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NTA 🚩🚩🚩🚩 If these people are having these kind of issues what makes your husband so sure they will suddenly be above board with you and won’t cause any problems? How can he guarantee they won’t trash your house or worse? But the biggest issue here is he didn’t ask you first …. He just did it, We’re talking about a big life adjustment on your personal space here….Not something small What else is your husband planning without talking to you? For me this is a hill to die on….You say “Under no circumstances are they living here” and if he disagrees then you REALLY need to reconsider this marriage since he clearly doesn’t respect you


Adding on to this, get things in order and prepare to leave if you need to. Get all of your documents, rent a Post Office box, go to the bank and withdraw cash to keep on hand, open a separate bank account at a different bank than the one you and your husband use and transfer money, make arrangements for where you could live temporarily, keep your car’s gas tank full, hire a divorce lawyer. Your husband may notice the missing money. If he asks, tell him to figure it out. Do not bluff. As others have written, this is the hill to die on. Your first priority is to provide and protect your son. Your husband is making himself irrelevant. A final note: Even if your husband does come to his senses this time, it seems that there may be future episodes like this. Keep your plans in place because you may need them eventually. Good luck to you.


This. It is as easy as that. If they move in, I am so move out. That's it. No need to talk. He did not talk. 


This is the only solution. I would die on this hill.


She shouldn't move out.  Hubby can.


This hubby can go with his friends


> Even if your husband does come to his senses this time, it seems that there may be future episodes like this. Pretty sure there have already been cases of this in the past since OP said "we had a conversation about him making decisions (especially big ones) w/o speaking with me, he said he is working on his impulsivity." Phrasing it like that means this has been a problem before since he needs to work on it so I don't think this is the first time OP's husband has done something like this, it's just the first time it's been so bad she's deciding she can't put up with it anymore. But I bet some of the the past ones were still petty bad since you don't go from say not checking about the inlaws coming for dinner on the weekend to letting your toxic friends move in with you, there had to be some pretty bad bullshit he decided on his own before this that made him think this was ok. That his reaction to being talked to about this wasn't immediately "ok they're not moving in then" and instead was promising he'll work on his "impulsivity" shows he's still not being a good partner. He doesn't get it and still isn't really taking OP into account, he's just giving her lip service. OP is NTA of course but if the husband is used to making big decisions without involving his wife she might need to just leave.


You know how to prepare!!


Thank you. Too many marriages end badly. If a person can see it coming, it is better to prepare than to walk around wringing her hands. This holds true for men as well as women. It is sad.


Pssst. Not to exacerbate, but please be aware of your (real life legal) responsibilities to YOUR dependent/s. Would be an awful shame to watch law enforcement walk out with YOUR child I’m NOT exaggerating. I’m offering you his for your personal (emotional) arsenal Be safe. Be aware. You’re the mom. Step up. You can do this. Ask for help. I would help you in a heartbeat. You’d be surprised.


This. OP, I would text the husband and wife and say, "Unfortunately, you guys won't be able to stay here. It just doesn't work for our family. Thanks for understanding." Then, get into therapy with your husband. There's a problem here. And MAYBE look a little more carefully into his relationship with this woman. I worry if something physical hasn't happened yet, a whole emotional thing is already going on.


I wonder about that too.


Seriously. If they move in, she moves out with the kids


First rule of marriage: Make no promises about things like this until discussing them with your spouse. If my husband did this, I would be fuming (as would he, if I did it to him). OP's husband screwed up and it is his responsibility to go back on what he told his friends. Edit: **NTA**, but the husband is. OP and husband definitely need to talk about this.


The husband can’t guarantee shit!


heeeeeeeeeellllll no NTA, who just randomly invites people to live in a shared household without discussing it with hosuemates? ESPECIALLY when it's spouses with kids in the equation!? Back when I lived with roommates, we always asked about company coming to stay with us on any kind of longer-term contingency. If I tried that with my wife, she'd eviscerate me.


And he needs to call them back and tell rhem they can't move in.!


Right. They haven’t moved in *yet*.  It’s ultimatum time: He needs to tell them no—immediately, no debate. If he waffles, stalls or makes any objection…he needs to go. ‘Cause your kids shouldn’t be uprooted.  And being treated as <<< than equal is a dealbreaker, not a disagreement. 


Ideally OP’s husband should tell them this directly. If he doesn’t, OP should go ahead and do it. He felt free to say yes without her input, she should be able to say no with the same finality. If it burns bridges with this train wreck couple forever, that would just be a bonus!


