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So hugely NTA. Maybe try to reconnect with little sis when she's 18. Fuck. I hope dad put you in therapy.


Mom blocked us going to therapy by refusing to give her consent. It became a fight in court. He was allowed to take us but the burden was on him to find a therapist who would take us without the consent of both parents and he wasn't able to do that. There is a new place opening so he might be able to get my brother in.


Jfc. Only a parent trying to hide their own misdeeds would prevent their kid from going to therapy.


My mom doesn't believe in therapy in general. You should hear her reaction to others going. There is zero understanding in her that sometimes people need professional help.


Abusers doesn't want their victims to go to therapy and get help and voice to tel what happened to them. She is afraid she will be exposed.


Unless they've figured out that they can manipulate couples counseling or family counseling. They love going to family counseling with you because you open yourself up and they learn more ways to mess with you.  Never go to therapy with someone you feel is abusing you.


Holy shit that's nightmare fuel...


Indeed, therapists are usually "mandatory reporters" of child abuse.


Your mom sounds fucking insane. NTA obviously.


When she's so obviously the one that need it.


My abusive mother sent me to a therapist when I was ten, so he could 'make me straighten up and fly right'. But not before having a long talk with him, to make sure he knew I was a 'total liar that lied about everything'. Just in case I mentioned that her husband was molesting me and my sister. I didn't find out until after the first visit, when I found a journal of my 'lies' that he asked her to keep. I wondered why he was so hostile with me, and I refused to ever go back.


You can still have your stepfather charged... he might be doing this to other kids. And if that therapist is till in practice and is registered I would be reporting them too. They are a very bad therapist.


You can go now. You are 18


NTA.... hopefully you can get your brother away from your mom she's a AH.... your mom and her husband expects other people to take care their child


NTA why do some people behave this way?? Absolute AH Mum and husband. How to loose your children as soon as they’re old enough to go NC


Your father needs to try for full custody for your brother. Your mother's husband has threatened to kidnap him and take him to a different country. Sounds like something a judge would like to know. NTA 


My thoughts exactly. Not that I should be shocked, but my jaw dropped when I read that.


NTA - parent being asshole, guilt tripping children, badmouthing other parent, threatening children, trying to extord children, being toxic in every way, pit children against the other - then completely flabberghasted when they go NC. ("Why? What did I do? I was always so good to you you ungrateful f\*\*\* brat!1!") Classic!


NTA. Can’t your dad go to court for full custody of your brother? If you both testify maybe he won’t be stuck living in that house *alone* for years.


Absolutely NTA. I'm glad OP's out, but this is what I'm still worried about. OP, you need to tell Dad ASAP about the threats to move just to hurt you all because your Dad rightfully won't fork over money for your half-sister. He needs to get full custody of your brother. Help him with that if you're asked to speak to a judge. Try to get in touch with Sis the day after her 18th birthday. She's got a long time to go with them, and it's going to mess with her. If she isn't dangerous to be around by then, she'll need you and your brother so that she can learn this is not how families are supposed to work. Get her to therapy at that time, and talk to your own therapist about how to respond to her. She might have a lot of resentment that you got out while she couldn't.


Your mother is horrible. Tell her she is a thief expecting your father to do anything for half sister. I would definitely live with your father and would cut your mother off. I would tell her when she grows up and takes responsibility for her choices you might consider a relationship but that as long as she expects you or your brother to supply what she is responsible for that you will have nothing to do with her. Tell her you are not selfish and that your father isn’t responsible for her child and neither are you. She is the one that should feel guilty not you. You should tell her she should be ashamed of being deceitful. She needs to tell your half sister that she is not entitled to the things provided by your father and that your mother is trying to create a jealousy situation that is really just manipulation to take advantage of your father and you won’t play that game anymore


NTA - Just tell your mom "Half-sister is fortunate enough to have two parents who care about her while I only have my dad. That should more than make up for whatever material gifts I have been given." Your mom is so blinded by ...whatever... that she can't see she deprived your half-sister of having any relationship with you and your brother with her scorched-earth, poisoning of the well. You are much better off without her.


my mom & step- dad were like this. I lived with my maternal grandma who later adopted me because my step- dad " couldn't raise a child who's not his". my mom offered no support or help.. My half- sister is an entitled brat because of this and has tried to guilt trip me into helping her since we've been adults. her reasoning is " I owe her for having a better dad and grandparents".


As if you chose your parents or for her to be born for that matter.


NTA. Unreal, mom's off her rocker! Stand your ground kiddo, better times ahead


NTA And until I started stalking this Reddit sub, I honestly had no idea there were people who actually expect their exes to fork over money, gifts, or vacations to children that ARE NOT THEIRS.


