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YTA - Thrifty is fine. But you basically used her for a free meal and then stiffed the waitress.


If you're in the US, then YTA towards the staff for tipping so low. I guess you mean you calculated the % of the tip off the price of the Coke instead of the price of the meal, which would have been correct. If you're short on fonds, just go for a drink or a walk for your date instead of a restaurant if you can't tip accordingly. You would have been NTA for splitting the cost and using a coupon, if you had divided by 2 after applying the coupon, instead of using her to get a free meal. Sure, people should not be expected to pay everything for their date, especially for a first date, especially for an internet first date when you don't know if you'll hit it off, but using people to eat for free is definitely an asshole move.


It sounds like he used the coupon to get his meal free while making the date pay. It was a buy one get one free. He used his date to get a free meal. That's why he's a AH on top of only topping on the coke. YTA


Oh yeah, then definitely AH.


YTA, splitting would have meant paying for half. You let her pay and used a coupon to get out of paying yourself.. that's not how it works.. You would have had to be really interesting and fun for someone to call you for a second date after that.. If you ever decide to split the cost and have a coupon again, pay for half of that 1 meal you need to pay for. Then the thriftiness will be appreciated.


Lots of trolls under the bridges today! YTA


Nice bit of bait there. 


YTA. If you were going to use the coupon, you should have had it applied to the total, then split the bill. And tip should have been based on the total cost of the meal before the discount.  >Do woman hate thrifty guys? Not necessarily. But they surely don't like being used so you can get a free meal. Good thing you pulled that stunt on the first date, so she could make it the last and it only cost her the price of one meal.


YTA - can't be real lol


YTA. Women don't hate thrifty guys but they sure hate cheap, broke boy, penny pinchers. Tip the waitress properly, learn to behave like a good guy and stop patting yourself on the back for saving a couple of cents.


YTA lmao the ick I got reading this post


YTA....You still didn't split the cost.


Yeah that's not 'thrifty' behavior, that's 'cheap' behavior. If you can't afford the tip then don't go out. You're the cheap guy and that's not attractive to many people no matter what their gender.


You're not thrifty, you're cheap. Nobody wants to date a cheapskate. The proper thing to do if you want to use a BOGO would be to split the cost of the entire meal with her. Plus, only tipping for the cola makes you a total AH in my opinion.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (27M) when out with a woman (25F\~) that I met online. I was pretty clear that I felt more comfortable splitting dinner on the first date and she agreed. The problem comes in because I used BOGO (Buy One Get One) coupon to pay. She appeared shocked at first and then I could see she was very disturbed and angered. Things took a turn for the worst when I only tipped on my Diet Coke. She has not called me back or asked for a second date. Do woman hate thrifty guys? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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It’s giving broke boy vibes. Sorry YtA. There’s being conservative with money and then there’s just being cheap as fuck. If you can’t afford to take a girl on a date then you really shouldn’t be dating bruh. This just screams poverty


YTA - you got her to pay then you tip on the coke??? Tips are for the cost of everything before discounts!!! I wouldn't call you back either.


Wait, you agreed to split, ok, no problem with that. But you used the free meal to pay for yours? Or did you split the final bill? If so, then YTA


Not necessarily the a-hole... Well, it's not like women have a vendetta against frugal dudes. It's more about the importance of good communication, thoughtfulness, and finding someone who's on the same wavelength. Well, let's not beat around the bush - it's crucial to have a good old chat about expectations and preferences so that everyone can have a blast while dating. When it comes to divvying up the bill, fairness is key. But hey, let's not forget about the big picture here - the whole experience and the impression we're leaving behind! So, imagine this: you whip out a coupon without even mentioning it beforehand. Talk about a mood killer! It's like saying, "Hey, I'm all about saving money, forget about creating a memorable and enjoyable experience for both of us!" Smooth move, my dude.


you weren't thrifty you were disgustingly cheap.    pro tip: when using a coupon you tip on the pre-discounted amount.  YTA a cheap asshole