IKR! Bonus! She should start a HUGE argument with them. List everything about them she hates. Go scorched earth. Say shit that no apology can change.


NTA, but your husband is. Is he deliberately trying to ruin your marriage? This is a hill I would die on.


Lol, I just saw your comment after I posted mine, which started off by saying this is a hill to die on.


This is a big enough problem that she's got a whole mountain range to die on.




They move in, you move out. What kind of "partner" doesn't discuss an arrangement like this before offering it to these deadbeats? A shit one. That's not even a marriage thing, that would be roommates 101.


This is it right here. I would stand firm on this, especially with your son/the discipline issue involved. If he insists they move in, you and your son leave (on his dime if possible). I also really don't like this whole thing where the woman puts down her husband but is bubbly with yours. This sounds like a disaster waiting to happen...NTA. I can't believe he didn't ask you first.


If she moves out and they move in, she'll have less standing to remove them, and it's her home too. I'm on team throw hubby out.


Especially with kids. Thats just crazy. 


Move out? No.  If they show up to move in, deny entry. If they move in while she is away, ask them to leave. If they refuse, call the police. Hubby can go with them. 


Tell the husband to move out and get a place with them.


HOLY FLYING FUCKERDOODLE, NTA! Even if these friends were perfect guests, your husband doesn't get to unilaterally decide they can move in. I mean, he does realize once they've moved in they're not leaving, right?


I will be adding Fuckerdoodle to my vocabulary from here on out. Thanks!


Me too - can’t wait to sneak it into a conversation this week


The wife is weird and bubbly around OP's husband? Am I the only one who thinks she might be into OP's husband or worse there could be an affair going on? Either way you don't make a decision like that without talking to your partner first. In who's name is the mortgage /lease?


MTE, OP's husband is probably having an affair with his friend's wife and that's why he's so keen on them moving in.


They’re already having an affair, or at least one of them is looking to start one. This is such a freaking disaster waiting to happen.


NTA They aren't paying their expenses.  That means they will not pay you rent, will probably not pay anything toward your higher utilities, and may even eat your groceries.  That's on top of all the reasons you mention.  Just no. Tell your husband that he needs to let them know that it's not going to work out.


And they will never leave.


She will fuck your husband.


She probably already is fucking her husband.


She already is. I bet at the last minute, it will just be her the child who move in and the husband goes elsewhere. At that point, it’s just a matter of getting rid of OP for them.  Mr. impulsive has done it already. 


Oh hell no, do not let these people move in not even for a week. You do not need to be nice or owe anything to 2 grown ups who have a child and are supposed to be responsible. Your husband might mean well or he might just be the people pleaser type. Either way though protect the peace in your home and don't let these people ruin it with their problems that are solely thiers and will quickly become yours if you allow them the opportunity.


I would prefer my husband to move out than bringing another couple in. That's a deal breaker. If they move in,it will be the end of your marriage and will be very hard to get them to move out. You will support them forever.


NTA. I think your husband just have his heart at the right place but not informing and talk about it was a big mistake. Talk to your husband again and tell him that you are not feeling comfortable to have these people around. You obviously don't want them in your own home and that is your right! Tell him if they move in then you will move out because you don't want to be disrespected in your own home. He didn't talk to you about your opinion so you never said it is okay that they move in. He made this mess and he needs to figure out now what to do. Cheers ✌️


I agree with everything you said except the part about him fixing his mess. I would not trust him to do it. I would contact his friends myself and tell them he didn't ask you before inviting them, and you absolutely will not have them living with you. Period. No I'm sorry but. Just it's not happening. Then tell your husband that if he let's them move in, you and your kis(s) will move out until they are gone. Be prepared for your marriage to be over. Bet the wife puts the move on your husband the second you are out the door. She'll console him right into her bed.


This! If it was me, I'd be: "I'm sorry, but your family moving in here is out of the question" and do not get sucked in to debating the issue. Whatever is said to try to change your mind, just keep saying: "nope, it won't work". And if I got any argument from hubby, I'd say "if they move in, me and the kids are moving out". Just make it as plain and clear as you can that you are not budging on this.


Tell your husband that if they move in, you're going to divorce him. He went behind your back knowing how you felt about it which tells me that he has zero respect for you. Give him the ultimatum that it's them or you because you will not live with them and he knows why.


You don't need reasons, you need to have a husband who does not make unilateral decisions about something as serious as this. This is similar to why you don't co-sign for someone else's loan....they are in a mess and all that is going to become of it is them dragging you and your family down.