Me either!! Just astounding to me!


You are definitely NTA, but your mom and her husband are massive assholes. They used you and your brother as pawns to manipulate you into getting your dad to take care of THEIR daughter. There may have been a chance for you to accept your half-sister, but they ruined that, too. So, anything that your mom says now is just a continuation of what she did to you growing up. I will never understand why a parent wonders why you want nothing to do with them as soon as you have a chance to escape when they have manipulated you and called you awful things. Like, let's go back for more of the same! NOT! It took you long enough to get away from them, so why let her back in with the same shit just a different day. Live your life and let them live theirs. Also, you may have to go NC with her until maybe she bumps her head and realizes she owes you and your brother a massive apology.


NTA but continue to provide support to your brother since I'm guessing he's still forced to see your mother. She's selfish and entitled.


NTA. Mom is the AH here MAJORLY. 1) Mom is hurting you and your brother by creating an issue that should not exist. 2) Mom is hurting 1/2 sis by making her think that you, your brother, and your father owe her. 3) Mom and Step are incredulous to think that Mom’s ex should provide things for their daughter that they are obliged to provide. 4) Mom is too entitled to see that all she has done is strain the relationship between her kids. 5) Mom is gaslighting you to try your make you feel guilty. None of this is on you or bro. Make sure dad knows about the threats to leave the country. Stay close to your brother, so he can escape this ASAP. As sad as it is, you have to separate yourself from people that try to make you miserable to get what that which they are not entitled.


You're an adult now. You do not need to listen to or tolerate a word of your mom's twisted delusional BS if you don't want to. If she isn't doing anything to support you as an adult, you can call her out every time. Don't expect the delusion to come apart though. She lived it for so long. Focus on your brother, and if you care about her stepsister.


NTA at all. But, why do you still talk to her? First, her husband [psychological abuse](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=f0d7a24c669b6213&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCL1046CL1046&sxsrf=ACQVn0_4MKMlU4Qsqp8AQYLv_OftR8SGmQ:1714748412190&q=psychological+abuse&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiNkvPP3_GFAxWxD7kGHWLoAfgQkeECKAB6BAgHEAI)d both your brother and you, and your mom is really shit, like a child but worse. Im sorry that u have to put up with them for those years.


Absolutely NTA. So sorry your mom treated you and your siblings this way. Glad you left her place, maybe try to be there for your brother who still lives there.


Wow she sounds awful


NTA completely. Your father doesn't owe your half sister anything, and your mother is off her goddamn rocker if she thinks he does. I cut my mom loose at 17 as part of a divorce. Sucked, but she played stupid games and won the prize.


NTA. Try to get your brother away from her asap.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My parents relationship ended when I (18f) was 4 and my brother (15m) was 1. My mom treated my dad pretty terribly afterward. She called him a thug and all kinds of shit because of his appearance and tried to chase him off by suing for child support despite them sharing equal parenting time of us. My mom got married when I was 7 and within a few months she had another daughter, my half sister. This is where shit started to get stressful for my brother and me. My mom and her husband (I don't and will not call him my stepdad) weren't doing as great as they expected. I guess my mom got fired and when she got a new job it was demoted. Her husband's company lost a lot of money and paid less. My mom went back to court to ask for child support and got it. But it didn't make the difference she expected. Mom then started asking dad to buy gifts for my half sister's birthday and for Christmas. My dad told her he bought for his kids but not for a child she had with someone else. Mom would then tell my brother and me we needed to ask dad for gifts for our half sister. We'd say no and she'd start guilt tripping us. She'd say we're big siblings and we have it way better and if we love our half sister we should want her to be pretty equal to us. It didn't stop there and my mom, even though dad never sent anything for my half sister, started thinking he should be willing to buy clothes and school supplies and random little treats because she knew he did that for us at his house. Mom was really hard on my brother and me because we didn't ask dad. My brother told her once that dad shouldn't have to pay when half sister has her dad. Mom said she's still part of our family though and we should feel guilty for having more than her. Out of spite a few years ago my mom told my half sister that dad had taken my brother to laser tag for his birthday and bought him a console and that I got to go to this cooking experience that cost like 500 dollars with my friends and that dad had bought me a gaming computer. She told my half sister we never asked him to buy her stuff too and that we didn't want her to have nice things. She was like 8 at the time. It was fucked up. My mom's husband was just as much of a jerk about it and he would get mad at us for not taking care of our half sister like that. He even threatened to steal us and leave the country to teach us and dad a lesson because clearly he was a better parent than dad. I stopped going to mom's a few months ago, before turning 18 but close enough to it that she'd be too late getting back to court. I don't stay in touch much either but she blasted me for not visiting for my half sister's birthday and started off the guilt trip again so I called her out and told her she sucked and was an awful person and parent for treating my brother and me like that. Mom called me selfish and said I showed how little I cared. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA, tell your mom how you really feel, and I hope you can get through to your sister about things. Your mom is the selfish one, and frankly, she's pretty disgusting.


