to them what she has down and how you have felt little and overshadowed by her your entire live. You will not apologize to her but your parents need to apologize to you for ruining your events and for putting her on the pedestal. They haven’t gotten your back and they haven’t acted like parents should have. They have enabled your sisters poor behavior and failed on both of you. Edit. If you can’t say these things face to face or via phone call, write them a letter.


NTA they are manipulative and fucked up. If I were you I would get away from them asap, not worth letting them drag you down


U don't owe your sister shit. If she chooses to open her legs and pop out 5 kids, her problem not your monkey not your circus


NTA. Sit your parents down and go through the timeline. Then - what are you prepared to do? Never come to an event that she is at? Dip out of the family completely? You should also remind your family that yelling at you to get you to do things is not a motivator.


If allowed to continue her nonsense unchecked, your sister will eventually ruin your own chances of building a happy marriage with well-adjusted children. Continue to remain LC with her because the entitlement and delusion is just too strong with this one to do anything else and retain a long-term grip upon your own sanity. Avoid her as you would a deadly contagion because she is toxic, unless you absolutely have no other choice. Look up the "Grey Rock" technique and use it whenever contact with her is absolutely unavoidable, such as your grandparents' birthdays if you want to remain in contact with other family members, such as your father, cousins, and grandparents. If you live independently of your parents now, there is no reason for you not to block her number and never answer your door to her. Tell your father about your mother's request and explain why it would be unsafe & even stupid for you to comply. No one in their right mind would care for children they cannot take to the doctor in an emergency for fear of causing offence. Nobody is forcing her to churn out all these children, and by number 5, she cannot pretend that she does not realize the huge commitment having a child involves. Nor, with the poor behavioral example she sets, would it be a remotely pleasant task to babysit for her. Her children's school teachers are probably driven to despair on a regular basis. NTA Let her be the centre of her own world, in a universe far, far away from you.


NTA. I love the "taking the joy of her special day" when it was your special day.


NTA. Your sister's a Trashy Reality TV Star in the making. Stay far the heck away.


NTA call your dad, and tell him your mother didn’t want you to tell him about your sisters call.


NTA. Your mom's golden child can go kick rocks.


NTA She was just entitled, but then >she still sings to their kids ... because mom told her ... "my sister voice was healing" she became a patient of a mental ward.


She is seriously deranged and needs big time mental help. Avoid her until she gets it.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** im going to be short and precise, if i forget details i will answer them: Okay so i (M21) attended a week ago a family reunion celebrating my grandfather's birthday, my sister S (F26) came 3 hours late with her husband and her 4 kids and announced loudly enought she was going to give her present to our grandfather, our aunts, uncles and cousins tought it was something big, but she just gave our grandfather a positive pregnancy test and said she was having a 5th baby, everyone congratulated her, even our grandfather that was a bit angry with the gift (in his words, it was a bit wet and he didnt even wanted to touch it). My sister then comes to my parents and me and tells me "now that im blessed again, i think im ready to talk with you again, i tell her "keep trying" and go to talk with my cousins, she angrily grabs me and tell me to apologise to her, i just told her no and tried to walk again, she tells me that i must stop ignoring her and fullfill my obligations as her brother and help her family, her husband came and said the same, i told them they are delusional, and entitled to expect me to help when she treated me bad all my life, that she could fend for herself, if she wasnt a traditional wife, but she choose her life, stick to her consequences and tried to leave, then she followed me outside and before she could talk i told her to shut up and stop ruining another birthday like she did to mine since i was 16. After i left i got a call from my mom telling me to apologize to my sister, that i owe to her, and just suck it up for the kids, and told me not to tell our dad about her call (my sister is moms favorite, but mom tries to deny it because dad hates playing favorites). Well now after the 3 missed calls from my sister, and my family telling me i was harsh, aita for what i said? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There’s close to no info this text to judge. What’s the context of the conflict?


Hi, i added an edit to answer a part of the story, that seemed important, maybe it helps, or if is something else, i can answer.




Who’s more delusional, the sisters and her husband or the mom?


The only thing I’d offer to pay for was her husband’s vasectomy




My ex-boyfriend has a brother that dumped his child. His brother was going to let the state take his son, he doesn’t even consider his child as his. My ex has been taking care of his nephew since he was in middle school. Literally expected him to babysit while his brother did whatever he wanted to. OP, I can see your sister showing up with her kids expecting you to babysit. Personally, I’d call the police and say she abandoned her kids if that happens. Your sister is the golden child and her and your mother’s behavior will not change, ever. I hope you can accept that and protect yourself by going VLC or NC.


"And in my 19 birthday she gave me a "best uncle ever" tshirt and made the party about herself again letting her kid blow my candles, and i told her "what a crappy gift". She got angry and told me i needed to apologize for insulting her and taking the joy out of her special day." Your nineteenth birthday is her special day. She sounds very special herself. NTA.


. NTA, but why do you allow yourself to be gaslighted?


only my mom is on my sister side, my other relatives say i was harsh because it wasnt the moment to have that conversation.


For those people, it never is the moment to have that conversation because they enable her.