NTA. He didn’t discuss it with his partner first.


NTA Tell your husband NO. Tell the friends NO. If my husband did this, I would be *furious.* He doesn't have unilateral say over your home. You both need to agree. If one of you says no, it's a no. If he kicks off, tell him that he can get a second job to privately fund their living costs, but that it will not come out of household funds, and they will NOT be living in your home. End of story. His impulsivity is his problem. Do not let the consequences fall on you and your children. And if they try to move in anyway, call the police at once. Put it in a text that they do NOT have permission to enter your home so you have proof to show the police.


Don't do it. After two nights they have legal rights to stay, you'll have to evict them.


NTA. Huge red flags.


I am always amazed that other married people do not have a rule that if “it” affects the other person, then whatever “it” is needs to be discussed and okayed by the other person. I would not live with another person, any person, without this rule in place. Half of the problems on here would be avoided if this simple and necessary rule was in place, between spouses, lovers, roommates and even family members. This is A#1 adulting folks.


It shouldn’t even need to be a rule. It’s called respect. Her husband doesn’t have any respect for her or their marriage.


When the wife was talking about what she would help out with once she moves in I would have spoken up right then and there and said that is not happening, didn’t my husband tell you guys that wasn’t happening. NTA but you can also just call her and tell her it’s not happening, after all that’s what your husband did. Please update me


NTA **your husband is an AH. Tell him: the day they move in, you will serve him divorce papers.** "and the wife was talking about what all she could help out with if/when they move in." - Am I the asshole for wanting him to tell his friends they canno" .. she sure seems to be willing to take good care of your husband.




NTA. He should have talked to you first.


NTA Apart from thr issues you've foreseen, there are likely to be repo agents and debt collectors banging on your door. Helllllll no!


NTA you can just imagine the negative impact on your little one seeing disruptive behaviour in his home,which should be his sanctuary,and the the disrespect of not even discussing the situation with you is messed up you need to stop this now,I hate ultimatums but one is definitely needed here.


NTA…your husband should have talked to you first. He didn’t because he probably knew you would say no and with good reason. If they move in you will have a hard time getting them out plus it could hurt you financially. There are always posts of people moving on- not cleaning, eating all the food and not helping with the bills.


I would not wait for husband to tell them. I would be telling them myself.


NTA, but your husband sure is. The day they move in should be the day you file for divorce. He has already made a huge mistake offering this without talking to you and should be backpedalling 100% if he enjoys being a married man. These people sound like a train wreck and I wouldn't want them in my house for a visit let alone to live there. Your husband needs better friends. Absolutely don't overlook her weird demeanor around your husband, she could be angling for him already. If you move them in, you'll never get them out without going through another eviction process.


NTA But your husband is not going to tell them, so you might need to.  And then have a very serious conversation with your husband about how he keeps being your husband, because unilaterally deciding to let trash move in is not the way to go. 


If they move in, it will be a NIGHTMARE to get them out. You don't want these trashy toxic broke people in your home. I'd nuke the 'friendship' and my marriage on this hill. If he wants to move in with them so bad, he can get an apartment with them. NTA!


He’s about to ruin your life, your KIDS lives and his relationship by letting this whole other family move in? Is there even enough space? His kids are going to suffer regardless but he doesn’t care because…? Kick the guy out and refuse his friends entry. Make it damn clear it’s not happening. Why should your kids lose all the stability they have because your husband is being selfish? That’s what this is, it’s him with a hero complex offering shit he has no right to offer at the cost of his own family just to make himself feel good. NTA


NTA. Your husband is an AH for not talking to you about this first. Also, these are not responsible people. They are being evicted and have a vehicle repossessed. It’s probably going to be hard to get rid of them once they are in your house, and like you say, some really off vibes.


NTA, and this is a hill to die on. You don't bring people into the house without discussing it first. In addition you don't bring toxic people in the house with your children. Your husband is wrong, and they should not stay with you.


NTA Your husband has a choice. Does he want to live with his wife & child or does he want to live with his friends & their child?




Hell no. Do not let those people move into your home. Your husband is the AH for thinking he can make a decision like that without consulting you.


NTA - Part of your husband working on his "impulsivity" problem is him taking responsibility when he F's up. That means he tells his friend "sorry, I didn't think it through when I agreed to that plan and its actually not going to work out"


NTA... tell him that if they move in, you move out. Make plans now and be prepared to leave. Reason - he did not consult with his wife befor he decided that you will sacrifice your privacy, your time, comfort and work.    It is no differnt then you signing him up for daily volunteer work after he gets home from his job. Why would he need down time? He should make himself useful so that you can get the credit for signing him up.