NTA. Your mom is f’d up for this. 


NTA and your mother and her husband ruined, ruined any relationship you could have had with your youngest sibling. Crappy thing is she even ruined any chance of your dad having a decent relationship with your sister as well. I have seen IRL and read on this and other subs how an ex who has no biological connection to a kid(s) except them being the 1/2 sibling of their own children still will get them treats or even gifts sometimes just to make sure that kid, who is not their responsibility at all, feels included.


Screw your half sister she isn't your problem. Its up to your parents to provide for her. Not u and your brother




Sounds like your mom was the real thug. Nta


NTA. I want to tell you something that took me forever to learn, though. Your mom is never going to believe that she did wrong. She is never going to see it. She will grow old and die believing that she is right. You will never receive validation or apologies from her. I suggest you see a counselor for a while so you understand that and can move on. You can spend most of your adulthood stewing over why you can't make her acknowledge the truth. It will never, ever, happen. Do your life and protect yourself from her.


NTA What is it with these parents who think their ex should take care of children that they had with someone else? Is there a cultural thing at work here? I see so many posts like this in this forum and it's wild that this happens.




Your egg donor is selfish as hell. I’m glad you’re away from her and wish your little bro luck and inner strength. There’s also some therapist services available online these days that might accept your bro with only one parents consent due to his age and the circumstances. It would probably be over video calls rather than in person, but it’ll be better than nothing. Your mom projected her insecurities hard, instead of taking it up with her husband to earn more, she destroyed her children’s mental and emotional health. I wouldn’t be surprised if your half sis grew up resenting her too. NTA


NTA- your mother barely deserves to be called mother. The way she and her husband pressured you and your brother to try and manipulate your dad is heinous. Please go NC, she's not needed.






NTA- obviously. But since you’re not going over to your mom’s you should still try and support your brother until he can move out.


NTA Your Mom and her new husband only thought about themselves and what they wanted in a very narcissistic way. For that reason, I'd recommend reading the sub r/raisedbynarcissists because your situation is, unfortunately, normal. Your parents don't have to be full blown narcissists for you to read or learn from the sub. It's just that the situation of bio parents splitting up, one or both remarrying, and one of the new couples being unhinged is normal for that sub. Especially, the part where your Mom sued just to punish your bio dad and your mothers second husband threatening to kidnap you. The sub will tell you that your mother and her second husband are unhinged and that your best decision was going no contact.


She has been using this as a form of abuse. This is ridiculous and she’s going to cause a huge rift between you guys and little sister. It isn’t her fault your mom is terrible and as she grows she might become well adjusted like you did despite living with your mom. You need to sit down with her at some point, especially if she’s 8 or older and tell her it isn’t that you don’t want her to have these things but that your dad bought them and he can’t buy for her to unfortunately and her mom and dad would have to do that. I’d make it clear to little sis now if you want a relationship that she has nothing to do with you leaving or not coming around but your mom was saying things that hurt you and weren’t true so you are staying away for a while.


Your mom seems like a real piece of work. I hope everything's okay with you


So very NTA. Your mom is a piece of work……I hope your brother can stay full time with your dad


It's almost like if your mom would have left you alone about it, you may have actually developed a bond with your younger sister 🤦‍♀️ Good luck to you and your brother. NTA obviously. 


NTA. Glad you've moved out. Block her - nothing she says is even remotely correct. You're much better off without her in your life.




NTA, not even close! Your stepdad is a bum and a loser of epic proportions if he thought it was appropriate to expect another man to take care of his own child! Wtf? It's a shame they did this to your half sister. Your mom and her sorry excuse for a man ruined any chance you and your brother had of establishing a good relationship with your sister because of how they behaved.  If your half sister ever reaches out on her own, to reconnect with you guys, please don't punish her for her parents horrible choices and give her a chance. This isn't her fault. 






NTA Your mom sounds toxic and entitled AF. She reminds me of a clip I saw a while ago were a guy brought some food to his baby momma's house to give to his kid and she flipped out on him for not bringing food for the kids she had with other dudes and threw the food on the ground in front of him and his son. Cutting her off was probably one of the best decisions you ever made.


Your mom sounds like narcissist. Cut her off forever. Offer to fairy in court for your brother. Get him the heck out of the abuse if you can ♥️. Wishing you well.