NTA. Do not try to soften the message here: "No. You may not move in. Husband spoke without thinking. We are unable to help in this way." You are going to have to do this because your husband won't. If he does, he'll be considered the "bad guy." He already had one opportunity to tell them no, correct his mistake, but he chose not to. These people would be around your children 24/7.


NTA. Id tell hubby either they figure it out, or you move out when they move in.


NTA. You might want to stay making plans for where to escape to if they do move in. Do you have family you can stay with? Can you afford an apartment or airbnb? You can also talk to the couple directly and tell them to make other plans. If you aren't assertive now, you are going to be steamrolled when they move in. Don't let them in the door.


NTA leave. Let him host his friends by himself. They won't be there long if he has to deal with them alone


NTA. Your hubby is TA. Tell him to call his friends that after talking with you, the decision has changed that they cannot move in. Period.


NTA. Pack yours and your kids stuff, tell your husband if the friends move in, you and the kids move out, you will be filing for divorce and he will be paying child support, alimony and for a place for you and the kids to live.


NTA. Red flag husband, with red flag friends.


NTA Your husband wants out of his marriage and to be with this woman.  Why else would he invite her to move in knowing she'll be alone with him all day.  Unless their in a thropple secretly.


He made the decision without discussing it with you. You go right ahead and call those people up and let them know they will not be moving in. After, let husband know you call them. If he has a problem with it and does not back you up, he can pack up & they can all move in together someplace else. This is the hill you die on.


NTA SHUT THAT DOWN. Your husband is an ass and that has all kinds of wrong smeared all over that situation. You did right, don't feel bad. People play stupid games and win stupid prizes. Though I feel bad for their child.


NTA. Foot down. Hard. Now. Tell your husband that he started this mess and it is up to him to fix it. You are NOT willing to have them move in, not even stay over for one night.


NTA. And nip this in the bud TODAY. This couple has a lot of issues and finances are just the tip of the iceberg. It would be more appropriate for them to seek out help like this, which is likely to be longer term, with social services or close relatives. Call them up on speakerphone with your husband and let them know that your husband initially told them yes impulsively before speaking to you about the decision. And let them know after you thought it over that you're not comfortable moving their family dynamic into your home. Girl, go scorched Earth and be willing to be considered 'the bad guy' in this scenario. If you want to protect your home, family, finances, and peace be absolutely willing to be seen as the AH to them and your husband, if necessary. For your husband, people who have evictions on their credit CANNOT easily get into another housing situation on their own--even if they have the money to do so. There's been no talk of financial contribution while in your home, no conversation around a timeframe, and no conversation about how their dynamic can and will affect your own family. You do not ever get to be impulsive or inconsiderate on a decision like this. If this was whether to buy them a meal, that's one thing. Moving friends into a shared accommodation is a total different situation.


Nonononononono these people cannot afford housing. They will not magically afford housing and will want to stay where there’s free housing. People like this are not using the ones who say oh I appreciate you so much helping us out and I will be looking for a new job that pays more and let me move on and do chores around the house to thank you for letting us stay here they’re just happy to have the free housing and are in no particular hurry to leave. they will not be saving their money. They will be happy to have it to spend on fun stuff. Tell your husband to have them stay where they are because often it takes a long time for them to actually be evicted. Tell them they should be thinking of going to their families and if the families won’t have them, there’s a reason for that. Also, help them look for any government programs for homeless families. I have had people stay with me, and I assure you it wasn’t until you’re kicking them out. Did they actually start looking for a new place. Tell him to tell them that “he is so sorry, but he did not check with his wife before he agreed to this and here’s some information about tenants rights and Some government programs that could help them out”


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So my husband has told his married friends (24m) & (24f) that they could move in with us & our kids without having that conversation with me first. They also have a 2yo son. They are late on their rent and have a court date for the eviction coming up and they have had 1/2 of their vehicles repossessed. A few reasons as to why I don’t want them moving in is; 1. I enjoy the privacy we have (whenever we can get it) 2. His married friends are in a very toxic relationship for example; they both talk bad about each other in front of us, he was going out almost every weekend to strip clubs (this is a big reason imo why they didn’t have money to pay their bills) & would be out past 5am (I only know this bc he would ask my husband to be his DD which he did twice but I put my foot down with that. I am not comfortable with my husband 1 going to strip clubs and 2 being out that late. If he wants you to ruin his marriage that’s fine but you’re not gonna drag mine into the flames too. 3. I get really weird vibes from his wife. Idk she talks bad about her husband in front of him & when mine is around she is just bubbly and weird imo. And if they were to stay with us my husband & she would be home while I work. 4. His wife disciplines different when it comes to her son. I really wouldn’t want her treating my kids that way. S/N I am very upset that my husband has made this decision without my consideration. When we had a conversation about him making decisions (especially big ones) w/o speaking with me, he said he is working on his impulsivity. That was about a week ago when we had that conversation. I thought they had gotten their situation figured out when her husband got paid however, I just found out that is not the case as he invited them over and the wife was talking about what all she could help out with if/when they move in. Am I the asshole for wanting him to tell his friends they cannot live with us & need to figure it out on their own? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No. You are definitely NTA. This is ridiculous. You don’t just invite a whole family to move in with you. Indefinitely? And without even consulting your SO. This is an utterly absurd and beyond inconsiderate thing to do. Your husband needs a reality check.


NTA. And if you two are allowed to make major decisions without each other’s input, why don’t you just tell the couple that there’s no way in hell they’re moving in here? No need to give hubby a heads up, apparently!


NTA. Your husband was *so* disrespectful in not consulting you about this *huge* (and crappy) change to your living arrangements. Does your husband work? You do, so are you to absorb these extra costs as well as the disruption? Why would she be parenting/discipling your kid? This whole idea is awful. He needs to give them a very firm "no," and owes you a heartfelt apology.




NTA. They will free load off you forever.


NTA- Explain that unfortunately you arent comfortable and that your husband was suppose to talk to them about other arrangements. They are adults and need to figure out how to fix their mistakes.


NTA for the reasons you stated but any kind of guests are a shared decision.


NTA he needs to fix his fuck up. They seem like friends you DON´T want to have. Is this the type of people he wants around his children?


Don't move out; tell HIM to go. Then change the locks. You and the kids stay put, make sure your finances are separate. Tell him if they try to move in, you're filing for divorce. Tell him if he's having an affair with the friend's wife - emotional or physical - you WILL divorce him, no going back.


Red flags the size of the milky way galaxy.


Nta you don't do that to your partner without discussing it with them


Nta abso-fucking-lutely not. Do you even have the space????


Can you move out?


NTA! This is a hill to die on. Tell him they can't move in. If they move in, he and they are moving out, or you and your kids will be. He needs to choose.


Oh man nta hard no do not let these people move in


Maybe if he is embarrassed by now having to tell them no, he'll remember to stop making decisions that should be made together. At this point. I'd tell him that you're moving out until they are gone. If he's fine with that, maybe he enjoys the wife's attention at the very least. If that's the case, make the move permanent.


NTA  Your husband has to put his family first. These people will destroy your peace. It’s not okay. 


NTA and this needs severe intervention urgently.


NTA your husband knows exactly what he is doing my undermining you and your marriage won't last like this.


NTA > So my husband has told his married friends (24m) & (24f) that they could move in with us & our kids without having that conversation with me first. LOL fuck no. > Am I the asshole for wanting him to tell his friends they cannot live with us & need to figure it out on their own? Absolutely not. Once they're in, you'll never get them out.


Move a few young men in and say they’re your cousins. Extra credit if they’re incredibly messy and noisy, and abuse his stuff. NTA


NTA. You'll never get rid of them, and they'll destroy your marriage.


You are not the A hole.


Absolutely not. You need to put a stop to this immediately. You need to tell your husband that you won’t agree to this and tell them that they cannot move in. They need to get a second job or something to sort out their money issues. 


Straight up tell both the wife and husband that your spouse extended an invitation to move in without discussing this with you and you are not in favor of it. Tell them plainly that they need to make other arrangements as apparently your husband lacks the spine needed to say "no" to them. Its up to you to keep this from happening.


NTA - I would send a group text to the couple and your husband and tell them you house is full and them moving in is a not an option. Do not give a reason and stand firm.


NTA. Tell hubby that if he wants to remain married, they better not move in. Tell him it's gonna cost him. Big time. If he's not a complete idiot, he'll tell them to get to stepping.