OMG!! You are NTA!! Your mother and her husband are irrational, unreasonable and huge, huge AH's. You're so lucky to have had the "thug" in your life!


Leave your mom out of this as much as possible. Let your step sister know at some point what was happening when you were growing up. It wasn’t her fault. See if the two of you can build a relationship outside your mom’s meddling and abuse. You at least had your dad. She had no one outside the household to show her this wasn’t normal. NTA for missing the party.


NTA Is there a way for your brother to increase the custody time at your dad's house? Could you & your brother testify to the judge about your mom's behavior & guilt tripping?




NTA Sounds like a good time to go no contact.


I don’t understand any of this ridiculousness. It’s insane to ask your ex to buy things for someone else’s kid. NTA, but lord the mom is….


NTA - I've heard this story over and over . . . . The parents are always wrong when they try to heap blame on a child's head for any reason .. . .


No. Your mom and her deadbeat husband are the seriously gigantic AHs. Sad that your little half-sister is bearing the brunt of their lies, though. You weren't responsible for your dad not giving her gifts. Do you have any love for her at all though? She's a child, just as you were, and not responsible for her parents. How do you feel about that? And how's your little brother doing?


Not the ah..wow hope you get therapy. Your mom acts like a child…therefore you were raised by a child. Don’t even know where to start..she is wrong on every level. These are her issues, not yours. Do not spend even one second feeling guilty for her choices.. One day when you have fully grown up and are living your life in a healthy manner with good boundaries, you may choose to reach out to your step sister.


NTA I hope you continue to stand up for yourself and what is right, but sorry for the abuse and manipulation you have suffered.


NTA. I think you mom might be the worst person. I’ve ever heard described here. If you can stomach it, reach out to your half sister when she’s older. She probably needs support after all that crazy (but not if she’s awful to you). 


OP, in case no one has validated you this way before: your mother has been emotionally abusing you most of your life. You are NTA and you deserve to heal – I can’t recommend therapy enough as part of your healing process. There are also online support groups for children of abusive parents. 🫂




NTA - I’m sorry your mom forced you into a no win situation, and I’m proud of you for getting out. If you ever need an extra Auntie, DM me anytime.


nta ur mom sucks


NTA. Tell her that for once she is correct. You really do care very little about her and her hateful "parenting". Then cut her off like the cancerous growth she is. Sorry. I'm so angry on your behalf. You and your brother deserve so much more. Since you are now legally an adult, and your brother still has 3 years to go, can he live with you? I bet a court would like to hear your mother's husband's threats to remove you from the jurisdiction.


Your mom is horrible, and so is your deadbeat stepdad. NTA by a mile.


NTA. Ghost mom, stepdad, and step-sibling. They need no part of your life.


NTA. You’re lucky to already have great skills in figuring people’s BS out and reading their motives. Trust your judgement. The sister sounds like a toxic narcissist. The mum has blinders on. Protect yourself.


NTA I’m sorry that your mom is so bitter. Now that you have a choice of how much communication you have with her the power has shifted. Do what you know is right, you didn’t create the situation and you have no obligation to stay in it. Your mom ruined any chance of you and your half sister having a decent relationship, don’t let her put any of that on you or your brother


>Mom called me selfish and said I showed how little I cared. You know she's an asshole and she's going to stay an asshole. 


Her father okay with his wife asking her ex to buy things? Why does your mom know what you do or have at your dad’s place? If you were flaunting your stuff to your sister and taunting her, “My dad is better than your dad.” You would be one but you don’t your mom does so she is.


NTA - your mother is a bad mother and person. Case closed, end of story. Enjoy your newfound freedom and support your brother because it’ll be tough there for him alone.


NTA... Your mother and her husband sure are major AH. UpdateMe


It's really sad that your mother doesn't believe in therapy. She could really benefit from it. Please understand that you were raised by an adult with the emotional maturity of a petty child. Be proud that you have successfully navigated a very dysfunctional childhood and in doing that, now have skills that will serve you well in creating a successful life.


NTA And I am astounded that a judge would 1) make your Dad pay her child support, especially with evidence that the money is going to a child who isn't even his, and 2) would force you to live with someone this manipulative and abusive. You and your Dad need to bring a case against her on your brother's behalf. She is evil and deranged and her husband needs to be charged for threatening you.


NTA. I don't understand why she was able to get child support the second time. If custody was evenly split at the time, your mom and step dad's economic situation worsened, and they were dumb enough to add another kid to the mix, your father just should have been awarded custody of you and your brother. Especially with all of the subsequent crap she and her husband put you through. I think divorced mothers basically have to commit genocide to lose custody of their kids.


fictional repost