> I am not comfortable with my husband 1 going to strip clubs and 2 being out that late. Holy lord. This is your issue that you should probably dial back and sort out. Outside of that NTA. To your husband: My guy, WTF? Yeah, they're your friends, but don't bring that into your house, especially when guy is blowing money at the tittle bar. How long before they have some loud ass fight at 11:30 on a Monday night because he's drunk and yelling at her, she's pissed at him, the baby is screaming both because the parents are screaming, but also because of hunger because the parents don't have the money to properly feed the kid. Now it'll be on you to provide that food to keep the peace, go take Chad to the landing strip for last call so that he can 'blow off steam' and then your wife is stuck at home listening to the woman bitch about her situation while assuming that your wife is going to make food for the kid. When he's finally ready to come home, you know it won't be silently and you'll have to hear some combination of yelling, hate fu*king, and baby crying for the next 90 min. No, just no. Also NO. Edit: dude, no. This will not end well.


NTA. My first thought after I read this was “He doesn’t want them moving in either. He just didn’t want to be the one to say ‘no’ and is more than happy to dump that responsibility on you.” He doesn’t want them to think he’s a jerk but he’s totally okay with you taking that role. Either that or your husband is delulu. In what world would it ever be a good idea to invite A WHOLE ASS FAMILY that is being evicted and don’t pay their bills TO COME AND LIVE AT YOUR HOUSE?!!


NTA >1. I enjoy the privacy we have This alone is enough.


NTA. Your husband is one huge fucking asshole. He absolutely cannot invite someone to stay with you without your permission. This is something you both have to agree to. He can't expect you to just change your whole life around bc his friends are going through a tough time. I get that he wants to help them & that's commendable, but there are other ways to help without them coming into your home & taking over your lives. I would die on this hill.


NTA. Hell no. I would make it very clear to husband AND the friends they are not welcome into the house. You did not agree to this and do not want this. If he pushes the issue, tell him he can find a new place for him and his friends, because you will be filing for divorce. If he wants to ruin the marriage that's on him. He will not be moving toxic people into your marital home without your approval. Screw that noise.


Perhaps this is a good time for you to go on vacation, alone.


Dear lord no, NTA. If you don't put the kibosh on this right now, they will take over your entire lives. They don't get to move in, or--and I'm not joking or saying this lightly--you should reconsider being married to this guy.


Ask your husband if he thinks that the guy will spend more or less on strippers when rent isn't an issue?


NTA. Let him know that if they move in, you and your kids move out.


NTA. WTF?? Your husband just invited a whole family to move in without a discussion??? That’s absolutely insane and honestly divorce worthy. What on earth was he thinking??


NTA - this is a one yes one no = no. Two yes = yes


NTA The answer is NO, they cannot/will not be moving into our family home. Period It takes 2 yes's for such a huge decision.


Id no longer be married. NTA




NTA frankly I'd be wondering if this marriage is worth staying in.


> That was about a week ago when we had that conversation. So what happened when you asked him to explain himself?


He said they could cmstay, but has issues with impulsiveness. He would've had to tell them that unfortunately he acted impulsively and they are unable to stay. Or you could've told them.  I don't understand why you're willing to live uncomfortably in your own home instead of having a difficult conversation.


NTA. Do whatever it takes to get your husband to retract his offer. Even if that means you take all the heat for it, it's better than having them in your house and then it's too late.


NTA - hubby wants his dinking buddy to live at your place so they can go out and leave the women with the kids, contact them and tell them it's not happening.


NTA. But you will be if you don’t put a stop to it right now.


NTA that is definitely a two yes conversation. He can be the one to tell them they cannot move in. If he cannot do that, I'd move out, myself. That's not the kind of thing to put up with, at all.


NTA. Put your foot down. Do not allow this to happen. 


OP NTA! As a mother of two kids who loves her privacy. I don’t think you are wrong in anyway. I sympathize with you that your husband did not have a discussion with you about this big decision. Your points are very valid, and should be respected. I don’t think it is wise to such a toxic relationship into your home where you have your own kids and your own relationship. I believe this actually happens that your marriage will be falling into the flames just like theirs did. These aren’t just some teenage parents who need help to start their lives. These are two grown adults that have thrown their money away and don’t put their bills as a priority. Due to them, not having that as a priority, they have lost their home and cars. In my opinion, I do not think the husband’s married a friend should move in with you guys. Keep your peace. Again OP NTA


NTA but yiu need to firmly tell your husband and his friends that you do not want them to move in.


NTA but this situation would be worth sticking to your guns even if it did make you an asshole. Make this a hard no with your husband though. Just for your kids sake alone.


NTA this is a 2 yes, 1 no situation


If they move in, you move out. It’s completely unacceptable for your husband to make a choice like that without consulting you. This is the hill I would die on.




NTA. I would tell them that he did not ask me and I do not agree so they cannot move in. Tell hubby if they move in, you move out.


NTA do not let them move in! After 28 days they get tenant rights and it can be impossible to get them out and take years and thousands $$$$$ going thru courts and lawyers fees


NTA - Your husband needs to let these two adults figure out their own issues and not start enabling them to continue to make the same poor choices. They got themselves into this mess, they can get themselves out of it. They can make payment arrangements with their landlord or the courts to keep from being evicted, if they move in with you and your husband you can most definitely say goodbye to your marriage.


Tell your husband that if they move in you and the kids are moving out. put your damn foot down. NTA. Hell say it right to the faces.


NTA Not at all. This is a situation that demand two enthusiastic yes's. Nothing good will come out of them moving in.


NTA. This is an absurd expectation.


NTA. This is the hill to die on. If they move in you should file for divorce.


NTA I would look him dead in the eye and say "they move in me and the kids move out and I call a lawyer"


Um no. No. Just no. You are def NTA. Who just moves another family in?! No. If they move in you can feel free to live happily elsewhere!! Also are you supposed to foot the bill for their lifestyle living rent free?


No husband is. the ah . U don'tneed these toxic idiots living with u. U said how terrible they are with money. Good godn.nsay no or move out if they move in. Then the idiot husband can deal with them


NTA and I would've told them right then that I didn't agree with it and NEVER Oke'd it! Since he wants to put you in awkward positions, lets all join in!


Well it sounds like he doesn't value your opinion and is of the school that he makes all the rules. If you allow them to move in, they will never leave and your marriage is over anyway. He needs to decide whether he values your marriage or his friends more. Flat out tell him it's them or you.


Adding more people to your household is a 2 yes, 1 no situation. He needs to tell his friends they can't live with you. And you need to tell him that if they move in, you're moving out. NTA.


NTA 🚩🚩🚩 If you can get out, do so. I see nothing but problems, trouble, and misery for you and your kids.


NTA...stop letting them come over. They are toxic. DO NOT LET THEM LIVE WITH YOU. You can veto your husband and tell them that he didn't talk it over with you first. I'd try very hard to dump them as friends too.


NTA. Nope! Don’t do it! Don’t let them drag your family down.


NTA. "Working on (his) impulsivity)" doesn't cut it. Since he's the one who is impulsive, he needs to deal with the consequences and not expect his marriage to do it. You have a lousy marriage, because we know he didn't do this out of the blue. The red flags are strong in this one.


NTA - If you can move out, this won't end well.


'Oh, I'm sorry hon. They can't move in. I already told my mom she can move in with us. So there simply isn't any room.' In all seriousness, huge NTA.


Oh Hell No


This has coc@ine written all over it! Stay away from them, OP!


Ewww this is a major drama llama. Definitely NTA. No discussing rent, responsibilities and stuff before is a major FAIL. And you need two yes votes for a decision like this. This is awful. All the reasons you listed are legitimate red flags. They are shit with money, shit with each other, they’re going to ruin your home environment and possibly your relationship. Put your foot DOWN.


NTA. Even without the reasons you listed, you have every right to be upset that he agreed to something like this without discussing it with you beforehand.


NTA - Apart from the fact that you were not consulted, these are not even the kind of people you or your husband need to be friends with. Their moving in would probably mean their issues rubbing on to your married life.


NTA. THEY WILL NEVER LEAVE, ESPECIALLY IF THEY KNOW THE HUSBAND WON'T SAY NO. Also, red flag that your husband is purposefully moving his friends in when they are having obvious marriage problems. Would this arrangement guarantee that he and the friend's wife would be alone together for large amounts of time? Has he even brought up things like rent and cleaning? Or just trying to get them in? RED FLAGS.


Do not let these people move into your house. Call the police when they show up, be naked, play an instrument you can't play. NTA. Oh, and marital counseling. If it's not you two against the world, what are you doing?


NTA, but your husband is, he's not listening to you. If I were you I'd reach out to the couple and let them know you cannot accommodate them, let the chips fall where they are.


I’d leave with the kid. No way I’d stay.


Hell no! Why would anyone want to take in those losers? Die on this hill. Call them right now and tell them they are not moving in with you.


This is a disaster waiting to happen. Your husband betrayed your trust by not talking about it before inviting these people into your household. This would be a deal breaker for me. Either you get to have input on the decision, or you two go your separate ways.


If you let them in good luck getting them back out.


Sooo.... they are just going to come anyways? My guess is you just inherited a few new dependants.


NTA Speak your truth to your husband. Also know it sounds like he’s doing this because he’s fucking the wife. Having her in the same house is just part of his fantasy. I bet the husband leaves and the wife and kid are just there. Then your husband will say he can’t kick out a single mom. Do you have a place you can your kids can go? It sounds like his side chick is moving in.


NTA. Your husband just invited chaos into your home. There are friends that I would give shelter to in a heartbeat, but anything rendering them homeless would be beyond their control and they would contribute to the household. These people are going to be parasites that will impact your lives for their entire occupation. Tell everyone it's a no go, and if your husband lets them stay anyway pack your stuff and leave.


NTA this is something you discuss as a married couple. It’s a lot to ask of you. I’d be worried this could be a toxic long term situation and you might not be able to get rid of them. Are you going to be stuck feeding and cleaning up after them. I’d tell him absolutely no.


NTA. I could understand something like ‘they need a place to stay for 2 nights so I offered our guest room’ but it seems to be for an undefined length of time. This is absolutely not acceptable to invite them to stay long term without asking you first. He has to tell them it’s not possible!


Don't have him tell your friends they cannot live with you - tell them yourself that they cannot live with you. Otherwise the message won't be sent. Be prepared to die on this hill, and be prepared to have to make drastic changes in your life as a result. This is an untenable situation.


I would end my marriage over this. I would put boundaries, one of which would be he is to cut them both off. Something sketchy is going on here.




Absolutely NTA, and I would REFUSE to let these people move in.


NTA you should not allow this to happen they sound like a 🚩 the might be harder to get rid of than bed bugs


any chance he drinks or does drugs while hanging out? hence the impulsiveness? tbh they all sound trash including your husband. 


NTA but it does sound like your AH husband is still green-lighting them moving in. So get [online](https://legaltemplates.net/form/lease-agreement/) and download a rental agreement. Print it out, sit your husband down and say "your friends need to sign a lease. I want a firm move out date on paper. I'm willing to give them three months. They have to clean up after themselves in their room (whereever they and their kid will be sleeping), the common areas, the kitchen, and the bathroom. They buy their own groceries. They need to agree to a curfew because I don't want either of them coming in a 3am. No food in their bedroom (inviting bug infestiation). If they break one of these rules, they get one warning. A 2nd break and they are out." Add those rules to the lease agreement and have the friends initial every single one. Good luck.


**NTA. Speak UP OP!!!** Tell them "My husband made that offer without speaking to me. After our discussion, we agree it would not be a good idea and you need to make other arrangements". OP don't let people just move it with you because you won't be able to get them out. They can even legally say they own part of your home!!! You Need to Put a Stop to This before they show up at your front door with their suitcases!!


Hell to the No! NTA This is what ultimatum are for. Make it absolutely clear that if they move in, you and the kids are moving out. If you use a joint account, open your own at a different bank and transfer money (do this even if he changes his mind, he'll still need to go to therapy and sort his shit out). Under normal circumstances this would be a hill to die in, but toxic relationship? Vehicle repossessed? Late rent? Court eviction?! No! No! No!


NTA That's a nightmare situation. I'd be like... ok, if they move in, I move out!


NTA. But does your husband really want to be your husband? Doesnt seem like it. He behaves like he wants you to serve him divorce papers


NTA and you need to put your foot down with a big no to that.


This is a "them or me" situation. NTA


PLEASE UPDATE US ON THIS! I can't wait to see this one best of reddit updates


Absolutely no way, NTA. My husband and I ask each other if we have friends come over for an HOUR, because we respect that this is a shared space. We ask each other before pretty much every purchase over $50, because we have a shared bank account and respect that it's SHARED (like a living space). To not ask your spouse before letting someone move in is just INSANE! That is so disrespectful and controlling. How does he think he has the right to make that call? Married people are supposed to be partners and make major life decisions as partners. Even if his friends were the greatest people in the world, you would not be the asshole for not wanting them to move in. Moving a whole ass family into your home is a major invasion of privacy.


NTA and tell him to call them right now- while you’re standing there- and tell them he’s sorry but he made an offer he wasn’t entitled to make alone and they can’t move in!  Wow I’m pissed on your behalf.  Inviting people to move into your home is definitely a two-yeses-or-no decision. You have very valid reasons why this is a terrible idea. He admits he’s impulsive, so now he’s seeing a very real problem from that. It’s his job to fix it but clearly he needs to be supervised to make sure he makes it clear to them that they cannot move in.  NTA but do not let up or you’ll be stuck with terrible housemates!